I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 96: Force of Change 21

Chapter 96: Force of Change 21

So theyve begun. Good job on telling them Melaine. thought Naomi while shes looking up at the sky where the 3 figures were floating.

The civilians were panicking because of the flame thrower that passed right above their head earlier. They ran around while screaming loudly without anyone to direct them to safety. They sometimes bumped towards each other and fell to the ground, but that didnt stop the other civilians to runs to save themselves.

The 3 figures were floating around 600 meters above the sky, making them look like a dot from a normal person's perspective. But, to Naomi who enhanced her sight as soon as the flame passed their head, they looked just like when they stood in front of Naomi.

Naomi had guessed Mischa did the same thing as her and was able to see the floating figures because her earlier smile has turned into a frown. She locked her sight towards the floating figure as she said.

Hotaru, take Naomi out of here. Once they began their attacks, the situation would turn for the worst and I am not confident enough to keep Naomi safe with 3 of their members here. Especially when Mugetsu is here.

Mischas expression was serious, she didnt activate her ability yet because she still doesnt know the situation around her. There is also no reason to activate her ability when her enemies were high up in the sky.

Hotaru nodded her head and looked at Naomi. But, when she looked in Naomis direction, she saw that Naomi has a serious expression on her face and held a suitcase that she usually used to bring her weapon.

Naomi?! How did you get your suitcase with you?! Also, what are you planning with that?! Hotaru was surprised and shouted.

Her shout was not unheard by Mischa as she turned to look at Naomi for a second before focusing her gaze towards the floating figures again.

Naomi answered Hotaru by opening her suitcase and making the 4 chakrams float around her.

Ill help.

Its dangerous!! You should just go run to somewhere safe! Shouted Mischa at Naomi as her hand reached her waist trying to take her gun but there is nothing there. She forgot that she wears sportswear instead of her PD uniform and clicked her tongue.

It seems that you forgot about me, you idiot. Spoke Melaine from behind Naomi. She extended her hands that held 2 guns that were familiar to Mischa and Hotaru.

How? Asked Hotaru in confusion.

How did Melaine have their guns? No, how did she able to get the guns that they left in their hotel room?!

Seeing Hotarus confusion, Melaine just smiled and said. I picked them on my way here after getting Lady Naomis weapon suitcase.

If thats so, then I guess I could leave Naomi to you, Melaine. Said Mischa as she took her gun from Melaine and made sure that it was working before she held it with her left hand.

Hotaru also picked her gun from Melaine and did the same thing as Mischa.

I will just follow Lady Naomis command. If she wanted to join the fight, then I am in no position to stop her. Answered Melaine.

Mischa frowned at her words. But after she thought of it carefully, that also means Melaine will always by Naomi side and will save her when shes in danger.

Mischa nodded at Melaines words and instructed them to go around 500 meters away from her without telling Naomi and Melaine her reason. Surprisingly for Mischa, Naomi accepted her instruction without saying anything significant, as if Naomi knows about the reason why she instructed them to keep their distance from her.

I will split up and go with Melaine, I think I know what their purpose of being here. Said Naomi as she gestured to Melaine to come closer. Melaine put her hand on Naomis back and waited for further instruction.

She put her chakrams back into her suitcase and looked at Mischa for the last time.

Good luck, Mischa. Without even explaining her purpose to Mischa, Naomi and Melaine were gone from their spots as if they were teleporting away.

What did she means about that? Naomi knows Moon of Akashas purpose for attacking in this day? Mischa muttered to herself and was heard by Hotaru.

Seeing that the figures didnt move from their location, Mischa looked at Hotaru and said.

You heard Naomi earlier right? Could you track her and follow her, Hotaru? I am afraid that she wanted to throw herself in danger to keep us safe. I will stay here to watch over those guys. After Mischa said that, she once again focused on the floating figures in the sky.

Hotaru just nodded her head and answered her. Leave it to me. But tracking Naomi will require much effort. You do know how well she can hide from us, not only that this time she had Melaine with her.

Ability to manipulate time, thats indeed troublesome. Muttered Mischa.

Even so, I will do my best to look for them. Just leave them to me, Mischa.

Yeah, I will leave it to you.

Hearing Mischas word, Hotaru teleported away to begin her find and secure mission.

Although Mischa said that she will leave Naomi in Hotarus care, she believes that will be unnecessary. Melaine was strong, strong enough to keep Naomi safe without even trying.

Sorry Hotaru, I cant let you be here with me. Even I am not confident to defeat the three of them, especially not when I dont know the ability of the girl that floated beside Mugetsu.

Mischa had a wry smile on her face as she said to herself. She prepared her gun and took a deep breath before she jumped to the roof of the building to get a better view.


Inside the underground base of Moon of Akasha, Naomi sat inside the meeting room on her exclusive chair with Melaine beside her. In front of her were 2 holo phones, she uses one of them to monitor the situation outside the base and the other was used for communication with Bel who acted as Mugetsu.

Phase 1 was completed, what should we do next, Princess?

A girls voice came out from a holo phone on the table in front of Naomi. Because there was no one else besides Melaine in the meeting room, Naomi didnt wear his mask. She has a big smile on her face that even Melaine shuddered when looking at Naomis face.

On the screen of the holo phone was shown Mischa stood on top of the roof of a certain building while focusing her gaze towards Bel and the others.

Naomi let out a low laugh and then ordered Bel and the others.

Have Rekka attack Mischa with his flame from that distance. Dont worry about the casualty because there were hardly any civilians over there. A building can be built again, we can use this as a way to cut a bit of the Esper Association money too.

Certainly, Princess. Rekka had heard your command and will deliver a desirable result. This time a man voice rang out from the holo phone.

Naomi put her elbow on the chair armrest and rested her head on her hand as she commanded.

Do it.

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