I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C188 Mutants VS Autobots

C188 Mutants VS Autobots

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



Inside the giant air bubble that Peter had created, the group found themselves trapped in the middle of the frozen wall of water. It was an eerie, surreal scene—surrounded on all sides by the powerful surge of the Hoover Dam's waters, the deafening roar of the rushing tide muted by Peter's power.

But the sight of Peter, his body shaking with strain as he held back the tsunami with sheer willpower, reminded them all that time was running out.

Tony Stark, always quick to analyze a situation, began pacing inside the bubble, his mind racing as he muttered to himself, trying to brainstorm a way out. "Okay, okay, think... we've got a forcefield keeping the water back, but how long can Peter hold that? Minutes? Seconds? We need to move, we need a plan…"

As Tony talked, Peter's crew rushed up to their leader, their expressions filled with concern. Groot, towering over the others, reached out gently toward Peter, his wooden limbs brushing against him as he spoke softly, "I am Groot?"

Cosmo, her fur bristling with worry, padded closer to Peter, her telepathic voice reaching out to him. "Are you okay, Peter?" 

Rocket scowled, his small hands clenching into fists as he looked up at the frozen wall of water surrounding them. "Damn it, we gotta figure something out before this thing breaks."

Teefs, Lylla, and Floor, standing a short distance behind Rocket, exchanged anxious glances. Floor's mechanical limbs shifted nervously, while Lylla's normally calm demeanor cracked with worry. Teefs glanced at the others, his sharp teeth bared in frustration. "We can't just sit here! There's gotta be somethin' we can do!"

Meanwhile, Peggy and Steve moved to calm the Shield agents and Black Widows, some of whom had begun to panic at the sight of the immense wall of water pressing down on them. Peggy's voice, firm but steady, cut through the tension. "Take a breath! We'll get out of this, but we need to keep it together."

Steve nodded in agreement, his presence calming those around him. "Stay focused. Peter's buying us time. We just need to think."

Once the agents were calmed, Peggy and Steve moved over to where Tony was still muttering ideas to himself, his hands gesturing wildly as he tried to come up with a solution. "We could try blasting a hole through the side, but that risks the whole thing collapsing… no, no, bad idea…"

Peggy raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she looked at Tony. "Got anything yet?"

Tony glanced up at her, frustration etched on his face. "I'm thinking, alright? This is water, not steel or concrete! We need a way to disperse the energy without breaking Peter's barrier, but nothing's coming to me!"

As they continued to brainstorm, their voices grew more heated, frustration mounting with each failed idea.

Meanwhile, Wanda stood off to the side, her arms wrapped around herself as she stared at the floor, deep in thought. The chaotic energy that usually sparked around her hands was absent now, replaced by a quiet uncertainty. She wanted to help, but she was too scared to move at the moment. 

Her brother, Pietro, on the other hand, was having none of it.

Pietro was darting around the bubble in a blur of motion, his mind racing as fast as his feet. He zipped from one side to the other, checking every inch of their surroundings, even though he knew it was pointless. There was no escape—not with the water pressing in on all sides. Still, he couldn't stop himself. He needed to move, to do something.

As he slowed down, frustration gnawed at him. "Maybe I can swim through it," he muttered to himself, glancing at the towering wall of water. He was fast—faster than anyone here—and he could probably hold his breath long enough to make it through. 

But then, his eyes flicked to Wanda. She was standing silently, still lost in her thoughts, and Pietro's heart sank. He shook his head. He couldn't leave her behind. "Ugh," he groaned, running a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of the situation.

Back in the center of the bubble, Tony, Peggy, and Steve's argument grew louder as they failed to come up with a workable plan. 

"There's gotta be a way out of this!" Peggy snapped, clearly frustrated.

"And I'm telling you, brute force isn't the answer," Steve countered, his voice firm but steady. "We need a smarter approach."

"Well, if you've got one, I'm all ears!" Tony shot back.

Peter, straining to hold the enormous wave in place, could feel his patience wearing thin. Every breath he took was ragged, his muscles trembling under the sheer force of the effort. The voices arguing behind him grated on his already frayed nerves.

Finally, he'd had enough.

"Shut up!" Peter snapped, his voice echoing inside the bubble as it shook slightly from the force of his frustration. The water rippled ominously, and for a moment, the group fell silent, eyes wide with alarm. 

"I'm literally holding back a tsunami here, and you guys are arguing?!" Peter growled, his face taut with concentration. "We don't have time for this. I need help now, or we're all going to be swept away. So shut up and listen!"

Everyone in the bubble instantly fell silent, the weight of the situation fully sinking in as they watched Peter, his body trembling with the effort of holding back the enormous mass of water.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Peter raised his voice, directing it toward his former master. "Windu! Get off your lazy a*s and help out! We need to get this water back before I lose my grip completely!"

Mace Windu's sharp gaze flickered toward Peter, and though he bristled at the younger man's tone, he knew Peter was right. There was no time to waste. "Watch your language, Peter," Windu reprimanded, his voice stern. But, without further hesitation, he gestured to the Jedi. "Spread out. We will assist."

The other Jedi, who had been standing nearby, immediately followed Windu's orders, fanning out around the bubble. Each of them extended their hands, readying themselves to lend their strength to Peter's effort. 

"I'll help too!" Cosmo stood beside her Captain, ready to lend her telekinetic assistance as well. 

As they all moved into position, Wanda Maximoff stepped forward as well. Her crimson energy began to crackle around her fingers as she approached, her expression turning from fear to determination. "I can help too," she said, her voice calm despite the pressure of the moment.

Instantly, a red aura flickered to life around her, cloaking her in her chaos magic as she prepared to assist.

Peter nodded, his face tight with concentration as he addressed them. "Here's the plan. I'm holding the water back for now, but we need to push it back into the Dam—together. You all reinforce my hold, and we'll move it back slowly."

Before they could proceed, Tony cut in, his practical mind already working through the next problem. "That's great and all, but how exactly are we going to plug the Dam? It's busted wide open. What's the point in putting the water back if it's just going to spill out again?"

Peter let out a strained grunt, clearly annoyed. "We'll figure that out after we get the water back in place. But for now, unless you have a better idea, we should focus on one thing at a time."

Tony didn't argue further, recognizing the urgency in Peter's tone. "Alright, point taken."

Peter turned back to the Jedi, Cosmo, and Wanda, his voice firm despite the exhaustion etched into his features. "On my count, we're going to start moving the water back. Ready?"

The Jedi and Wanda nodded in unison, their focus locked onto the task ahead. Peter took a deep breath, his body bracing itself for the next surge of effort.

"Three… two… one… *Now!*"

Immediately, the Jedi reached out with the Force, their collective will reinforcing Peter's hold on the water. It was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, the immense pressure that had been crushing him now spread across the other Force users. The strain lessened, allowing Peter to steady himself.

Cosmo and Wanda joined soon after, their powers weaving into the energy already controlling the water. 

Under the effects of Wanda's Chaos Magic, the surface of the wave began to shimmer with a faint red hue as her power took hold, the swirling chaos adding its own stability to Peter's efforts.

With the strain eased, Peter straightened his posture, his breathing growing more even. He could feel the collective power behind him, and it gave him the strength he needed to take control of the situation.

He took his first step forward, his voice commanding as he called out, "Move!"

The others in the bubble followed, watching in awe as the water began to obey Peter's will. Slowly, inch by inch, the massive wave started to recede, as if it were rewinding itself, retreating back up toward the Dam. 



Minutes earlier, before Peter began his plan to put the water back into the Dam, outside the frozen tsunami, Optimus and the Autobots found themselves in an unexpected and helpless position. 

Forced to their knees by Magneto's magnetic powers, they struggled against the immense pressure that kept their towering metal forms pinned to the ground. 

The Autobots were shocked, bewildered by Magneto's powers. They had fought powerful enemies before, but never anything like this. The ability to control metal with such precision and strength was something none of them had encountered. 

Moreover, the fact that this power originated from a human was completely unexpected. After all, humans have never possessed abilities like this…

Optimus Prime, kneeling under the crushing force, glanced toward his fellow Autobots. "…"

Ironhide, Jazz, Ratchet, and Bee, alongside the other low-ranking Autobots, strained against the pressure, their powerful frames groaning as they fought to maintain control. 

Unlike the higher-ranked Autobots, Bee had no military distinction, a fact made clear by his position among the crowd. He hadn't even been given a proper name until Peter called him Bee. 

So, when he saw the mutants forcing them to their knees—Magneto's power pressing down on them—Bee wanted to speak out, to show himself. He had met the mutants before, and revealing his presence could have diffused the entire situation. 

But he, like many others, was trapped under the strain, even Ironhide and the others unable to move. Worse, he was blocked from the mutants' view, shielded by a crowd of Autobots, unable to fix this situation. 

"Humans… with powers like this?" Optimus muttered under his breath. He couldn't fathom what was happening.

The ground cracked beneath their immense weight as Magneto's control over their metal bodies intensified. His sneer deepened as he looked down at the Autobots with a cold sense of satisfaction. To him, they were nothing more than giant, sentient machines—made of metal, his to command.

To the side, the X-Men stood by, watching the scene unfold. Professor Charles Xavier, sitting in his wheelchair, observed Magneto's actions with a deep frown. He turned to his old friend, his expression calm but concerned.

"Perhaps we should properly identify them before attacking?" Charles suggested, his voice calm but with an underlying note of warning. "There may be more to this situation than we realize."

Magneto scoffed at Xavier, clearly unbothered by his friend's restraint. "You're too soft, Charles." His hand twitched, and the pressure increased on the Autobots, causing them to groan under the strain.

Xavier's frown deepened, but he remained silent for the moment, knowing that pushing too hard would only strengthen Magneto's resolve. Instead, he watched, hoping Magneto would relent enough to hear the robots out.

But Magneto showed no signs of easing his control. With a cold smile, he applied more pressure, forcing the Autobots further down. Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, and the rest, already struggling, couldn't hold their ground.

With a metallic screech, they faceplanted into the dirt, the heavy sound of their impact reverberating through the area.

Optimus Prime, the only one still on one knee, gritted his teeth as he fought the magnetic force. His massive form trembled with effort, his joints straining. He couldn't let his team down, but even he was feeling the weight of Magneto's overwhelming power.

Magneto stepped closer, eyes narrowing as he loomed over Optimus. "Now, let's get some answers, shall we?" His voice was low and dangerous. "Who are you, and why have you come to this place?"

Optimus, his optics flickering with the effort, struggled to respond. "We… are the Autobots," he said, his deep voice strained but unwavering. "We are here… to stop… the Decepticons."

Magneto's eyes narrowed further, his grip tightening. "Hmm, good answer." His lip curled in disdain. "Next question, why should I believe you? For all I know, you could be the very enemies we seek."

Optimus groaned under the pressure, his circuits strained as he forced out the words. "We are… not your enemy."

Xavier, observing, could sense the sincerity in Optimus's voice. He placed a hand on Magneto's arm, his voice firm. "Erik, I believe they're telling the truth."

Magneto hesitated for a moment, but before he could respond, the Brotherhood behind him—Sabertooth, Juggernaut, and Toad—exchanged glances. They weren't as interested in hearing the Autobots out as Xavier was. Sabertooth, baring his fangs, grinned savagely.

"They're just robots, boss," Sabertooth growled. "Who cares if they're telling the truth? Let's tear 'em apart."

Juggernaut cracked his knuckles, his massive frame looming. "I say we fight. Whether they're lying or not, doesn't matter to me."

Toad cackled, leaping forward. "Yeah, let's squash 'em and question 'em later!"

Even Mystique, standing beside Magneto, didn't seem inclined to stop the Brotherhood's attack. Her cold expression showed no sympathy for the Autobots.

Before Magneto could give the order, Sabertooth lunged forward, claws bared, aiming for one of the pinned Autobots. Juggernaut followed suit, his massive body charging toward Optimus. Toad, eager for chaos, hopped toward another, his tongue whipping out to ensnare the Autobot.

Optimus's optics flared in alarm. "No! We are not your enemies!" But his protests fell on deaf ears as Sabertooth's claws slashed toward Ratchet's back.

But Optimus, using every ounce of strength he had left, pushed back against Magneto's control. His massive frame groaned as he rose to his feet, fighting the magnetic pressure. His hands morphed into plasma cannons, and with a mighty roar, he aimed at the charging Brotherhood.

*Boom! Boom!*

Twin blasts of plasma shot from his cannons, hitting Sabertooth and Toad head-on, sending them flying backward before they could reach his comrades.

Optimus saved his team—but he couldn't save himself.

Before he could react, Juggernaut charged forward with a mighty roar. His enormous fist smashed into Optimus's chest with metal-bending force, sending the Autobot leader flying through the air.


Optimus slammed into the ground, skidding across the dirt as Juggernaut grinned with satisfaction.

The X-Men, seeing the Brotherhood attacking, couldn't stand by any longer. Xavier's eyes narrowed in frustration as he shouted, "Enough!"

Storm, Beast, and Colossus rushed forward to stop the Brotherhood's reckless assault.

But before either side could fully engage, a flash of red light caught everyone's attention. They turned toward the frozen wave, now glowing with a strange, red hue. "?!"

The massive wave, still towering over the area, wriggled ominously, causing a ripple of fear to pass through those watching.

"What is that?" Beast muttered, his blue fur bristling as he stared in shock.

Then, with a strange fluidity, the wave began to move—not forward, but backward…

A/N: 2652 words :)🚨🚨

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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