I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 62: Avos Island 13

Chapter 62: Avos Island 13

3rd POV

On the Tokyo Gate Bridge.

1 car and 4 trucks were passed the pass point or rather known as Avos Islands entrance gate. They were coming out from Avos Island to bring prisoners to Tokyo for interrogation. The reason why they were taking them to Tokyo for interrogation and not interrogated them in Avos Island was unknown.

The car was exiting the entrance gate first, and followed by 4 trucks that tailed the car. The truck was divided into 2 in the front and behind the first truck.

Inside the car, Mischa sat there in the back seat with Dorizo beside her. She was there to ensure that Dorizo will arrive in Tokyo safely because she wanted to know why they had attacked her friend. Her guess was, they targeted Naomi in order to bring her out. If that was their target, she wanted to apologize to Naomi because she got involved in her affair.

The car, followed by 4 trucks drive at a fast speed, they wanted to reach Tokyo as fast as possible. When they had reached the middle of the bridge, 4 figures appeared, 3 of them were wearing a mask while the biggest guy, Stephen, didnt wear any mask.

Stephen stepped forward in front of 3 figures and his skin color turned into shinny gray reflecting light from the sun. Mischa was alerted by their appearance, activated her ability to seal an ability. An invisible dome-shaped barrier was created, enveloping an area with a radius around 500 meters with Mischa as the center.

Speed the car up!! Mischa shouted to the driver, and he nodded. The car sped up directly to Stephen, Mischa was aiming to hit Stephen with the car, hoping the guy will collapse.

The 3 figures flinched a bit when a strange sensation washed over them. One of them with blond hair, Doni, tried to use his ability but he found out that he cant use them. In a panic, he looked at Stephen to tell him, but his body is still covered by metallic color.

Stephen!! Our ability is sealed! That means Mishca Belyaeva is here!! Shouted Doni to Stephen. We need to retreat as planned, its too risky to fight her!! We need to run and wait for our ally to pick us up.

Hahaha, what are you saying!! My ability was not affected by that seal or whatever you call it, I will block her here!! Dont take my fun away from me! Shouted Stephen as he pumped his fists with each other.

He grinned and took a horse stance with her left hand in front of him while his right hand clenched beside his waist, ready to punch the car that run towards him.

Do as you please!! I wont help you if by chance you are in danger!! BECAUSE I CANT!! Doni shouted and turned to retreat and run towards the other direction of the bridge. He looked at the building where they are teleported and waved his hand.

Although he cant see the building clearly, at least he gave a signal to Selena that indicating he was retreating.

The sibling turned and followed Doni. They are running towards the other side of the bridge, to be as far as possible from Mischa. If they could use their ability, with a lot of seawater around them, they could easily kill all the targets in the trucks.

Brother, I feel weak. I feel useless to leave things to that guy. Grunted Yuki.

Yeah, sister. For now, lets get out from this seal and use our ability to help Stephen. Mizu comforted his sister as they keep running.

Meanwhile, the car was closing to Stephen. He grinned and prepared himself for the impact. When the car was 5 meters in front of him, he threw out his right hand, punching the cars nose, and bent it. The car was bounced back to the truck as they crashed and rolled because of the impact.

The 2 trucks on the back tried to avoid the crash and turned to the left. They crashed to the railing of the bridge, smoke came out from their engine.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, weak!! Do you think you can defeat me by crashing a car towards me?! You are nave!! Stephen shouted as he rotated his right shoulder. He pointed out at the cars remains and shouted.

Hey! I know you are still fine, came out and fight me!

The cars remains suddenly moved and Mischa came out from it unscratched, but her clothes are in a bad shape with cuts all over the arms and legs area. From the condition of her clothes, its obvious that she defends her body using her arms and legs.

Who are you? Why did you attack us? Mischa tried to get information from Stephen as she observes him.

She took notice of the most noticeable part, and thats a black crescent moon tattoo on his chest. She frowned when she saw the tattoo, as a crescent moon was known as the identifier of a certain organization member.

You ask who am I? Very well, because you survived that attack, while the driver and a prisoner died on the car, I believe. Because I saw 3 persons in the car earlier. Stephen stood up straight and he crossed his arms.

My name is Stephen!! A member of Moon of Akasha, and tell me your name so I can remember you! Stephen shouted with an overbearing aura as a grin crept on his face.

Mischa frowned upon hearing Stephens introduction. He didnt shy away and told her his name and affiliations. She turned careful when dealing with him because all she knew about Moon of Akashas members was that they are dangerous individually. Even 10 months ago, they turned a lot of places into a sea of fire in one night.

She slowly approached Stephen and stopped around 10 meters from him. I am called Mischa, Public Defender of the Esper Association.

Stephen huffed and spit at a rock beneath him when he heard Mischa introducing herself as Public Defender.

Hah! What do you mean Public Defender? All they did was kidnapping innocent people from their family. His face formed a frown and he turned serious. You better leave that organization as soon as you can, or you will regret it.

Mischa frowned at such a blatant lie spouted by Stephen. She had learned that listening to her enemy was a mistake and useless attempt. She took out her gun from the hostler on her right waist and held it with her left hand. She pointed the gun at Stephens head and said.

As expected, a terrorist is always spouting bullshit. I shouldve never listened to you.

Mischa looking around to see the situation in her surrounding. She saw the trucks driver which crashed into the railing still moving inside the truck. She decided to take the fighting away from them and turned at Stephen again.

What? Already done checking your subordinates? And you think I was spouting some bullshit? Well, whatever. Stephen, once again gotten into the stance like when he blocked the car and said to Mischa. Come! If you want to stop me then kill me!

Mischa with a serious look answered him. I wi-

But before she could finish her sentence, an explosion from behind her had interrupted her.


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