Insanely-Talented Player

Chapter 42

Side Story Episode 42

Even though we had conquered the tower, the entire street was as quiet as a rat. This is because Master Park's National Intelligence Service controls the area.

“Hmm, it’s nice to go with the manager.” Just then, a man in a suit hurriedly approached from across the street.

“Commander, I have to urgently report to the company... I

was speechless, glanced at Yoosung, and just kept my mouth shut. Seeing that, Yoosung shrugged his shoulders and answered.

“Oh, please think of me as someone who doesn’t exist and tell me without any pressure.”

“Okay, just report it and don’t worry about this bastard.”

Only after receiving permission from Master Park did the man finally speak.

“Players belonging to the association have failed one after another in their attempts to conquer the tier 5 towers in Seoul, and the tower break is on the verge of exploding.”

“Hummy sippal.”

“After failing in the first attack and retreating, they chose hard mode during the second attack and all the players were killed...

“No, these crazy bastards chose hard mode even after screwing up the first try? “What kind of suicide commando are you?”

I guess they put some honey on the reward.”

“After the failure of the second attack, we immediately blockaded the city area and summoned players to deal with the tower break.”

“Right now, spread the word to the media that the players in the association are having trouble targeting the top, leading to a tower break, and pump the air. “We should take this opportunity to really screw the kids at the association.”

“I didn’t hear anything. Well, it's really nice to see the association being screwed over. Please try your best.”

“Why can’t you hear, you idiot? “You should rush out into the city and block the tower break.”

“Why me?”

“That’s how we can protect world peace and get along well with the Association.”

“...Hmm, I can’t help it when you say it that way/’

At those words, Yoosung finally nodded.

“Hey, get this guy in the car and take him there. “You can arrive properly before the brakes explode, right?”

“Yes, we have quite a bit to spare, so we can arrive with plenty of room.”

“Okay, just send it away in the red Matiz.”

“Why is it Matiz?”

“That’s right.”

Master Park said with a cheerful smile, and before he knew it, a red Matiz glided in front of Yoosung.

“Let’s see....

The red Matiz ran through the streets of downtown Seoul, and Yoosung muttered while looking at the hologram window in the air.

〈List of unclaimed rewards〉

Random skill card pack

I conquered Tier 7 Hard and Tier 7 Top and have not yet unlocked the reward. Moreover, the two attribute skill card packs among the rewards obtained from climbing the tier 6 tower with the saintess have yet to be opened.

A considerable amount of unclaimed compensation had piled up, and it was time to begin inventory processing.

‘What are my settings now?'

Therefore, before opening the reward, Yooseong opened the status window and checked the equipment and skill status.

Three accessory slots.

Starting with the legendary grade accessory ‘Snitch', they are equipped with rare grade Wind Bracelet (evasion correction +90, Dex +30) and power ring (Str +100?).

In the case of weapon slots, it is replaced by the frostsmith's weapon creation ability.

In the case of the armor slot, there was a black standing coat that had been reborn as corrupted equipment after losing the golden cross.

《Black Surcoat with Lost Cross ‘Baptism of Darkness')

- Grade . Legendary Corruption Armor

- Performance

. Defense -900, Evasion Correction +1200, DEX+300

. Among the equipment, the skill ‘Shroud of Darkness' can be activated (cool time 24h, some skill performance lowered)

《Shroud of Darkness》

- Attribute. Dark Assassination Barrier

- Grade . Legendary

- Ability

. The user's shadow can be expanded to create a dark area that covers the entire area.

- In the veil, the user's attack power is . cancer row. Evasion correction. Dex value increases significantly, and other beings receive a 50% weakening debuff in proportion to the increase in user size.

. The higher the darkness aptitude and resistance, the lower the debuff reduction value.

Corrupted equipment As its name suggests, its defense value decreased by 900 and its existing skills and protection disappeared. However, in return, he obtained the legendary level skill ‘Veil of Darkness’. The +300 evasion correction was a bonus.

Since it is an equipment skill, it is nothing compared to the power of the original skill card. The performance of the skill itself has deteriorated, and it cannot receive the strengthening effects of dark synergies. Moreover, the skill cooldown is only once a day.

Nevertheless, it is an excellent ability for Yoosung of the Shadow Assassin class, and above all, there is no need to allocate skill slots. With that, it already lives up to its name as a legendary grade corrupted equipment.

After settling the situation, Yoosung finally opened his mouth.

“Random skill card pack, assassination skill card pack, random equipment accessory artifact ticket opening in bulk.”

[Wow, normal card!]

[Skill 《Fire Bolt】 has been acquired!]

[Skill . Acquire ...]


All three cards in the random skill card pack were skills that had no use.

“Hey, it’s a plague.”

Next, I opened the assassination skill card pack and a halo of light swirled around.

[Wow rare card!]

[Skill 《Charlotte’s Web? acquired!]

“It’s not that bad.”

As expected, as a reward for tier 7 hard, a useful skill was released.

Next, a protective orb popped out of a random equipment ticket. It is nothing compared to the ‘Baptism of Darkness’ that is already equipped. Likewise, the artifact ticket was also a dud. Strictly speaking, it was because the performance of the hero grade artifact 《Frozen Heart》 currently being equipped was too good.

So when I opened the accessory ticket, I honestly didn't have high expectations.

‘In the first place, there was no room to expect anything.'

[Wow rare accessory!]

[Obtained Lee Mae-mangyang’s bracelet!]


It should have been so.

《Imaemangryang's Bracelet》

- Grade . Rare Accessory

- Performance

. Among the equipment, ‘Strengthening the Dead' grants protection.

‘Still, it's useful even though it's a rare grade.'

Coincidentally, an item that matches well with the ‘Cause a Disease of the Dead’ skill was released. Because it is a rare grade, you cannot expect an unprecedented level of strengthening effect, but it is not at a level where you can ignore the feeling.

Therefore, I removed the Wind Bracelet and replaced it with this Bracelet of Enchantment, removed ‘Blood Chain’ from the skill deck, and replaced it with ‘Charlotte’s Web’.

“Im here.”

“Hey, I don’t usually make a fuss.”

And just then, a red Matiz stopped. Under the control of the military and police, who were tightly blocking off the city area, a man held out something. It was a name tag belonging to the National Intelligence Service. Then the police quickly opened the barricade, showing respect, and Matiz slipped inside.

To Roggot, where the tower is falling towards the ground.

《Skill Deck List. Up to 7 cards can be equipped》

Dark Synergy 一 Shadow Blade Shadow Stepping Raise the Dead's Disease

Assassination Synergy 一 Assassination Premonition Charlotte's Web Shadow Blade (Supported synergy enhancement not applied)

Glacial Synergy 一 Frost Worker

Others 一 Swordsmanship

《Side deck. Up to 3 pieces can be installed. In case of emergency within the tower, they can be immediately replaced a total of 3 times.》

. Oculus

. Blue dissonance

. Stab < List of unclaimed rewards >

Attribute skill card pack (rare grade or higher)

One day the world became a game. And if you do not clear the game safely, the tower will collapse and a tower break will occur.

At first, everyone thought that was

the hell unfolding as all kinds of monsters in the tower burst out into the outside world .

However, one thing I realized later was that the monsters that appear when the tower break occurs are not the monsters in the world inside the tower. When Yooseong conquered the 7th tier tower with Master Park, there were no monsters in that world.

Nevertheless, when the tower falls and the tower breaks, monsters will pop out as well.

So where on earth do those monsters come from? I couldn't figure it out. This game is still full of all sorts of mysteries.

[Warning: Tower Break is approaching

! Prepare for an onslaught of monsters!]

Control was over before we knew it, and many players, including Yooseong, appeared in a place where not a single ant baby was visible.

“He is the King of Heroes!”

“Look, the King of Heroes has appeared!”

“Thank goodness... at least I won’t have to lose here.”

It's something that people often, and quite often, forget, but the player's role is to protect the world. In other words, the world is in crisis to the extent that it cannot be maintained without their activities.

The curtain of towers covered the sky, and one of them was strangely twisted and falling toward the ground.

The siren sound is ringing as if it will tear your ears. Like a warning just before an air raid.

The tower physically collides, but no impact occurs. As proof of this, the bottom of the tower falling toward the ground was turning into particles and scattering, and those particles were shining and landed on the streets of the area.

The world was dyed in blood. It was not the twilight of sunset or the light of madder. The literal color of blood covered the streets and landscapes of the area.

[Warning: Tower Break is coming! 10 98...]

And right where the tower was supposed to fall from the sky, the empty space began to twist and tear to pieces.

Kwasik Kwasik!

The sky was distorted, and beyond it, starlight flickered, giving a glimpse of the scenery of another world.


“Diddle, get ready!”

Players around him each completed their battle stances, and Yooseong opened his mouth as he looked at them.

“What are you all doing there?”

“Yes yes...?”

“From now on, anyone who falls into one of the following three categories should figure out the topic on their own and exclude them.”

A black bird stuck out its head from under Yooseong’s feet, and a sea of shadows scattered.

“Someone who gets caught up in my skills by mistake and ends up leaving. “The two of you, the three of you who don’t have the courage to fight at your own pace, the rest except me.”


At the same time, predators in the shadows stretched out their mouths as if to threaten the players. At the same time, jet-black blades rose from all directions.

This is not the world inside the tower. In other words, if the player kills the player, there is no way to survive.


“You crazy bastard...!”

“Run! “I don’t know what will happen if I get caught up in that idiot.”

“Okay, I’m glad you understand.”

The rest of the players hurriedly bitten their bodies while cursing, and only then did Yooseong look around and shrug his shoulders.

I just turned my head.

Right in front of Yooseong, right where the tower should have crashed. Tearing a gap in the air, monsters from another world began to appear.

Tower Break, the real threat facing this world, has begun.

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