I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 168 - 168: 167, Advancing to the Finals in the Open Audition (10,000 words , please subscribe)

Chapter 168 - 168: 167, Advancing to the Finals in the Open Audition (10,000 words , please subscribe)

Translator: 549690339

The rules for the Open Audition finals: Preliminaries, Finals (to confirm the promotion list), and Arena Ranking Competition.

Preliminary Competition System: The preliminaries use a “knock-out” system. At the start of the competition, each contestant will start with 500 initial points. The victory or defeat of each game will result in points being added or deducted. Those with insufficient points will be eliminated. Once a certain number of contestants remain, the preliminaries are finished.

Note 1: Each defeat will get a minimum deduction of 1 point and a maximum deduction of 100 points.

Note 2: Each victory will get a maximum gain of 100 points and a minimum gain of 1 point.

Note 3: The number of points gained or lost is proportional to the duration of each game.

Note 4: The maximum time for each game is 10 minutes.

Note5.• If a 10-minute game ends without deciding a winner, it will be considered a draw, with each side losing 1 point.

Note 6: The minimum requirement for passing will be set 80 minutes after the start of the competition.

Note 7: Contestants with zero points will be instantly disqualified.

Note 8: All rights of interpretation of these rules belong to the Peak Genius Race organizing committee.

After reading these rules, Du Gang let out a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that they would implement a single elimination system. If he got unlucky and encountered a contestant with a quadruple domain at the start, he would be in trouble.

Fortunately, the preliminaries gave him 500 initial points, which meant that even if he were to be killed in seconds, he could still hold on for five rounds before being eliminated.

Besides, tor each 10-minute game, dragging it out tor an extra minute means ten points less deducted.

In other words, every 6 seconds adds one point. The winner gains an additional point, while the loser loses an additional one.

“This rule is very favorable to me. I can quickly eradicate some of the weaker contestants and amass point for myself. If I encounter someone stronger, I can drag the match out till the 10-minute mark and minimize point loss!”

As Du Gang breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt slightly gratified. With his speed, encountering a participant with a second-order domain or less would be nothing short of free points.

If he encountered wind or wood element users among the third -order domain contestants, he could still win. As for stronger opponents, he would try to stretch the match out as long as possible!

Having figured out the strategy for the first set of rules, Du Gang quickly turned his attention to the second set of rules.

Finals rules: The semi-final uses a “set score” system. The points from the preliminaries will be carried over. Contestants will be randomly sorted into groups of ten. They will face off in pairs, and at the end of the match, the contestant with the highest score advances to the next round. The player with the lowest score is eliminated. The remaining members of the group continue to compete until there are no contestants left in the group. They will proceed to the next round and continue until only 100 contestants remain.

Note 1: Ten people per group, so each round will eliminate half of the contestants.

Note 2: Matches are set for 10 minutes. In the event of a draw, promotion or elimination is determined based on the contestants’ accumulated points. Note 3: Groups that finish their rounds first will have to wait until all groups are done before the next round can commence.

“These rules….’

After pondering for two seconds, Du Gang said, “If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m billions of light years away from the Milky Way Galaxy, I’d even think that I had relatives on the organizing committee!”

These rules are exceedingly in his favor!

This means, after he snatches some points during the preliminaries, he can carry them over to the finals. As long as he can maintain a tie, he won’t get disqualified, no matter how strong his opponents are.

Of course, prerequisite is that he secures enough points in the preliminaries!

As for the Arena Ranking Competition, Du Gang didn’t bother checking. That’s something to consider after advancing, and it probably won’t be much different from the Open Audition’s Arena Competition.

“The competition starts tomorrow. I will cultivate quietly today, restore my energy, and fight again tomorrow!”

Upon seeing these rules, Du Gang was instantly relieved. As long as he maintains his composure, there’s a high chance he’ll advance!

“By the way, when will this Light Computer allow me to transform during the matches?”

Du Gang felt a bit regretful. Relying solely on his human form, it would be tough to achieve an impressive result in this Cosmic Peak Talents Competition. But if he could transform, then things might be different.

His strength once he transformed was worlds different from before.

It might not be obvious when he was weak, but once he transformed, that endless power combined with the Sky-breaking strike and the Ancient Divine Spear that could shatter any defense, he would be a domain slayer!

No matter how strong your domain is, it couldn’t withstand the Ancient Divine Spear!

Unfortunately, it was impossible for him to transform in the Virtual Universe while he was in the White Dragon Mountain. He had tried before in the Killing Field.

The day before the competition, Du Gang spent it calmly cultivating.

Time finally came to the next day, the day the competition starts.

In the meantime, a squadron of twelve Cosmic Level guards arrived at Du Gang’s manor.

“We are ordered to come and protect the disciple from the company during the competition…”

After receiving the authorization documents from the captain of the guard team, confirming that they were indeed there to protect him, Du Gang let them guard the outskirts of his manor.

Assigning twelve Cosmic Level guards to protect one contestant seemed extravagant, but in reality, it didn’t require too many staff.

For instance, for Du Gang’s team, out of ten thousand galaxies, only ten thousand contestants advanced in total. Of these, a quarter belonged to the Virtual Universe Company, meaning only thirty thousand Cosmic Level guards were needed.

Aside from these ten thousand contestants, the majority of the remaining ones were locals from White Dragon Mountain.

In addition, half a month ago, due to time constraints and the generally high strength level of contestants from the White Dragon Mountain, the organizing committee made a last-minute decision to increase the number of spots for the locals from White Dragon Mountain.

Initially, only ten thousand spots were left for locals of White Dragon Mountain. In the end, it was found to be insufficient.

By the midway point of the competition, contestants from White Dragon Mountain with a fourth-level domain exceeded 1500; those with a third-level domain reached fifty thousand, and those with the second-level domain exceeded one million.

The strikingly higher strength level compared to the divisions was what eventually led the organizing committee to urgently increase the number of spots for local contestants from White Dragon Mountain from ten thousand to one hundred thousand.

This means that the total number of contestants participating in the final open audition has reached 110,000.

Naturally, people from the affiliated galaxies are somewhat dissatisfied with such a decision, but the decisions of the organizing committee are not influenced by any individual.

Indeed, considering that the average competitors from the ten thousand affiliated galaxies are typically in the second or even the first domain.

If White Dragon Mountain only had ten thousand qualifying spots, these would all be for competitors from the third domain, which seems a bit unfair.

[All competitors please enter the virtual universe within half an hour, failure to do so will result in automatic resignation from the competition!]

As soon as the prompt arrived, Du Gang logged into the virtual universe directly from his estate.

Just like before, the moment he entered, he was transported into an independent space.

In this space was a floating island where all the competitors waited. Similarly, during the wait, nobody possessed any strength.

“Swipe, swipe, swipe!”

The large number in the sky kept refreshing, the count kept rising.

In just three minutes, the number of people waiting on the island reached over 90,000.

Basically, most people had come early.

On the island, many locals who recognized each other began to chat in small groups.

But for contenders from the affiliated galaxies like Du Gang, most stood alone, as nearly every competitor came from a different galaxy, and naturally, they were not acquainted.

Even for the Milky Way Galaxy, which had two contestants, Du Gang and

Zhang Bo, unfortunately, the two had fallen out and would naturally not chat

In the virtual universe, the entire White Dragon Mountain was packed with people. The wealthy chose private rooms, while those who did not want to spend money stood on the streets, opened the competition interface, and waited to watch the match.

“What do you think, how many of these guys from the affiliated galaxies can make it to the finals?”

“A few? I think, none of them will make it!”

“None might be too exaggerated! Zhao Biao and that Zuo Qiu are both in the fourth domain, they should be able to make it!”

“Yeah, over here, we only have a total of over 1,500 competitors from the fourth domain, and these two should be able to get in!”

“As for the others, it’s impossible; most of the remaining are from the third domain, they stand no chance…”

“Ha, ha, ha! I’m guessing those contenders from the affiliated galaxies are probably shocked, holding onto the hope of achieving a good ranking, each of them was the champion in their respective galaxies, but when they got here, they realized they were the weakest links!”

At this moment, the locals from the White Dragon Mountain were all incredibly smug.

And the audience from the various galaxies fell silent.

At first, they thought that their representatives from their galaxies, even in the universe, were supremely talented and could bring glory to their galaxies.

However, after witnessing the situation of the competitors from White Dragon Mountain, they fell into despair.

The top contenders from their galaxies, the only ones from the second domain, barely made it to the top fifty thousand in White Dragon Mountain; they became merely a few in a sea of many.

And in the finals of the open audition, only a hundred contenders will advance, let alone those from the second domain, even Zhao Biao and Zuo Qiu would find it difficult to advance.

After all, they were competing against the descendants of the grand families of White Dragon Mountain, these families have been accumulating them for thousands of years, the total reaches over 1,500.

“Sigh, there’s nothing we can do. The gap is too big. We just hope someone from our ten thousand galaxies can make it to the finals!”

Most viewers from the affiliated galaxies have already given up any high hopes.

And so, under the watchful eyes of tens of trillions of people from White Dragon Mountain, an elementary Cosmic country, and ten thousand affiliated galaxies, the competition finally began.

[The preliminaries have officially begun. Each competitor will receive an initial score of 500 points….]

With the official start of the competition, the 110,000 contestants on the waiting island disappeared all at once. They were split into pairs and appeared in different battlefields.


The moment Du Gang entered the small battlefield and felt his strength returning, he performed his Third Transformation and rushed towards his enemy.


He was fortunate that his first opponent was just a competitor from the second domain, he easily won the match.

[Match over, battle duration: 0.0001 seconds, congratulations on your win and the 100 points]

[The second round will start in ten minutes, please patiently wait!]

Each round doesn’t begin immediately after previous one ends; everyone has to wait until all the matches in a round have concluded.

Otherwise, the first to finish would undoubtedly be the strongest. If they were to be paired immediately, they would end up facing each other too early, which would violate the basic rules the organizing committee set for selecting talents.

A ten-minute countdown appeared in the sky. Apart from it, there was a live score ranking.

[First place, Du Gang, Points: 600.]

Just like in the open auditions, Du Gang took the victory with his speed and scored the first points, placing him in first place.

Close behind him was a quadruple Wind Element Domain master, only 0.1 seconds behind Du Gang.

Only now did Du Gang have the time to assess his battlefield.

The battlefield spanning about 100 square kilometers, with the contestants starting off about five kilometers apart from each other.

“The size of this space is just perfect!”

There was a faint smile on Du Gang’s face. The battle’s locale was of the same size as the Killing Field he was so accustomed to!

As for his ranking in the sky, he didn’t care at all. He was only temporarily leading; eventually, he would fall back behind.

Virtual Universe.

Although Du Gang didn’t care about his ranking, the internet was going wild.

“Who is this Du Gang?”

Most people native to the White Dragon Mountain hadn’t seen the matches between the affiliated galaxies and didn’t know who Du Gang was.

However, everyone from each of the one million affiliated galaxies couldn’t be more familiar with the name Du Gang.

“Du Gang, originated from the Milky Way, an affiliated galaxy. Age: 119, Level: Stellar Level Rank One, Strength: Dual Domain, advanced as the top competitor in the preliminary rounds of the Milky Way, advanced as the 79th in the open auditions of the one million galaxies…”

The moment the information hit the scene, the White Dragon Mountain immediately buzzed with excitement.

“Was our first blood, the first to triumph in the competition, really taken by some countryside hick from an affiliated galaxy?

“What the hell were all those princes doing?”

The term ‘first blood’ refers to the first person who eliminates their opponent in the first match.

In the first round of matches, there is a ten-minute waiting period, and rankings are determined by the order of your kills. This means Du Gang’s first-place ranking will be up for display for a full ten minutes.

All the inhabitants of White Dragon Mountain were both furious and curious. They started to search frantically for information about Du Gang.

In the competition, the fighters who end the battle within 6 seconds of the first round scored 100 points, totaling in thousands of such fighters.

However, there were fewer than 2000 competitors who won in the first second.

Among these prompt winners, whoever claimed the first spot definitely had impressive speed and strength!

At this moment, everyone from the White Dragon Mountain, from princes to the Kirin Children, were stunned.

“Who is this Du Gang?”

“Where did this quadruple Wind Element Domain fighter come from all of a sudden?”

Most people who didn’t know Du Gang assumed he was a hidden quadruple Domain fighter, and didn’t pay much attention.

However, those who had been following the open auditions of the affiliated galaxy were completely shocked.

Because they knew that Du Gang only had the strength of a Dual Domain.

Not just them, but even Zhao Biao, Zuo Qiu and others stopped at their respective winning stages were also stunned.

“Could it be someone with the same name?”

“Impossible, if there was someone with the same name, there would be a surname suffix indicating their place of origin… ”

“With no surname suffix, this implies that among the 110,000 competitors, only one is named Du Gang!”

At this moment, those who had lost their matches and returned to the waiting field were completely shocked.

Looking at the name of the first-place winner in the sky, Zhang Bo felt like he was dreaming.

“How is that possible?”

It’s understandable for Du Gang to rank first and draw first blood in the open auditions, since they are all countryside fighters and somebody has to rise to the top.

But this place was filled with talented geniuses, powerful fighters, princes, and

Kirin Children dominating the White Dragon Mountain. How on earth did Du Gang manage to draw first blood?

Virtual Universe, Open Audition Finals in the White Dragon Mountain. Official ranking.

[First: Du Gang, Score: 600 points.]

[Second: Chen Feng, Score: 600 points.]

[Third: Xiong Cang, Score: 600 points.]

The discussions about the rankings were heated and passionate.

“Relax, this Du Gang only got first blood. He’ll fall in the next round!”

“That’s right, Chen Feng is a prince from the Chen family and a quadruple Wind Element Domain master. He didn’t take it seriously in the first round. Come the second, he’ll surely reclaim the first place!”

“Not just Chen Feng, Xiong Cang is the only quadruple domain master to train high-level domains in the 4th round. With a domain range of one kilometer, he only has to run four kilometers to instantly kill an opponent. I believe Xiong

Cang may secure the following first place!”

No one thought Du Gang would hold onto the first place.

After all, he was only a rank two domain user, and most importantly, he came from an affiliated star system.

“Counting down from ten seconds, everyone, the leaderboard will refresh shortly. That Du Gang is about to disappear!”

Just as the audience of White Dragon Mountain was staring at the leaderboard with a certain sense of anticipation.

The tenth minute finally passed, and the second match began.

“Swoosh swoosh!”

The leaderboard updated.

[First place, Du Gang, Score: 700 points] [Second place, Chen Feng, Score: 700 points]

[Third place, Xiong Cang, Score: 700 points]

“What the hell!”

The audience at White Dragon Mountain was completely shocked!

Then came the great anger.

‘What the hell are Chen Feng and this Xiong Cang doing?

“Exactly, one is the imperial son from the Chen family, and the other is the imperial son from the Xiong family. And they actually let a rank two domain user from an affiliated star system take the first place?”

“What’s going on?”

“Are they messing around? It was bad enough to lose the first blood, and now they’ve let someone else get a double kill!”

The audience of White Dragon Mountain was greatly unsatisfied. It was not that they objected to the name Du Gang per se, but they objected to the affiliated star system status that Du Gang represented.

After all, in all these years, every round of competition was basically a one-man show between the imperial sons and the Kirin Children from the various families of White Dragon Mountain.

The rankings from ten thousand affiliated star systems were simply ceremonial, just for the sake of appearance.

Who would have thought that this year, this round, there would be such a

drastic change.

The first kill is gone!

The second kill is also gone!

“This is outrageous! How can we let a guy from an affiliated star system kill two of our contestants from White Dragon Mountain? Unforgivable!”

In fact, not only the audience of White Dragon Mountain was shocked.

At this moment, all the imperial sons and Kirin Children who were still on the battlefield due to their victories were all furious.

“Who the hell is this Du Gang?”

“There’s not a Du among the top families, including those big families!”

After two matches, those who were slow to react also recognized this problem and understood that Du Gang was neither an imperial son nor a Kirin Child.

“Such a slap in the face!”

“As an imperial son secretly cultivated by a top family for four thousand years, he got downgraded twice in a row by a guy who is not an imperial son or a Kirin Child!”

Chen Feng was very annoyed at this moment. He was very happy when he first saw the rules of the open audition finals.

This was his first chance to make a name for himself!

Because the rules of the game gave an advantage to contestants like him who had both skills and speed.

This meant that in the first two rounds of the competition, or to put it another way, before the ranking matches, he would always be the first, far ahead of everyone else.

But as it turned out, he wasn’t!

He was overtaken by a non-imperial, non-Kirin named Du Gang!

“No, I must take first place in the next match!”

Chen Feng secretly decided that when the third match started, he would go all out, directly using secret methods to boost his speed and compete for that last

0.01 second.

He didn’t believe that Du Gang could still take the first place after he went all out!

Thus, amid all the discussions and intense debates of the entire White Dragon Mountain, the second ten minutes ended.

The third match began!

“Swoosh swoosh!”

The leaderboard updated again, and this time, to everyone’s disappointment, the column of names remained the same. The only change was in the scores that followed.

[First place, Du Gang, Score: 800 points] [Second place, Chen Feng, Score: 800 points]

[Third place, Xiong Cang, Score: 800 points]

A rare silence of three seconds appeared on the internet.

They were silent for three seconds in solidarity with Chen Feng, Xiong Cang and other imperial sons.

For them, this was just a spectacle, but the ones actually suffering were likely the royal children themselves.

Inside the battlefield.

Chen Feng was on the verge of vomiting blood. He had even used a secret technique in advance, but to no avail. He was still in second place!

“What method does Du Gang possess that even my secret technique couldn’t catch up to him?!”

He was completely dumbfounded now!

Did this hint that Du Gang had the top speed among all the contestants?

In another victory quadrant, a competitor also amassed 300 points.

It was Fu Wenrui, who was looking at Du Gang’s name at the moment, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“This guy has certainly shown his face!”

He knew who this Du Gang was. It was the same Du Gang he had encountered in the Killing Fields, who even then possessed this kind of speed.

Apart from this, inside another victory quadrant, Bai Xiaosheng was mournfully stomping his feet.

“Damn! Had I known the rules beforehand and that Du Gang would be the first,

I would have demanded more money!”

“I’m at a loss!”

Bai Xiaosheng had sold quite some intelligence on Du Gang. Although he had recovered his cost, he felt like he had lost quite a bit!

“No, I must quickly sell more information on Du Gang once the Preliminaries are over…”

In the virtual universe, after a silence of three seconds, all the spectators started to get excited again.

“Cough cough, I take back my previous words; this Du Gang is damn amazing-

“I also take back my sh*t-eating words. It was actually my friend who said it. I will ask him if he still wants some fresh ones…

A win in one or two rounds could be chalked up to luck, but if he maintained this streak for three rounds, it was a display of strength! “So he just got a triple kill, huh?”

Someone mocked, “Let’s see him pull off a pentakill!”

“That’s right! Du Gang is merely a Rank Two Domain power. Although he can instantly kill others at the same rank with his speed, he will certainly fail once he meets a Rank Three, or even a Rank Four Domain powerhouse!”

“That’s right, the first three rounds were just good luck for him, but the fourth one may not be!”

“Did you know, out of our hundred thousand contestants from White Dragon Mountain, there are more than fifty thousand Rank Three Domain warriors.

The chance that Du Gang will encounter a Rank Three Domain Warrior is 50%!” “Correct, for the first three rounds, he got lucky by hitting a 12.5% probability!”

An analyzer commented, “But the fourth game is different. His total probability of matching with a Rank Two Domain Warrior is 6.25%!”

“The probability of matching with a Rank Three Domain Warrior is 51%!” And so, the results for the fourth round were announced amidst the crowd’s banter.

“Swipe, Swipe!”

The leaderboard refreshed.

[First Place: Du Gang, Total Points: 900 points] [Second Place: Chen Feng, Total Points: 900 points] [Third Place: Xiong Cang, Total Points: 900 points]

The internet fell into a three-second silence once again.

“Where are the data guys? Didn’t they predict that the probability of matching with a Rank Two Domain Warrior for four consecutive rounds was only


“Damn, with such a low probability, Du Gang still managed to hit it. Is this guy the illegitimate son of God?”

Of course, some people calmly replied, “6.25% is nothing. Given the size of the participant base, it’s actually pretty normal!”

The data guys didn’t lose heart and continued, “Don’t worry, in the fifth round, Du Gang’s total probability of matching with a Rank Two Domain Warrior is only 3.125%!”

“I can’t believe that he will encounter a Rank Two Domain power in the fifth round!”

So the fifth round began amidst everyone’s tension and anticipation.

“Swipe, Swipe!”

The leaderboard updates.

[First place, Du Gang, Score: 1000 points] [Second place, Chen Feng, Score: 1000 points] [Third place, Xiong Cang, Score: 1000 points]


“This Du Gang really is a lucky guy!”

“Yeah, he managed to get that 3.125% probability!”

“Please, let Du Gang encounter a quad-domain opponent, or at least a tri-domain one. Someone needs to knock him down a peg!”

Inside the competition venue, all the contestants had become numb to Du Gang’s constant first place ranking.

They have accepted in their hearts that Du Gang is the fastest among the 110,000 competitors in this competition!

Although many did not recognize him at first, they certainly did now!

In the competition field, Du Gang, seeing the 1000 points above his head, let out a slight sigh of relief. He was lucky, encountering five two-domain opponents.

So he easily scored a thousand points.

“It won’t be this easy next time, will it?!”

Du Gang knew that the first five rounds were different, because each person starts with 500 points. As a result, weak players must lose five times and be quickly defeated to be eliminated. But with the opening of the sixth round, if these people are eliminated again, they will genuinely be out. As the rounds go on, there will be fewer and fewer weak players, and his chances of encountering stronger opponents will increase.

Virtual Universe, White Dragon Mountain Island.

The Data Party came out again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the sixth round is different from the fifth. In the sixth round, those who have been instantly defeated will gradually start to be eliminated!”

“What does this mean? It means that the probability of Du Gang encountering a strong opponent increases and the probability of encountering a weak one decreases!”

“In the sixth round of the match, the probability of Du Gang encountering a two-domain opponent is 1.5625%, which is quite low. However, given his damn luck, he might still win…”

“So, let’s pin our hopes on the seventh and eighth rounds!”

“I’ve looked it over, and there are over 3,000 competitors currently with 1000 points. This means that at a minimum, there are over 3,000 competitors with zero points. If these people lose the sixth round, they’ll be eliminated!”

“Given their continuous defeats in the first five rounds, these people are weak, and there’s a high chance they’ll be directly eliminated in the sixth round!”

“And the seventh round is different. Once the weakest batch is eliminated after the sixth round, the seventh round will eliminate those who still have points despite losing five matches in a row. These people actually make up the majority…”

“What does that mean? It means that some people have lost five matches in a row, but because they’ve drawn out the matches long enough, exceeding two minutes at least, they don’t lose as many points, with an average of fewer than 80 points deducted per match. This means that even if they lose the sixth match, they will still be in the competition, but the seventh match will be their large-scale elimination round!”

“According to the current numbers of competitors scoring between 1000 and 900 points, there are over 30,000 of the people I just mentioned…”

“This doesn’t necessarily mean that these people will be eliminated in the seventh round, because they might still have a chance to win, especially if they encounter even weaker opponents…”

“Based on my calculations, the number of contestants who may be eliminated in the seventh round varies between an upper limit of 35,278 and a lower limit of 2,154…”

“So, based on the above data, we can determine the median, average, modulus…’

“Ultimately, the total probability of Du Gang encountering a two-domain opponent in the seventh round is calculated as 0.935475%…”

“Brothers, not only that, but according to the above data calculation, in the eighth round, the total probability of Du Gang encountering a two-domain opponent is 0.0457328%…”

After the Data Party threw out this string of data.

White Dragon Mountain Island experienced a nearly ten-second vacuum of silence.

“I did a rough calculation, and I collapsed on the third step…” “I’m better than you, I collapsed at the fourth step…” “Impressive but incomprehensible. Respect, big guy!”

Everyone was shocked by this brainiac’s calculations!

This is akin to a group of people admiring a scenic view and amidst all the

‘damns’ and ‘awesomes’, someone suddenly uses a poem to describe the view. It’s very jarring, making the crowd of ‘damns’ and ‘awesomes’ seem uncultured…

At this point, someone with the same brainiac temperament coldly said.

“Calculated a bunch of rubbish!”

“You statisticians, you guys decide all of these data!”

“Yes, what’s so-called total probability is correct when viewed in total. But in a single match, it’s only a 50% probability!”

“Because there are as many two-domain competitors as there are one-domain competitors in the field. So, the probability of Du Gang encountering a two-domain competitor in a single match is 50%!”

The audience on White Dragon Mountain Island fell silent again.

They felt their IQ being ground into the dirt.

A probability of 0.01%, a probability of 50%…

“So, when will Du Gang finally drop from the first place?!”

That’s what all the audience wanted to know, when would this Du Ganz fall off the top of the rankings?


The top students stepped forward and explained, “According to the metaphysics of Du Gang’s luck, as long as those in the second domain are not completely eliminated, he has a chance to maintain the first place on the list!”

“Of course, this probability will decrease as the number of second domain participants decreases over time.”

“The final probability value is: 0.00018568722…”

“Damn it!”

“Again? Can you speak in a way that everyone can understand?!”

The audience was fed up, realizing these brainiacs, like the previous data party, were throwing out scary figures like 0.1%, getting everyone flustered.

One of the top students stepped forward and said, “To put it simply, that is when all other second-domain participants are eliminated, leaving only Du Gang and all third-domain and fourth-domain participants…”

“The total number of third -domain and fourth-domain participants, excluding Du Gang, is 53881. So, based on this, we have the aforementioned data…”

Once again, the audience fell silent.

They didn’t want to do the calculations anymore.

“Screw the calculations, I just want to see when this Du Gang will be eliminated, and you guys are talking about metaphysics…”

And so, amid the discussions of the crowd, the sixth and seventh rounds of the competition came to an end.


The leaderboard was updated. “First place, Du Gang, Score: 1200”

“Second place, Chen Feng, Score: 1200”

“Third place, Xiong Cang, Score: 1200”

Du Gang was lucky enough to encounter two second-domain participants again!

“Did this kid use up all the luck in his life?”

“Yeah, it’s absolutely unbelievable!”

On the competition field.

As a top student, Du Gang naturally had the probability of consistently encountering second -domain participants calculated.

He was somewhat surprised at this moment.

“Is my luck really that good? I have been constantly matched with second -domain participants! ”

“Knockout round: For the eighth round of the competition, the elimination score will be increased. All participants with scores lower than 20 will be eliminated…”

The rules for the knockout stages are as such, the elimination scores will continuously increase as the competition progresses.

Because if it stays at zero, there would be instances of reduced or no deductions. In the end, if everyone’s strength is similar and deductions are too minimal, no one might be eliminated in each round.

Of course, this is an extreme probability, but the organizers won’t allow such a scenario to occur. Hence, they have increased the minimum elimination score at the beginning of the eighth round.

Finally, after about five hours, and 30 rounds of the competition, the leaderboard looked like this.

“First place, Du Gang, Score: 3500”

“Second place, Chen Feng, Score: 3500”

“Third place, Xiong Cang, Score: 3500”

The top three remained stable, indicating they have not encountered any particularly strong opponents and managed to maintain their speed, finishing off enemies within a mere few milliseconds.

The elimination score for the knockout stage had also been increased to 660.

This meant that those with less than nineteen victories would be eliminated.

Furthermore, these people with more than nineteen victories had to maintain an average victory time of 4 minutes 33-33 seconds per round, otherwise they would still be eliminated.

After such a long time, most of the second-domain participants had been eliminated.

Only a few lucky ones remained, the ones who had been matched, like Du Gang, with second-domain participants each time.

However, the situation changed after the start of the thirty-first round.

Because by this round of competition, all second-domain participants had been eliminated, leaving only Du Gang.

Even Du Gang faced a third-domain Wind Element power user in the thirtieth round!

The strong Wind Element user, upon seeing Du Gang’s name, was extremely thrilled!

After all, being able to end the winning streak of Du Gang, who is currently ranked first, is a great achievement!

However, the outcome was beyond his expectations. Suddenly, Du Gang left the battlefield and appeared in the waiting area…

In the outside world, many sharp observers had noticed from the personnel and point changes that Du Gang’s thirtieth match was against a third-domain opponent. But the final result was – Du Gang’s points still remained at the top, meaning that he, as a double-domain user, had defeated a triple-domain user!


At this moment, Yan Xiong couldn’t stop exclaiming as he checked the rankings.

“Luckily, I made the smart move to establish a brotherly connection with Du Gang…”

Looking at the titles like “Favored by Fate”, “The Man Kissed by the Goddess of Fate”, “The Son of Destiny” given to Du Gang on the network, Yan Xiong couldn’t help but shake his head.


Situations like this can’t purely be a result of matchmaking; there must be some manipulation by the organizing committee.

“That means… the organizing committee has taken notice of Du Gang!”

He was astounded and incredulous. It should be noted that the committee was made up of Eternal Level powerhouses from the center of the universe, and even his teacher was not qualified to serve on it. And yet such an Eternal Level powerhouse was paying attention to Du Gang among a trillion participating regions?

One must know that there are a trillion regions in the universe, like White Dragon Mountain, holding elementary cosmic national competitions!

“Does… Du Gang have some identity that I am not aware of?”

Thinking about this, he quickly summoned Fan An, ready to thoroughly ask if Du Gang had any other identities.

When the thirty-first round of matches began, the leaderboard finally changed.

Du Gang, who had held the first place for five hours, suddenly disappeared from the top ranks. He was pushed from the first place to more than 1,600th place, and his points dropped from 3600 to 3599.

This indicated that he ended up drawing a match with a powerful opponent!

“Finally, Du Gang’s ranking has dropped!”

On the internet, everyone from White Dragon Mountain Island breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s too hard. This guy really is the son of destiny. Unless other double-domain users all die out, he won’t encounter a triple-domain user…”

“At least he didn’t completely defy all reason and still kneels before triple-domain users!”

Nevertheless, what was dumbfounding was that even when Du Gang faced a triple-domain user, he could still persist until the end of the match.

Meanwhile, his points remained significantly higher than those of triple-domain users!

Out of thirty rounds, almost everyone had met triple or even quadruple-domain users – except for Du Gang.

That created an unthinkable situation.

After the fortieth round, Du Gang’s ranking was still in the 1000s.

Points: 3590. This suggested that he had tied the last ten matches, losing one point per match as penalty.

Eventually, when the match reached the 55th round, the contest was over!

At this time, people’s attention towards the first place was low, as most people were focusing on Du Gang.

[1599th place, Du Gang, Points: 3688]

Yes, Du Gang’s points increased instead of decreasing. That’s because in the following matches, he encountered some triple-domain wood and wind users and won the matches!

At the end of the preliminaries, something unexpected happened.

Of the 10,000 contestants who advanced to the finals, 1,598 of them were quadruple-domain users; in 1,599th place was a double-domain user; and the rest, a total of 8,400, were all triple-domain users!

You should know that there are as many as 55,000 triple-domain users in the whole White Dragon Mountain universe. Du Gang made it to the finals!

Aside from these locals, two quadruple-domain users from the 10,000 star systems, Zhao Biao and Zuo Qiu, made it to the finals, ranking 1,597 and 1,598 respectively.

Meanwhile, the remaining hundred or so triple-domain users were all eliminated.

In comparison to triple-domain users from White Dragon Mountain, those from the affiliate star systems were far too weak!

That being said, only three contestants out of one million from ten thousand affiliate star systems advanced to the finals!

These three contestants were Zhao Biao, Zuo Qiu, and Du Gang with intriguing ranks of 1,597, 1,598, 1,599, respectively.

After the preliminaries, the ten thousand players advancing to the finals were given a three-day break.

This break wasn’t because the organizing committee thought they were tired, but because some of the other matches in the quadrillion equal-level regions would take three days to finish!

In order to synchronize, they gave these early finishers a break ahead of time.

This meant that other regions of the same level had a greater number of strong players, hence, needing more time to finish their matches!

In the White Dragon Mountain region, the preliminaries consisted of 55 rounds, and each round took ten minutes, thus concluding the matches in 550 minutes.

In total, the matches lasted no more than nine hours, yet other regions of the same level require three days. This indicated that the number of participants in these other regions was more than eight times that of White Dragon Mountain!

More strong participants naturally mean even stronger contestants, implying that the matches in the future will be even more intense!

ps: Today I’m attempting a three-hour sleep experiment again. I woke up at three in the morning to start writing, but the speed was not fast as there were heaDs of data to calculate. A lot of data. although I didn’t mention them. were really calculated and recorded. As a result, it took me a total of nine hours (matching the time Du Gang participated in the competition) to write more than 11,000 words.

ps: Word limit controlled, the cost of this PS is not included..

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