I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 454: My Master, the Heavenly Lord

Chapter 454: My Master, the Heavenly Lord

We purchased

The words spoken by Lu Heng left the little white dragon perplexed, its eyes filled with confusion.

For this small white dragon, devoid of any memories and possessing the innocence of a newborn infant, everything that Lu Heng had said was completely incomprehensible.

However, for some unknown reason, in the presence of the man before her, she couldn't help but develop a sense of fondness and familiarity.

The small white dragon coiled in Lu Heng's hand, affectionately rubbing its little head against his palm, being playful, adorable, and obedient.

Lu Heng gave a faint smile and said, "Let's go."

With a concise and meaningful instruction, as the words fell, Lu Heng instantly transformed into a beam of light and whisked away, taking the little white dragon with him as they fled towards the edge of the universe.

The ethereal calamitous clouds surged around Lu Heng once again. However, this time, not only could Lu Heng harness the power of these calamitous clouds to cultivate and reshape his spirit, but the small white dragon, after its rebirth, could also absorb a trace of the divine retribution's energy to sustain its own existence.

Even in this desolate and depleted world, she could still survive by relying on the faint remnants of thunderous energy that Lu Heng occasionally emanated.

However, while the Dragon Emperor's life was barely saved, what about the Celestial Desolation Realm?

In Lu Heng's heart, there still lingered an unresolved worry.

It has been over three thousand years since his departure from the Celestial Desolation Realm.

For the inhabitants of the Celestial Desolation Realm, whose lifespans are generally not long, this has been an exceedingly protracted period of time, enough to bury many legends.

What will Lu Heng's Hanyu Mountain look like after three thousand years?

What has become of those disciples and followers in the mountains? Are they still alive in this world?

Have the peach trees in the mountains borne new fruit?

Have Xiao Ai, Sun Yan, Gu Yan, and Fei Yi have they achieved considerable cultivation by now?

Those who have acquired the Tao Scripture, should they not be able to effortlessly live for three thousand years?

Although Lu Heng theoretically has the ability to abandon his current spiritual incarnation and allow his consciousness to directly return to the original wolf body in the Celestial Desolation Realm, in the blink of an eye, he can return to the Celestial Desolation Realm.

However, if she were to return in that manner, no one would be able to escort the Dragon Emperor back to the Celestial Desolation Realm.

Furthermore, numerous treasures carried by the spiritual incarnation were only lost in the boundless Starry Sky Tomb, never to be recovered again

Unless absolutely necessary, Lu Heng is unable to abandon this spiritual incarnation.

This is not the same as being in the Celestial Desolation Realm, you know.

In the Celestial Desolation Realm, he can always return to his true form, then recuperate and create a new spiritual incarnation to come back and seek opportunities.

While the Starry Sky Tomb is boundless, if the Dragon Emperor and the nine cauldrons were to be left behind in this frigid universe, it would be extremely difficult to retrieve them.

At the thought of this, Lu Heng couldn't help but let out a sigh and said to the little white dragon perching on his shoulder, "Little White, please don't become my final disciple"

A dazzling white brilliance flickered through the cosmos.

Lu Heng, unaware of the location of the Celestial Desolation Realm, but aware of the Floating Light Boat. He has been consistently following the direction guided by the Floating Light Boat.

With the small white dragon by his side, Lu Heng swiftly traversed through the pitch-black expanse of the universe, leaping across vast and empty voids of darkness, and bypassing countless twinkling and radiant celestial bodies.

The majority of regions in the frigid cosmos are an utterly desolate expanse of pitch-black emptiness, devoid of light, devoid of matter, where not even a speck of dust can be seen. It is a truly profound void.

Lu Heng, amidst such a frigid and desolate void, continuously traversed through space, soaring towards the realm beyond.

The small white dragon perched on his shoulder continually absorbed the faint aura of Lu Heng's dispelled tribulation energy. From its initially pocket-sized form, the creature gradually grew in size.

In the end, it was capable of coiling around Lu Heng from head to toe, wrapping him in three levels inward and three levels outward.

The crystal-clear, jade-like physique was remarkably gentle, while the voice of the small white dragon was playful and adorable.

"Master, oh master, how much longer must we continue our flight?"

From the pale streak of light that swiftly surged through the cosmos, a massive white sphere inquired in such a manner.

From within the white sphere, Lu Heng's voice echoed, "Tomorrow, we shall arrive."

The enormous white sphere wriggled slightly, and the dragon's head hanging on the outside gloomily exclaimed, "Master, you always say that, but when exactly will we arrive tomorrow Can't you refrain from making empty promises?"

Inside the enormous white sphere, Lu Heng, shrouded in levels of protection, appeared calm and collected as he remarked, "Since you know it's empty talk, why to bother asking Spare me from your superfluous words, perhaps my streak of light will be a bit faster, and we can depart from here sooner."

Lu Heng's words made the dragon's head hanging on the white sphere feel disheartened as it pondered for a moment. Then, abruptly, the white sphere contracted, and the majestic dragon god rapidly shrank, finally transforming into a girl of about fourteen or fifteen years old, hanging on Lu Heng's shoulder.

She cheerfully stretched her hand from behind and hooked onto Lu Heng's shoulder, her entire body forming a straight line suspended behind him, swaying up and down with the movement of the streak of light, seemingly boneless and graceful.

She giggled and said, "Master, don't be angry. It's so empty here, there's no one to talk to. Apart from speaking with you, there's nothing else for your disciple to do Please don't be unhappy."

With that, the girl gently shook Lu Heng's shoulder.

While traveling through the streak of light, Lu Heng's expression remained indifferent as he remarked, "You're already over five hundred years old as a dragon, can't you be a bit more composed? Look at Master, flying alone in the Starry Sky Tomb for over three thousand years, with no one to speak to before you took human form. Why does Master not find it boring, but you do Recite the Tao Scripture another hundred thousand times, and you won't find it boring anymore."

"Tch Master is an old-fashioned, dull person, of course, you wouldn't feel bored."

The girl pouted and muttered softly, "A hundred thousand times, a hundred thousand times"

With that, the girl intentionally recited the Tao Scripture she had learned in a loud voice near Lu Heng's ear.

However, this time, the girl could not resist and spoke again after reciting the Tao Scripture only three hundred times.

"Um Master, if we go back to the Celestial Desolation Realm now, do you think Martial Sister Xiao Ai and the others will be pleasantly surprised to see me? After all, they are all several thousand years old, and suddenly having an adorable and well-behaved little junior sister would surely make them happy, right? They wouldn't hold back on treasures like Magical Tools, would they? Master, you're so powerful, so I'm sure Martial Sister Xiao Ai and the others must have made a name for themselves in the Celestial Desolation Realm With so many talented senior martial siblings, does that mean I'll be able to walk arrogantly in the Celestial Desolation Realm in the future?"

The girl's face filled with anticipation and illusion.

"And with Martial Sister and the others establishing a sect, there must be a lot of disciples and descendants. As soon as we return, there will immediately be a bunch of old white-bearded men calling me martial nephew or even martial patriarch Hehehe That will definitely be a lot of fun."

The girl grew happier as she continued speaking, as if she could already envision a scene with a group of old white-bearded men kneeling at her feet, respectfully bowing and addressing her as "martial patriarch."

Lu Heng, however, cast a glance at her and said, "Perhaps as soon as we return to the Celestial Desolation Realm, we will find that Hanyu Mountain has been annihilated, and all your senior martial siblings have disappeared. Moreover, the enemies they provoked will come knocking at our door, conveniently trapping us as master and disciple At that time, remember to cover our retreat and buy time for my escape, my dear."

The words from Lu Heng momentarily stunned the young girl.

"Ah? Is there such a thing?" The young girl stared at Lu Heng and said, "Master, how can you curse your own disciple like this? And didn't you say that you left the Heavenly Thunder Sword for Martial Sister Xiao Ai? With that Heavenly Thunder Sword in her possession, who in the world can harm the disciples of Hanyu Mountain?"

The young girl, still unwilling to accept it, cheered on her unseen senior martial siblings, saying, "Moreover, Martial Sister Xiao Ai, Senior Sun Yan, and every one of them possess extraordinary talent, each with their own destiny and cultivation of the Tao Scripture. Their future is boundless."

"Three thousand years have passed, and they must undoubtedly be the innate cultivators at the pinnacle of the Celestial Desolation Realm, capable of dominating a region. How is it possible for anyone to surpass them in battle?"

"These are all things that you, Master, have said. You cannot deny it."

The young girl glared at Lu Heng, expressing dissatisfaction on behalf of her senior martial siblings.

Lu Heng glanced at her and said, "You ignorant little girl, the Celestial Desolation Realm is vast and the World of Eight Desolations is incredibly formidable. If your senior martial siblings behave humbly and cultivate discreetly after I leave, perhaps they can avoid trouble."

"If everyone acts as arrogant and clueless as you, we might not even find their bodies to bury when we return from this journey."

Lu Heng spoke and, seeing the young girl's defiance, was about to continue admonishing her when his divine consciousness unexpectedly came into contact with a profoundly familiar object.

Suddenly, he trembled intensely.


Within the streak of light, Lu Heng abruptly turned his gaze towards the front.

In the seemingly infinite and distant depths of the void, his divine consciousness, however, came into contact with a chaotic and formless emptiness that the world of stars could never possess.

And this, marks the arrival at the boundaries of the universe

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