I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 568: Taking Everything

Chapter 568: Taking Everything

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The Goblin King's eyes widened in shock as he scanned the contract presented by Peter. His initial reaction was visceral, an immediate refusal etched across his battered face. "First you slaughter my men and now you want to steal from me?! Well, I won't have it!"

The document, a bloodsucking parchment, outlined the terms of reparations for the Goblin Nation's attack on Peter and his wife. It was a rather straightforward demand. The goblin nation would forfeit ownership of all Gringotts banks worldwide, handing them over to Peter, making him the sole proprietor of every goblin-controlled financial institution on Earth.

"You must be out of your mind, human!" the Goblin King spat defiantly, his battered form displaying a flicker of residual pride. "I will never sign away our banks to the likes of you!"

Peter, unfazed by the king's resistance, raised an eyebrow and sighed theatrically. "Well, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your call." Without waiting for a response, he extended his wand, his expression turning cold as he prepared for the inevitable.



After a few minutes, the Goblin King's defiance crumbled as Peter unleashed a renewed torrent of magical torment. The cavern echoed with the pitiful pleas of the defeated goblin leader, who, after enduring relentless agony, finally relented. "Stop! I'll sign your blasted contract! Just leave me alone already! I just want to go home!"

As the Goblin King begrudgingly applied his signature to the document alongside a small amount of blood, Peter did the same and could immediately feel the wards of each Gringotts bank attaching to him. "Huh? So that's how that works…" He muttered as he used the wards to scan each building.

With a simple thought, he commanded the wards to expel the goblins and anyone else within his newly acquired banks before sealing them shut. The magical energy surged, resonating with Peter's newfound authority, and instantaneously, every Gringotts bank across the world was closed and locked, surprising everyone, especially the goblins who found themselves unknowingly fired.

With his objective accomplished, Peter spared no time, and shooed away the beaten Goblin King, his pride shattered as he scampered away in fear. Peter watched with a satisfied smirk as the once formidable leader fled into the shadows.

Of course, the contract that they signed would also force the fleeing king to follow through with his earlier promises as well. As soon as he arrives back at his throne room, the Goblin nation would undergo some changes.

"Now, that wasn't so difficult, was it?" Peter mused, twirling the contract between his fingers before stashing it away in his storage necklace.

Dumbledore, ever the silent observer, approached cautiously. "Peter, are you certain that you want to do this? Controlling the world's banks is a significant responsibility." He pauses for a moment before continuing. "I could help-"

Peter laughed, interrupting the old geezer. "Is that greed I see twinkling in your eyes, Albus? Is the great Albus Dumbledore, the hero of the light faction, the man who saved the world from the Dark Lord Grindelwald, coveting another man's riches? How scandalous…"

Dumbledore's gaze lingered on Peter as he stashed away the contract, a glint of concern in his eyes. Although Peter was correct when he said that Albus coveted his newly acquired wealth, most of all, the old headmaster felt uneasy.

Despite the apparent victory, which avoided a very bloody Goblin War from happening, the old wizard couldn't shake the unsettling feeling within him. As the silence lingered, he took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully.

"Peter, my boy," Dumbledore began, his tone gentle but laden with worry. "I must express my reservations about all this. Controlling the world's banks is a significant responsibility. Responsibility that you can't just take on a whim..."

Peter, however, was quick to dismiss Dumbledore's concern, his smirk widening. "You're right, Professor. Running a bank sounds way too hard. Maybe I should just empty out all of the vaults and run?"

Dumbledore frowned, his concern deepening. "This is not a joking matter, Peter, nor is this about the gold. It's about the influence and control that comes with it. The Goblin Nation may have been a challenge, but now, you're in control of the magical world's wealth. You must tread carefully or the consequences could be catastrophic."

Peter chuckled, a hint of arrogance in his tone. "Tread carefully? Albus, you worry too much. Besides, I'm not the enemy here. I just took a necessary step that the Ministry should have done years ago. The fact that you idiots let a hostile race control your money for so long is truly baffling…"

Dumbledore sighed, realizing that his words were falling on deaf ears. "Peter, I understand the need for this, but it... it changes the balance of power. The Ministry may not take kindly to such a shift."

But Peter, seemingly uninterested in Dumbledore's wisdom, waved him off. "The Ministry will get used to it. And if they don't, well, then they can come find me to complain." He shrugged uncaringly. "Anyway, MJ and I have things to do. After all, we're still on our honeymoon."

As Peter turned away, Dumbledore's concern deepened, and a tinge of greed stirred within him. He gripped his new wand, wondering whether he should use it while Peter's back was turned or not. "…"

The allure of controlling such vast wealth and influence was not lost on the wise wizard. He attempted to voice his reservations once more, framing it as kindly advice rather than a lecture.

"Peter, I've seen the consequences of unchecked power. I only wish to guide you toward a path that ensures the well-being of the Wizarding World. Perhaps we could work together, find a more harmonious solution." He offered, knowing that if he attacked, Peter would easily thwart him once again.

At this point, MJ was glaring daggers at Dumbledore, ready to pounce at any moment. All he had to do was twitch and she would leap over and snap his wrinkly old neck in half. After all, they've given him two separate chances already. And as the saying goes, three strikes and you're out.

Peter, however, remained unyielding, his dismissive tone cutting through Dumbledore's attempt at diplomacy. "Thanks, but no thanks, Albus. I've got everything under control. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a stunningly beautiful woman~"

As Peter walked away, draping his arm over MJ's shoulder, Dumbledore couldn't shake the sinking feeling that they had merely exchanged one formidable foe for another. The weight of Peter's newfound influence on the Wizarding World hung heavily in the air, leaving the wise wizard to ponder the uncertain future that lay ahead.


As Peter and MJ emerged from a swirling portal and stepped into the heart of Diagon Alley, the spectacle drew gasps and wide-eyed stares from the onlookers who had never witnessed any magic that could create such a doorway before.

The portal dissipated, leaving the couple standing amidst the bustling wizarding marketplace. "So… who's this beautiful lady you have a date with?" MJ asked jokingly.

Peter chuckled, adjusting his grip to pull her closer to his side. "Her name is Michelle Jones. She's the most stunning woman that I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. You wouldn't happened to have seen her, have you?" He scanned the surroundings, pretending to look for his imaginary date.

"I think I might know her…" MJ smiled, her cheeks blushing as she wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and pulled him into a searing kiss.

"Oh, there she is~" Peter smiled as their lips separated. "Where have you been all my life?"

MJ couldn't help but match her husband's smile. "Waiting for you to show up…"



As they strolled through the bustling street, hand in hand, MJ couldn't contain her curiosity. "So, what's the plan with those banks, Peter? We're not planning to stick around here for long, are we?"

Peter shrugged nonchalantly, "Nah, we're just passing through. Figured we could do something good with them before leaving this universe."

MJ raised an eyebrow, a curious glint in her eyes. "Good? Like what?"

Peter grinned, "Well, we could give them to someone we trust, someone we like from the movies, you know?"

MJ's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds like a fantastic idea! The Weasleys, Hagrid, the Potters, the Longbottoms..." she listed off all of her top candidates.

Peter nodded, "Exactly. We'll figure it out before we go. But, there's one small thing we need to do first."

As they approached Gringotts, the iconic wizarding bank, a crowd had gathered outside, attempting to breach the invisible wards that Peter now controlled. Goblins among them clamored for entrance, their attempts futile.

Ignoring the chaos, Peter and MJ easily navigated through the wards surrounding Gringotts and stepped inside, leaving a stunned and confused crowd outside.

"The bank is under new management!" Peter announced to the bewildered onlookers, his voice echoing through the street. "It'll be open again soon. In the meantime, just relax and go about your day!"

Closing the large doors behind them, Peter turned to MJ with a smirk, "Now, let's solidify our control over the banks, shall we?"

MJ chuckled, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Absolutely," Peter replied with a wink.

The pair strolled through the empty bank, discussing how they would get it started again. MJ's excitement grew as she considered the possibilities, envisioning the impact their actions would have on the wizarding world.

As they explored, Dumbledore's earlier words lingered in Peter's mind. MJ noticed the contemplative look on his face and nudged him, "What's on your mind, Peter?"

"Dumbledore's lecture..." Peter sighed in annoyance. "He's definitely going to try something this time…"

MJ smirked, "let him." She shrugged uncaringly. "Besides, we need something to scare the ministry away from causing trouble once we're gone."

Peter chuckled, "You've got a point. Let's wait and see what they decide to do..."

A/N: 1661 words :)



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