Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 276: Nest

Chapter 276: Nest

Miles crouched near the dead body of David and started to rummage through his bag. Inside he found clothes and an orb. The orb was orange-red in color. There was a small clock swimming inside a reddish cloud.

Hmm? Miles looked at the orb with amazement, as Alex walked beside him.

A bomb type, one-time orb. Where did these people acquire these rare orbs? He asked in astonishment.

Rather, why hasn't he used it already? Did he really think he could win even when he lost his two men? Miles pondered.

Can you see the clock inside? Alex asked as he pointed to the orb. These types of orbs need to be set at least an hour before to work properly. David probably thought he could win even without using this rare orb, so he didnt even charge it. And later, it was too late.

But I do wonder, why did they attack us even though they thought I was the Marooner, Alex asked in confusion.

Havent you seen General Tians declaration? Miles asked with his eyes wide open.

You mean they are General Tians men? Alex asked as he understood what Miles meant.

Well, that is the only possibility that comes to my mind. Miles shrugged his shoulders and kept searching Davids body, but sadly there was nothing else. After leaving three bodies on the ground, the duo kept on walking to hunt some more. Alex wanted to test his new orb, and Miles was fine with it.

They hunted all night before giant silhouettes appeared on the horizon. Miles approached Alex, and talked silently, Are those buildings?

Yes. According to the map, that area is an ancient city. Which of the six races it belongs to I am not sure. Alex had his wristwatch project the map as he pointed to an area.

Lets spend the night there, we can keep hunting tomorrow too, Miles said and Alex nodded. The city was ruined and abandoned. There wasnt even a small animal in the city as far as Miles and Alex could see.

The buildings were covered with giant vines, while trees sprouted through the concrete and steel. Although the area the city was covering wasnt big, it was still bigger than a small town. From where they were standing, it was hard to see what was lying at the center of the city even with their improved eyesight.

Miles decided to search in the morning and found a relatively more stable building before climbing inside. After reaching the 5th floor, the duo started to clean the apartment. As capable hunters, both Miles and Alex were carrying bedrolls. After they cleaned a room, they set up alarming devices at the stair climbing to the 5th floor and another at the entrance of the room. Wristwatches were also watching over them, so the duo without any worry in their hearts fell asleep.

When he woke up, Miles realized Alex was already awake and was preparing two sandwiches. He went to the bathroom they found last night and cleaned up with the water he carried. After the duo had their breakfast, they climbed the roof to look at the center of the city.

You felt it too? Miles asked as they were looking at the same spot.

Yeah. That ominous energy was on my neck all night. Alex described with a shiver.

Hmm. There is a strong monster in the city that knows we are here, but for some reason, it didnt leave to kill us. Miles nodded.

Lets take a closer look, Alex said and they approached by jumping through the roof to roof. Both had physical abilities to make the jumps, and buildings werent that apart. After half an hour, when they were only a kilometer away from the ominous energy coming from, a roar shook their cores and a killing intent fell on their necks. Both stopped at the same time with their backs covered in sweat.

At least high-tier, Alex said. Miles nodded. The monster was too strong for them to deal with on their own.

Let me check, I have a better Veil, Miles said and hid his energy deep inside his body. One second, he was there, and the next second even Alex standing right beside him couldnt feel him at all.

Miles with only his bodily strength jumped from building to building as he approached the center. When he was only 500 meters away from the giant factory he could see without obstacles for the first time, he stopped and started to look inside.

I cant see anything. Miles shook his head. Although it had been a long time, the walls were still standing, and nothing could be seen. Miles switched the elemental vision and saw two fires in his vision. Besides elements floating in the air and on the ground, there were two lying in the factory. Cant see clearly

What if I cover my eyes with energy when I have the elemental vision? Would it still work? He pondered if he should use it or not. As soon as he uses energy his veil would be broken and the monster would sense him. After thinking for a short while, Miles decided to use it. His Veil got canceled, and Miles realized one of the monsters in his vision stood up from where it was lying. The outline looked like a giant dog. Realizing he didnt have much time, Miles covered his eyes with energy and suddenly his vision went white.

Wherever he was looking, he could only see white. What the hell is this? He tried to cancel in fear but to no avail. Luckily soon his sight returned, but unlike any vision, he had previously, what he was seeing was different now. He could see the white mist in the air, on the ground, in the trees and leaves. Vines covering buildings, grass, and moss at the sides. Even in his hand. He turned to look at the factory and saw a monster on its hind legs. White mist, originating from the right side of its chest moved to its right paw. The next second, the condensed white mist formed five sharp weapons in the air and started to fly in Miles's direction.

Shit! Miles got out of his stupor and canceled whatever vision he had. From the factory to his direction, five wind blades were traveling at a fast speed. He jumped back without any care in the world and started to fall from the building. He fished out the dagger orb and charged it. As soon as it appeared he plunged the dagger into the building to slow his descent. Although buildings were durable, the orb was still Frenzy-Rank and could cut through it like a hot knife.

Miles fell to the ground with great speed, but luckily his body was still strong. He ran towards Alex as roars were coming behind him, but Miles knew the monster wouldnt follow him. When he reached Alex there was a grin on his face.

What did you discover? Alex asked when he saw Miless smiling face.

Well, the reason why it doesn't leave its nest is because it is protecting its newborn. Miles said and gave the good news, It has a giant stash for its baby.

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