Immortal Martial God

Chapter 140 Furious Thunder

Chapter 140 Furious Thunder

In fact, her further action was to untie Xiang Nan's clothes.

Xiang Nan wanted to resist, but he was more willing to continue to develop. He subconsciously felt that something was wrong with the situation.

However, there was something wrong, and it could not be said that in his dreams, his judgement was severely lacking.

At this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from his face, causing Xiang Nan's spirit to tremble. He suddenly opened his eyes.

Turning around, he saw that the little bird was standing on his shoulder and pecking at his face fiercely.

'"How is this" Xiang Nan was shocked. He looked at himself again. He was not lying by the river, but unconsciously walking towards a certain forest area.

The thirty-odd disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect were also beside Xiang Nan. All of them had their eyes closed and had strange smiles on their faces. They were walking like walking corpses.

"Charm!" Xiang Nan's pupils contracted as he cursed himself for being careless!

He had clearly fallen for the evil path's seductive technique! That's why I lost myself.

However, after thinking for a moment, it was better to simply continue acting and walk with the disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect to see where they could go in the end.

Thus, Xiang Nan's lips moved and he said in a very small voice, "Little Sparrow, go up and fly higher. Don't let anyone discover your tracks."

The little bird flapped its wings and left Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan pretended to close his eyes, leaving only a shallow crack in his eyes as he continued to follow the crowd.

After walking for about half an hour, an open space appeared in front of him. There was only one thing in this open space, and that was an ancient tree.

This ancient tree had survived for at least a thousand years. It was so thick that it was frighteningly strong. It would probably take forty to fifty adults to carry the ancient tree.

On the small open space, there was an ancient tree standing alone. There was no abnormality at the edge of the open space. It was a normal forest tree.

"This ancient tree" Xiang Nan felt strange in his heart, but the corner of his eyes flashed and he was stunned.

All the disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect had disappeared!

Since when? Xiang Nan broke out in cold sweat. Didn't they always stay by his side?

Just as he was attracted to the ancient tree, it was gone in just a dozen seconds?

At this time, Xiang Nan didn't care about disguise anymore and hurriedly opened his eyes to search around. However, he couldn't even find a single person here.

Where is he? Where's everyone?

Xiang Nan's breathing became more and more rapid. He felt that there was an unusual atmosphere here. The atmosphere was very unclear, but it could make people extremely uneasy.

It was as if he had been watched by tens of thousands of people in the Colosseum.

However, this place was empty, where could there be half a human figure?

"Something's wrong … Something's wrong, there must be someone here, or a demonic beast!" Lightning flashed in Xiang Nan's eyes, but in the end, he still couldn't see the slightest bit of special situation.

He then increased his eyesight and directly used the Lightning Photoelectric Eye, but he still couldn't see any human clues.

If someone was hiding here, even if they were hiding behind an obstacle, they would definitely be found by Lightning Photovoltaic Eye. This was because Lightning Photovoltaic Eye could directly see the vitality of a human body, and even the vitality of a demonic beast could not be hidden.

However, that strange feeling accompanied Xiang Nan all the time.

What a hell of a sight.

Xiang Nan took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. The more he panicked, the more he couldn't find the key point.

He simply sat down cross-legged and entered his usual state of cultivation. He did not circulate his cultivation technique, but instead gathered his highest concentration to use his subconscious to sense the situation around him. What exactly was staring at him?

Slowly, he closed his eyes, but he felt that there were people around him! Endless people stood beside him, completely surrounding him.

Xiang Nan broke out in cold sweat and suddenly opened his eyes. There was still nothing around him.

He looked at the forest doubtfully, but gradually, his pupils became smaller and smaller. He subconsciously said, "Tree …"

It's those trees! Those trees stood around him one by one, as if they were looking at him.

Xiang Nan pulled out his giant black-scaled saber and charged forward, slashing down on a tree trunk.

The moment the tree trunk was sliced open, the scene in front of him left Xiang Nan dumbfounded.

Human! There was actually a dead man hiding in that tree trunk! No wonder Lei Liangguang's eyes couldn't see life force!

The corpse was completely naked, and his face was ashen. There were tiny red roots sticking out of the tree trunk. Countless roots pierced through the corpse's body, as if they were absorbing something from his body.

Xiang Nan hurriedly ran out and chopped open another tree. In the end, there was also a dead man inside.

Splitting again, there was still more! Continue hacking, there are still!

Xiang Nan began to run in a spiral shape. The circle of running became larger and larger. The giant black scale saber in his hand chopped wildly, forming dense light shadows.

Trees were chopped open one by one, and the bodies of the dead were exposed from the tree trunks. Everyone was pierced through by the strange fibrous roots inside the trees.

Some of the dead seemed to have just died, while others had already withered. At first glance, they looked like withered tree bark.

Xiang Nan chopped open the trunks of four to five hundred trees in a row. Not a single tree was empty, it was full of people!

Eighty to ninety thousand people! A total of eighty to ninety thousand townsfolk of Linhai Town were hiding in the tree trunk! What an enormous number that must be.

Xiang Nan leapt up and jumped into the air. He looked down from the sky. There was a dark forest below, and he couldn't even see the boundaries!

How large can 90,000 trees cover? Everywhere he could see, there were dead people in every tree!

At the thought of this, Xiang Nan felt a chill run down his spine!

Especially after he landed, he discovered that the closer he got to the thousand-year-old tree, the more females there were.

In the trees closer to the ancient tree, there were even pregnant women with large stomachs. On the left and right of Xiang Nan, there were nearly a hundred trees with twin corpses holding babies in their arms!

The mother hugged her newborn child tightly, her face filled with endless sorrow.

The little baby died in its mother's arms before it could even open its eyes, but there were strands of fibrous roots that pierced through the baby's skin

"F*ck your ancestor!" Xiang Nan was going crazy. His tears rolled out, and his eyes were about to bleed.

"What kind of bandits are they? They're so inhumane! Get out of here!!"

Xiang Nan shouted at the top of his lungs and let out the angriest roar in his life!

His roar was like the thunder of the Nine Heavens, crashing down in the silent Clear Water Forest!

This roar condensed all of his anger and mad battle intent! Rolling Yuan Qi gushed in all directions like a surging river through his roar.

Even the earth on the ground was shattered into powder and blown all over the mountains and fields.

After a large layer of skin was scratched by the roar, the ground revealed dense roots that were like layers of spider webs overlapping each other!

All the roots hidden underground were bloody red! The fibrous roots of these trees were like meridians, rhythmically moving, like the rhythm of a heartbeat.

All the roots led to the same direction.

It was that ancient tree!

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