I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 117 - 90 Fishman BOSS: I want to create a new race! _2

Chapter 117: Chapter 90 Fishman BOSS: I want to create a new race! _2

Translator: 549690339

She trembled, chilling all over instantly.

“Bl-Black Water Snake? How can there be so many Black Water Snakes here?”

Li Jiao’s eyes were wildly spinning before they stilled again: “No! These aren’t real Black Water Snakes, rather giant pythons of a different breed carrying Black Water Snake bloodline…”

“Boom… Gulp!”

At that moment, the pond water churned again, revealing another gargantuan creature.

It was a Fishman…a gigantic Fishman with the body of a fish and the legs of a human!

Almost three meters tall, its scales were a dark-red, and its pair of dead fish eyes were surrounded by blood vessels.

In its hands, it held two gigantic copper hammers covered with dense steel spikes. They clearly projected immense strength.

Besides this, this gigantic Fishman also wore a snug piece of armor.

His enormous fish-head was made even more gigantic by it.


Li Jiao screamed. The distant Fishman BOSS spotted their awake Li Jiao and immediately swum over to their side.

Within its pair of dead fish eyes, surprisingly an unusual glint of excitement appeared.

Li Jiao’s expression changed, and she quickly backed away.

Regrettably, the cave in the lake was small and surrounded by water.

A group of half-fishman children blocked her path, leaving her no escape.

“Zhee zhee zhee zhee zhee zhee…”

The gigantic Fishman stepped ashore, striding towards Li Jiao.

“Stay away! What do you want! I warn you! Don’t come near me!”

Li Jiao, taken aback, pointed her staff of darkness at the gigantic Fishman and shouted fiercely.

“Zhee zhee zhee, zhee zhee zhee zhee ”

The gigantic Fishman opened its mouth, making a series of sounds, as if saying something.

Li Jiao was utterly confused: “Intelligence life form? No? What language is it speaking, I can’t understand!”

“I had early elected optional courses in the Orcs, Elven and Demi-Monster languages, but I’ve never heard of this language…”

“Zhee zhee zhee ”

Seeing that Li Jiao had no reaction, the gigantic Fishman took a step towards her again.

“Ah ! Stay away! Just stay away!”

Li Jiao screamed, quickly dodging away.

A person and a fish began circling a large green stone, with the half-fishman children standing in the way being kicked aside by her.

The giant fishman was continuously shouting something from his mouth, but unfortunately, Li Jiao couldn’t understand it, she could just instinctively dodge.

She concentrated her spirit and the staff of darkness flashed, casting a slow spell on the gigantic Fishman.

The huge Fishman’s speed abruptly slowed down, delaying for two to three seconds before quickly recovering.

“Slow spell works!”

Li Jiao’s eyes sparkled, instantly kindling hope.

As long as she could hold on, Brother Qin Zheng and others would definitely come to rescue her!

Suddenly, the huge Fishman stopped, opened its huge mouth, and spat out a large water bubble.

Li Jiao’s face changed abruptly, and she quickly dodged.

Unfortunately, the water bubble shot at her at an extremely fast speed, enveloping her entirely and slowly lifting her off the ground.


Li Jiao’s body was immediately overturned in the large water bubble. As she struggled inside it, she realized that the water bubble was just a control type skill.

Under the effect of the water bubble, her body slowly floated towards the gigantic Fishman.

“What is it going to do? It wouldn’t want to eat me, would it?”

“Mr. Fishman, er, no, Sir Fishman, I don’t even weigh hundred pounds, consuming me would not even suffice to pick your teeth!”

Upon reflecting, Li Jiao tried to negotiate desperately: “If you want human flesh, can I call Bai Jingqi over for you?”

“He weighs nearly two hundred pounds, and he works out every day, his muscles are really chewy. You’ll definitely enjoy eating him ”

Li Jiao shouted, but found that the giant Fishman was not responsive.

A pair of large dead fish eyes were even more tightly fixed on her, and its breath focused even more.

Looking at the familiar light in the dead fish eyes of the giant Fishman, Li Jiao’s face suddenly changed.

“You f—ing XXXXXX, you actually want to sleep with me, I’ll f— you…”

“I’m from the Li Family of Chang’an City, the men who chase me can be lined from Chang’an City to France, f— your mother XXXXXX”

She swore loudly, the temper of a pampered young lady from a prestigious family clearly evident.

Unfortunately, what she faced was a Fishman BOSS who couldn’t understand her at all.

Seeing the giant Fishman getting closer and closer, the gigantic fish palm already near the thin film of the water bubble, Li Jiao immediately started screaming again.

“Ah !!!”


“Brother Qin Zheng!”

“Old Brother save me!”

“And Brother Jingqi! Hurry and save me !”

“Zhee zhee zhee !”

Seeing the prey in the water bubble screaming, the dead fish eyes of the giant Fishman shone even more excitedly.

What a beautiful creature from the Different Races!

Even more gorgeous than the half-beast woman I have captured!

With her, our Black Sludge Fishman tribe could definitely produce even more beautiful offspring!

I want to create a new race!


The giant Fishman daydreamed about the beautiful future, his mouth dripping with sticky saliva.

Moreover, even his lower body was bulging with excitement.

As long as…

“Plop !”

Just then, the water in the nearby pool was suddenly disrupted.

A bloody Black Sludge Fishman came tumbling out, screaming shrilly as he rushed forward.

The giant Fishman’s eyes changed as he quickly turned around and started shrieking as well.

With a wave of his hand, several black snakes that had been swimming in the pond dove to the bottom.


Li Jiao was also taken aback and glanced over subconsciously.

“What’s happening? Are there reinforcements?”

“It must be Brother Qin Zheng! It has to be him! He’s here to save me!”

Li Jiao’s eyes were full of surprise and joy, “I knew Brother Qin Zheng wouldn’t leave me behind. Who else could there be?”

“Brother Jingqi? Elder brother should be here as well, even though he’s not a good swimmer…”

“Gurgle ”

The pond’s water began to churn, and the giant Fishman approached the water’s edge, sensing something carefully.

A few minutes later, the churning of the pond water became even more violent, and a large amount of fresh blood surged out.

The giant Fishman’s expression changed entirely, while Li Jiao screamed out excitedly.

“Hahaha You dead fishhead, wait for your death!”

“Brother Qin Zheng and my elder brother are coming to rescue me. Once they do, I will chop you up for a fishhead soup!”

All of a sudden, the entire pond returned to tranquility.

Despite some blood still gushing out, there was no significant activity.

The giant Fishman grinned, showing his sharp, saw-toothed teeth.

The bunch of giant pythons he had tamed were extremely powerful. It was thanks to these pythons that he had repelled the half-beast men’s attack and secured the Heart of the Earth gemstone.

“Squeak Squeak Squeak ”

He abruptly stood up and walked towards Li Jiao again.

After the intruders were killed, he could take his time to enjoy this female creature from the Different Races.

“How, how is it possible… there’s no movement?”

On the other hand, Li Jiao looked desperately distraught.

No movement in the water meant that all the people who came to rescue her had died.

Not only was she captured, but she had also led her companions to death!

“Ooh…Brother Qin Zheng, you all died so horribly….”

“And elder brother… how am I going to face grandma and grandpa when I get back…”

“Uh… maybe I am going to die too… I can’t go back, ooh….”

She immediately knelt in the water bubble, crying her eyes out.

Even the approach from the giant Fishman didn’t affect her.

She had already prepared her mind for suicide.

Just when the giant Fishman was about to shatter the water bubble, a surprised voice suddenly echoed in the spacious cave.

“Holy crap ! What a gigantic fish head!”


Both the Fishman and Li Jiao instinctively turned their heads to look, only to see a figure appear over the water of the pond.

He held a sharp long sword in his hand, slowly pulling it out from the head of a giant python.

“Zheng Cheng!!!”

Li Jiao shouted, her eyes filled with disbelief and relief.

“How, how is it you!”

“Where’s Brother Qin Zheng, and my elder brother!”

Zheng Cheng kicked away the giant python, casually swung his hand, and immediately collected its carcass into a spatial ring.

“Qin Zheng and your elder brother? They went to rescue Bai Jingsheng!”

“You and the Heart of the Earth are our responsibility!”

Behind him, several pitch-black soul beasts appeared once again, battling a few snake creatures.

Among those two giant python soul beasts, were Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan!

“I’m your responsibility?”

Li Jiao murmured, her eyes suddenly sparking with life.

In the midst of the crisis and despair, she automatically filtered out the other words.

“Is this… are you confessing your feelings to me?”

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