Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 744 [Bonus ]Sleepers; Merchants

With the scene set and the pieces moving, Aelina's plan continued to unfold like a beautifully crafted tapestry. Her ambition and cunning were evident, and those caught in her intricate web of schemes had little choice but to play their parts.

Meanwhile, in a remote and hidden location, a figure shrouded in shadows pondered the talisman's message that had just reached her. The word was clear: it was time to initiate the next phase.

This was not a person to be trifled with. Known only by her alias, "Shadowmaster," she was one of Aelina's most trusted and capable agents. Shadowmaster was skilled in espionage, intelligence gathering, and assassination. 

What made her even more terrifying was that not once had this person ever set foot in the Battle Maiden Sect. All of her traces, no matter how far back one looked, could not be linked to Aelina or the Sect in any way.

She's what was known as a "sleeper agent". Over the years, she had taken up many different identities, living in numerous places and gathering information. 

To those who knew her, she was just a regular person but someone who was charismatic enough to create a wide net of connections among the locals in the area and, with that, their trust. Combined with her subordinates and nothing escaped her eyes.

Shadowmaster's eyes narrowed as she contemplated the talisman's message and what it would mean for her intricate network of connections. Her plan had been long in the making, and every small detail had been accounted for.

"Begin the next phase," she whispered to herself, her voice filled with a cold determination.

Her mind began to work at a rapid pace, and she initiated a series of carefully orchestrated movements. Her subordinates spread across various cities and towns, received their instructions, and moved swiftly to execute her commands.

Some of these people were even part of other Major Sects, both Orthodox and Unorthodox. 

Without hesitation, they began tampering with the defenses, spreading rumors about beast attacks being more frequent, putting trace amounts of the Elixir on the disciples, and even riling up the surrounding Beast Clans that would force the two parties to clash in just a few day's time.


In the bustling market square of Vorandis, merchants eagerly discussed the rising beast attacks.

"It's madness out there! They say the beasts have gone wild, attacking villages left and right. They're even starting to attack small cities!" one merchant exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear.

"Have you heard? The Battle Maiden Sect is offering rewards for beast corpses. Seems like its good money too," another added, rubbing his hands together at the potential profit. If he could set up a supply chain with Aelina as his buyer, he had no doubt that he would soon rise in the world of merchants.

An astute merchant leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing. "The Battle Maiden Sect offering rewards? And beasts going mad at the same time? Mark my words, friends, this is no mere coincidence."

"Who cares! Coincidence or not, as long as I get paid, Aelina herself could start a war with the world, and I wouldn't care!" Another merchant announced before adding, "...As long as she doesn't kill off my customers."

Maria, who was tending to the wounded of Vorandis after her name became more prominent ever since Mira left, naturally heard of this and couldn't help but feel that something big was about to happen.

Throughout the Battle Maiden Sect's history, there were only a few times they made such large moves, all of which led to countless battles and rapid growth. The war with the Crimson Slayer Sect? That was just a warm-up, a prelude compared to the things the Battle Maidens had done throughout their history.

Still, she wasn't worried. Battles were where Mira thrived the most.

Rather, it was a good thing for both of them that the Continent was entering a state of bubbling chaos. 

"I suppose business will get quite busy in the coming months," Maria chuckled, her smile seemingly much brighter than the last time Mira saw her. 

In fact, her entire being was much brighter, and even her healing techniques were more potent ever since she used the Celestial Nectar that Mira had given her! Thanks to that, she's become even more famous, especially in the upper circle of the city, since she could heal wounds on people several stages higher than her.

'I'll have to be on the lookout for anything that could help Mira during this time.' She thought, wanting to show Mira her gratitude.

***I think you should take a look at

Thanks to Luo Chen and Zhang Yun's efforts in spreading the news, it barely took a day for just about every major and minor power to know about what happened and what the Battle Maiden Sect was doing. 

Merchants, Patriarchs, Matriarchs, and Sect Leaders from all over the Continent came rushing over to the Ancient Beast Mountain Range, with all sorts of people ready to be at Aelina's beck-and-call. All so they could get that fat Spatial Ring. 

However, the Sect Leaders from the Major Orthodox and Unorthodox Sects were strangely quiet, taking a wait-and-see approach as Aelina was being way too…public right now compared to how she usually acted.

They were afraid they might get caught in something they might never be able to come back from if they entered some sort of agreement with her at the moment.

People were lining up out the front gate, waiting to meet with Aelina, but the woman never came down personally. 

Instead, they just heard her voice say, "We are willing to buy any and all beast corpses for a fair price. For more details, please speak with the Elders available."

Then, about a dozen Elders came down the mountain, led them to a spot in Snow Maiden City where they could conduct business, and went from there.

The process was organized and efficient, a reflection of the Battle Maiden Sect's strength and discipline. People were being attended to, deals were being struck, and the excitement was palpable. The air was filled with whispers of alliances, profits, and strategic moves. It was clear to all that a massive shift in power dynamics was on the horizon.


In the rooms where the Elders conducted business, each negotiation was conducted with precision, and every word was weighed with careful consideration. The Elders knew they were dealing not just with mere transactions but with the intricate game of alliances and rivalries that spread across the Continent.

A powerful Merchant Lord with connections spanning multiple cities sat across from Elder Mo. His eyes glinted with greed but also a hint of apprehension.

"Your offer is tempting," he said, leaning back. "But what guarantee do we have that this will not turn against us? These are troubling times, Elder Mo."

Elder Mo smiled serenely, her eyes sharp. "The Battle Maiden Sect values loyalty and honor. We stand by our word, and our history speaks for itself. But rest assured, we are not asking for blind faith. We will have legal agreements drawn, binding both parties."

The Merchant Lord looked somewhat alleviated, and the conversation continued, details hammered out, and deals solidified. One by one, merchants, sect leaders, and other influential figures were won over.


A few days passed by as now people from all over the Continent were moving all according to Aelina's whims. Of course, this cost the Sect a significant amount of resources, but unlike the Elders, Aelina wasn't concerned about it one bit. 

All she had to do was reach into her *ahem* Mira's 'pocket', pick some high-grade, high-quality herbs, and she could strike a deal while essentially spending nothing. 

During this time, the entire Battle Maiden Sect was busy. Missions were issued, and disciples were out slaying beasts, trying to take advantage of Aelina's "generosity". Even Nova, Rayna, Eden, and Everly were out there participating in the hunts.

Mira, on the other hand, spent most of her time sparring with Rhydian, researching more about Beast Bloodlines and the effect Celestial Nectar and other alchemic ingredients have on them, and overseeing Hana's training.

This was the first time she had ever given someone such comprehensive, structured training, and she wanted to see how the girl would fare and if it was worth it.

Finally, after four days, the first massive beast tide came and hit the number one Orthodox Sect: The Immortal Sword Sect!


[A/N: I know it's a little fast-paced, but there's a lot of stuff going on, and honestly, not all of it needs to be explained in detail. At least, not right now. I tried to "show" as much as I could, but this is about as much as I could do without it seeming like I'm padding the word count (definitely not doing that with this Author's note). Maybe at a later date, I'll extrapolate on certain things, but right now, I think this is plenty sufficient. Thank you all for the support.]

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