I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 148 - 148: 147: Greatly Increased Strength!

Chapter 148 - 148: 147: Greatly Increased Strength!

Translator: 549690339

Du Gang was thinking too dramatically, Hong Chong’s “backup plan” didn’t cause much commotion.

Hong Chong basically contacted all the planet-level individuals he knew, roughly a dozen. This included stellar-level powerhouses from the most recent three or four kingdoms.

At first, these individuals were somewhat moved. However, upon closer investigation, they found that three planet-level powerhouses vanished. Including Hong Chong, Zilan Norton, and

Including Hong Chong, Zilan Norton, and Immortal Turtle Zhang Qiang all vanished. Based on their remaining Soul Lamps, they were all dead.

And the time of their deaths? Nearly simultaneous.

This fact made many planet-level individuals reconsider their involvement.

While planet-level powerhouses should have the capability to be brave and bold, they also need to understand when a situation is dangerous.

Right on the spot, four or five planet-level individuals left immediately, returning to their respective star domains and distancing themselves from the entire affair.

For them, this situation presented both opportunity and danger.

According to Hong Chong, the bounty placed by the Ancient God was enough to buy several kingdoms.

Indeed, the value was staggering, but there were many problems.

First, the target Ancient God was not weak, and a reckless attack could result in loss or even death.

Second, the problem of transporting the captured Ancient God.

They were in the Eighth Star District. To reach the Milky Way Empire, or more specifically, to reach the Third Star District with direct contact to the Milky Way Empire, it would mean traveling a distance of at least 70,000 to 80,000 light-years. There were countless kingdoms between them.

In the same way, it meant that there were countless stellar-level powerhouses in between.

These powerhouses were much stronger than those in the Eighth Star District.

Would it be easy to pass through their star domains with a valuable Ancient God?

If the secret of the Ancient God was known only to them, they might be able to scheme. But Hong Chong had clearly conveyed it to many people, so leaks were inevitable.

Thus, they would surely encounter robbers from the front star district on their journey.

And this was just the second problem. Even if these two problems were solved and they successfully reached the Milky Way Empire, then what?

They didn’t know whether the Empire would reward them or not because they’d never been there before.

Would they not only miss the reward but also get killed? No one knew!

Moreover, even if they received the reward, wouldn’t it tell everyone that they carried resources equivalent to four or five kingdoms with them?

Wouldn’t they be deemed fattened sheep? Could they make it back after going there?

For this reason, many smarter, more self-aware people found this quagmire too deep. Thus, they chose to delete all the messages, return to their respective star domains, and play ignorant.

Others recognized they could not handle this Ancient God and decided to sell the information. They bundled everything about the Ancient God together and sold it to those in the nearby Seventh Star District, making a bit of money on the side.

These individuals were more rational. However, five planet-level individuals were unwilling to give up this opportunity just yet. They decided to form an alliance and set up an ambush in the Purple Orchid Star Domain.

“The five of us… isn’t that too few?”

“Yeah, that Ancient God seems to be very powerful. Hong Chong and the others’ soul lamps were extinguished almost at the same time…”

The five planet-level individuals were discussing strategies in a desolate space.

“Should we ask stellar-level guys to join us?”

Among the five, there was one who had a particularly high reputation, named Yang Jing. As a seventh-rank planet level powerhouse, he was the strongest among the five.

Two factions emerged among the rest, one wanting stellar-level to join, and the other one being against the idea.

“If we bring stellar-level individuals in, wouldn’t we be risking being betrayed, even if we succeed?”

Another person against inviting stellar-level powerhouses scoffed, “Exactly! The five of us combined aren’t even enough to cover a stellar-level powerhouse, are we seeking death?”

The ones in favor of inviting stellar-level powerhouses argued, “If we don’t invite them, can the five of us defeat the Ancient God?”

“What if that guy’s strength is too overwhelming and wipes all five of us out?

That would truly be a joke!”

“Yang Jing, what do you think?”

With both sides holding firm, neither could convince the other. The decision lay in the one who hadn’t shared his opinion – Yang Jing.

Yang Jing had made up his mind, he didn’t want to invite stellar-level powerhouses.

Among the five of them, he was the strongest, giving him something akin to a leadership position.

If a stellar-level powerhouse joined, ignoring whether they would betray or not, just the very presence of them would be enough to make Yang Jing uncomfortable.

“If we carefully investigate Hong Chong’s trajectory, we can get some hints…”

Yang Jing didn’t rush to share his stance but first began to discuss Hong Chong’s situation from a different angle.

“Look, this Hong Chong had a fight with the Ancient God around a year ago…”

“He and his allies lost. The cost was that Hong Chong got injured and the Motley Spirit Parrish was destroyed…”

“Then, one year later when Hong Chong’s injuries healed, what did he do?”

“He didn’t flee but schemed again and contacted two other planet-level individuals…”

“Look, one is Zilan Norton, the weakest among planet-level powerhouses, and the other is Immortal Turtle Zhang Qiang!”

“Immortal Turtle Zhang Qiang, his strength isn’t spectacular, but his specialty is defense. Why did Hong Chong choose him?”

Yang Jing guessed, “I think, in Hong Chong’s mind, the Ancient God is not that strong. But he has some powerful offensive trump card. So, he chose Zhang Qiang, whose defensive power is strong…”

“So, one crucial reason that he chose these two is to use them as meat shields…”

Yang Jing laughed, “Although we haven’t seen the Ancient God and don’t know his exact powers, Hong Chong has seen them!”

“Hong Chong knows the Ancient God very well. He’s been plotting for a hundred years…”

“What’s the only thing that Hong Chong misjudged? That Ancient God has more trump cards than he had anticipated!”

“Clearly, the trump card used by the Ancient God to attack Hong Chong a year ago is different from the one used to kill the three of them a year later!”

At this point, one person who agreed with inviting the stellar-level powerhouses voiced his concern, “If the Ancient God possesses a trump card powerful enough to wipe out Hong Chong and others, won’t we be unable to stop it…”

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Jing laughed, “Then you are overrating

Hong Chong and others!”

“Hong Chong, a rank one planet-level guy, the other two are even weaker than him. The Zilan family’s planet-level powerhouse relied on secret methods to elevate to planet level, at best he is half a planet-level. Immortal Turtle is about the same, he is just slightly stronger in defensive power than a rank one planet-level…”

Upon hearing this, the two who were in favor of inviting stellar-level powers were a bit embarrassed, as they too had relied on some secret methods to forcefully break through to planet level, their potential limited.

Yang Jing continued, “In my opinion, the trump card possessed by that Ancient God, at most, has the power of a fourth rank planet level!”

“Among us, I am a seventh rank planet-level, they are second rank and third rank, and you two, although you’re a bit weaker, but with me at the forefront, what is there to fear?!”

Seeing the hesitation from the two, Yang Jing sneered, “Let me put it this way, do you think you can handle Qian Yi all by yourselves?!”

Qian Yi was a Planet Level Third Rank powerhouse. Upon hearing this, he quickly unleashed his might, projecting his intent towards the pair.

Feeling the intensity of this force, the two opened and closed their mouths, shaking their heads, “Ah, he probably can!”

This wasn’t them bluffing—it was reality. Each advancement at the Planet Level signified an enormous leap, and every three ranks indicated a monumental step.

Planetary Fourth Rank could easily wipe out a group of Planetary Third Ranks.

A Planet Level Third Rank, eliminating the two of them, who were no more than Rank One weaklings, would be quite straightforward!

Yang Jing laughed and said, “Rest assured, I’m not a loser like Hong Chong, listen to me, I’m right!”

They didn’t know that not far from them, a meteorite was slightly trembling.

Inside, a person was hidden.

He was called Long Qian, ruler of the Hidden Dragon Kingdom, and he was a Stellar Level First Rank!

The reason why the Hidden Dragon Kingdom was called “Hidden Dragon” instead of “Dragon Hidden” was partly that their ruler, Long Qian, was an expert in hidden tactics.

Just like now, disguised as a meteorite, no one was able to detect him!

Listening to their conversation, the corners of Long Qian’s mouth rose slightly.

Having people spearhead the situation was the best scenario, they could help him gauge the Ancient God’s true strength.

As a Stellar Level entity, he didn’t have the same urgency as these Planet Level entities.


Long Qian laughed, “The mantis stalks the cicada, oblivious of the oriole behind!”

He was the oriole, Yang Jing and the others were the mantis, and the Ancient God was the cicada. He just needed to patiently wait for the right opportunity.

Long Qian only revealed his physical form and left with a smile a long time after Yang Jing and the others had exited the area.

However, he didn’t know that after he left, another person suddenly appeared from a pile of meteorites.

Watching the receding back of Long Qian, the person murmured to himself, “If you’re the oriole, then I’ll be the eagle!”

Afterwards, his figure gradually faded and disappeared.

Only one day had passed in the outside world, but under the influence of the Time Rune, a thousand days had passed in the Life Space.

Du Gang had mastered the first variation of the Skyward Nine Transformations, which included twenty-one footwork techniques. He believed that with continuous practice, he would eventually grasp the first transformation.

However, he was now primarily focused on the third kill of the Spear and Lance Nine Kills.

The first kill was a single-target attack, concentrating all the power into a single point.

The second kill was a group attack, which he used to annihilate Hong Chong and his kind.

But the third kill caused him to be mired in confusion.

While it was a single move, the third kill seemed to be a group attack, but it also seemed to target just one individual.

This left him very perplexed. After a thousand days and nights, progress on the

Skyward Nine Transformations had been steady, while the third kill of the Spear and Lance Nine Kills had hit a bottleneck, causing a rare ripple in his previously calm state.

“What exactly is going on?”

After two more days of practicing his spear techniques, Du Gang had made no progress. The prospect of mastering the third killing seemed increasingly distant.

“Sigh! ”

He sighed and shook his head, “Guess I’ll go back to practicing footwork!”

After so many days, he was beginning to feel numb from practicing spear techniques, which had not progressed at all.

But the footwork was different, he enjoyed the feeling of steady improvement.

Each training session would allow him to master an additional variation. Every eighty-one variations, he would comprehend a new footwork technique.

Although the progress was not fast, he was consistently improving, which gave him a sense of joy.

“Time to practice the 22nd footwork skill! ”

Despite being powerful, these footwork techniques were still nameless.

For instance, this technique in Du Gang’s eyes was extremely formidable. Once used, his figure could span across the entire space, giving the impression of possessing infinite clones.

Du Gang quickly began his footwork training. Once he started, he trained non-stop for three days.

After three days, his figures that filled the entire space gradually disappeared. One by one, they disappeared, until, at last, only one figure remained, standing in the center of the open area.

Exhaling deeply, he said, “The first variation of this technique is set. It’s very fast and seems like there are countless clones, but in reality, they’re just illusory shadows…”


At this word, Du Gang paused and got stuck in thought.

After a long while, it seemed as if he had realized something. He picked up the Worries Relief Spear hanging on the weapon rack and began to make motions in the open space.

“Shadows are illusions, so are spear shadows…”

At this moment, Du Gang had a sudden realization and started practicing the third kill.

In the beginning, his spear handling resembled that of a beginner. His arm strength was insufficient, shaky, and every thrust appeared feeble.

But as time went by, the spear in his hand became more stable, and the force he applied also increased.

Finally, there was only a blur left, and the actual position of the spear couldn’t be found.

Then, incredible things started to happen. Du Gang was standing in one place, his body hadn’t left that small plot of land, but his spear shadows were apart from his body, appearing all over the place,


Suddenly, white smoke started to rise in the air. This was caused by friction between the spear and the air resulting from the speed of his spear movements.

Over time, the moderate-sized Life Space was filled with white smoke. Just as it seemed it would ignite-

Du Gang suddenly stopped. The scattered spear shadows abruptly disappeared, not returning to their original positions. It was as if they truly existed.

“It turns out. there’s more than one level of intent…

A slight smile crept up to Du Gang’s face. The confused look in his eyes gradually disappeared.

“The third kill is, in fact, the process of comprehending the second level of intent…”

At this moment, he understood everything. The first move of the spear and lance taught him the unity of man and weapon, guiding him on how to wield a weapon.

The second move allowed him to comprehend the Spear Lance Mood, opening the gates of a new world for him.

And now, the third move, opened yet another new world for him: The realm of multiple moods!

Previously, he believed that the Laws came after the mood comprehension, but to his surprise, there was another mood after the first!

After comprehending the third move, he officially entered the realm of multiple moods, and now possessed two moods as well!

This meant that not only had his attack power elevated, he could now apply a single-target skill in an area attack, or focus an area skill on a single target.

He could truly integrate each other’s attacks into one!

Moreover, he could now simultaneously deploy two moods, each attack accompanying two different attack moods!

“I understand now!”

A radiant smile spread across Du Gang’s face, “My path ahead is to continue gaining new moods!”

He had no idea what the Laws were, but he believed that as he continued to comprehend the moods, he would finally reach the essence of the world: The Laws!

After understanding the path following the comprehension of moods, Du Gang’s progress accelerated rapidly.

He maintained the pace of understanding one move every thousand days.

In the subsequent five thousand days, he practiced the ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’ up to the eighth move.

His understanding of the Spear Lance Mood on the other hand, had reached an unprecedented seven-step realm!

In contrast, the ‘Skyward Nine Transformations’ seemed to progress somewhat slower.

Steadily maintaining a rate of a thousand days to comprehend ten techniques, in five thousand days, he had advanced from understanding twenty-one techniques to mastering seventy-two.

That is, he only needed to comprehend nine more techniques to truly practice the first transformation of Skyward Nine Transformations.

One day, Du Gang stood on the flat ground, a rare moment where he wasn’t practicing, but cultivating tranquilly.

After mastering the eight moves of the Spear and Lance, he had a full understanding of the ninth move of the Spear and Lance.

Even to the extent that once he raised his spear, the ninth move would inevitably be executed.

However, he was not in a hurry!

“The reason that ancient god predecessor created the ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’ was not solely to let future gods grasp the Sky-breaking Strike, but more importantly, to let the gods, who are inept at using their brains, decipher the essence of this world…”

“The ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’, from spear principles, Spear Lance Mood to multiple moods, encompasses the ultimate principles in the universe…”

“Even, once a learner comprehends the ninth move, they would naturally understand the eighth mood!”

He sighed, “Regrettably, other ancient gods are too reliant on their bodies, completely disregarding the predecessor’s intention. Most of them just rely on their bodies, utilizing the force of the spear to conquer the world! ”

Only now, after so long of comprehension and understanding, did he realize that so-called power was hollow, and only the universal Laws are real!

The seven-step mood had given him a slight understanding of the path ahead.

Even, from the mysterious rules, he recognized that there were only nine moods. Once one reached the ninth mood, they could begin to comprehend the Laws!

That ancient god predecessor had actually stored all the paths inside the ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’.

The Nine Kills encompass eight moods, but when all is comprehended, if he could fuse these nine kills into one, he would comprehend the final mood, the ninth mood!

Thus, this so-called basic secret technique is actually a treasure that allows ancient gods to comprehend the truth of the universe!

Such a pity!

When he had grasped the sixth mood, he had already understood.

Throughout the generations, although ancient gods at the Stellar Level possess the power of the Laws and can execute it, they are merely borrowing it, not truly possessing it!

The Sky-breaking Strike, this art inherently carries the might of invoking the gold element Laws.

Paired with the power of the ancient god’s spear, that divine weapon, and the strength of the ancient gods, they are invincible everywhere they go.

But in reality, once they encounter someone adept with the Law’s principles, the Sky-breaking Strike is not as effective!

The so-called undefeated champion of the same level is nothing more than a pseudo proposition. This is because, throughout the generations, the ancient gods have never truly understood why they win.

They win because of their body, because of their talents, because of the Sky-breaking Strike, and because of divine weapons.

But ironically, they don’t win because of themselves!

“So, the ancient gods who don’t strive to understand the essence of the Laws, their ultimate achievement is only the Ninth Rank?”

“Is the so-called Ninth-Rank Ancient God actually a shackle?”

“Is it true that one only breaks free from these chains after surpassing the

Ninth-Rank Ancient God?”


“Rely on the nine to succeed, and it is also the nine that leads to failure!”

At this moment, Du Gang roughly understood the origin of the ancient gods.

He discovered that the universe Laws place the utmost importance on nine, everything, every event, every principle, the ultimate limit is nine!

If there is a ten, then it’s not the end!

Having understood these principles, he also knew what kind of difficulties he will encounter in the future.

“Break the old nine and create new nines!”

If there are no accidents, he will most likely remain in the Ninth Rank, becoming an eternal existence.

Although strong, not the strongest! Unless, he defies the heavens!

“Defying the heavens?”

Du Gang exhaled a sigh and suppressed all these conjectures and perceptions in his mind.

The Ninth Rank is still too far away for him, even the Fifth Rank seems distant.

“Let’s comprehend the eighth mood first!”

Discarding all distracting thoughts, Du Gang slowly stood up. With his full concentration, he began to ponder the mood of the ninth move.

Even though he could directly execute the ninth move now, he wanted to glimpse at the ninth mood while comprehending the eighth mood of the ninth move.

This was very important to him. The ninth mood, unattainable, belongs to the true principles.

Even that powerful ancient god predecessor hid these truths in the very ordinary ‘Spear and Lance Nine Kills’, waiting for future generations to comprehend.

It can be said that among this lineage of Ancient Gods, for generations, besides Du Gang, no one else truly comprehended the essence of the universe.

Even among these people, while some managed to reach the Ninth Rank of Ancient Gods, they were merely puppets, benefitting from innate talent and their bodies.

From this point of view, despite Ancient Gods being the chosen few, benefiting from unparalleled gifts of heaven, they also seemed cursed, making it difficult for them to grasp the truth and shackle-free beyond the Ninth Rank.

Du Gang stood on the ground for a full day and night, not moving until he had elevated his spirit, energy and breath to an extreme point.

This time, there was no trickery, no endless shadows of spears, and no sounds of blasts.

He simply lifted the Worries Relief Spear ordinarily and thrust it straight into the space ahead of him.


Avoid, the size of the bowl suddenly appeared, with the tip of the spear as the center, spreading into the nothingness outside the Life Space.

It must be known that Du Gang was suppressing the power of the Ancient God at this moment, not using any physical strength, just relying on the body of an ordinary person, and then tearing through space.

This attack power was simply incredible and far beyond ordinary comprehension.

Meanwhile, around Du Gang, layers of Spear Lance Mood began to emerge.

In an instant, it encompassed seven layers of mood, and before these moods were fully released, suddenly, another mood appeared abruptly.

Eighth Layer Mood was accomplished!

However, Du Gang did not stop. His eyes were extremely large as he stared tenaciously at the space tear.

After a long time, when the tear healed, he slowly closed his eyes. And after quietly pondering for several hours, he finally opened his eyes.

“So that’s how it is!”

At this moment, he possessed the Eighth Layer Mood and also saw the path of the Ninth Layer Mood.

Thus far, he had spent six thousand days in the Life Space!

At this moment, six days had passed in the outside world. After Chu Zixuan obtained the resources given by Du Gang, in just six short days, he continuously broke through, surging from the previously Comet-level First-Rank to Comet-level Ninth Rank!

Just a step away, he could successfully reach the Planet Level.

However, from here, it was no longer a matter of stacking up resources.

Apart from the Ancient Gods, everyone else, in the face of such a large difference in rank, had no idea how to proceed, except to rely on their own comprehension of their innate abilities for breakthroughs, without any other means to aid in their progress.

Whether or not he could break through to the Planet Level, all depended on Chu Zixuan himself.

“Has Du Gang not come out yet?”

Before starting his secluded cultivation, Chu Zixuan once again came to Du Gangs house and asked.

She shook her head, “The master intends to seclude himself for half a month.

It’s been just six days now, and there are still nine more days…”

“Hmm, I am also preparing to go into secluded cultivation. This time I want to see whether I can break through from Comet Level to Planet Level…”

She smiled and said, “Just go and do it. You can leave this place to us…”

Chu Zixuan realized that the intelligence in front of him was not just intelligence anymore, it was more like a semi-intelligent life form, he nodded and politely took his leave.

After he left, she murmured to herself: “The young master seems to be stronger than the old master, and can even comprehend something like mood…”

She had always followed Du Kang, and from Du Kang, she learned that Mood was something that only those who were interested in studying could comprehend. It was more difficult than the Laws…

So, in her view, Mood is something more difficult to comprehend than the Laws, but in fact, this difficulty is relative to the Ancient Gods.

“I wonder how powerful the young master will become after he comes out…”

Thus, while different parties were plotting, Du Gang quietly came out of seclusion on the fifteenth day.

“Du Gang, you finally came out. How was this round of cultivation?”

She was standing at home and greeted him with a smile. At this moment, there was a faint smile on Du Gang’s face.

“This time, I might really have to leave Earth!”

The meaning of these words is that he will clear all the enemies on Earth and then truly leave this place to venture into the universe!

And he has the confidence to say this!

Fifteen days, which is equivalent to spending fifteen thousand days in the Life Space.

Now he has not only realized the Ninth Layer Mood, but also realized the first transformation of the extremely consuming and difficult to learn Skyward Nine Transformations, and even half of the second transformation of Skyward Nine Transformations.

In addition, he has learned a new and more powerful attack – Sky-breaking Strike!

This trick that almost all Ancient Gods know!

This trick that Ancient Gods play from childhood to old age!

Undeniably, this method is indeed powerful!

It has a total of nine levels, and each level increases the power of the attack by many times.

Supposedly, most Ancient Gods have only mastered the first three levels in their lifetime.

Because the first three levels don’t require comprehension of too complicated things to be used.

But starting from the fourth level, it requires the existence of Mood!

The seventh level needs the existence of Laws!

Using the Sky-breaking Strike comes with the power of the Laws, and enhancing the power of the Sky-breaking Strike via comprehension of Laws is not contradictory.

The reason why Du Kang always said that it’s hard to comprehend Mood is that he was stuck at the third level of Sky-breaking Strike all his life, unable to make any progress!

“Then, Du Gang, can you beat a Stellar Level now?”

Hearing this, Du Gang smiled and did not say anything.

Even before the seclusion, he could crush regular Planet Level opponents just by relying on the strength of the Ancient God, achieving an invincible effect at the same level.

But now, after such painstaking cultivation for so long, he is confident that his attack can pose a threat to the Stellar Level!

“This time, let me completely clear away Earth’s obstacles.. Let’s go out and take a risk in the universe at ease!”

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