I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 49 - 49: Hang up the BOSS for me to beat!

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Hang up the BOSS for me to beat!

Translator: 549690339

The team’s level had risen, especially due to the presence of Zheng Cheng, resulting in rapid progress.

They encountered some fire rats along the way, but they posed no significant threat.

Chen Xiao, at level 4, had spent his 20 free attribute points on increasing his physical constitution, making it a total of 29!

Cai Shen, on the other hand, had split the 12 attribute points he got from leveling up evenly between strength and agility.

He had decided to go down the path of quick attacks.

Since the Big Rooster Ji had good speed and sharp claws, the higher his strength, the greater would be his attack power!

Zhang Ping’an split his 12 free attribute points evenly between stamina and spirit.

Being a non-combat class, skill proficiency was more important than level for him.

He would eventually leave the group and study herbalism on his own.

Here, the difference between high-tier and low-tier classes became evident.

While moving along, Zheng Cheng also tested his Void Fire Incineration technique several times.

When used on an ordinary fire rat, the Void Fire skill would burn for about three seconds.

This was enough to incapacitate the fire rat in just three seconds, but not enough to kill it.

However, a fire rat that had been taunted by Chen Xiao could be burnt for five seconds.

Five seconds later, it would be wiped out!

After observing this, Zheng Cheng began to strategize in his mind.

“A fire rat affected by the taunting skill is emotionally triggered, seeing Chen

Xiao as its sworn enemy.”

“The greater the emotional reaction, the faster the Void Fire would burn, and the higher the damage.”

“Unfortunately, the fire rat’s physical constitution is too low, and the Void Fire burns it to death in only five seconds.”

“Let’s try it on the boss next!”

The group quickly reached the boss monster’s lair.

“When we take down the boss, Chen Xiao and Brother Ji will first draw the monsters away, then Yao Zhixue and I will take control of the boss!”

“Control the boss?”

Chen Xiao asked curiously, “Brother Cheng, what are you trying to do?”

Zheng Cheng grinned and said, “I’m going to give it a taste of the ten worst tortures!”

“Haha, Brother Cheng is awesome.”

“Ping’an, you’d better stay outside.”

Zhang Ping’an chuckled bitterly, “That’s about all I can do, being a non-combat class…”



Cai Shen was the first to dash in, causing chaos.

With powerful flaps of his wings, he flew about three or four meters above the ground, luring a group of fire rats to him.

Chen Xiao also charged in, yelling, “Son of

Immediately, four or five fire rats rushed towards him.

Seizing this opportunity, Zheng Cheng dashed into the lair.

His target was clear – the fire rat priest in the depths of the tunnel!

In a matter of seconds, Zheng Cheng had reached the fire rat priest.

“Squeak-squeak-squeak,” the fire rat priest began to shriek, and the two fire rat guards by its side instantly fluffed up their fur and charged towards him.

“Yao Zhixue!”

“I’m here!”


A sudden drop in temperature blanketed the two fire rat guards which immediately became immobilized.

Zheng Cheng stepped forward, appearing in front of the fire rat priest.

Before the priest could lift its magic staff and release the Bloodlust spell, it was kicked in the face by Zheng Cheng.



The rat priest shrieked as it was knocked to the ground, and blood gushed from its nose.

Taking advantage of the situation, Zheng Cheng came to the fire rat priest again, and a fist as large as a sandbag was mercilessly smashed onto its face!

“Bang!” “Squeak!” “Bang bang!!”


The fire rat priest screamed in pain, its face covered in blood, and even its front teeth had been knocked out.

Upon hearing the scared whimpers from the Fire Rat Priest, those fire rats which had been chasing Cai Shen earlier halted and began rushing towards the Priest, looking worried.

Seeing this, Yao Zhixue spread out her hands, and Xue’er slowly started to float out.

She swung her miniature magic wand, causing a blast of snow storm. This immediately knocked down the incoming fire rats.

Meanwhile, under Yao Zhixue’s control, a large amount of icy mist gathered towards the center. In just a few seconds, it had coalesced into a tall ice platform!

Zheng Cheng took out a bundle of rope from his prop bar, quickly tying up the fire ratman Boss, and leaped onto the ice platform.

“Hurry up!”

Zheng Cheng shouted, and Cai Shen and Chen Xiao rushed towards the ice platform.

Unfortunately, there were too many fire rats. It was fine for Cai Shen who could fly mid-air.

But for Chen Xiao, it was miserable. He was surrounded by seven or eight fire rats, danger at every turn.

“Hahaha, I’m coming!”

Cai Shen cried out strangely, and with a strong flap of his wings, he pushed away two fire rats.

At the same time, he grabbed the back of Chen Xiao’s neck with his claws. His wings blinked again, and a man and a chicken actually ‘flew’ into the air.

“Damn! Brother Ji, you’re so awesome-I”

“Stop fucking moving. Why the hell are you so heavy!” “Brother Ji, fly higher, my ass is getting burned…Ah-!”

“Stop moving…Ah-!”

“Brother Ji, I have a favor to ask.”

“What’s up?

“Next time, I want to ride you. I’ve even thought of a combination name; it will be called Earth Chicken Knight…”

With Cai Shen’s efforts, a man and a chicken finally climbed onto the ice platform.

By this time, the ice platform had risen to a height of three meters.

A stick of ice has also stuck out from the side of the ice platform.

The fire ratman boss who was tied up and hung in the air.

“Brother Cheng, what are you up to?”

Chen Xiao was confused and asked curiously.

Yao Zhixue extended her hands, and the cold fog surged, instantly condensing into three sticks about the thickness of an arm and over a meter long.

Zheng Cheng gave these several sticks to Chen Xiao and Cai Shen and instructed, “Hit it! Hit the boss!”

“Giggle?! Brother Cheng, I’ve got wings —I cannot hit-


Just as he was speaking, Chen Xiao already smashed the ice stick onto the fire ratman.


The fire ratman let out a miserable scream right away.

“Hahaha, this feels so good!”

Chen Xiao shouted out: “Let you burn me, let you burn my ass!”


“Bang bang!”


Immediately afterward, the miserable screams of the fire rat man echoed through the air.

The fire rats below also began to squeak anxiously one after another.

“Squeak squeak squeak-”

“Squeak squeak squeak-!”

All of them stood up their fur, blood-red pupils, and their mouths twitched violently.

Under the lead of several fire rats, they resorted to tearing and biting against the ice platform.

There were even some fire rats that fiercely bumped into the ice platform, trying to knock it down.


“Squeak squeak squeak-!”

This ice stick from Chen Xiao nearly broke the bones of the fire rat man.

With another miserable scream, the fire rats under the ice platform went crazy.

Successive strange cries arose, and they were actually stacking up under the ice platform, trying to rush up.

“That’s enough!”

Zheng Cheng ordered, and Chen Xiao immediately halted his movements. At this moment, all the fire rats under the ice platform had gone completely mad.

All the hair on their bodies were standing on end, fangs and claws all stretched out, tearing and biting at the ice platform.

A few fire rats were even stepping on the bodies of their kind, trying to rush up.

“Squeak squeak squeak-!”

Meanwhile, the fire rat man, tied up by the rope, also had all its hair standing on end, and its muscles bulging.

The original thin body actually started to swell, and in a moment, it ballooned in size, transforming into a giant red rat.

“Is this….Rage Mode?”

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