I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 153: The Storm 39

Chapter 153: The Storm 39

I had never expected this. Said Susan as she looked at Naomi.

Susan, as someone who recognized Naomis effort and power, was surprised.

She knew that Naomi was special. C-Ranked Esper who managed to join Avos Schools Esper Division, if she was not special, then she will not be able to enter the Esper Division with her rank.

It was proved on the first training. Naomi was able to destroy the glass that she made with her ability.

Neither I am. Added Edna.

Everyone was surprised.

The viewers of Topazs stream were surprised. Now her viewers had reached more than a million.

Some of the viewers praise Naomi because of her beauty. Some of them were surprised by how young Naomi was. Some of them who had their family members or loved one killed by Mugetsu was cursing at Naomi.


Inside a certain building, two people held their heads while watching Topazs stream. They were sitting on the couch and looked at the hologram screen in front of them.

One of them, the woman muttered.

That girl I know that she was up to something, but I never expected this.

The man lowered his hand that he used to hold his head and laughed.

Well, what can we expect. She lived her dream.

It must be because of you! My little daughter turned into the world's most seek criminal because she lived her dream? I know that she wanted to become a hero of justice without anyone knowing about it. But, she chooses the hard way.

Maa, we can only support her. But, if our daughter is their leader. Then our plan will become easier, right Mizuki?

As always, you only looked at the good side of things.

Mizuki took a teacup on the table in front of her and sipped it.

She once again looked at the screen and said.

I never wanted to drag our daughter in our affairs.

Maybe it was fate. Said Tetsuma.


Millie was acting strangely after Naomi took off her mask. She was like she didnt know what she did and tilted her head.

Ah, what I will do? Thats a good question. What will I do now?

Naomi looked at her with narrowed eyes. There was something wrong with Millie, but she cant tell what was wrong with her.

It was as if Millie was broken. She just followed whatever was in her head and it was a strange feeling.

Melaine, do you feel something wrong with Millie? Asked Naomi in a low voice.

Melaine turned her attention to Millie after gesturing Hyun-Woo to carry Hotaru.

Yes, its like her power level gone unstable. She was around SS-Rank Esper when I first saw her earlier, but now it was decreasing at a fast speed.

Yeah, when I met Millie in the orientation, I am sure that she was just around B-Rank. That meant

There was someone else behind the Smiling Suns activity. This is troublesome. Said Melaine as she bit her lips.

Hmm, what should I do What should I do? Ah! Father, be a good father for me and attack Naomi will you?

Millie pointed her index finger at Naomi and ordered Mr. Taylor who stood beside her to attack Naomi.

Of course, my dear. Answered Mr. Taylor without changing his smile.

He then ran towards Naomi and pulled a handgun from his back.

The ones from the Esper Association just looked at the scenes in front of them while crossing their arms. Susan was frowning though, she didnt like the sight in front of her.

Mr. Taylor shoot his handgun a few times, aiming at Naomis head.

But these bullets were stopped by Naomis Telekinesis with no problem.

Seeing the gun didnt work on Naomi, Mr. Taylor threw the handgun away and then pulled a grenade from his pocket.

He pulled the safety of the grenade and threw it towards Naomi.

Once again, Naomi used her Telekinesis to throw the grenade back to Mr. Taylor.

The grenade exploded once it got close to Mr. Taylor, blowing him away because of the impact. He stopped beside Millie with burnt clothes and skin.

His condition was critical and he will die in a matter of minutes if he was left alone.

Millie who saw the condition of her father scoffed. She raised her feet and stomped on her fathers head, surprising even Naomi.

How dare she? Muttered Rekka from behind.

Shes broken. I managed to dig some information from parties and such, but from what I know, Taylor's family is broken. Said Hyun-Woo.

Naomi wasnt interested in the individual called Millie Taylor since she met her. She just act around her, playing friend with her to know what she planned.

Naomi also noticed that Millie know that she was lying when she was asked about Mischas friend. At that point, she was suspicious of Millie.

Tell me the details later, Hyun-Woo. It seems that man, Mr. Taylor, has an interesting ability.

In the distance, Mr. Talor was still stomped at by Millie. But, the burnt that he suffered was slowly healing. It was healing at a fast speed and then he slowly raised his body.

Millie also moved her feet and then looked at Mr. Taylor with a smile on her face.

Ah, Father. You are okay! Why are you okay? Why dont you die?

Even though Naomi killed a lot of people, she didnt like the sight in front of her.

Enough. Said Naomi with a cold tone.

Millies attention turned to Naomi and tilted her head.

Enough? Asked Millie.

Naomi raised her right hand towards Millie and used her Telekinesis to raise her to the sky.

At a fast speed, Naomi brought Millie in front of her and held Millies neck with her hand. She brought Millie closer and glared at her at a close distance.

Millie had difficulty breathing because her neck was gripped by Naomi. She tried to peel Naomis hand off her neck, but it was futile. Naomi was too strong.

You are crazy. I, despise people like you who toyed with other people. I dont care how your past was, I dont care with how crazy your father was, but one thing for sure.

Naomi threw Millie to the ground and she coughed, trying to catch her breath before glaring at Naomi.

You! A liar like you!! Millie began to shout at Naomi. Calling her a liar.

Naomi ignored Millies shout. As if ordered by Naomi, Hyun-Woo made a barrier around Millie, isolating her inside.

Millie banged on the barrier and was shouting, but no sound was heard outside of the barrier.

Naomi looked at Hyun-Woo and saw him nodded his head. She then turned to Rekka and said.

Rekka, dispose of that man.

Naomi extended her hand and carried Hotaru by making her float with her Telekinesis.

She then looked at Hyun-Woo.

Call Luna and ask her to get you back. I will go back first. Melaine, you come with me?

Of course! Exclaimed Melaine.

Naomi then used her Telekinesis to fly away with Melaine and Hotaru. But when she flew, she left a message.

This time I had business with Smiling Sun. This was enough, but next time prepare yourself. As I will destroy the Esper Association.

After leaving the message, Naomi flew at her highest speed toward the base that was located in the middle of the sea with Melaine and unconscious Hotaru.

Rekka burn Mr. Taylor to ash, and then he glared at Lucilla and Edna while waiting for Luna to pick them up.

Rekka, what should we do with her? Asked Hyun-Woo as he looked at Millie who was trapped inside his barrier.

I think we should bring her with us.

I see, then lets bring her while she was trapped inside my barrier. We dont know what she can do with her ability after all.

Thats right.

After waiting for a while, a white door appeared in front of them. Hyun-Woo brought Millie with him and stepped in the white door first while Rekka was still standing outside of it.

He looked at Topaz and asked.

You want to come?

Topaz shook her head.

No, I will not. I am neutral, so I wont come with you.

Is that so? Answered Rekka.

He then entered the white door and the white door dissolved into nothingness.

That day will be remembered as the day where everything changed.

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