Immortal Martial God

Chapter 118 Night Talk Between Master And Disciple

Chapter 118 Night Talk Between Master And Disciple

Xiang Nan was excited and couldn't wait to learn the Sun God Technique, because the Sun God Technique itself was the technique of the Sun Peak.

However, no matter how excited he was, he forced himself to suppress it. He just sat quietly on the ground and did not disturb his master's cultivation.

Looking at the beam of light that landed on Xu Caiyue's body, it gradually began to weaken, as if she had already entered the stage of retracting her cultivation.

About half an hour later, Xu Caiyue finally retracted her hands and the light in the sky completely disappeared.

Xu Caiyue opened her eyes and looked at Xiang Nan without saying anything. She knew that Xiang Nan had something to say.

"Master, is this the Sun God Technique?"


"Can you impart it to me?"


Xu Caiyue was still as rigid as ever, and she could speak as little as possible.

"Why?" Xiang Nan hurriedly said, "I am your only descendant at present. Why can't you teach me the Sun God Technique?"

Xu Caiyue said, "Because if you learn the Sun God Technique, you will die."

It wasn't until Xu Caiyue said those words that Xiang Nan caught the change of emotions on her face for the first time.

It was an undetectable sadness that flashed through his eyes.

Xiang Nan knew about the origin of the Sun God Technique. Perhaps the sadness in Xu Caiyue's eyes was reminiscing about her dead father.

Or perhaps he was sad that his father had personally created a peerless technique of the Sun God Technique, and that there was no successor.

Of course, she wanted to carry forward the Sun God Technique, but for the sake of other people's lives, she could only say this. This was a kind of contradictory sorrow.

"I'm not afraid!" Xiang Nan refused to give up.

Xu Caiyue shook her head, "It's useless to be brave."

Xiang Nan was a little anxious, and said, "What on earth are you going to teach me?"

Xu Caiyue remained silent and did not know what she was thinking. After a full five minutes, she said, "The Sun God Technique is incomparably complicated. It is not something that can be learned if you want to learn it. Before that, let me ask you a few questions."

"If your answer satisfies me, I will consider imparting it to you."

"Master, tell me."

Xu Caiyue said, "As far as you can see, do you think Sun Shen Technique is feasible and why?"

This question was very vague, because Xiang Nan had never learned it at all. If it was someone else, there was no way to answer it, but Xiang Nan already had an idea in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Xiang Nan said seriously, "I think the Sun God Technique is feasible."

"Although we human martial artists absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, demonic beasts can absorb the essence of stars and moons."

"Oh?" Xu Caiyue raised her eyebrows and said, "Go on."

Xiang Nan knew that he had found the right direction and said, "However, the difficulty is that demonic beasts are stronger than humans. Unfortunately, just because they absorb the essence of stars and moons does not mean that humans can do it."

"Especially the essence of stars and moons. It's not as intense as the sun's rays. Therefore, it's more difficult for humans to absorb the sun's rays. However, it's not completely impossible."

Xu Caiyue nodded, her eyes filled with approval. "Then why do you think the sun's rays can be absorbed and utilized by humans like spirit energy?"

Xiang Nan said, "The sun shines on the earth, nourishing all living things to grow, and all living things give birth to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"Therefore, nearly half of the source of spiritual energy comes from sunlight. Therefore, although it is very difficult, it is feasible."

At this time, Xu Caiyue's face was slightly surprised. She began to look at Xiang Nan again and said, "I didn't expect you to know so much at such a young age."

Xiang Nan said modestly, "I'm only talking about logical speculation. I don't need a huge reserve of knowledge. If I were to create a Sun Divine Art myself, it would be as difficult as ascending to the heavens."

Xu Caiyue nodded and said, "Don't be arrogant or impatient."

"Then what do you think? How do you think you can overcome the difficulty of cultivating the Sun God Technique?"

Xiang Nan thought for a moment and said, "If you want to skip the middle link of spiritual energy and directly absorb sunlight, it will cause tremendous impact on the body's meridians and even irreparable permanent injuries."

"Perhaps we can follow the example of demonic beasts and increase the strength of our meridians and bodies to resist the impact of sunlight."

Absorbing sunlight was a completely different concept from ordinary people being exposed to sunlight. It was just like the difference between roasting fire and swallowing fire. Although the metaphor was not accurate enough, it was roughly the same.

Xu Caiyue said expressionlessly, "This idea is fine, so do you think cultivating the Sun God Technique requires body refinement?"

Xiang Nan originally wanted to answer in the affirmative, but he frowned. Suddenly, he thought of something and hurriedly said, "No! Just strengthening your body is like building a dam to block water, but it's better to block water than to block it."

At this point, Xiang Nan slapped his thigh and his eyes lit up. "Plants! We can imitate the way plants absorb sunlight!"

Xu Caiyue smiled.

Xiang Nan was dumbfounded. It turned out that she smiled so beautifully, but thinking that she was her master after all, Xiang Nan quickly straightened his attitude and didn't dare to be disrespectful.

Xu Caiyue said, "My father also thought of this point, but … after all, a person is a human. It is easy to say that he is similar to a plant, but how difficult is it to do it?"

"But the meridians in the human body are actually very similar to the meridians in plants, aren't they?" Xiang Nan said.

Xu Caiyue said, "However, plants absorb sunlight most instinctively, while humans use their meridians to circulate spiritual energy or sunlight. It belongs to the outside world."

At first, Xu Caiyue only asked Xiang Nan questions, but as Xiang Nan answered, the two of them gradually changed from asking and answering questions to communicating and conversing with each other.

If the elders of the Haoran Sect saw this scene, they would lose their eyes. Everyone knew that Xu Caiyue was silent. If they wanted to talk to her, it would be as difficult as ascending the heavens.

Thus, Xiang Nan and Xu Caiyue slowly began to talk about the "accommodation" between humans and plants.

At this moment, the two of them no longer seemed to be in the relationship of master and disciple, but more like bosom friends and confidantes.

Xu Caiyue, who had always been rigid, would be interested in the cultivation method her father had created and would forget about her lofty status.

When it came to rising, the two of them couldn't help but have red faces, or they couldn't help but frown.

The difficulty of the Sun God Technique was very great! Although it could be cultivated, the longer it cultivated, the more serious the physical injuries to humans would become. If this problem was not solved, then cultivating this technique would truly be tantamount to committing chronic suicide.

Others learn martial arts for the sake of longevity, who would be willing to learn a martial art that ends in death?

Xiang Nan had no choice but to admit that Xu Caiyue's knowledge and knowledge really made him look at her differently.

The two talked from midnight to midnight, and then from midnight to late night.

Xiang Nan licked his lips and said somewhat unhappily, "It would be most beautiful if there was a pot of good wine accompanying us."

Xu Caiyue smiled faintly. With a wave of her hand, a wine jar flew out of her storage ring.

The shape of the wine jar was simple and simple. It was an antique at a glance. Xiang Nan's greedy insect was hooked up, and he couldn't help but laugh heartily.

He poured a gentle cup for his master and a bowl for himself. He drank a few large mouthfuls of it, and the burning fragrance of the wine soaked into his heart and spleen. He couldn't help but shout for joy.

Compared to the bold and unrestrained Xiang Nan, Xu Caiyue gently pecked at the wine and tasted its fragrance.

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