I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 534: Altered Fate

Chapter 534: Altered Fate

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As soon as Michonne flinched away from them, MJ stepped forward, trying to calm her. "Hey, we're not going to hurt you. Just take it easy," MJ said in a reassuring tone.

Michonne's eyes flickered open, initially met with confusion and disorientation. She tried to move, only to realize that she was tied up. She shot a glare at Peter, her voice cutting through the tension. "If you're not going to hurt me, why the hell am I tied up?"

Peter, rolling his eyes, retorted, "Really? You attacked us when you got caught trying to steal our supplies. Would you prefer we give free rein to someone who just tried to rob us?"

Michonne looked down, a mix of shame and annoyance etched across her face. The reality of her actions sank in as the weight of her unsuccessful theft hung in the air.

As the conversation unfolded, Peter took the lead in questioning Michonne. "Let's start with the basics. Why were you trying to rob us? Are you alone, or do you have others with you? Have you done this before? And the million-dollar question, have you killed any innocent people lately?"

Michonne hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting between Peter and MJ. "Look, I needed supplies. I'm alone. I've done what I had to do to survive, but I've never killed anybody before, besides the infected, that is. If you let me go, I promise to leave and never bother you again. You have my word."

Peter, skeptical but wanting to verify her claims, decided to employ a bit of telepathy. He delved into Michonne's mind, probing for sincerity and potential hidden intentions. It was a delicate dance, respecting her privacy while ensuring the safety of the group.

As he sifted through her thoughts, he picked up on a sense of desperation, a struggle for survival in the harsh post-apocalyptic world. Apologies echoed in her mind, mingling with images of loss and the fight to protect loved ones.

Michonne grew up in Arkansas, which was different from her TV show counterpart. She came from a middle-class family, where she grew up with a keen interest in both modern art and literature…

At some point later in her life, Michonne entered into a relationship with her boyfriend Mike. They went on to have a son named Andre, whom Michonne affectionately nicknamed "Peanut". The three lived together as a family and presumably enjoyed a privileged and lavished lifestyle. Michonne also came to befriend Mike's closest friend Terry…

At the onset of the outbreak, Michonne found a katana upon which she began to hone her survival skills to perfection as a result of encountering and killing the infected.

Sometime later Michonne, Mike, Terry, and Andre journeyed to a refugee camp where they settled. Quickly, several members abandoned the camp due to events worsening. Michonne chose to remain there despite this, which often resulted in several arguments between her and her boyfriend, who has been acting weirder and weirder lately.

'Huh, was MJ right? Is he doing drugs behind her back?' Peter wondered as he continued reading her mind.

And finally, earlier today, she decided to go out and gather some supplies for her family, mainly her son, who is a toddler, since no one in their camp wanted to go out anymore. After all, everyone who left for supplies never came back, making them scared to leave the safety of their hiding place. Even if it meant starving to death.

'And then she saw us driving by with supplies duct taped to the roof and decided to steal one of our cars…' Peter summarized as he finished invading her mind. 'All while her useless boyfriend hides away from the world back in their camp.'

Satisfied that Michonne wasn't an immediate threat and empathizing with her plight, Peter withdrew from her mind. "Alright, although you didn't say much, I don't think you're lying."

He motioned to MJ to untie Michonne. "I can give two options, and luckily for you, neither include you dying today. We can either give you enough food for one person and send you on your way, or you can try to join our group. Though you'll have to earn some trust first, and that's easier said than done…" Peter offered as MJ cut her hands and feet free.

"?!" Michonne's eyes widened, not expecting to get such an offer from the people that she just tried to rob. If she were in their position, she would have either tied them up and left them in the middle of the woods, or killed them.

Peter continued. "We're giving you a chance here, so what do you want to do?"

Michonne, rubbing her wrists after being freed, reluctantly shaking her head. "Thank you for your offer, but I'll just take the food and be on my way…"

Although she could tell that Peter and his group seemed friendly and reliable, based on their offer and the copious amount of supplies, she had a family to take care of. And she couldn't risk the life of her loved ones, especially her son, for a chance that might lead to a worse situation than they were already in.

"Fair enough," Peter shrugged whilst MJ frowned. After all, she wanted to recruit Michonne into their group.

Leaving Michonne to MJ, who kept a watchful eye on her, whilst trying to change her mind, Peter packed a bag with enough food and supplies for one person, true to his promise.

As he packed, Joel, emerging from the convenience store, looked at Peter with a raised eyebrow. "What are we doing about our guest?"

Peter, continuing to pack the bag, replied, "She's leaving. I'm giving her some supplies to help her out."

Joel, not entirely thrilled about giving away supplies, especially to someone who had just tried to rob them, nodded reluctantly. He was just glad that she was leaving.

After all, he didn't have the luxury of trusting strangers, not while he had a daughter to protect. Of course, his skepticism and wariness were traits that would serve him well in this new post-apocalyptic world.


As the first light of dawn began to pierce the darkness outside, the group drove Michonne back to her car, where they handed her the bag of supplies and her katana. The tension lingered in the air as they exchanged curt goodbyes.

As Michonne watched their two car convoy drive away, a conflicted expression painted her face. She yearned for the security and resources that Peter's group seemed to possess, but her hard-earned instincts cautioned against trusting too easily in this unforgiving world.

Alone in the driver's seat of her car, Michonne opened the bag they had given her. The contents went beyond mere sustenance. Alongside the food, she found a pistol, some ammo, a portable police radio, and a note.

The note, signed by Peter, read, 'Be safe and contact us if you change your mind.' It included a radio frequency for communication.

Michonne couldn't help but smile, realizing the missed opportunity to join a group that seemed genuine in their offer of assistance. Regret gnawed at her, but the practicalities of survival took precedence. Her family awaited her return, and she needed to bring back whatever supplies she could scavenge.

As the convoy disappeared from view, Michonne revved the engine, making her way back to her camp with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. The radio and supplies provided a lifeline, a connection to a group she might never see again.

Driving back to her camp, the bag of supplies nestled beside her, Michonne couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. The thought of surprising her son, Andre, with some tasty food and a few treats, including candy, lifted her spirits. Peter's unexpected generosity showed in the assortment of items he had provided.

The camp, situated in a secluded camping grounds nestled within the woods, seemed peaceful as Michonne approached. However, the smile on her face began to fade as the distant sounds of gunfire reached her ears. A gnawing fear gripped her heart, urging her to hurry back to her loved ones.

As she neared the camp, the initial shock gave way to chaos. Dozens of zombies roamed freely, their groans blending with the sporadic gunfire. Panic settled over the camp, and Michonne's instincts kicked in. She slammed her foot on the gas pedal, rushing toward the heart of the unfolding nightmare.

Upon arrival, the scene was a chaotic picture of horror. Dozens of a zombies overran the camp, and even more lurked in the shadows of the surrounding trees. Michonne wasted no time. Grabbing her katana and a pistol, she leaped out of her car, determined to cut through the undead and reach her family.

Screaming for Andre and her boyfriend Mike, Michonne carved a path through the infected. Blood spattered her clothes as she dispatched one after another. The air echoed with the sounds of desperate survivors and the gruesome demise of those unlucky enough to be caught.

Approaching her tent, dread pooled in Michonne's stomach. What she found was beyond comprehension. Mike and his friend Terry sat in foldable chairs, needles in their arms, completely oblivious to the zombies currently feasting on them. Their blissful, zoned-out faces stared vacantly into the sky, lost in their drug-induced haze.

Instantly, Michonne realized the heartbreaking truth… Mike had neglected his responsibility to protect their child, succumbing to a drug addiction alongside his idiot friend. Shocked and infuriated, she dispatched the infected around the tent, completely ignoring the two junkies.

Fueled by a mix of anger and grief, Michonne's focus shifted to her son. Panic set in as she frantically searched the tent, calling out Andre's name. For a moment, she feared the worst until, finally, the muffled cries of a child reached her ears.

Opening a luggage chest that usually held their belongings, Michonne found her three year old son, Andre, crying and hugging her shirt. Peering upwards in fear, little Andre's eyes widened in relief. "Mommy?!"

"Peanut!" Relief washing over her, Michonne pulled him into her arms, whispering soothing words to calm him down.

Knowing they had to leave, Michonne, without bothering to grab anything besides Andre's favorite stuffed dinosaur, wrapped a blanket around him, tying her son in place on her body.

The reality of the situation hit her, and tears streaked down her face as she killed zombies on her way to the car. With Andre safely in her arms, she drove away from the nightmare that had become their once peaceful camp.

Although she felt bad for leaving the father of her child behind, Michonne knew that Mike was infected and would turn soon enough. She wasn't willing to risk her sons life for a dead man who couldn't even do his job properly.

As the engine roared, Michonne glanced at the radio Peter had given her, contemplating whether to contact the group that had offered her a chance earlier. The weight of the decision hung in the air as she drove into the uncertain future, her son now sleeping soundly in her arms.

Little did she know that her encounter with Peter changed the grim fate of her son. Thanks to the supplies he had given her, Michonne was able to return to the camp sooner than she originally would have, allowing her to make it in time to save her little Peanut.

A/N: 1910 words :)



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