I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 179: Change 25

Chapter 179: Change 25

While Romanni's time had been slowed down by Melaine, Dario looked at Naomi and Melaine with a confused expression. He then turned to look at Romanni who somehow moved his head at a fast speed.

Because Romannis time had been slowed down, each of his moves appeared faster from the others point of view. From a normal perspective, it looked like he could move fast, but in fact, it was only Romannis perception of time and the time around her that had been turned fast so he could move at inhuman speed.

However, that also meant that he would feel pain a few times slower than a normal human. A pain that only lasted a second in the real world would feel like an eternity for Romanni.

Hence, Naomi asked Melaine to slow the time around Romanni, so he could suffer for a long time while his body could still feel pain.

Lady Naomi, its ready. I had made him perceive time around 50 times faster. You can torture him anytime. Said Melaine with a serious tone.

I see, then lets do it like this. First, because he dares to kidnap an innocent girl, lets break his fingers one by one.

Naomi looked at Romanni with a bored gaze as she used her Telekinesis to move Romanni's left pinky finger. It moved slowly at first, but it slowly bent in a weird way that usually a finger couldnt do, and then


A bone-cracking sound was heard from Romannis finger, followed by an incomprehensible scream.

Hii! Dario yelped and curled at the corner of the room, plugging his ears with his fingers to keep the sound away from him.

The scream continued for three seconds, and then Romanni stopped moving. His body had no energy, his head was limping. More importantly, the look on Romannis eyes had turned lifeless. He gave up, with just one finger, and he fainted.

Naomi looked at Romanni as if he was a ridiculous man. No, he was ridiculous. Naomi just broke a finger, and yet Romanni didnt even try to resent Naomi.

He was scared of her, he was trying to suck up to her, and begging for her mercy.

Trash, Naomi said slightly. Melaine, wake him up.

Yes, Lady Naomi.

Melaine then walked to Romanni, canceling her ability that slowed Romannis time, and slapped him on the cheek a few times.

Hey, wake up!

Had Romannis time not slowed down, he would last longer. A broken finger was not unusual for someone who worked in the underworld for so long. But, the pain that attacked him was not bearable, it was inhuman pain that was impossible to be achieved without Melaines ability.

After getting slapped a few times, Romanni finally regained his consciousness and looked around. The pain in his finger was still there, but it was not as painful as before.

He then looked at Melaine in front of him who looked at him with furrowed brows. He was afraid, he didnt want to feel that pain again.

A-aaahh!!! He screamed, he began leaking from his crotch, wetting his pants and the floor below him.

Yuck! Melaine exclaimed. She then used her ability to retreat as fast as possible while holding her nose. She disappeared from her location and re-appeared beside Naomi.

Lady Naomi! Hes so gross!

I can see that. To think there is someone as low as him. Exclaimed Naomi as she covered her nose with her hand. Melaine, one more time. Put him in a slowed-down world again.

N-no, no no no no no no no no!!!!! Romanni was screaming like a broken record. He could only utter no from his mouth.

He couldnt care for anything else at this moment. He would prefer death instead of being tortured.

P-please. Spare me!! Kill me!! He wanted to die. As his last resort, he tried to bite his own tongue.

However, he was put under a slowed-down condition again. Right now, his time perception was slower than Naomi's, so his movement had slowed down to the point he looked like he was not moving.

Before he could bite his tongue, Naomi prevented it with her Telekinesis. Seeing that Romanni was stopped by Naomi, Melaine turned his time perception to the same speed as the first one.

Now, lets make him scream even more, Naomi said with an evil grin on her face.

She actually didnt care about the guy in front of her anymore, he was such trash that her anger was gone after seeing him begging for mercy.

However, he still needs to pay for his sin. Naomi never thought of herself as God, but she would at least punish Romanni because of his deeds.

Lets spin his arms and legs. Lets see if he could still say something after that.

Naomi processed to torture Romanni. She destroyed his bones one by one, from his toes to his arms.

Romanni wanted to scream, but he wasnt allowed to. Naomi kept his mouth shut because he was noisy.

Dario who curled up at the corner of the room fainted midway. He couldnt bear the sight of Romanni getting tortured, his body bent in a weird way, and blood dripping from his destroyed legs and arms that were now looked like a rag after being twisted with hands.

After a few minutes of torture that lasted for an eternity for Romanni, Naomi was finally satisfied and done with her torture. She wasnt aiming for any vital part of Romannis body such as his organ, so he somehow was still alive.

Although he was still alive, his mind was destroyed. He couldnt handle the pain, and the only thing that came out of his mouth after Naomi put him back to the ground was a groan.


He was like an idiot, he didnt even look like a human after his legs and arms were destroyed by Naomi by twisting them.

Melaine also canceled her ability. She didnt even bat an eye when she saw Romanni getting tortured because she was used to such a sight 80 years ago.

Pathetic. Muttered Melaine.

Yeah, now we only have one thing left to do. Said Naomi. She then looked at the sight of Dario that had lost his consciousness at the corner of the room. We need to make sure he knows what happened.

As Naomi said that, she used her Telekinesis to separate Romannis head from his body. She lifted it and put it near Darios leg, then stood up from the chair.

We are done here. Lets get back to Germany, Melaine.

Certainly, Lady Naomi.

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