I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 149: The Storm 35

Chapter 149: The Storm 35

Naomi and Topaz arrived at Avos School after walking for a while. The previously evacuated students had rioted in this place, but Ryo and Kyouka who was assigned to help them were able to knock most of them out of their consciousness.

They saw Naomi who walked in the distance and their eyes widened in surprise. But, as PD officers of the Esper Association, they moved fast. Ryo made a blade from the wind and launched it towards Naomi while Kyouka controlled the trees around them to shield the unconscious civilians and students.

Topaz who saw the wind blade move at a fast speed in Naomis direction was holding her holo phone with a scared expression.

Watch out! Shouted Topaz.

The viewers were also nervous, imagining the wind blade to cut Mugetsu in two. Some of them were commending the fast reaction of the PD officers when they saw Naomi, the one who was considered a threat to them.

Naomi also commended their fast reaction in her mind, but that was futile. As soon as the wind blade reached Naomi, it didnt do anything as it hit Naomis telekinesis armor.

Both PD officers stood in front of Naomi and Kyouka shouted.

So you are the one who caused this Riot after all?!

Kyouka was focused her gaze on Naomi, ignoring Topaz who was recording the entire thing with her holo phone. Fortunately, Ryo noticed Topaz and he slowly walked to Kyouka.

Hey, that girl. Isnt that the same girl that went with Officer Mischa earlier? Asked Ryo.

Kyouka turned her gaze at Topaz before glaring at Naomi again.

You! Where is officer Mischa! What did you do to her?!

Naomi sighed under her mask while Topaz was looking around in confusion. She never met Mischa today, and they said that Mischa went with her earlier?! Finally, Topaz looked at Naomi to ask about what happened.

This is confusing. I was unconscious before I met with Mugetsu, what did she mean by going together with Mischa?

Naomi just stayed silent without answering their question. It was not that Naomi didnt want to answer them, but she saw a bug, or rather a familiar boy that she called a bug in the distance that made his way towards Naomi.

AAAAARRRRGGGG!!! The boy, Shun, ran towards the four of them in madness while two balls of light appeared behind him.

The balls were shot at Ryo and Kyouka at a speed that was faster than sound. Ryo and Kyouka noticed Shun because of his shout. They turned towards the source of the shout and were surprised when they saw the balls of light right in front of their face.

They had no time to dodge, and they both thought the same things. That they will die if the balls touch them. Both of them closed their eyes, but the ball had never touched them.

Ryo was the one who opened his eyes first. He saw the ball disappear from his sight and the boy who shot the ball was collapsed on the ground with his arms bent weirdly.

Were safe? Asked Ryo in a low voice as he turned to Naomi without a moment's delay.

He saw Naomi slowly lower her right hand which was raised when he closed his eyes.

Kyouka also opened her eyes slowly and looked at Ryo then Naomi.

She saved us? Asked Kyouka in disbelief.

Go away, just do your job in evacuating the civilians. Said Naomi as she began to walk again. She ignored the two officers and passed them as she made her way to Avos School.

Topaz followed Naomi silently from behind and stopped near Ryo and Kyouka for a moment.

U-umm, you will understand the situation if you watch Garcia TV or the streaming platform connected to Garcia Company. Ive been shooting Mugetsu since she saved me. Many people seem to misunderstand her intention, now I wanted to uncover her real intention by following her! Please stay safe.

Topaz ran to Naomi after she left the messages for Ryo and Kyouka. She was able to catch up to Naomi quickly because Naomi was just walking slowly.

You did something unnecessary. Said Naomi as she continued her walk while stopping the rioters.

The majority of the people who were controlled by perfumes have been neutralized already, so Naomi didnt need to concentrate as much as earlier, and she can spare her time to talk with Topaz.

I just said what I see. Rather than that, can you please tell me about your plan? No, the reason why you did all of the things you did. Can you tell us, the world about it?

The viewers of Topazs stream had anticipated this moment. They wanted to know about Mugetsus plan, the plan that plunged the world into unrest by their terror.

Naomi stopped moving and glanced at the camera. Her red eyes looked blazing from the gap of her mask.

Its simple. My goal has not changed since the start. As Naomi said that, her black-clothed subordinates appeared in front of her and kneeled at her.

Princess, all civilians that rioting on this Island has been moved to the safe place alongside 2 PD officers that wanted to protect them. We allowed them because they had no hostility towards us, was that okay? Asked Hanz as he lowered his head.

Thats fine. Answered Naomi.

She turned her body to the camera and spread her left arms as she touched her mask with her right hand.

This is a good opportunity. Let me tell you my goal, the reason why I built my organization.

Naomis subordinates lowered their heads further. They were happy to be present on this occasion because this was the time their Princess announced their goal that remained a mystery to the world.

Their goal, their reason to be branded as terrorists and keep fighting without minding their brand. It was simple, but the world didnt realize it.

My goal, my organizations goal was always been simple. Its to save the powerless from injustice. To save those who were unfortunate. To help those who are held captive. And to free those who are being kept in prison called laboratorium. The world maybe didnt realize it, but I will continue. I dont care you brand me as a terrorist or as a criminal.

The chatbox was filled with a shout and No way!. Topaz who stood in front of Naomi was grinning, she knew about the darkness of the world, but hearing about it directly from the one who choose to fight them was different.

The street was devoid of people, although it was near Avos School, everyone has been evacuated to safety. There was only Topaz, Naomi, and her subordinates who stood in the middle of the street between the buildings.

Now, the one who caused this riot was an organization called Smiling Sun. They used one of their members power or even their leaders power itself to control the mind of people who smelled their blood. It was through perfume, and this incident happened all over the world. But dont worry, as my subordinates are destroying their base as we speak.

Naomi turned around and began walking again as her subordinates made way for her.

Wait! Where are you heading now?! Shouted Topaz as she followed Naomi.

Naomi glanced over her shoulder and said, To kill someone. Im no saint, dont mistake me for one.

A chill washed over Topazs back after she heard Naomis declaration. She didnt know her target, but that person will surely feel more pressure than Topaz right now.

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