I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 624 - Historical Place

Chapter 624 - Historical Place

"No more strangers, it's just you and me," Jack said quietly while linking his little finger to Anne's little finger.

Anne didn't speak. She just stared at Jack without blinking as her husband made a ridiculous promise that he suddenly made after Anne was annoyed that he kept talking about his teenage years with Giselle.

Anne pulled her little finger from Jack and immediately got up from the bench. "Don't make promises, just prove it, Jack. Don't you remember that you promised me so many times before?"

"You still don't really believe me, babe?"

Anne smiled and turned to Jack. "It's not that I don't believe it, I'm just watching."


"Never mind, let's end this conversation. Honestly I'm sick of hearing your story about being a hero for Giselle. We better get out of this place, it reminds you of Giselle."

"Honey, come on..."

Jack's words were cut off when Anne suddenly put a finger to Jack's lips. "Let's get out of here, I'm hungry and I want something sweet."

Jack smiled and lowered Anne's index finger from his lips. "Okay, what do you want to have?"

"I want to eat Engadiner Nusstorte, I saw on the internet this food is very delicious and the reviews from tourists are also good," replied Anne with sparkling eyes.

"Okay, let's find that Engadiner Nusstorte. I know where we can get that food with an interesting view," said Jack softly, his smile widened as he spoke. Jack was happy because Anne was not as curt as before. Every time she discussed food, she became like a different person, especially if it's about sweet treats. Engadiner Nusstorte is a delicious cake filled with nuts that have been caramelized with sugar. Therefore, Anne put the name of the food on the list of foods that must be tried.

Anne excitedly put on her own helmet. She also had no trouble getting on the motorbike. It looked like Anne had other skills this time. As soon as her buttocks touched the motorcycle seat, Anne immediately wrapped her arms around Jack's stomach. Jack smiled broadly when she did all of this without him telling her. Because he didn't want to make Anne wait too long, Jack then raced his iron horse at full speed from the Temple de Saint-Pierre area to a delicious cake shop on the shores of Lake Geneva.

Jack deliberately invited Anne to go around Lake Geneva again because he knew that Anne really liked natural scenery like that rather than being in a fancy restaurant in a building. Just like before, during the trip, Anne did not speak at all. She was silent and clung to Jack who looked very skilled at riding his motorbike. Actually, riding a motorbike was tiring. But Anne didn't care, she felt more comfortable just going by motorbike. Because with that, no one would disturb them, the presence of the bodyguards sometimes made Anne uncomfortable.

After driving for almost 20 minutes, Jack's motorbike finally arrived at a cake shop that looked quite old. From the building and design, everything looked like it was built decades ago so it looked like it had its own charm and Anne liked the building in front of her.

"This shop was first built when World War II was still going on, but over time this building got repairs in several parts so that the shape of the building is like this," said Jack quietly as he wrapped his arms around Anne's waist.

"When World War II took place? Wow that's been a long time."

"This shop used to be just a small shop measuring 2x2 meters, but now you see for yourself, don't you see the changes?"

Anne nodded her head. "Yeah, yeah, let's go in. I can't wait, Jack."

Jack smiled. He hurriedly stepped into one of his parents' favorite cake shops. As soon as she entered, Anne was immediately treated to a variety of ancient photos hanging on the walls, old photos showing the changes in the cake shop from time to time that were incredibly beautiful and valuable. From the photos, Anne could also see the changes in the city of Geneva from time to time.

"This is great Jack," said Anne quietly as she admired the photos in front of her.

"Do you like this place?"

"Yes, I like it. I think I'll be coming here often, do you mind, Jack?"

Jack shook his head. "How can I mind, if you want me to take you to this place every day I'm ready too. This shop is one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite places on their dates. They usually come to this place every Friday and Sunday afternoon alone without me."

"Y-your parents often come to this place?" asked Anne stuttering.

"Yes, the third floor is their favorite place. Usually I will come to this place after school. This place is one of the historical places for us..."

"No, not only your, but us. Like the late Mommy and Daddy who made their story in this place, it seems like the two of us will also make the same story as well of our own version," Anne immediately cut off Jack's words with a wide smile. Her dimples were clearly visible when she smiled like this. Damn, she looked so beautiful.

Jack's heart was racing so fast at this moment. The words that Anne had just said hit his heart. When Jack was about to open his mouth to respond to Anne's words, suddenly a waitress came over to them, an impatient Anne immediately came to the shop window following the waitress to order some delicious cakes that were currently on display in the window.

"I want two servings of Engadiner Nusstorte and..."

Anne mentioned the names of the cakes in front of her. Almost all of the cakes in the display case were mentioned by Anne. The waitress patiently took notes as Anne pointed through the display glass.

"Are you sure you want to have that much cakes, babe?" Jack asked in surprise.

Anne turned to Jack who was already standing beside her. "Yes, what's wrong?"

"No, I mean can you finish them all?"

"If we don't finish them, they can be wrapped, we can take them home and enjoy them at home," replied Anne calmly without guilt.

"Yeah but that much, Anne, you're not afraid of being fat? Wasn't yesterday when you were in Australia you kept complaining to me because of the food served by the waiters over there?"

Anne chuckled. "That's different, Jack, these are desserts. While back in Australia, those were heavy meals, so these don't matter. After all, these cakes are so cute so it's a shame if we don't enjoy them."

"Because the shapes of these cakes are cute so you bought them?"

Anne nodded her head excitedly with a smile. "That's right. Okay, stand aside, I haven't finished ordering yet." Anne immediately pushed Jack away from her so she could order other cakes that looked tempting from the window. Oh my God, Anne.

To be continued

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