I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 44 - 44: The Reincarnated! Breaking Rank Mission!

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: The Reincarnated! Breaking Rank Mission!

Translator: 549690339

Under the escort of the three, Song Chaoyu returned to the Black Sun Church’s secret base in Weihe Town.

An abandoned chemical plant.

Inside the base, Black Sun Church members in black robes, each wearing a Black Sun medal around their neck, moved around busily.

Everyone had a fanatical expression on their faces, chanting something under their breath.

In the center of the square, hooded figures sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by strange arrays.

Their eyes closed, their hands forming the shape of a black sun.

In the center of the array, there was a small altar.

Sitting on the altar was a statue.

The statue was of a woman, her figure alluring, her eyes seductive, and her skin adorned with numerous black patterns.

Her hands outstretched, cradling a burning sphere, seated in the woman’s hands.

Around the altar, thick incense sticks have been lit, enveloping the entire square.

Murmured chants echoed around the square.

“Oh, Lord of the Black Sun, let your divine message descend…

“Lord of the Black Sun, bless me with the awakening of my profession…

“Lord, I am your devout follower, willing to offer everything for you..

Observing the mysterious and terrifying square, Song Chaoyu’s nose twitched.

The cotton stuffed in her nose helped her temporarily avoid the effect of the hallucinogenic incense.

Having handed over the purchased supplies to the clergy, Song Chaoyu quietly moved to the edge of the square and sat down.


Next to her was a beautiful young woman in a black robe.

The woman had a dazed look in her eyes and was chanting softly.

After hearing her daughter’s words, she looked up mechanically.

“Chaoyu, pray quickly, the Lord of the Black Sun will bless you to awaken your profession…”


Song Chaoyu swallowed her sobs, her father had gone to the Alien Battlefield more than ten years ago.

All this time, no news of him has reached them.

No letters, no death notices, no missing records.

Clearly, her father was avoiding them on purpose.

Surviving by depending on each other, Song Chaoyu’s wish was to awaken her profession, become a Professionist, and then search for her faithless father in the Alien Battlefield on behalf of her mother.

She wanted to confront him for his indifference toward her and her mother!

Unfortunately, she failed!

She could probably never go to the Alien Battlefield in her entire life!

While Song Chaoyu was comforting her mother, a middle-aged woman arrived at the deepest part of the base.

“Emissary… I have returned!”

A tall figure in a black robe stepped out from the darkness.

Unlike the ordinary believers, the medal of the Black Sun on this Emissary’s chest had golden patterns on it.

It looked more like a bustling flame.

“Were there any accidents during your outing?

“Our follower ran into a classmate in Weihe Town…” the middle-aged woman said: “We were trying to get her to leave town with us, but I suddenly got a stomachache and diarrhea. I couldn’t control it at all.”

“I’m not sure what Song Chaoyu and her classmate discussed while we were…



The man in black sounded surprised: “All three of you got diarrhea at the same time?”

“Yes.. Yes…!”

“Hehehe…” The middle-aged man muttered, “Interesting, it seems it’s a unique Professionist…

“You may leave.”

“Yes! Emissary!”

The tall man turned and entered the deeper part of the base, quickly arriving at a room.

Inside, four people sat cross-legged. The Black Sun medals on their chests each naa golden patterns woven Inco cnem.

“Mu Yao, what’s the situation?”

“We have an interesting Professionist in Weihe Town,” responded the tall man known as Mu Yao, “He can cause people to have diarrhea…”

“Causing diarrhea…’

An elderly voice came from one of the Emissaries: “I recall the time when Qingteng and Hei Lang were arrested, there was a Professionist who could cause diarrhea.”

“So, it was him. No wonder…”

“A skill for causing diarrhea… Such a baffling ability. I don’t think anyone could stand it.”

“Shiv! Why would one have such a skill?”


Sudden laughter rang out. One of the figures, smaller in stature, took off their hood revealing a woman with light-blue skin and an undulating figure.

“So what if he can cause diarrhea? This skill seems useless against me…’

The woman laughed: “If we run into him during our mission tomorrow, leave him to me-”

Mu Yao’s eyes brightened: “How could I forget about you, Shui Ling. You have already become a Reincarnator with the help of our Lord. I’m so jealous…” Shui Ling laughed: “What’s there to be jealous of?”

“Once this mission is over, if our Lord can successfully obtain a body… all of you will become Reincarnators!”

“Thank you, My Lord!”

Dark fog suddenly emerged from the five figures. Their faces changed, and they fell to their knees.

“We welcome our Lord!”

The dark fog condensed, and a slender figure appeared vaguely.

At the same time, a sharp and husky voice rang out. “My current body can hardly hold on anymore.” “Go! Find another sacrifice for me!”

“Remember… she must be a virgin… understood?”

“Yes! My Lord!”

In the jeep, Zhao Yunxiao was still explaining.

“The Lord of the Black Sun first made her name over a hundred years ago, shortly after the aftermath of a great disaster, when the nation was just starting to recover.”

“At that time, she awakened her seven-star profession and was considered very promising. ”

“She didn’t let people down, her progress steady, and she eventually entered the Alien Battlefield, the demonic realm, to resist the Different Races.”

“She stayed in the demonic realm for over fifty years and was in a position to become the general commander of the human defense line in the demonic realm.”

“Unfortunately, an accident caused her to be stranded in the demonic realm and she disappeared.”

“At the time, the country thought she had sacrificed herself, and held a grand funeral for her.

“Who would have expected…”

Zhao Yunxiao said angrily: “Thirty-six years ago, she returned!”

“Not only had she become a Reincarnator, but she had also joined the Dawnbreak organization which lures Professionists away from the path of righteousness and disrupts the peace of the human world.”

“The Night Watchers have been pursuing her for more than thirty years. Several times we were on the verge of killing her, but each time she managed to escape!”

“This time, we were able to track her down thanks to inside information!” “She is now over a hundred and thirty years old.”

“She failed to complete her Epic Level advancement mission, and her level has been stuck at LV79 ever since.”

“Even as a Reincarnator, her lifespan is nearing its end.”

“Therefore, she can only use the reincarnation technique to find a suitable body for reincarnation and live her second life!”

“And Yao Zhixue is the perfect candidate that the Lord of the Black Sun is targeting for reincarnation.”

This information made waves in Zheng Cheng’s mind.


Epic Level advancement mission!

Zheng Cheng’s eyes sparked: “You knew the target of the Lord of the Black Sun all along… You…. used Yao Zhixue as bait!!!”

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