Instead of Checking In Regularly: I Hide And Cultivate In The Monster-quelling Tower And Become Invincible

Chapter 357: pre-war preparation

Everyone was shocked when they heard that Zhou Xuan had killed the Eastern Heavenly King.

They have also heard about Zhou Xuan's deeds, knowing that Zhou Xuan disturbed the peace of all major forces in Shouyang Mountain.

But unexpectedly, it was Zhou Xuan who beheaded the Eastern Heavenly King in the end.

Soon, people from all major forces came.

Including Martial Arts Academy, Star Academy, Five Great Aristocratic Families, Seven Great Groups, etc.

When they learned that it was Zhou Xuan who killed the Eastern Heavenly King, they shook their heads for a while.

To be honest, they didn't wait to see Zhou Xuan.

After all, Zhou Xuan had confronted them before and tricked them.

They asked Zhang Xuan from Zhenyao Academy to verify, was it really Zhou Xuan who killed the Eastern Heavenly King?

Zhang Xuan gave an affirmative answer, saying that it was indeed Zhou Xuan who killed the Eastern Heavenly King.

After hearing this, people from all major forces always felt uncomfortable.

They have worked so hard to hunt down the Eastern Heavenly King for so long, but in the end they were cut off by an outsider. They really feel bad.

The point is, Zhou Xuan killed the East Heavenly King, and they still had to pay Zhou Xuan.

Some people discussed in private, considering not to pay Zhou Xuan.

As a result, it was opposed by most people.

The top leaders of the major forces are still very wise, there is no need to offend Zhou Xuan for a little reward.

Offending Zhou Xuan was not a wise move at all.

At the beginning, they suffered a big loss in Shouyang Mountain. If Zhou Xuan misses him again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In the end, according to what Zhou Xuan and Zhang Xuan agreed, they collected enough rewards for Zhou Xuan.

In fact, they didn't want to have too much entanglement with Zhou Xuan, and hoped that Zhou Xuan would leave as soon as he got the reward.

Zhou Xuan really did not intend to stay longer.

After he got paid, he went to see the old Chinese doctor in Taohua Town, and told him that Xiao Tuantuan was in Zhenyao Academy and was safe, so they don't have to worry.

Then, he left Peach Blossom Town.

After Zhou Xuan left, the major forces held a meeting to announce the complete destruction of the Ghost Group.

The death of the Eastern Heavenly King has eliminated a major threat, and the major forces are certainly relieved.

However, new troubles came again.

Kyushu in the east is at war with the western world. The situation in the western battlefield is very grim. People are dying every day, and support is needed every day.

The investigation team headed by Zhang Xuan received a new order and rushed to the western battlefield to support.

In addition to their investigation team, some strong men guarding the Shouyangshan mining area were also transferred away to support the western battlefield.

Among them were Ye Kai from the Ye family, Tang Xuanji from the Tang family, and others.

Zhou Xuan changed back to his real face, returned to Zhenyao Academy, and lived a peaceful life again.

During the day, he works at the Demon Town Tower, and obtains training resources by signing in.

At night, he practiced in the Demon Suppressing Tower to improve his cultivation.

The days were peaceful, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The Babao chicken demon came back from the western battlefield, killed many enemies, earned enough merits, successfully passed the assessment, and was hired as a special tutor by the Zhenyao Academy.

This also means that since then, it has been established and can receive a salary every month.

Even in the Demon Town Academy, there are not many demon kings who can become super tutors.

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon was lucky to become one of them.

The academy didn't let it take specific students, but let it guide some monsters to practice.

Monsters know monsters best, and the Monster Town Academy is good at using monsters to manage them, and the results have always been very good.

In Monster Town Academy, monsters are also a force that should not be underestimated.

On the night when he was hired as a senior tutor, the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon took Zhou Xuan to a restaurant and had a big meal.

It behaved very generously and said, "I am treating you tonight, you can eat whatever you want, until you are full."

It is actually quite happy to be recognized by Town Demon Academy.

This also means that it has a strong backer.

Zhou Xuan was not polite, and ruthlessly slaughtered the eight-treasure chicken demon.

After all, the eight-treasure chicken monster usually eats and uses him. Now that he has the opportunity to slaughter a meal, there is no need to be polite.

In fact, the eight-treasure chicken demon ate more than Zhou Xuan, as if he was reincarnated from starvation in his previous life, he felt that he couldn't get enough no matter how much he ate.

Zhou Xuan looked at the eight-treasure chicken demon who had no eating appearance, and shook his head for a while: "You can't pay attention to the image, it feels like you haven't eaten for ten days and a half months."

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon swallowed a piece of roast chicken, and said, "You don't know how cruel the western battlefield is. In this month, I only ate three meals."

Zhou Xuan was a little surprised: "Really?"

Babao Chicken Demon nodded: "Of course it is true."

For a monster of its level, it can bear it even if it only eats once a month.

However, in the western battlefield, where fighting is required, it is necessary to eat in time to maintain physical strength.

Otherwise, it will affect the strength.

Zhou Xuan said with emotion: "I didn't expect the situation over there to be so severe, it's really unexpected."

The eight-treasure chicken demon finished the roast chicken and began to eat the roast leg of lamb.

It introduced while eating: "The situation over there is even more serious than imagined. It has already been said above, let me get ready, maybe in a few days, I will be sent to the western battlefield to support."

Now, its identity is not only as simple as Zhou Xuan's war beast, but also a special tutor of the Zhenyao Academy, and it is also at the disposal of the Zhenyao Academy.

Zhou Xuan nodded: "I won't stop you, anyway, you can't protect me when you're by my side."

After Babao Chicken Demon heard this, he instantly felt that the leg of lamb in his hand was not fragrant.

It's really heartbreaking, old man.

After they finished eating, they returned to the Biji community.

This month, Zhou Xuan seldom went back to the Biji community, and basically practiced at Zhenyao Academy at night.

At the gate of Biji Community, he saw security guard Zhao Dazhu.

After so long, Zhao Dazhu's cultivation has not changed much.

This is the world of ordinary people.

Without good resources, it will be difficult to make progress in several years or even more than ten years.

Zhao Dazhu was very enthusiastic and greeted Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan handed over an unused elixir and a bottle of unused evolution liquid to the other party for them to take.

Zhao Dazhu was surprised and said, "Xiao Zhou, I can't afford this kind of resource."

Zhou Xuan smiled and said, "I didn't ask you to buy it, but I gave it to you."

Zhao Dazhu was even more surprised: "Ah, this..."

Zhou Xuan said: "Don't talk so much, you usually take good care of me, even if you eat barbecue, I have my share, I will remember all of this. You can use this pill and evolution liquid, it is my kindness."

Zhao Dazhu was not hypocritical. After thanking Zhou Xuan, he changed shifts and went home to practice that night.

When Zhou Xuan came downstairs, he happened to meet Uncle Wang Chengfeng and Aunt Li.

Under the careful care of Uncle Wang, Aunt Li's complexion is getting better and better, and her complexion is getting more and more ruddy.

It can be seen that Uncle Wang's combat effectiveness is still very strong.

Seeing Zhou Xuan, Aunt Li didn't have the nerve to continue walking with Uncle Wang, so she went upstairs first.

Seeing Aunt Li leave, Zhou Xuan immediately looked at Uncle Wang, gave a thumbs up, and said, "Uncle Wang, you are really growing old and strong."

After hearing this, Uncle Wang had a proud expression on his face, and said, "That's natural."

Before, Uncle Wang also went to Shouyang Mountain, and together with the Loose Cultivation Alliance, he won the right to mine some star stones.

Afterwards, he has been digging star rocks in the mining area, and he has gained a lot.

In fact, he just came back yesterday.

Uncle Wang told Zhou Xuan that the situation in the western battlefield was severe and monks were needed for support.

He planned to rest for a few days before going to support the western battlefield.

Zhou Xuan was not surprised by this.

He knew what Uncle Wang was like, and he was very kind-hearted and dedicated.

Just like when he went to Yangshan to hunt monsters before, Uncle Wang also went.

Zhou Xuan told Uncle Wang to be more careful.

In addition, he gave Uncle Wang a few healing pills. If you are injured on the battlefield, you can use it to save your life.

Uncle Wang was not polite either, and accepted the healing elixir.

He also said that when he came back from the western battlefield, he would have a good drink with Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan took the Babao Chicken Demon upstairs, and found movement from the next room.

The Eight-treasure Chicken Demon glanced at it: "Song Fan is back."

Next door is Song Fan's room.

Song Fan usually didn't go back to Biji Community, if he did, he would bring his female ticket and stay overnight.

It was the same this time, he didn't come back alone, he still brought Chen Yueru back.

Originally, he had read countless girls.

Now, he was eaten to death by Chen Yueru, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to other women.

Even, sometimes he complained in front of Zhou Xuan that he had been planted on Chen Yueru in this life, and he couldn't pull it out.

Zhou Xuan and the Babao Chicken Demon entered the house, and not long after, there was a knock on the door.

At first glance, it was Song Fan.

He came in, sat down on the sofa, and leaned back.

"Little Xuanzi, give me some of your medicinal wine."

He knew that Zhou Xuan brewed a pot of Baibian wine, and the effect of the medicine was incredible.

Zhou Xuan glanced at him and couldn't help shaking his head: "It seems that your body is still not strong enough."

Babao Chicken Demon also said: "The time is much shorter than before, you can't do it."

After hearing this, Song Fan couldn't help but twitched his face: "You can't do it, go play."

He didn't want to say more, he just wanted to drink some Baibian wine quickly to recover.

He took three sips in a row and felt much better in an instant.

"Huh." He leaned on the sofa, finally feeling strong.

Babao Chicken Demon shook his head, jokingly said: "Now you young people are really in poor health, you will fall down when the wind blows, shame on you."

After Song Fan heard this, he said, "Come on, I'm pretty good. It's not like you, you don't even dare to look for a little hen, I think you are more vain than me."

The eight-treasure chicken demon stared: "You kid actually dare to mock me, tell you, when I enjoy the chicken, you are not even a cell."

Zhou Xuan looked at Song Fan and felt that his physique was indeed not that strong.

So, he said: "Your body is too weak, I will teach you a body training method, you go back and practice hard, it is guaranteed that your body will be strengthened several times."

Song Fan Yixi: "Great, hurry up, pass it on to me now."

He couldn't wait.

Seeing his eagerness, Babao Chicken Demon taunted him again: "Young man, some things should not be so urgent, let alone hasty."

Song Fan: "..."

Since his body is really not strong enough, he can't refute the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon now.

He just wanted to quickly learn the body training method taught by Zhou Xuan, and then improve his physique.

Now Zhou Xuan has mastered too many exercises, and there are more than one exercises for body training alone.

Just pass it on to Song Fan, and he will benefit a lot.

After Song Fan got the body training exercises, he took a few sips of the medicinal wine and went back to the next room happily.

The next day, Zhou Xuan got up early.

However, Song Fan couldn't get up at all, and he didn't open his eyes until noon, feeling very painful.

As soon as Zhou Xuan arrived at Zhenyao Academy, he heard that his instructor Liu Ruyi had finished her retreat and came out from the Holy Academy.

The news came from Lu Xiaolu, it seems that the other party's news is still very well-informed.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, they were called to the teaching area by Liu Ruyi.

After two months, everyone saw Liu Ruyi again.

After two months of closed-door training, Liu Ruyi has made significant progress and has reached the second star of the Transcendent Realm.

Seeing Liu Ruyi's progress, Ma Mengqi and the others secretly thought that the Holy Court is really a good place.

Even Ma Mengqi has some expectations, hoping that one day he can enter the Holy Academy to practice and improve his cultivation.

Liu Ruyi was actually quite happy with her cultivation breakthrough.

However, the higher-ups told her to get ready and go to the western battlefield to support in a few days.

It was for this that she summoned Zhou Xuan and the others.

He told Zhou Xuan and the others to get ready and go to the western battlefield with her to support in a few days.

Not only them, in fact, many mentors and students will go to the western battlefield to support.

The last time I went to Shouyang Mountain, Chen Qingqing didn't go.

This time, all students will go.

Zhou Xuan, Ma Mengqi, Lu Xiaolu and Chen Qingqing, the four students will follow their instructor Liu Ruyi to the western battlefield.

However, the exact time has not been determined.

It is said that several strong men are retreating. When those people finish their training, everyone will follow them to the western battlefield.

The strong ones who are retreating include Li Ziyin.

According to the plan, Li Ziyin and others will go to the Holy Academy to retreat and practice for a month.

However, it has been a full month now, and they haven't come out yet.

After another five days, Li Ziyin came out of the holy courtyard.

Before retreating, she was one star in the legendary realm. After exiting the level, she was already a two-star Legendary Realm, and she had been promoted to a small realm.

Although it is just a small realm, it is also a huge progress.

On the battlefield, a small difference in realm can change many battle situations.

Before setting off, Zhou Xuan was still doing his daily work at the Demon Town Tower.

He told the Stone Monkey King to get him ready, and he will go to the western battlefield to support and participate in the big battle in a few days.

The Stone Monkey King had no objection to this, but was full of expectations.

Compared with staying in this town demon academy, it prefers to fight outside.

If it wasn't for Zhou Xuan's majesty, it would have already run away.

Seeing that the eight-treasure chicken demon was competing with the big-headed tiger demon again, Zhou Xuan was thoughtful.

He has been cultivating the big-headed tiger demon for a long time, but the other party has never fought outside.

He didn't want the big-headed tiger demon to be a flower in the greenhouse, it had to be able to withstand the wind and rain.

So, this time, he planned to take the big-headed tiger demon out as well.

He has the ability to take away the big-headed tiger demon, but his words are not right.

He wanted to follow the procedures, so he went to Du Ping.

Du Ping said that he can't control the matter of taking monsters out, so he can only find the people above.

Therefore, Zhou Xuan directly approached Li Ziyin, expressing that he would take the big-headed tiger demon to kill the enemy.

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