Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 757 Prime Disciple Competition: Primal Ascendance Convergence

The majestic mountains that loomed before them seemed to stretch endlessly, their peaks piercing the heavens and valleys so deep they seemed to touch the core of the earth. Every step the Sect Masters and their disciples took was filled with a sense of awe, their surroundings so otherworldly that it was challenging to believe they were still on the same continent.

The Qi in the air was so rich it felt tangible. Alexander, despite his vast experience, felt his cultivation base stirring, absorbing the abundant energy around him like a sponge. He glanced around, seeing the same reactions from his peers. Even Aelina seemed slightly stunned, her fingers occasionally flicking as if playing with the dense Qi.

Fruits the size of human heads dangled from massive trees, glowing with an ethereal light. Luminescent herbs sprouted from the ground, their aroma therapeutic. Everything here screamed of opportunities, of treasures that any cultivator would kill for.

"By the heavens..." Damon whispered, his eyes wide in amazement. "It's like we've stepped into a cultivation paradise."

Alexander nodded, "It's no wonder the beasts kept this hidden. This is a treasure trove."

The beasts' clans they passed were equally astonishing. Great avian beasts soared in the skies. Massive Turtles, with shells covered in intricate runes, rested by serene ponds, absorbing the ambient Qi. Ferocious-looking Lions, their manes glinting like gold, eyed the human intruders warily.

Each clan, each group they encountered, radiated power and majesty. However, along with this splendor was an undeniable air of hostility. The eyes that watched them were not friendly; they bore resentment, suspicion, and a readiness for battle.

"They're not happy about our presence," Flora observed, her voice low.

"Why would they be?" Aelina replied. "We're intruders in their sacred land."

As they delved deeper into the beast domain, they began to notice that the beasts were not just living harmoniously with nature—they were an integral part of it. They saw beasts lying under ancient trees, their Qi intertwining with the plants. Others bathed in the lakes, their energies merging with the water's ebb and flow. The entire domain was a vast interconnected web of life and energy.

Flora let out a low whistle. "Their cultivation techniques are different. They cultivate with the land, with nature. It's... it's beautiful."

The others nodded, unsure of how to feel about this. They had just thought that beasts cultivated by eating flesh, plants, or treasures, but it seemed they were wrong. 

Although their cultivation system was simple, they could still come up with their very own 'techniques' to help them grow.

Rhydian, walking next to Mira, took in the sights with an expectant look. They were clearly doing something she was ignorant about, which seemed not only to deepen their foundations, but their bloodlines seemed almost… richer?

She wasn't sure how to put it, but the innate bloodline energy she felt from them wasn't as 'contaminated' as the beasts outside the barrier felt. It wasn't anything like those who absorbed a bit of Celestial Nectar, but they did seem cleaner.

Licking her lips, she couldn't help but think, 'I'd love to eat them.' It was contradictory to her earlier assessment, but that was how her species grew. By consuming various resources and merging them with herself.

The little amount of bloodlust she leaked as she stared at the surrounding beasts caused them all to lower their heads and look away as if they were in the presence of a queen.

Mira jabbed Rhydian in the stomach before dragging her along, not wanting to cause trouble.

They reached a massive waterfall, the cascading waters shimmering in myriad colors. As they approached, the water parted, revealing a hidden pathway. The Wyrm gestured for them to follow. "This will lead to the central nexus of our realm. The Primal Ascendance Convergence awaits."

The path was lined with luminescent flora, and every step echoed with the harmonious hum of the Qi-rich environment. When they finally emerged, they were greeted with a sight that left them breathless. A vast city made of massive trees, Spirit Stone Mine sources, and crystals reflecting the ambient light and casting mesmerizing rainbows across the landscape. At its center stood the Lake of Ascendancy, its waters now calm but shimmering with the same iridescent glow.

Beasts of all kinds populated this city, going about their tasks with a sense of purpose. But as the Sect Masters and their disciples entered, a hush fell. Thousands of eyes turned to them, each gaze filled with a mix of curiosity and hostility.

Alexander took a deep breath, feeling the weight of those stares. They were not just walking into the heart of the beast realm; they were stepping into the very core of their culture and history.

"We're not here to fight," Aelina chuckled and said, her voice carrying across the vast expanse. She then turned to The Wyrm, a question in her eyes.

The Wyrm nodded. "The Convergence will begin soon. You will witness our legacy, our tradition. I hope it gives you a better understanding of who we are and why we've guarded this realm with our lives."

"Convergence?" Aelina asked, but the Wyrm didn't respond, his focus on the portal. 

Now that everyone was here, it was finally time for them to enter. 

"My subjects!" The Wyrm suddenly announced, "Let the Primal Ascnedance Convergence begin!"


The hundreds of thousands of beasts around them all raised their heads and released a symphony of cries. 

The cacophony of roars, howls, chirps, and myriad other sounds reverberated through the crystalline city, creating an awe-inspiring symphony. 

As the Sect Masters and their disciples stared at the vortex, they could discern shadows of ancient mountains, majestic valleys, and skies illuminated by unknown constellations. It was a realm that existed beyond their comprehension, an enigma that promised both wonder and danger.

The elder beasts began to chant, their voices low and harmonious. As they did, runes started to glow around the portal, stabilizing its form and ensuring its link to the other realm remained unbroken.

"Behold, the gateway to our ancestors' realm," The Wyrm declared, his voice echoing with profound reverence. "A place where beasts of old ascended to new heights, transcending the limits of their beings. The Primal Ascendance Convergence is not just a realm but a test, a journey, and a chance to evolve."

Mira, with wide eyes, muttered, "So, this is the Convergence, huh?" She could feel a pull on her bloodline, urging her to rush in there. She wasn't sure what it wanted, but it seemed to feel that it could improve or transform in some way if it could go in there.

Although she didn't quite expect it to be a Secret Realm, she was excited at the thought. The last one she entered was back when she was part of the branch Sect. The improvements she made, the people she met, and the treasures she obtained there were beyond what she had hoped for. 

If she could gain that same level of progress here, her strength was bound to soar.

Rhydian merely nodded her thoughts evidently elsewhere. The pull of the rich bloodlines beyond the portal undoubtedly tempted her.

Aelina stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the portal. "What is expected of us in there?"

The Wyrm's gaze was solemn. "To survive, to learn, and perhaps, to ascend. But remember, as much as there are opportunities, there are also perils. Many beasts have entered and never returned. The realm does not differentiate between beast and human; it challenges all. But you only have one chance. If and when you come back, you won't be able to enter it again."

Alexander interjected, "If it's so dangerous, why invite us?"

The Wyrm sighed, "Because it's time for a change. For too long, our two species have remained separate, ignorant of each other's strengths and potential. By allowing you to witness our legacy and participate in our traditions, we hope to bridge the gap and foster understanding."

'What a load of horseshit.' Everyone thought, even the disciples. They've been fighting and killing each other since time immemorial. If this one place could 'bridge that gap', then it must be a place of miracles.

Aelina's eyes narrowed as she smelled something fishy going on behind the scenes, but she soon shrugged.

'Whatever. As long as I can get stronger, I'll deal with what's to come later.'

Damon, however, muttered, "Or it's a trap to get rid of potential threats."

Flora shot him a warning glance, but The Wyrm simply chuckled. "There's always a risk in exploration and understanding, young master. But the rewards, should you succeed, are immeasurable."

Though, he didn't know what rewards humans might receive as one had never entered that realm before. If anything, he hoped they'd die as soon as they stepped foot in there. Still, he kept his thoughts hidden, his focus shifting to keeping the portal stabilized.

The chanting grew louder, the portal's energy more intense. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation. One by one, beasts of varying sizes and strengths began to approach the portal, taking a moment to bow before it and then stepping into the vortex, their forms disappearing into the swirling energies.

The Sect Masters exchanged glances. This was an opportunity, a rare one. The potential benefits outweighed the risks. But they also knew that this journey might not be one from which they all returned.

"Well," Aelina announced, stepping up before the others, "There's no time like the present." Then, she said, then hopped in the portal.

Soon, everyone followed her lead, some anxious, while others excited. It wasn't long before all humans and beasts entered the portal, which then closed up, entering a dormant state, waiting to be opened again sometime in the future.

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