Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 792 Prime Disciple Competition: New Challenge

Chapter 792  Prime Disciple Competition: New Challenge

The scorched earth crunched under their feet as Mira and Nova continued their journey to the heart of the nurturing zone. The burnt remnants of trees cast long, skeletal shadows as the sun began its descent. The once-lush haven was now a desolate battleground, a testament to the raw power both combatants possessed.

Nova glanced sidelong at Mira, her curiosity evident. "Your power has grown exponentially since our last meeting. Even in that fox form, you seemed... different."

Mira didn't look at Nova and continued walking. "You've gotten stronger too. I didn't think your attacks would be able to hurt me."

Nova gave a subtle smile and chuckled. "What can I say? That bloodline you gave me is overpowered."

However, Mira shook her head. "That wasn't from your bloodline. You didn't even use it there."

Nova scratched her cheek awkwardly, feeling a little uncomfortable that Mira was able to see through her so easily.

"...You're right," She nodded. "I was able to upgrade my Physique and Core, among other things, but I'll keep those a secret for now."

They were still in a competition, after all. She couldn't just hand Mira all of her trump cards on a silver platter. She was already the top candidate to win the Prime Disciple competition.

As they walked in companionable silence, the energy of the nurturing zone began to shift. Despite the destruction, the essence of life began to pulse as if the very soil was trying to heal itself. Small green shoots sprouted from the blackened earth, and the distant sound of running water could be heard.

Nova gestured towards the burgeoning life. "The nurturing zone is truly unique. Even after our destructive bout, it's regenerating."

Mira nodded.

They soon reached a clearing with a serene pond at its center. The water shimmered with a myriad of colors, each hue representing a different type of energy. Surrounding the pond were all kinds of beasts.

The beasts turned to them, but not sensing any danger, they went back to drinking out of the pond.

Mira approached the water's edge, kneeling to scoop up a handful. The liquid transformed into a silvery essence as she brought it closer. It entered her body and filled up her body with energy, both her Qi and Primal Energy. Any injuries she sustained were also healed.

Lastly, her cultivation seemed to increase slightly. Unfortunately, she was at the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm and had no idea how to break through to the Soul Transformation Realm.

Though, she had a feeling it probably had something to do with her different forms.

Nova approached the pond, her reflection rippling in its depths. She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, "Mira, our battle earlier... Was it just a test? Or was there something more you sought?"

Mira sighed, her eyes reflecting the pond's myriad colors. "Partly a test, yes. But also... a way to reconnect."

Nova's eyes softened. She could tell that Mira was going through something. This whole interaction felt forced and kind of awkward since Mira was the type to kill first and, well, kill some more. Questions generally aren't even asked.

There was a faint killing intent growing within her eyes. To the untrained eye, one wouldn't notice, but as someone who's spent a decent amount of time with her, she could tell.

However, if Mira didn't want to talk about it with her, then the least she could do was be a good friend.

"You could've just talked to me," Nova muttered.

Mira chuckled, "And miss out on such a thrilling battle? That's not my style."

Nova smiled, then looked thoughtful. "You said your fox form is a part of your journey that you've embraced. Care to share now?"

Mira hesitated, her gaze drifting to the statues surrounding the pond. She then proceeded to tell Nova a bit about her time in the Secret Realm.

After she was done, Nova did the same. She talked about the fiery trials she went through, the hellish plains, the various techniques she's learned, and a way to further sublimate her bloodline.

However, Mira could tell there was more to it than that. Parts that Nova purposefully left out or just didn't want to talk about.

'It seems like I'm not the only one that's had problems with this place.' Mira thought, her spirits a bit uplifted after talking with Nova.

At least she wasn't the only one suffering.

"Quite an adventure," Mira remarked after Nova finished recounting her experiences. She felt a strange sense of camaraderie, thinking about how both of them had undergone transformations, both literal and metaphorical, during their respective journeys.

"Life's never dull, especially not for people like us," Nova replied, her gaze lingering on the multi-colored water of the pond.

Each scooped up another handful of the shimmering liquid, letting its restorative essence flow through their veins one more time. Mira could feel her energy stores replenishing, the persistent fatigue that she hadn't even noticed until now dissipating.

"Let's go," Mira said, standing up and turning away from the pond. "There are more challenges waiting for us."

Nova grinned, "You read my mind."

As they exited the clearing, Mira shifted back into her nine-tailed fox form. The transition sent ripples of energy across her body, but she felt more at ease in this shape. The fox form had become an essential part of her identity, a symbol of her newfound strength and the lessons she'd learned.

Nova, standing beside her, couldn't help but marvel at the majesty of Mira's transformed state. "Ready to go hunting?"

Mira's multi-colored tails flicked playfully. "Always."

For days, the two of them roamed deeper into the Nurturing Zone, their presence a harbinger of death for the unfortunate beasts that crossed their path. Their battles were brief but intense, their opponents ranging from fire-breathing drakes to behemoths with skin as tough as steel. Every kill was a lesson, every challenge an opportunity to refine their skills and deepen their understanding of their own limitations.

Mira found herself growing more comfortable with the primal ferocity of her fox form, the ins and outs of its potential becoming increasingly clear. Each beast they vanquished became a part of her growing reservoir of primal energy, fueling her continuous growth.

Nova, for her part, was equally relentless. The explosive power of her Sunfire techniques left nothing but ash in its wake. She looked exhilarated, her eyes shining brighter with every victorious battle.

But despite the satisfaction of their hunts, Mira could sense that something more awaited her in the Nurturing Zone—a challenge that could catalyze the next stage of her journey. Her fox senses tingled with anticipation and a touch of dread, feelings she'd learned not to ignore.

After a week of fighting both human and beast, the two found what Mira had sensed: a portal, shimmering with a silver luminescence, secluded in a cave surrounded by towering, twisted trees.

The portal pulsed softly, almost invitingly. Mira could sense an indescribable energy emanating from it, an energy that beckoned her forward yet warned her of the dangers that lay beyond. She looked at Nova, who nodded.

"This is your moment," Nova said. "I can feel it."

Mira approached the portal, her nine tails flowing gracefully behind her. For a brief moment, she hesitated. Then, with a determined glint in her eyes, she stepped through.

Mira stepped through the portal, bracing herself for a realm of unknown challenges. To her surprise, she found herself in a starkly different setting—a simple room, all white, marked by black outlined tiles. It was devoid of any features, a stark contrast to the intricate landscapes she'd traversed earlier.

Across from her, an exact copy of herself materialized. It was her, in her nine-tailed fox form, down to the last multi-colored tail. Her clone's eyes glinted with the same intelligence and ferocity she knew so well, making it clear that this battle would be unlike any she had faced before.

A voice, neutral and disembodied, resonated through the white space. "To progress, defeat yourself."

Mira glanced at her clone, sensing its readiness for battle.

The atmosphere in the room became electric, charged with their combined energy. Mira felt her primal force rising, a torrent of power that clashed with an identical force emanating from her clone. It was a deadlock, a standstill that could only be broken by the one willing to push beyond her limits.

Mira's eyes narrowed, her lips pulling back to reveal sharp teeth. Her clone mirrored her, creating a chilling symmetry. Both released a snarl that echoed through the white void, a prelude to the inevitable clash.

Then, in a burst of energy that seemed to warp the very fabric of the room, they lunged at each other, fangs bared and tails swirling like ethereal blades.

Just as their forms collided in a storm of primal energy and unleashed power, a blinding flash of light filled the room. A sonic boom echoed throughout the room as they were both thrown back.

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