I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 53: Avos Island 4

Chapter 53: Avos Island 4

The customers were surprised by Mischa and Hotaru that suddenly barged into the caf with their weapons equipped and yelled for Mugetsu to come out.

The employees, however, turned wary to the 2 of them and think if the Esper Association managed to find their hidden base. They are ready to launch an attack anytime, but they are looking at the situation first because there are only 2 assailants.

Naomi that was sitting on the corner appeared calm but she frowning. But, like she was hit by a bolt of lightning, she had an idea.

Wait, isnt this my chance to surprise her?

Because Naomi sat in the corner of the caf, Mischa and Hotaru were unaware of her.

Naomi shoved the remaining sandwich into her mouth and pulled up her mask. She grinned under her mask and put up Mugetsu persona without releasing her power limit.

Oh? What do we have here? 2 PD officers barged into a caf trying to find me? I am honored by the fact. Naomi said in a higher tone than how she usually talking. She did this to fool Hotaru, at least trying to.

Mischa heard Naomi turned a gun that she held towards Naomis direction. Hotaru turned to Naomi too, but she appeared to be confused by something and hesitated to point her gun towards Naomi.

Hotaru squints her eyes in order to see Naomi better.

Mugetsu? Mischa asked as she slowly approached Naomi slowly.

Hotaru thinking ahead tried to evacuate the customers and the employees.

Please leave the caf at once! Still eyeing Naomi, Hotaru shouted to the customers for them to leave the caf.

The customers running out of the caf in panic, while the employees still stood motionlessly and they have no sign to leave.

What are you guys doing!! Leave the caf right now, it will be dangerous to stay here!

The employees still didnt follow Hotarus order. She clicked her tongue and was about to force them to leave.

When Naomi saw Hotaru almost force the employees, Naomi stood up and comforted Mischa head-on. Hotaru stopped on her track and she observing Naomi again.

This time, it was Mischa that was puzzled. Mugetsu seems to be taller than the report. Mugetsu in front of her is around 20cm taller compared to the Esper Associations report. And she wore a half mask instead of a full face mask that she usually wore.

Its you, huh. Its been a long time. Still, in her higher tone, Naomi greeted Mischa.

I wi-


As Mischa was about to say something, she heard Hotaru scream from behind and turned around even though her supposed to be enemy was in front of her.

When Mischa turned around to see Hotaru, she saw Hotaru stomped on the ground angrily as she approached them.

Stop Hotaru! Dont come here, its dangerous!! Mischa tried to stop Hotaru, but Hotaru didnt stop.

Instead, Hotaru teleported behind Naomi and she pulled Naomis mask, showing Naomi's face.

Getting the confirmation about her suspicion, Hotaru went in front of Naomi and pulled Naomis cheeks. Naomi!! What are you doing!

Hotaru shouted and baffled Mischa and the employees. Mischa blinked her eyes several times in confusion.

Itz hurzt~ Mizz Noobi~

Naomi cant form a clear sentence because her cheeks were pulled by Hotaru. She uses her hand to slap Hotarus hand asking Hotaru to release her.

Um, Hotaru? What do you mean by Naomi? Mischa, still puzzled decided to pull out her weapon and put it on the holsters on her waist.

Hotaru released Naomi from pinch torture, turned to Mischa, and said. Oh, right. You just messaged in the holo phone all this time without seeing each other because you are prohibited right, Mischa?

Naomi that was released from Hotarus pinch rubbed her now red cheeks as tears formed on the edge of her eyes.

This girl! She pinched me so hard that its hurt! I bet my cheeks turned red right now.

Still rubbing her cheeks, Naomi greeted Mischa again.

Yaa~ Mischa. Long time no see? You didnt change since we met 1 year 6 months ago, especially your height.

A vein popped up on Mischas temple as she heard Naomi. She was by no means short, shes 160cm. But, her height didnt increase a bit in this 1 year so she was a bit sensitive if its regarding her height.

On the other hand, you changed so much Naomi. I remembered that you were shorter than me and your bust was smaller than mine right? Oh, you turned sarcastic in 1 year too!

Mischa replied Naomi with sarcasm too, but that didnt work.

Ahahaha, thats because you didnt tell me that you will be on Avos Island today. No messages at all. Naomi smiled but Mischa is filled with dread.

A-ahaha, I want to see your reaction when you see me. So I didnt tell you.

Hotaru watched Naomi and Mischa's conversation with a smile on her face. Being together with Naomi for more than a year, Hotaru thinks of Naomi as her little sister to protect. Thats why shes glad that Naomi is able to meet with Mischa again after 1 year.

Yes, I was surprised. Especially when you were barged into this caf while yelling Mugetsu! Come out!! Naomi copied Mischas expression when she barged into the caf.

Mischas face reddened as she waved her hand uncontrollably in front of her face.

Cant hold her embarrassment any longer, Mischa covered her face with her hand and yelled Please forget that!!

Hotaru and Naomi were laughing when a voice interrupted them.

Excuse me, are you done? A waitress with a vein popped out on her temple called out to them in a calm voice.

Mischa and Hotaru turned to see the waitress smiled.

Um, were very sorry. We will pay the loss that the caf suffered because of us. Hotaru stepped forward and apologized to the waitress.

Dont forget to reimburse the door too. The waitress handed a piece of paper to Hotaru and she took it.

Hotaru read the paper and she paled. Due to her shock, her knees collapsed to the ground as she take an orz pose.

Mischa worried about crouched to see her.

Hotaru, whats going on?!

Hotaru, with her last energy, held the paper and give it to Mischa.

Mischa took the paper from Hotaru and read it. She got shocked when she read the paper and yelled.

Whats this?! 5 million Yen? Are you trying to rob us?

The waitress that was yelled at by Mischa show no reaction and just smiled. Naomi took this chance to take the paper from Mischas hand and approached the waitress.

Bring the card scanner. I will pay for it. Naomi pulled out her card from her wallet.

The waitress snapped her hand and another waitress with blue hair approached from behind holding a card scanner.

Naomi scanned her card and send 5 million Yen to their account.

Thank you very much~ the 2 Waitresses bowed to Naomi after the transaction was successful.

Naomi turned towards Mischa and Hotaru as she said.

Both of you owe me one.

Hotaru raised her head when she heard Naomi and she sweated. This is bad.

Mischa who doesnt understand whats going on thanked Naomi for what she did.

Thanks, Naomi, I will do anything that you want to pay it!!

Well, I have something in mind Mischa. I hope you can help me with it. Naomi gave her best smile and Mischa nodded at Naomi.

Hotaru who saw Mischa nodded to Naomi only muttered.

Its too late Mischa has been trapped by the demon

fufufufu, All according to plan. Naomi thought to herself as her smile slowly changed into a devilish grin.

Illustrator: Raven (Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40961809)

More than 24 Advanced chapters (For both of my works) Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

Most of the money from my Patreon will go to help me write better and Ordering an Illustration for both of my works. Lastly thank you to all the patrons!! 

Also, Big thanks to the new Executive!!

- Gloxie

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