I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 59

The Hyzens have finally entered the Empire.

Originally, there would have been a grand welcoming reception, but unfortunately, due to various events instigated by the Luzerne faction, who are ‘fellow’ elves like them, it was kept to an appropriate scale.

The meeting was held at Lake Verdant, a natural wonderland. While traditionally important inter-nation meetings would be hosted in the palace chambers, the empire made a special effort to accommodate the nature-loving elves.

“I’ve heard the news, Commander Eloise.”

“I’m not the commander anymore.”

And near that lake, Eloise was conversing with the ambassadorial chief for the negotiations.

“Why on earth did you do such a thing? And without consulting the higher-ups.”

“What difference would it make to consult with the higher-ups?”

“At least you could have acted with dignity.”

“Hmph! I’m still dignified now, you know! And I can’t stand the breach of contract!”

That’s… Well. to be honest, breaking the terms of the contract is out of line.

I heard it myself. Eloise hasn’t been able to sleep properly for the past few months during her missions. Even on days when she managed to sleep, it was only for two hours, and sometimes, she didn’t sleep at all.

In such circumstances, wouldn’t it be more unreasonable if she didn’t become sharp?

‘Especially Eloise, who’s even more peculiar than other elves.’

The head of the delegation, Manon, looked at the former head of the Extermination Unit before speaking again.

“Are you really planning to study at the Imperial Academy?”

“Yes, Chief. I’ve already secretly obtained permission from the empire.”

“They agreed just like that?”

“I’ve made efforts for the empire as well, so maybe I got some extra points there.”

The Imperial Academy can’t be all that easy. Hmm.

“Wasn’t there any other conditions?”

“Well? They just said I could keep an eye on all the elven students.”


Of course. There must have been a reason. Huh? The empire isn’t stupidly kind.

From the empire’s perspective, the kingdoms and their exchange students serve as conditions for peace but can also act as spies within. Therefore, surveillance is necessary, but doing it openly could lead to diplomatic disputes.

And if suddenly, the Hyzens side’s top special operations ace says, ‘I’m willing to cooperate!’

‘They’ll definitely throw the exchange student status. Even I would do the same.’

Manon sighed and lowered his head. Anyway, is that woman really an elf?

Even the Luzerne faction, who seem to embrace even the crazed Luzerne, their own, other elves, showed signs of embracing her.

Eloise has shown more closeness to humans than to her own kind several times.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a good thing in the current situation where the empire holds perfect superiority. It’s just a bit disheartening from the elf’s perspective.

“…Ah! Looks like they’ve arrived.”

Commotion was heard from the imperial tents on the opposite side.

It seemed that the officials in charge of the negotiations had just arrived at the negotiation site.

“Would you like me to ask what they’re negotiating about?”

“Don’t even dream about it. You have nothing to do with their affairs now.”

“Tch. Sharp as always.”

Leaving Eloise grumbling behind, Manon walked forward.

And then, as the Imperial Foreign Minister approached, he shook hands with him.

“It’s good to see you again, Minister.”

“Likewise. Chief. You haven’t changed at all.”

“The same goes for you, Minister.”

Fortunately, the Foreign Minister they had met before still held his position.

He had been worried that if the Minister changed, the personal rapport they had built up would disappear, but at least one of his concerns had been alleviated.

As they were about to move to the negotiation venue, the Minister stopped Manon.


“Just a moment.”

A carriage was placed behind them. Upon which, the imperial officers rushed out bustlingly.

Soon, after opening the door, the officers stepped back and saluted in unison.


Following them, the guards also stood still, showing respect.

‘Could it be that man?’

I glanced at the minister next to me and had a gut feeling that my prediction was correct.

The Foreign Minister. As the one overseeing the vast empire department, his authority was akin to that of a marquis. Even if the person holding the ministerial position were a mere noble, even a marquis couldn’t treat them lightly. Excluding members of the royal family, in terms of ceremonial hierarchy, they could be considered one of the top ten most important figures.

Such a minister, stiffly maintaining his posture, gazes in their direction. This is the demeanor one adopts when facing superiors. It’s the same reaction one would expect if the emperor or crown prince were present.

However, such a figure has no reason to visit this place. Moreover, my side knew well who the counterpart was. It was none other than themselves—Hyzens’s side had fervently requested that person from the empire to accompany them.

“Welcome. Karl Adelheit.”

“Thank you for the hospitality, Your Excellency.”

A young man, too young even by human standards, let alone elven standards.

Barely out of his twenties, a newcomer to society by anyone’s standards.

However, the two medals gleaming on his chest directly contradicted that perception.

The Imperial Medal of Honor. Those who receive them carve their names into the annals of imperial history with their courage and sacrifice.

Rumor has it that even the emperor would salute them first, and it seems it wasn’t an exaggeration. The fact that the Foreign Minister stands stiffly, treating him like a superior, is evidence of that.


At first glance, he seemed like just a friendly young man smiling. But I saw it. Even just looking at his gait, he was no ordinary person.

‘He carries himself remarkably well. Rumor had it he was a hero on the battlefield, and it seems to be true.’

I cleared my throat, feeling a bit of admiration. I knew why the higher-ups had called him.

“It seems that the one who assassinated the leader of the Luzernes is indeed this man, Karl Adelheit.”

“Officially, it’s to express gratitude for preventing two terrorist acts against the empire. Unofficially, it’s to show gratitude for conveniently dispatching someone who had insulted our kin.”

A remarkable young man. No wonder he has two medals of honor.

Thus, I extended my hand politely and requested a handshake first.

“Pleased to meet you, Karl Adelheit. I’m the ambassadorial chief, Manon Louisvere.”

“Oh, yes. Pleased to meet you too. I’m Karl Adelheit.”

Does this kind of occasion feel a bit burdensome? There’s also a slight feeling of awkwardness.

Even great war heroes can be like this. Truly human traits. Suddenly, he feels somewhat friendly. That’s what Manon thought as he glanced away for a moment.


Inside Karl’s chest, something gleaming with light is visible.

Upon seeing it, Manon quietly adds, ‘It feels familiar.’

Inside the chest of the Medal of Honor recipient, a formidable sword with a eerie aura resided.

* * *

Oh, shit. This is so fucking embarrassing. Do I really have to do this?

I’m ashamed. I feel like I could die of embarrassment. What will they say on the Hyzens side?

To be honest, I arrived near Lake Verdan even before the Hyzens delegation did. I was supposed to move with the Foreign Minister, but I came separately because of a meeting with my sister. But I moved a bit briskly and ended up arriving earlier than the appointed time.

So, I thought I’d greet the Hyzens delegation first. After all, they’re comrades, so it’s worth greeting them. But the Foreign Ministry side stopped me. They had to do something urgently, they said. I had no idea it would be this.

“You have to show it to the Hyzens side. Who you are. What kind of person you are in the empire! What a wicked thing Luzerne was willing to do to the empire, so that a Medal of Honor recipient could show such greatness and at the same time be treated like this!”

“Well… It’s not like Hyzens carried out the terrorist acts, right?”

“In diplomacy, what matters is the numbers you can tally up. It’s the same in war and diplomacy. If you can’t seize the initiative, you’ll be dragged along.”

I nodded in agreement with the Foreign Ministry’s dispatched personnel’s words. And the result was… well, receiving salutes from hundreds of imperial personnel.

‘I was put in a carriage as if I had just arrived, and everyone saluted as if I had just arrived, even adopting a stiff posture. I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.’

There’s a saying that when a Medal of Honor recipient appears, even the emperor salutes first.

The crown prince says it’s an implicit rule, but I didn’t really want to know firsthand. It’s like they’re advertising themselves, ‘I’m here,’ all over the place.

Anyway, after doing that embarrassing act, I finally got to exchange greetings with the Hyzens delegation leader.

“Pleased to meet you, Karl Adelheit. I’m the ambassadorial chief, Manon Louisvere.”

“Oh, yes. Pleased to meet you too. I’m Karl Adelheit.”

He seems like a friendly elf. No, should I say he looks good for an elf because he’s an elf?

Anyway, he seemed to get along with the Foreign Minister as if they were old friends. He seems like a quite sociable elf. So, I tried to shake hands as casually as possible and exchanged greetings.

…Honestly, I was a bit nervous. I’m still not used to this kind of occasion.

But then Manon, who had shaken hands with me, flinched, trembling, and subtly avoided my gaze.

Why is he suddenly like that? Ah, could it be because I’m a Medal of Honor recipient, he feels awkward around me? There’s no need for that. I’m not a bad person! I won’t hurt you!

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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