I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 552: Rat Extermination

Chapter 552: Rat Extermination

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🚨Insert Rat/mouse/rodant GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Pertiester!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

The abrupt silence that followed the shaking of the house left Lily and James in a state of tense anticipation. Wondering what transpired, they exchanged wary glances, the air thick with nervous energy. Lily eying her wand in MJ's hand, nervously awaited what was to come.

MJ, however, broke the silence with a casual tone, "Well, looks like Peter's finished." Her words hung in the air, causing Lily and James to exchange alarmed looks. The implication that Peter might be dead left them on edge.

"You think he's dead?" James questioned, his voice laced with worry.

Lily, her gaze fixed on MJ, demanded an explanation. "He must be. This is Voldemort we're talking about after all…"

MJ chuckled, "No, not like that. I mean he's probably finished dealing with your little home invasion."

Skepticism washed over Lily and James as they doubted MJ's words. In their eyes, the only one who could ever go toe to toe with Lord Voldemort was Albus Dumbledore, but sadly he wasn't here right now.

Ignoring their jittery state, MJ tossed Lily her wand, "Here." She said as she made her way toward the door, intent on rejoining her husband.

Concerned, Lily caught her wand and called out, "Wait! You can't go down there. It's dangerous!"

James added his voice, "Please, don't face him alone! We'll have a better chance of surviving until reinforcements arrive if we stick together."

Ignoring their pleas, MJ left the room. Downstairs, she found a large hole in the side of the house. Peter stood outside, bathed in the moonlight. Voldemort lay unconscious and bound at his feet, his form wrapped tightly in golden Eldritch energy chains.

MJ, surprised that Voldemort was still alive, questioned, "You didn't kill him?"

Peter turned, grinning at her, "What's the point? He's got too many horcruxes. We need to deal with those first before we can kill him."

A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a detached fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal. As long as the receptacle remained intact, so too did the soul fragment inside of it, keeping the maker anchored to the world of the living.

Even if their body suffered fatal damage, the soul would simply turn into a wrathe and wonder the world until a new body is made or every anchor is destroyed, sending the wrathe straight to hell.

Making a Horcrux is considered to be by far the most terrible of all Dark Magic as it could only be created after committing murder, the supremest act of evil, as a means to tear the soul.

The process for the creation of a Horcrux involves a spell and a horrific act of some sort, which is performed soon after the murder has taken place.

Given that Horcruxes are utterly precious to those who make them, there are usually protective measures made to prevent them from being stolen or destroyed, but thankfully, Peter and MJ know where every single Horcrux is. After all, they've both watched every Harry Potter movie.

As they conversed, the distant sound of a motorcycle's engine reached their ears. Suddenly, a flying Harley Davidson descended from the sky with Sirius Black at the helm. His expression shifted from worry to fury as he landed on the front lawn, gripping his wand.

[Insert picture of Sirius Black here]

As Sirius landed on the front lawn and dismounted, ready to charge inside to help his friends, his mind racing with the fact that Peter Pettigrew had actually betray them to Voldemort. He couldn't believe it when his sister Bellatrix, a follower of Voldemort, had come to brag about what was taking place tonight.

Greeting him with a casual "Yo," Peter waved his hand nonchalantly. Sirius, caught off guard, scanned the scene and froze at the sight of Voldemort defeated, unconscious at Peter and MJ's feet.

Before Sirius could voice his astonishment, Lily and James, who had warily peeked out from the upstairs window after hearing Sirius's motorcycle arrive, caught sight of the bound Dark Lord. Their shock mirrored Sirius's, their voices halting in their throats.

Confused and astonished, Sirius's shoulders slumped in relief at the sight of Lily and James, both alive and in one piece. "You're okay…" He muttered before his eyes suddenly widened, his neck craning upwards. "Where's Harry?! He's not hurt is he?!"

As the shock dispersed, James quickly reassured Sirius, "Harry's fine. He didn't get to him." Sirius visibly relaxed, relief flooding his expression. However, his focus immediately shifted to Peter and MJ, his eyes narrowing at the unconscious Dark Lord at their feet.

Rage ignited within Sirius as he stormed over, pointing his wand at Voldemort, ready to deliver the final blow. "Avada-" He didn't like using an unforgivable curse, especially the killing curse, but if it meant ridding the world of Voldemort and protecting his Godson, Harry, then he didn't care.

But before Sirius could finish casting the spell, Peter swiftly snatched the wand from his hand, inciting an even deeper fury within him.

"Give me my wand back NOW! He has to die!" Sirius demanded, his voice seething with anger. James and Lily, emerging from the house with Harry in Lily's arms, heard Sirius's words and shared his sentiment.

Peter, cool and collected, explained, "Killing him won't get rid of him. We have to destroy his Horcruxes first."

Confused, James and Sirius exchanged puzzled glances, while Lily, well-versed in magical lore, recognized the term. Her eyes widened with disgust as she looked at Voldemort. Turning to Peter, she questioned, "How many did he make?"

Peter shrugged, "There are six that I know of." After all, this is the multiverse, so there could be more.

Lily's shock intensified. "He tore his soul that many times? Is there even anything left?"

Peter replied casually, "Probably not much of his original soul left."

James and Sirius, unfamiliar with the concept of Horcruxes, sought clarification from Lily. After her explanation, their expressions mirrored Lily's disgust. James declared, "We have to destroy them all."

Peter nodded in agreement, "We'll handle it soon enough. But until then, there's someone nearby you'll be happy to see." Confusion etched across James, Sirius, and Lily's faces as Peter conjured a portal with a wave of his hand.

From the portal fell a large rat, but with another wave of Peter's hand, a steak of lightning emerge, zapping the rat and transforming it back into a very familiar man.

[Insert picture of Peter Pettigrew here]

Peter Pettigrew, the traitor who had betrayed the Potters to the Dark Lord, telling him the exact location of their hiding place. Hell, he even escorted the man straight to their doorstep, which is why he was still nearby, hiding like the rat he is.

Shock and disbelief painted the faces of James, Sirius, and Lily as they grappled with the unexpected appearance of their once-ally-turned-enemy.

Sirius's eyes narrowed as took his wand back from Peter and pointed it at the cowering Pettigrew, anger flashing in his gaze. "You! You betrayed us! We trusted you!"

Pettigrew staggered as he stammered, "I would never betray you, James, Lily! I swear!" He lied, hoping to weasel his way out of this situation.

Of course, nobody believed him. "You expect us to believe that you f*cking rat?!" Sirius exclaimed in anger.

"I guess the Dark Lord just went for stroll and found our house, huh?" Lily commented sarcastically, hiding behind James and Sirius. After all, she has Harry in her hands right now. She can't risk getting too close to a known Death Eater.

James nodded, sadness oozing from every pore. "I can't believe you'd do this to us… I thought we were friends…"

Berated by his former friends, Pettigrew's fearful demeanor morphed into a sinister fanaticism. "Friends? What are they worth when you're dead, huh? The Dark Lord gave me a chance to survive so I took it! Don't stand there and act like you wouldn't do the exact same thing either." He finally spilled the truth.

A disgusted look flashed over Sirius's face. "I'm a Black, Peter(Pettigrew), we've all been offered a position under the Dark Lord. I've turned it down countless times already…"

As the former heir of the Black house, a noble family full of dark wizards, Sirius has received all sorts of invitations to join Voldemort, but of course, he would never accept them.

Pettigrew looked up at Sirius, a crazed look in his eyes. "That's because you haven't felt his power like I have. I witnessed it a few times already, and trust me, you can't win against power like that…" He ranted on and on, his words dripping with fanatical admiration.

As he continued to speak, It became evident that Pettigrew crazily idolized strength, and Voldemort embodied that strength for him. Even with the Dark Lord defeated, his fanaticism didn't change one bit.

Shocked expressions adorned everyone's faces, except for Peter and MJ, who had gleaned this information from the movies. James, Lily, and Sirius had thought Pettigrew to be a quiet, shy man, unaware of the crazed nature lurking beneath his facade.

Hearing enough, Sirius and James exchanged a glance, nodding in silent agreement. In unison, they raised their wands and spoke, "Diffindo."

Instantly, two visible blades of wind shot out of their wands, severing Pettigrew's head from his neck. Lily, shielding little Harry's eyes, turned away from the gruesome sight.

As the cruel but deserved act unfolded, the echo of lightning striking resonated through the air. An old white haired man in extravagant robes and a giant of a man materialized just in time to witness James and Sirius execute Pettigrew.

[Insert picture of Dumbles here]

[Insert picture of Hagrid here]

Shock painted Dumbledore's face, and he yelled, "Stop this instant!"

But it was too late. Pettigrew's lifeless body lay on the ground, his severed head a testament to the severe consequences of betrayal.

A/N: 1659 words :)



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