I’m the Slit-Eyed Character at the Academy, but I’m not the Mastermind

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

How much time had passed since then?

I wasn’t sure, but it was clear that a significant amount of time had gone by.

Our backs were pressed against each other, and the dampness from our body heat made it obvious.

It wasn’t Luna whose back I was pressed against.

…That’s right. It was Caron and me.

We had been sitting on the floor with our backs against each other for quite a while.



The room was filled with a dreadful silence. Even a vacuum would be noisier than here.

The reason for the quiet?

‘Caron, you bastard… you’re sober now, aren’t you?’

Showing such a drunken state was embarrassing enough, but to then ramble on with advice and counsel.

He even patted my back several times, saying everything would be okay.

From Caron’s usually cold-blooded perspective, he might be thinking, ‘What a disgraceful thing I’ve done. The biggest mistake of my life.’

If this were any other day, I’d be busy teasing Caron about creating a new embarrassing moment to commemorate, but right now, I couldn’t do that.


‘I’m in the same situation.’

I was deeply mired in self-reproach for almost having driven Luna to her death.

Too caught up in my own sentiments, the kind that’s more dangerous than alcohol, in the early hours of the morning.

Perhaps because of that, tears started to fall without me realizing it.

I don’t know why [Mental Defense] didn’t work at a time like this.

‘Showing such an unsightly side in front of Caron…’

It was the greatest mistake of my life.



Time continued to pass indifferently to our situation, and our backs grew increasingly sticky.

I wanted to separate our sweat-soaked backs immediately, but that was impossible too.

The one who separates first has to be the one to break this heavy silence and start speaking.

It was an implicit agreement we had reached.

The struggles of men locked in a sauna would be less taxing than this.

Amidst our silent battle of wits, it happened.

“Kuh, kuh!”

Luna coughed and spat out an unknown liquid, and we both rushed over to check her condition without needing a word.

I inwardly cheered while cleaning up Luna’s vomit.

Luna had resolved the awkward situation with just a cough.

“The weather is quite warm. We should open the windows wide.”

“Hmm, that’s a good idea. Let’s do that right away.”

We opened the two large windows wide.

The cool early morning air flowed into the room, cooling the sweat.

Although it became a bit chilly after the sweat cooled, there was no thought of closing the windows.

‘No way am I going back to that atmosphere.’

At the other window, Caron was cooling himself.

Was it because he didn’t want to return to that earlier situation, or was he trying to erase what had happened from his memory?

Caron spoke up.

“Is it true?”

“What do you mean?”

“That Principal Dwener killed a high-ranking demon in one blow. The information I gathered on the way here was similar, but… it’s hard to believe.”

The 4th-grade demon Benius, who emitted white lightning.

I was the one who killed him, but I couldn’t say that.

A freshman who could kill a 4th-grade demon? The Empire would immediately want to dissect me.

So, let’s credit Dwener with the kill.

“It’s true. When the principal threw his spear, it pierced a huge hole in the demon’s body. It was an incredible technique.”

“I see. To kill a high-ranking demon in one blow… His mana didn’t seem that abundant. Was it a refinement even I couldn’t detect? Or is it a feature of a secret technique? I knew he was hiding his power, but I didn’t expect it to be to that extent. I’ll have to revise the internal report on the principal…”


Caron’s muttering continued without end.

Dwener hiding his power? I have no idea what that’s about.

‘It seems like some absurd misunderstanding is piling up…’

Oh well, let’s just let it slide. It’s not my concern.

What I’m really curious about isn’t Dwener. It’s the secret of the Empire’s rat, Caron.

“By the way, I was surprised earlier.”

“About what?”

“Count Zachary and Administrator Rieur. I didn’t expect you, Teacher Caron, to step forward on your own. I thought you didn’t have the authority to do so.”

“…Are you knowledgeable about politics too? Such arrogance from you.”

“Keke, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“You, of all people, should know better. I have no reason to answer that.”

It was a typical Caron answer. I subtly pressed him, asking if he was defying the emperor’s orders, but he didn’t even flinch.

As expected, it’s not easy to get under the Empire’s rat.

-That’s what I thought.

“So let’s make a deal. Just like we’ve been doing.”

“A deal?”

“Yes. We each tell one truth. The topic is… free choice.”

Not only is it telling the truth, but the topic is also free choice. It’s a complete giveaway event.

Although I gained a right to question through mentioning Count Zachary and Administrator Rieur, I wasn’t really curious about them.

‘Now, let’s see…’

Caron’s relationship with Renia, whether he’s broken free from being the emperor’s tool, what he thinks about Luna, etc.

There are many things I’m curious about, but what I’m most curious about right now is…

“Did you really kill Lady Renia?”

Whether it was because I used the [Eye Opening] skill to set the mood or because it was a difficult question to answer, Caron’s eyebrow twitched slightly.

His eyebrow quickly returned to its place, and at the same time, Caron opened his mouth.

“…I didn’t kill Renia.”

“Oh, that’s strange. I heard that many saw you presenting Lady Renia’s head to the emperor.”

“…That did happen.”

“Then why don’t you tell the truth?”

“Because it’s practically the same as if I killed her.”

He said it’s practically the same as if he killed her. What on earth happened that day?

With my heart pounding, I waited for Caron to speak.



But Caron showed no sign of opening his mouth.

No way, really…?

“What exactly do you mean by that?”

“That’s for you to find out from now on.”

“…Weren’t we supposed to be trading only truths?”

“Are you deaf? I just told you. ‘It’s practically the same as if I killed her.’”

Yeah, that’s true. He wouldn’t lie in this situation, so it must be true.

But it’s too abstract! Isn’t it normal to add a few more words in a conversation?

This is just mean. He’s being mean because he doesn’t want to give me information!

“Are you really going to be so petty?”

“Why are you blaming me for your mistake? You should have asked, ‘What happened that day?’”

“As a teacher, don’t you have the magnanimity of an adult?”

“You should always be cautious when making deals. You should be grateful for learning that. Isn’t that right?”

My eyes twitched slightly. It wasn’t intentional. I was so dumbfounded that my body reacted on its own.

Caron’s face was full of smiles. He liked the expression I was making.

Taking pleasure in teasing a child.

He truly is a bad adult, this guy.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Caron’s eyes gleamed. His eyes were different from when I asked my question.

I might have to give something big in return for what I received.

“What is your goal?”

“Keke, to live well and eat well.”

“I’m asking about your purpose in taking Luna with you and putting her through harsh training.”

“It’s for revenge.”

Caron’s eyes glinted with recognition. He understood the meaning behind my words.

And as I predicted.

‘Caron must also have an idea where Luna’s sword will point, who the mastermind behind the downfall of the Lester family is.’

He’s probably at the stage of ‘Could it really be?’ but what’s important is that Caron has started to suspect.

“I thought so… Stop it. It will only shorten your life.”

Caron just wants to prevent it, no matter who the mastermind is.

No matter who it is, it’s an opponent Luna can’t defeat. Luna will end up dead.

“Of course, I’d like to stop her too. But you know Luna’s personality well, don’t you?”

A child who bites people. And with an iron will.

From what I’ve seen, our Luna would easily bite through iron.

“You need to control her well. How can you encourage revenge instead?”

“I’m not encouraging Luna to take revenge, but… it turned out that way. It’s a means to welcome Luna as a comrade, you could say.”

“Recruiting comrades? You have a goal then. Is it revenge?”

“Well, something like that.”

“Who’s the target?”

The final boss. Defeating that guy and clearing this game is my goal.

But I couldn’t say that. So.


I placed my index finger over my lips.

Of course.

“Keke, it’s a secret.”

Was it because it had been too long since I’d seen this gesture that Caron’s face twisted in irritation?

Who told him to answer my question in that way earlier?

If he had just added two more lines about what happened with Renia that day, I wouldn’t have said it like this.

“You arrogant brat. Your behavior is thoroughly unpleasant.”

“Why are you blaming me for your mistake, Teacher Caron? You should have asked, ‘Who is the target of your revenge?’”


Caron silently raised his fist. And then I realized.

Caron can hit me, but I can’t hit him.

Smack! Smack!

The sounds of a playful smack echoed in the room as Caron’s fist met my head.

Ugh! Please spare this handsome Zero!

“Quiet down. What if Luna wakes up to your cries?”

“Wouldn’t it be good if she woke up now?”

“Oh… that’s true. Then scream in a better voice.”

And so the playful smack from hell continued for a while.

Of course, Luna didn’t wake up even amidst all that commotion.

“After doing gymnastics in the moonlight, I’m sober now. It’s all your arrogant fault.”

Perhaps because Caron had finished treating Luna and disciplining me, he half-hung himself out the window.

Then, without turning his head, he murmured.

“What if I were to become a comrade?”


“If I were to become your comrade, could you let Luna go? That’s what I’m asking. I don’t know who your revenge target is, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone more suitable than me.”

Caron is both the Empire’s rat and a natural assassin.

He’s saying he’ll deal with that target for me, so I should stop Luna from nurturing her vengeful heart.


“It’s impossible. Even with Teacher Caron, or even Lord Adonis, it’s impossible.”

“We can’t do it, but Luna can? I don’t think that makes sense logically.”

“I’m looking at potential. Isn’t it better to invest in young and fresh children than in the elderly?”


Caron’s fist brushed past my head again.

“Who are you calling old? I’m still a fresh active member.”

“I don’t think someone who let three of the Four Heavenly Kings slip through their fingers should be saying that.”

“…You arrogant brat. Anyway, think about it. It’s not a bad proposal for you.”

With those words, Caron vanished.

I gazed out the window, lost in thought.

Having two 9-star knights is obviously better than just having Luna. But.

‘Due to the game settings, I can’t accept Caron and Adonis as comrades.’

This game is titled ‘Hero of the Academy.’

Perhaps that’s why only students who have attended the academy can participate in the final boss battle.

Adults, including knights and heroes, cannot participate because they are on the battlefield, a convenience-based setting by the game developers.

‘In any case, it means Caron truly becoming my comrade is impossible.’

A loyal cat is better than an uncertain rat. That’s what it means.


Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound from one side of the wall.

One area of the wall was deeply creased.

I quickly realized the reason.

‘Ah, come to think of it, the rabbit was hiding.’

The Pufferfish Rabbit, Rezé.

She had unwittingly opened the box.

Revealing the truth that Luna is the last survivor of the Lester family.

The Pandora’s Box that should never have been opened.

–TL Notes–

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