I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 84: Force of Change 9

Chapter 84: Force of Change 9

Thats all that I wanted to talk about. Is there any question regarding the plan?

Naomi put the now empty cup back on the table and asked her subordinates.

Yes! Can you tell me about your plan that involved me following you from now on? I am really happy about that but didnt you say that you will be at a lot of risks if I was seen near you, Lady Mugetsu? As expected by Naomi, Melaine raised her hand and asked about that.

Naomi put her mask in the half-mask state on her face again before she answered. You have had lots of followers, right? Do you know where your followers are right now?

Melaine nodded her head and answered. Yes, I told them to hide in a certain place before I followed you that night. Because all of their times were slowed by my power, I can roughly know where they are right now.

I see, as expected. We could use her followers as a reason for Melaine to act near me. I think Mischa will trust Melaine if we told her that at that time where Melaine joined the attack, it was because Melaine was threatened with her followers' safety. It will make us look bad in Mischas eyes, but it cant be avoided. As she already saw my organization as an evil that needs to be vanquished.

Anyone in the Esper Association knew about you and your ability? Naomi asked Melaine about the last question that could be the deciding factor. Depending on the answer, then she will cancel the plan and opt for a more safe option.

I believe they are. I was once seen as a threat by them, so I think my data was still on their database. I was known mostly by the higher-up of their organization. But I dont think they knew everything about me after I was gone for more than 50 years. Maybe they even forgot about my face.

Good. With this, I can convince Mischa about Melaines circumstances. Or rather, fake circumstances. Naomi grinned as she heard Melaines answer and patted her head.

Well then, you will follow me from now on. As my new employees, more specifically, Akasa Inc.s new employee. For the girl that looked like you and attacked the US with Moon of Akasha a year ago, you know how to explain about that to the Esper Association right?

Melaine finally understood what Naomi means after she heard her answer.

Could it be, she wanted to blame my appearance on my clones? I see... The Esper Association will see that as my clone rebellion towards the Esper Association to exact their revenge. While I, the real Melaine was under Akasa Inc.s protection all this time and now I was sent to Avos Island to protect Akasa Naomi that was attacked and targeted by Smiling Sun under the order of Akasa Naomi herself. Princess is really a genius strategist, isnt she?

I see! Please by all means let me stay by your side! Melaine exclaimed happily and looked at Naomi directly with a big smile on her face.

Naomi also smiled back, ignoring the other 2 people who tilted their heads in confusion, dont know what their Princesss plan is.

But, what everyone didnt expect was Naomis real goal when she asked Melaine to come with her. With Melaines ability to slow down the time, I could ask her to finish my paperwork quickly. Its a win-win when I thought about it. I could rein her pervert behavior to some degree now so its not bothering me as much as a year ago. What a good plan!

Well then, I will go back to my hotel to avoid Mischas suspicion, or rather to prevent her from panicking because I didnt contact her at all. Melaine will go with me.

With that, Naomi stood up from her chair and followed by Melaine shortly. Hyun-Woo and Chi were still seated silently as their gaze followed Naomis figure that walked out the meeting room with Melaine in tow.

After their figures have gone from the room, Hyun-Woo opened his mouth and asked Chi. Did you understand what Princess planned earlier?

Chi shakes her head and answered Hyun-Woo's question. Unfortunately I dont. But I think that Melaine understood what she meant and decided that it was worth the risk even if she followed Princess and gave the Esper Association a chance to suspect Princesss real identity. I bet only both of them knew what was in each other mind, SSS-Ranked Esper's brain did works differently from us.

What do you mean about that? I never knew about it. Ask Hyun-Woo in confusion as he leaned closer to Chi in order to hear her correctly.

You dont know about it? Are you serious? This matter has been discussed for the last 20 years. But the scientist failed to provide the proof because the last SSS-Ranked Esper at that time, Melaine, refused to cooperate with them. Explained Chi to Hyun-Woo.

Hyun-Woo took the information and digested it. And he made a guess about his Princesss plan. Could it be the reason why Melaine decided to go with Princess has something to do with that? I mean, Mischa Belyaeva was just confirmed to be SSS-Ranked Esper too. Maybe Princess wanted to find the truth behind the secret of SSS-Ranked Esper?

Hyun-Woo gave his opinion but he was flatly denied by Chi. No, Princess has no reason to find the truth. Because I think every SSS-Ranked Esper already understood their strength and their limits. I think she wanted to appeal to Mischa Belyaeva that Melaine is not a danger and didnt affiliate with our organization. Remember about Bel? Melaines clone?

!! I see! Princess wanted to have a backup when she acted with her identity! Hyun-Woo smiled in realization as he leaned his back to the chair. But once again, Chi denied him.

I dont think so. Princess has Mischa Belyaeva and Nobi Hotaru acted around her. She didnt need Melaine to accompany her at all, that only increase the risk of her identi I see. So thats the reason.

Chi touched her chin with her hand and thinking about the possibility of her Princess hinting about her identity to the Esper Association on purpose. Chi remembered her Princesss plan to have Bel impersonate her as Mugetsu and made an appearance when they attacked the Smiling Sun.

If Princesss real identity is suspected as Mugetsu by the Esper Association and Mugetsu appeared in the same place, that will clear her suspicion in an instant. Also, Melaine, because Bel is Melaines clone and the Esper Associations higher-up knew about it. And if Bel is acted as Mugetsu, the Esper Association will understand our organizations goal. Or rather, fake goal.

Hyun-Woo also realized that and praised Naomi. Princess, she thought of that plan when we were discussing over breakfast? Shes a genius.

Indeed, we are fortunate that we have a leader like Princess. And I am glad that I joined this organization at that time.

Hyun-Woo and Chi then chatted about what they can do to help their Princess. Unknown to them, Naomi just wanted an extra worker to help with her paperwork.

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