I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 145: Dance

Chapter 145: Dance

Consuming a meter long barracuda wasn't easy for someone so small, even though he has a system that can provide perks. He barely ate 1/4 of the carcass before the system announced to stop for the sake of what's good and right.

But consuming such a portion only managed to give him 6 points of health, which wasn't nearly enough. The fight with the barracuda had taken more than that so it felt like a stab on his ego to stop eating now.

By luck, that's when the young hero's stomach acted up and as a result he took a massive shit. This piece of poop felt so hard that it made him think for the worse, column cancer. But thankfully that wasn't the case, he had just eaten too much flesh and bone so far.

Apart from feeling like virginity had been lost because of this dunk, it made more room for more food to be consumed. Specifically, half of the belly has been cleared out.

So he used this opportunity to eat more and in exchange get more health. But that could only help so much, because his stomach wasn't so big after all. This time the stingray got 4 more points of health.

Even though barracudas are bony creatures, they only bring positive effects such as higher stamina and sleep. This gave Tim an idea.

Suddenly the sea-pancake began swimming in circles, but to avoid getting dizzy he took a longer route rather than circling in a small single spot. Going at full speed and pausing when stamina couldn't handle it anymore, an hour went by like that.

In the end, it became inevitable for the system to announce. [Please stop swimming, your hunger bar is down to 0]

This method of stomach cleaning almost felt self destructive, but the goals he had made are suicidal so this only felt bite sized. Within a flash, the blue-dotted menace charged towards the carcass and began eating again.

After filling up once more, the system clarified that just 12 more points of health had been given. This was good but not satisfactory enough, especially since the head of the carcass wasn't yet consumed. Using the same trick, he began swimming in a long circle at full speed until the hunger bar went back to 0.

As a final result after full consumption of the slaughtered barracuda, the system notified. [You've reaped all 30 points of health that the carcass could provide.]

[Total health = 91/110 bars]

"I feel like a new man." The young hero expressed but this might not be anything that the system hasn't heard before through a past guest.

"All my painful and itchy wounds are gone. My entire body feels flexible and I feel triple as powerful now!" Although it was yelled out similar to how a raging baboon would behave, it wasn't in no way exaggerated.

Since his health bar's limit was at 110 points now, every effect that increases health felt almost double as effectual. Simply because of the fact that it would be 10 points more difficult to kill him now. It wasn't anything too drastic but sure as hell satisfactory.

Since there was a compass on one edge of his vision, he knew precisely which way to follow, directly south.


The travel towards the south took about 3 hours, mostly because he had swam slower than usual for the sake of picking up hints that pointed towards holy-tar tribes.

Unfortunately, he hasn't found anything regardless of the extra effort. It felt like a slap against the booty by an urchin, but thankfully nothing like that had happened physically.

Taking the loss, the blue-dotted troublemaker headed towards where the hidden den was. It took a bit of effort to locate it again, especially since he wasn't here for a few days.

But when he noticed a dungeness crab standing firm near a little hole, it became transparent that he had found the little den. Greeting the nice guard although neither of them could understand each other, the hero followed down the long tunnel to meet everyone there.

They were all tremendously happy to see the man return and the first thing one of the diamond stingrays had asked was. "You were the one who brought thousands of shrimp near the reef, right?"

"Of course it was me. Who else could be smart enough to do it?" It was an obvious self praise but most who spent time with the boy, were used to such an attitude.

"I knew it!" The diamond stingray shouted towards their one and only female boss, and added. "Now you will do the thing!"

The leader was most definitely hesitant but the only other diamond stingray by her side, encouraged. "We had a deal."

Giving a long and strong sigh, she moved away from the crowd and started behaving weirdly. Well more like she had started a dance, which was difficult to do but yet was satisfying.

Her flat body was pushing up and down, behaving like a wave or a beached fish - but this dance was far more controlled.

Seeing the strict and deadly lady seemingly doing something stupid, the hero was dumb struck but at the same time couldn't hold in his laughter, afterwards stating. "Seems like you all have been busy."

But regardless of that expression, the leader continued dancing and after getting over the first few seconds of embarrassment, she seemed to enjoy the dance bit by bit more.

As for the food stash on the other side of the den seemed interesting but the reason he came here for, still stuck in his mind. Therefore a question erupted, "Where is the big shark? I need to ask him something."

"Right here." A surprisingly thick tone echoed from the other side of the den.

Turning around, the hero saw the very fish he was looking for, swimming in the den with a 2 meter long tunafish between his jaws. This shark was still huge but hasn't really grown much from the last time they have met.

The great-white shark got closer and then dropped the kill on the food pile, stating. "What do you need?"

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