I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 509: A League Split

Chapter 509: A League Split

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The sun had risen on a new day, casting a gentle light on a world forever changed by the previous night's battle. The threat to the Justice League had been vanquished, but not without its sacrifices. In the wake of the battle, the League gathered to pay their respects to two fallen comrades, Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

Although they knew that the two of them would be reborn sooner or later, as they were cursed to repeat their lives together, it still didn't make losing them in this life any less hard. After all, who knew when they would return. It could be 20 or even 200 years before they reincarnate again.

Amid the somber atmosphere, the funeral took place in a secluded garden at the Justice League's headquarters on Earth. The tranquil setting provided a stark contrast to the previous night's chaos. The fallen heroes lay side by side, their lifeless forms shrouded in the American flag. The League members, including Peter and Tony, who were invited by Superman, stood in solemn formation.

The Flash, with tears glistening in his eyes, stepped up to speak. "They were always there to help us, even when it meant putting themselves in harm's way. Their courage knew no bounds. They flew high, and they'll forever be remembered as the bravest of us all."

Wonder Woman, a symbol of strength and grace, added her voice to the tribute. "Hawkman and Hawkgirl were true warriors, defenders of the innocent, and champions of peace. We will carry on their mission, for the world still needs heroes like them."

Superman, the Man of Steel, stepped forward, his voice filled with a deep sense of loss. "Hawkman and Hawkgirl were more than our teammates. They were our friends, our family. Their unwavering dedication to justice was an inspiration to us all. Their wings may be stilled, but their legacy soars on." He kept it short and sweet before stepping back.

Batman, his stoic demeanor unyielding, stepped forward next. "In the face of danger, they never faltered for even a second. They fought for a world where justice prevails, like the rest of us… Their deaths were a terrible tragedy, just as any other." He paused for a moment to look around the crowd, his gaze landing heavily on Superman. "Because life is precious, no matter who that life might belong to."

Tony rolled his eyes as he leaned over to whisper in Peter's ear. "Did this motherf*cker just use a funeral speech to lecture us?"

Peter nodded his head, noticing the annoyed look on Superman's face. "Yeah, he did..."

As the eulogies came to an end, the heroes of the Justice League lowered Hawkman and Hawkgirl into the ground. Each member placed a white rose on their graves, a symbol of remembrance and respect. The fallen heroes would rest in peace, their duty fulfilled.

The funeral served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices heroes make to protect their world. It was a day of mourning, but also a day of recommitment to the cause of justice, a cause that wasn't so clear anymore. The League stood together physically, but ideologically, they couldn't be more divided.

With the meeting that took place before all of yesterdays chaos, as well as the fact that Superman killing the joker was common knowledge among the league, two parties were beginning to form.

On one side, you have those that would follow after Batman's example. People like Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, who believe that killing, in any form is an inexcusable and evil act.

On the other side, you have those that would follow after Superman's example. People like Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Black Adam, who don't mind killing as long as it's for the good of others. Especially Black Adam, who has always been more of an antihero than anything else.

Soon enough, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the garden as the heroes took their leave. In the face of recent controversies, they found strength in their own group. Batman sympathizers seemed to gravitate toward each other, and the same could be said for Superman's side as well.

Watching this happen in real time, Peter and Tony shared a concerned glance. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Peter asked.

"Justice League civil war?" Tony guessed.

"Yeah, that sounds about right…"


In the heart of the Justice League headquarters, a solemn meeting room had been prepared. Superman, the iconic leader of the League, sat at the head of the long, polished table, his countenance one of gravity and determination. He spoke first, his voice carrying the weight of his resolve. "My friends, we have come to a crossroads. The events of recent days have shown us that the world we protect is not as black and white as we once believed."

Around the table, the members of Superman's faction, including Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Black Adam, and many others nodded in agreement. Their stance was clear, they were willing to consider lethal force if it meant protecting the innocent.

Superman continued, "We cannot ignore the fact that there are threats in this world that cannot be contained without extreme measures. The Joker is a glaring example of this. How many lives have been lost or forever scarred because we chose to show mercy time and time again?"

Wonder Woman, her expression determined, added, "Agreed, the world is not forgiving, nor is it merciful. If we continue to allow those who embrace chaos and cruelty to roam freely, we fail in our duty to safeguard the innocent."

Cyborg chimed in, "We should establish clear regulations for when the use of lethal force is justified. It must be a last resort, of course, but we should have the option."

Black Adam, who had always walked the line between hero and villain, grunted his agreement. "I've never been a fan of the leagues idiotic way of doing things, so I'm just glad to see that all of you are finally waking up to reality. Some people are just better off dead, end of story."

As the meeting progressed, the mood grew more optimistic. The members of this faction envisioned a future where they could be more effective protectors, unburdened by the limitations of a strict no-kill policy.

Superman looked at his assembled comrades with a sense of hope. "The future of the Justice League rests in our hands. We must work together to draft a code of conduct that reflects our new vision and, in doing so, reaffirm our commitment to the cause of justice."

The discussion continued late into the night, as the heroes began to outline the regulations that would define their path forward. While the meeting was filled with optimism and unity, they knew that the road ahead would not be easy. The Justice League stood on the precipice of a significant transformation, one that would shape the future of heroism in their world.

As the meeting concluded, Superman stood and offered a final thought. "We will face opposition and challenges, but together, we can forge a better world. Our mission remains unchanged, to protect the innocent, no matter the cost."

With newfound purpose, the members of Superman's faction left the meeting room, ready to embark on a journey that would redefine the very essence of heroism.


Just as Superman and his faction were holding a meeting, Batman's faction held one of their own as well. The heroes had paid their respects to the fallen, and swiftly come together to discuss the recent developments. Batman, the Dark Knight, sat at the head of a dimly lit conference table, his expression as stoic as ever.

The room was filled with the loyal members of Batman's faction, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and several others who shared his unwavering belief in the sanctity of life, even in the face of the darkest evils.

The Flash, his trademark red suit looking somber, broke the silence. "We all know where this is headed. Half the league wants to follow Superman's example, and it's going to tear us apart."

Green Lantern, his emerald ring glowing faintly, nodded in agreement. "It's not just about ideology anymore. It's about what kind of world we want to leave behind."

Aquaman, with his commanding presence, spoke with a sense of urgency. "I've seen enough bloodshed in the oceans to last a lifetime. I won't stand by while our league descends into this chaos."

Batman leaned forward, his cape pooling around him like a shroud. "We need to address this issue head-on. We can't let our differences divide us further. Especially when we have people like Wonder Woman and our guests, who are whispering nonsense into Superman's ear 24/7."

The heroes exchanged troubled glances, fully aware of the stakes. They believed that Wonder Woman, Peter and Tony were corrupting Superman, pushing him down a path they couldn't condone. The memory of the Joker's death at Superman's hands still bothered them, a grim reminder of the shifting moral compass within their ranks.

The Flash sighed deeply. "But how do we convince Superman and his followers to see things our way? They truly believe that their way is for the greater good."

Batman's voice was laced with frustration. "We need to find a way to reach him, to make him understand that there are lines we should never cross. Killing can't be our solution."

Green Lantern offered a suggestion. "Maybe we should initiate a discussion, an open dialogue with Superman's faction. Try to find some common ground."

Aquaman frowned, crossing his arms. "I've known Superman for years. He's not one to easily change his mind. Maybe we that would work if he hadn't already killed someone, but that ship's already sailed. Worst case scenario, he might see our efforts as a threat to his newfound ideals. Best case scenario, we push him further and further into his beliefs."

As the heroes pondered their next steps, the room grew heavy with doubt and apprehension. They all understood that if this conflict couldn't be resolved through words, it might come to blows. A civil war among the Justice League was a dire prospect, one they hoped to avoid.

The Flash tapped his fingers on the table thoughtfully. "We have to prepare for the worst, just in case. We can't let our world fall under a tyrannical Justice League."

Batman nodded, his jaw set in determination. "Agreed, we'll do whatever it takes to protect the world from those who would become tyrants, no matter who they may be."

With that, the meeting came to a solemn conclusion, leaving a sense of foreboding hanging in the air. The Justice League had been a symbol of hope and unity, but the fracture within their ranks threatened to change everything. As they departed, Batman's faction couldn't help but wonder if their ideals would be enough to save their world from the chaos that loomed on the horizon.

A/N: 1827 words :)



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