I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 65: Avos Island 16

Chapter 65: Avos Island 16

I heard your communication, Mischa. I replied to it, but I get no response. Thats why I look at the GPS that was installed on our uniform and managed to track you here. But, to think Mugetsu was here. Explained Hotaru to Mischa as she took out a knife from her back using her right hand.

How? Hotaru could teleport here when Mischas ability is active? Doesnt that mean, we can use our ability, or control something inside the range of Mischas ability with our ability as long as we are not in the range of Mischas ability? That was useful info, thank you Hotaru. I will give you a raise later!

Oya? You misunderstand something. We want to keep Akasa Naomi safe, thats our goal this time. She was targeted by thugs, and she was saved by a member of our organization. Is this your way to repay someone? Naomi turned her head to look at Hotaru as she raised her hands.

Wha?! Hotaru was surprised and the gun which was pointed at Naomi faltered a bit.

Naomi used this chance to hold Hotarus wrist with her left hand as she twisted her body. Because of the pain, Hotaru let go of the gun and Naomi kicked it away using her left leg. Hotaru slashed Naomis neck with a horizontal swing using the knife in her right hand but Naomi grabbed the knife with her adjusted hand and crushed it.

Hotaru!! Mischa shouted from the distance, rushed towards Naomi and Hotaru because she was hesitant to shot her gun. Naomi and Hotaru were close to each other, there is a chance she missed her shot and shot Hotaru instead of Naomi.

Naomi went behind Hotaru, still holding Hotarus left wrist, and held it behind her back. Naomi then held Hotarus neck with her free right hand and said.

Stop or I will crush her neck.

Hotaru struggled with her free hand to free her neck from Naomis hand but to no avail. Their strength was a different league.

Mischa who almost get into their location suddenly stopped on her track. She gritted her teeth and her frown deepened.

I told you that I will help you right?

This time Hotaru was puzzled, she only heard the part when Mugetsu said attacked Naomi and if they want to keep their friend safe. So she doesnt know the part where Mugetsu explained to Mischa about who had attacked Naomi.

Mischa, what is she talking about?! Shouted Hotaru.

She said that her subordinate was the one who help Naomi when she was surrounded by thugs. And she said that she was willing to help us to locate her attacker and the bomber of the guard post. Explained Mischa as her frown lessened.

Good, come to think of it. Hotaru is here. That means she was not checking out on me in my room. Good thing I put my clothes in the box and hide it for me to change later.

How about it? I was in a good mood today, so I will consider it to help you. Because tonight the moon is not in the sky.

The first explosion was when the sun was about to set, right now the sun has hidden its body, and darkness came enveloping the sky with its coldness. The night was especially dark because the moon was not in the sky.

I dont believe you. You are a terrorist, and I am the Public Defender officer from Esper Association. And I swear that I will catch you. Whyd I need your help now? Mischa said to Naomi with a serious tone.

Because only I can help you. Naomi loosened her grip from Hotarus neck and let her free.

As I was the one who made up all of this bullshit.

Hotaru, with a skilled movement, leaped towards Mischa when she was freed from Naomis grip. She landed beside Mischa and rubbed her left wrist which was held by Naomi earlier. She looked at her wrist and it was swollen. She grimaced, but still looked at Naomi to anticipate any sudden movement.

Are you okay, Hotaru?

Mischa looked at Hotarus wrist and voiced her concern. Then she looked at Hotarus neck which was gripped by Naomi earlier and make sure that shes okay.

No problem, just a swollen wrist.

Both of them looked so nervous, they hesitated to give Naomi an answer. But, their hesitation was gone with Naomis next sentence.

If you refuse it, then I will just leave. There is no merit for me to hang around here any longer. And I wont cause any further trouble for you, Mischa~ Naomi licked her lip under her mask as she mouthed the word, Mischa. She was hungry for a fight, she doesnt mind fighting as Naomi or Mugetsu, but she was longing for a fight with Mischa.

The feeling of being suppressed which she cant feel without Mischas ability was addicting. She remembered their exchange of punch in the crater and she want to feel that again. Thats why Naomi will hold back. She will try to relish those feeling and have the fight with Mischa in a proper location, not in this port.

How about it? We will go our separate ways. Naomi urged Mischa and Hotaru to answer her.

Mischa still hesitated a little bit. But, Hotaru made a flash decision and answered. We refuse your help. We can handle this matter ourselves.

Naomi had anticipated Hotarus answer, thats why she asked them again. She had predicted that Hotaru, with her personality, will refuse her help.

Very well, I will leave. Just look at the group inside that warehouse. Naomi pointed at the warehouse near the port which was entered by the group of people wearing the bandanas mask.

Hotaru nodded and said. Just leave!

Well, goodbye. Naomi kicked the ground and jumped in the direction of Avos Islands center instead of the bridge which connected Avos Island with Chiba.


Mischas POV

My gaze followed Mugetsus figure until she cant be seen again because of the darkness. I thought to myself and made a mental note.

Mugetsu was in that caf this morning. So the pressure that I felt this morning was real!! Mugetsu was hiding on Avos Island all this time

I put my gun on the holster again after Mugetsu fled, no, disappeared from the port. I touched my chin and began to rack my brain to digest all information I had received from Mugetsu.

The first clue is this mornings pressure. The second clue, she knew about a group who had attacked, no, targeted Naomi. She said about weapon smuggler, its strange. Why did they attack Naomi... I need to investigate it a bit deeper. I thought too deep and forgotten our surroundings.


Third clue, the bomber, and the weapon smuggler, I will call them that for now, were part of the same group. Last clue, Moon of Akasha wanted to protect Naomi or using Naomi as a bait for the said group.


No, I cant let it like this. Both of them were using Naomi, which I wont allow! I need to make sure that Naomi was safe.



I felt pain in my left cheeks and looked held it with my hand. I looked at Hotaru and saw that her hand was in the air with her palm opened. Did Hotaru just slap me?

Why did you slap me?! I shouted at Hotaru.

Ssshhh!! Dont shout! I called you a few times but you didnt notice it so I slap you! Said Hotaru in a low voice, almost like a whisper.

More importantly, if the information given by Mugetsu is true, then the mastermind or at least the members of a group that targeted Naomi is inside that warehouse, right? Shouldnt we arrest them?

Thats right. I almost lost control of myself because of Mugetsu, while Hotaru was able to keep her cool all this time. It seems I owe her a lot.

Yeah, youre right. Thanks, Hotaru. I said with a low voice.

No problem, so what should we do?

Lets do it like this

And I told Hotaru about my plan. Im sorry Naomi, but it seems we wont be able to come back tonight.

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