I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 140: The Storm 26

Chapter 140: The Storm 26

A few minutes ago

Mischas POV

I put the bracelet that Naomi gave me and then we teleported to the Avos School. The situation in this school was calm, as the students were not coming to school.

Some of the students were in the dorm, while some of the others were on their residence on this island. I dont really know why they targeted the school when there were no students, but I still need to protect the school as the teacher were still here to do their job.

We teleported in front of the school and we saw Ryo and Kyouka had arrived and talked to two women in front of the entrance of the school. We approached them and I greeted them.

Ryo, Kyouka, hows the situation?

Both of them and the two women who were contrasted a lot looked at me. The first woman was an average one, while the other was a stout woman with a rather eccentric hairstyle for a woman.

The teacher here didnt believe us Said Kyouka as she looked down.

Tch, after I explained it to them.

As I said! We need proof! Said the average woman to Ryo.

I decided to interject them and introduce myself.

Im sorry, but this is an emergency situation. I am Mischa Belyaeva, the student here but right now I am acting as a PD officer.

Hotaru who heard me introduce myself stepped forward and said, And I am Nobi Hotaru, Mischas partner in PD.

The average-looking woman looked at me and it seems she recognize me, I know, I am Edna Stirling. The homeroom teacher for 1C.

1C? Isnt that Naomis class?

And I am Susan Hays, the instructor for class 1C.

Again, the teacher from 1C. Why did they stop Ryo and Kyouka?

Nice to meet you, but right now it really is an emergency situation. We met Mugetsu earlier and she said that there will be an attack on this school. They targeted this school, and my friend, Akasa Naomi.

The stout woman, Susan suddenly turned serious and glared at me. Are you serious? Dont give me that joke, I know Akasa Naomi, I tested her ability myself.

She clenched her fist and bit her lips as she muttered, Damn, I should prevent her from telling everyone her position and her ability even with force! After I suggested it to her, she was targeted?

So this Susan had tried to tell Naomi to hide her position, huh. Knowing how Naomi usually acted, I guessed she mustve rejected the idea while saying she didnt fear anything.

Shes like that. Right now, she was taken by the Moon of Akasha. She left a note though, telling us that we dont need to worry about her. More importantly, there is an organization called Smiling Sun targeting Avos School and she wanted to prioritize the safety of the school instead.

This time, Edna narrowed her gaze and touched her chin with her right hand, Smiling Sun, I heard about them from some rumors inside the Association. So they did exist?

I nodded my head and said, They are. When we met Mugetsu earlier, she killed two of their members and gave us a warning. She said that her organization was hostile towards Smiling Sun, so she left the defense at us and she wont interfere with anything except for Naomis safety.

I looked at the two of them and saw that Susan had calmed down compared to earlier. She crossed her arms and looked at me with a narrowed gaze.

Naomis safety? Why?

As I was about to answer Susans question, Hotaru interrupted me. Naomi was abducted by Moon of Akasha a month ago. She said that they took her to their base and told her the reason why they abducted her. But, Moon of Akasha had an Esper who can temper a mind, thats why Naomi cant remember anything when she got back to our hotel.

I looked at her and saw Hotaru look at me with serious eyes.

As expected, Mischa. I cant leave that girl alone. Let me find her, you know that I almost had no use in this place even if Im here.

The truth was, I wanted Hotaru to find Naomi too. But, according to her letter, there was Rekka the Salamander with her. It was too risky to let Hotaru go by herself.

I cant decide, Naomi was important to me, but Hotaru was important too! I cant take the risk, I really wanted to go by myself.

When I was thinking about going with Hotaru, I heard Susans voice.

Let me go with her then.

I looked up and saw Susan smiled at me, You hesitated, didnt you? Leave her to me, that girl can teleport right?

Yes, I can. Answered Hotaru.

Susan nodded her head and relaxed her arms, Then leave the search of Naomi to me. I had the ability to create a glass that was able to block a rocket launcher. I am the most suited in rescue missions like this.

When I heard her, I was a bit relieved. If that was the case, then she could protect Hotaru and Naomi in case of emergency. But, why did she willing to go that far?

When I thought about that, Susan laughed, Hahahaha, you were really easy to be seen through. I am willing to save Naomi because she is my student. Not only that, I promised to help if she needed it.

Thank you, I will be counting on you to protect Naomi and Hotaru. I said to Susan and bowed my head a little.

Well then, shall we go? Hotaru walked towards Susan and extended her right hand.

Im counting on you. Susan took Hotarus hand and they teleported away from the school.

I looked at Edna and saw her holding her head and looked down to the ground, This is a mess. One of the students was kidnapped by the most searched criminal organization, and another criminal organization organized an attack on our school. What else can go wrong?

As soon as Edna said that, I heard something fly at a high speed in the sky. I enhanced my body to the limit and looked up at the sky.

Something is coming! I shouted to warn the other and they immediately took their position with their guard up.

Where?! Shouted Ryo.

I enhanced my ear to be able to hear better and realized that the sound came from behind the Avos School. Instantly, I turned to look in the direction where the sound came from and pointed at the direction with my left index finger.


Everyones sight followed my finger and then I saw something flying at a high number.

Is that glass bottles?! With my better eyesight, I could see the flying object.

They were flying glass bottles, with a strange liquid inside each of them.

Unconsciously I muttered. This is bad really bad.

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