I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 194: Prelude to War 10

Chapter 194: Prelude to War 10

Egypt? Why did she go wait.

Melaine stopped in the middle of talking and remembered one of the executives of the Esper Association.

She pulled her holo phone and shared the screen with the screen behind her.

I think I know the reason why she went to Egypt, Melaine said seriously as she turned her chair to face the big screen.

On the big screen, a man with tanned skin was shown. He had a buzz cut and wore a suit with the Esper Association logo.

His identity was written beside his photo.

His name is Andrew Mophas. One of the executives of the Esper Association. Explained Melaine. His ability is to control sand, and his base is located in

Melaine paused a little and showed a middle east map on the screen.

the Middle-east.

I see hes staying in the Middle-East because there are a lot of deserts in that place. Nodded Rekka.

Thats correct. In the desert, his ability would shine. However, that leads me to one question. Pondered Melaine.

What is it? Asked Hyun-Woo impatiently, Is it about how Princess found him?

As if being enlightened, Melaines face suddenly paled.

This is bad We must go to Egypt at once Muttered Melaine as she bit her finger, We must go there immediately, or Lady Naomi will be in danger.

What do you mean, Melaine? Frowned, Rekka asked Melaine seriously, Is there something that you hide from us?

Rekka was keen on reading peoples expressions. He was especially good at reading the members of Moon of Akasha.

He knew them personally and understood their personalities. That was why he immediately knew that Melaine was hiding something from the others. And what she hid was important enough to make her panic.

Tell us, Melaine. Or are we that untrustworthy in your eyes? Rekka pushed Melaine with his tone.

Melaine looked down. Her body was trembling, and she bit her lips, I I cant. I had promised Lady Naomi that I wont tell anyone, so I cant tell you.

You promised Princess? So its something that is related to her? Chi quickly made a guess, which Melaine answered with a weak nod.

Yeah So, please believe me We need to find Lady Naomi as soon as possible.

What happens if we dont find her in time, Melaine? Asked Mischa worriedly.

Maybe Lady Naomi will suffer some serious injuries. It's just maybe though. Answered Melaine seriously.

The atmosphere became tense with the bomb that was dropped in the form of an answer from Melaine.


Meanwhile, in the sky above a vast desert in the middle of a sandstorm, Naomi was flying when she suddenly sneezed.


She then fixed her mask and grumbled.

Ugh, I just fly to this area thinking that there should be a clue about the executive of the Esper Association in the middle-east thats full of war but to think I am caught inside a sandstorm.

Even though she said that the storm had avoided her in a one-meter radius as if the sand had hit a transparent spherical object.

Naomi had used her Telekinesis to keep the sand from hitting her, but her vision was not too good inside the sandstorm.

She flew slowly because she didnt know her location right now. Even her GPS in her holo phone was useless in the middle of a sandstorm.

After she pushed through the sandstorm for one more minute, she suddenly stopped and raised her holo phone to the sky.

Come on! To think that I am lost inside a sandstorm! Not only that She looked at the signal on her holo phone that said: No Signal and grumbled again. I cant call anyone in this situation This is the worst.

Looking around to her left and right, she could see nothing but sand.

Finally, she looked up and could see a bit of sunlight.

Lets try to go up. Even though this is a storm, I doubt it would reach above the cloud.

Naomi began to fly up while passing through the sands. She just focused on getting up and leaving the sandstorm that she flew at a fast speed.

Because of the sonic boom created by her sudden acceleration, one part of the sandstorm was dispersed, revealing a man who looked up with widened eyes.

Naomi didnt realize the man as she had now passed through the cloud. She pulled her mask and took a deep breath.

The sands didnt penetrate the cloud as Naomi had expected, and now she was greeted by fresh air.

Fuu Haa!

She held the mask with her hand as she looked at her holo phone again. This time, the GPS had worked even though there was still no signal.

Holo phone used a satellite to get a signal, so it was strange that her phone didnt get a signal.

This situation could only be explained by two things.

First, her holo phone was broken because she used it recklessly. Second, there was someone who tried to jam the signal, so she couldnt get a signal.

Hmm I guess its broken? Well, the GPS worked, so I dont mind though.

She didnt even think about the second possibility because she was in the middle of the desert. She now opened up the map and looked at one location.

Should I go there?

Her eyes were glued in one particular location.

I heard that the scenery in that place is beautiful. I should stop there for a few minutes to enjoy the scenery

They were in a war, a war between two Esper organizations. The war could destroy a country or two, so before the war started, she wanted to visit a famous place and the place that had the highest probability of being turned into a secret base.

Lets go then to Mount Everest.

Naomi put Mount Everest as her destination and began to fly while following his GPS.


Why did she fly away? muttered Andrew Mophas.

He came to the middle of a desert to ambush the enemy of the Esper Association, Akasa Naomi.

From the information gathered by the Public Defender and the prediction from the prophet, he had managed to trap his enemy in the middle of the sandstorm while waiting for reinforcement.

He had successfully stalled Akasa Naomi for a few minutes until she finally flew up at a speed that broke the sound barrier.

The sonic boom even dispersed the sand that he used to hide.

She looked at me and sneered. Does she underestimate me?!

He thought that he saw a sneer coming from Naomi, and now he was furious.

As the executive of the Esper Association, Andrew had big pride.

Just wait I will really kill you when I see you next time. He muttered alone and turned away. The sandstorm had stopped, and he then controlled the sand under his feet to go away.

However, as soon as he controlled the sand under his feet, a white door suddenly appeared in front of him. He was immediately put on guard, especially because he saw the girl who stepped out of the door.

He recognized the girl. No, recognized was not the correct word. He knew the girl. After all, they had created the Esper Association together 80 years ago.

Oh? Look whos here. How are you doing, Melaine? Andrew greeted the girl, Melaine, with a big grin on his face.

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