Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 268: Fictional Lores

Chapter 268: Fictional Lores

Miles returned to the villa and was sitting in contemplation. What Milosh said the other day was alarming but also eye-opening for him. He always knew his path would be more difficult than the others, and he already accepted it, but in every bend, he was encountering another roadblock and it was starting to get on his nerves.

Data is ready. Streaming now. Coin reported and pictures upon pictures appeared in front of him. They were covering all around him in the form of a globe.

Miles read the titles and wondered if he really could milk anything useful from those, but in the end, he decided to give it a shot.

Lets start with Mana, Miles said, and pictures and texts about Mana enlarged in front of him. While the folder, Fictional Supernatural Energies switched to the Mana folder.

Mana is the spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the universe. Anyone or anything can have Mana. It is the cultivation or possession of energy and power. Mages are arcane spellcasters who can manipulate mana for defense and offense or other auxiliary spells.

Miles read out loud and pondered, Magicians and mana have similarities with Heart and Mystic Branches. Most of the fictional stories about Mana are about spells that can devastate lands with strong elemental attacks. There are some auxiliary spells as well that can only be explained with the Mystic Branch, but they are stories, after all, it is normal for them to be inconsistent.

The system of Magicians is also different from what humans have. In human development, it starts with a superpower, followed by awakening energy. But magicians use Mana or energy to advance their powers from the get-go. Considering in almost every story about magicians, they are bodily weak, so it is almost impossible for them to be able to awaken energy before advancing their powers first.

This one is even more strange, Miles said, as he swung his hand in the air. Mana folder switched to Chakra folder.

Body as a star chart, chakra is a strange form of energy that can travel through the body to bring out strange powers. It can heal, strengthen and protect the body, which is similar to the human energy system. But changing the nature of chakra seems absurd. Elemental or other odd alterations make the system a figment of the imagination. Although Energy was the base of everything, it still followed a system. It wasnt arbitrary, and couldnt be turned into everything without something supporting it.

Without logic behind molding the energy, everything would be chaotic. But the energy system was orderly, a bundle of laws. From awakening to the peak of the power, there were stages to be followed by the caster. When even the simplest step was missed, it caused all the structures to crumble.

A fire elemental person, for example, couldnt change its powers to water elemental. Since the body only had one elemental ancient gene, any other alterations were impossible. The exception would be superpowers allowing practitioners to use multiple elements, such as Merlin and Marcela, but could all chakra users be the same as Merlin and Marcela?

Stamina is the most plausible one I guess, Miles said as he looked at the warrior silhouette in front of him. Warriors, using stamina, can manifest attacks beyond human capabilities. This system solely focused on Body Branch and could unleash devastating attacks through stamina.

Body Strengthening, Weapon Coating, and energy attacks were the most common skills of this system. Almost every story about the warriors and stamina system had armor fortifying and weapon empowerment skills. The damage type attacks were also similar to other energy types and would be achieved with stamina forming different types of attacks based on premoves.

Miles out of five energy types he researched, liked stamina most. There werent any unexplainable phenomena when it came to this system. A sword user would make a few premoves and when the sword descended, a devastating attack that could create a rift on solid earth would be born.

There were some skills about mental fortification that could not be explained by Body Branch solely, but it was still in an acceptable range. After all, it was still reasonably practicable.

Qi Miles looked at the text in front of him in ponder. This one is a bit strange, to be honest.

Qi practitioners had a strange power system. By solely focusing on Qi, they would strengthen their bodies and energy at the same time. Although there were martial and essence arts allowing them to cultivate their powers, by only focusing on Qi, they could still form different types of attacks.

The branch Miles could think of for Qi practitioners was a mix of Heart and Body. Although they werent using elementals directly, they would mix elemental attacks with their physical attacks. All in all, this system had no limit and was even more exaggerated than the Mana System. Qi Practitioners could move the mountains and tear open the space according to the old stories. Although the human system accepted that energy was capable of doing the same when advanced to peak, it was still a bit long shot.

What Miles couldnt accept about this system most was the requirements to advance. When he first discovered energy, all the old documents he found suggested meditation to control and advance in energy. But Miles could never bring himself to do stationary training. In every other energy system, a movement was required. But Qi Practitioners needed to meditate while using breathing arts to increase the energy in their bodies.

This just didnt sit well with Miles's opinion. Although in theory breathing methods sound plausible, it was a fact that the body would deteriorate when it didnt move. The only way Miles knew was practicing over and over again, moving, slashing, attacking endlessly until it was satisfactory.

Last one, Soul Power. Miles looked at the last branch and sighed. Soul Power was also logical when examined in detail. Soul Power referred to energy types mostly used by will and soul. Although Soul was an abstract idea, it was mostly identified with the mind. So, soul power could be said to be mind power.

This type of energy would mostly unleash the Mind Branch powers the human system had. Miles already saw a few of them by now, and this system seemed logical to at least. There were still some forms of skills that could only be explained through the Heart branch, but it was still one of the most plausible power systems.

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