I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 137: The Storm 23

Chapter 137: The Storm 23

Turning back the time a little while

Mischas POV

Mugetsu left after leaving a message. I looked at the corpses that were left alone by Mugetsu. One of them had their head turned in a strange direction while the other one was bloodied as if they crashed into the steel wall at a high speed.

They were not nice to look at. I turned to look at Hotaru and said, What do you think. The protection target that was Naomi, right?

Hotaru nodded her head at me, I think so, Mischa. Should we go to Avos School as she said or should we go to our hotel to meet Naomi?

I touched my chin with my right hand and thought. If we meet Naomi, then we can protect her. But, that will cost the life of the civilians or students in Avos School. On the other hand, if we go to Avos School, we cant ensure Naomis safety.

The only way to get this was to take Naomi to Avos School. Why did Melaine must be missing at a time like this! Naomi said that she sent Melaine to someplace for business with Luna Corporation. So the attack this time was timed nicely, their target as expected was Naomi.

Hotaru, teleport me to Avos School. After you teleport me to Avos School, take Naomi to me. This was the best choice, to concentrate our defense in one place.

I see. We need to look out for the Moon of Akashas member too, right? They could be hidden near the Avos School to watch over Naomi. Said Hotaru as she put her gun back to the holster.

I nodded my head at her words. But, we have no luxury right now. Any help was appreciated, even if they came from the Moon of Akasha. Not only that, we cant report Mugetsus information to the Esper Association.

We had no concrete proof about the attack from Smiling Sun or something that Mugetsu talked about.

A minute after Mugetsu flew away from us, the team of 5 officers from Esper Association arrived. The Team of 5 looked around and saw 2 corpses of women before a pair of men and women from their team approached us. The man had blonde hair while the woman had wavy brown hair. They saluted at me and said.

Report. My name is Kyouka, and my partner is Ryo. Officer Mischa Belyaeva, can you tell us what happened here?

I saluted back at them and said.

Mugetsu was here, she flew away after she killed the two women and give us the identity of these two corpses. It seems they were part of an organization called Smiling Sun.

We lowered our hands at the same time and she looked at me with a serious face.

Are you sure? We received a different report. From the report that we received, a Girl stole something from the one who reported and she was in pursuit of the Girl.

I frowned at Kyoukas word and asked.

Are you sure? You felt the pressure that Mugetsu released, right?

Kyouka nodded her head while the man, Ryo, clicked his tongue.

I, no, we felt it. That was why we run towards this place as fast as we can. So that means

The reporter was one of the girls that Mugetsu killed and Mugetsu was the Girl in the report. Added Hotaru.

She was really dependable at a time like this. Unfortunately, she wasnt really able to show her ability in front of Naomi. That was why Naomi thought of Hotaru as a useless subordinate and teased her nonstop.

That meant, Mugetsu had something that she took from these women. I said as I looked at the corpses that were moved by the rest of the team.

Tch, what did that Mugetsu tell you? I bet she left a message or two right, seeing you didnt fight her. Said Ryo as he looked at me with a serious face.

Ryo! Dont be disrespectful! Shouted Kyouka as she stepped on Ryos leg.

It hurts you dufus! This is how I talk, do you have any complaints, huh?! Shouted Ryo back to Kyouka.

They had a nice relationship. Maybe that was why they were paired with each other. Like me and Hotaru or Naomi if she joined the PD.

Ryo and Kyouka were bickering with each other for a while before Ryo turned to me and asked, So?

Kyouka frowned at Ryo before she turned to me with a wry smile, Im sorry, please forgive his act.

I dont mind. Mugetsu did leave a message to me. She said that the Organization that the girls were part of, The Smiling Sun, will attack the Avos School. Not only that, they targeted my friend, Akasa Naomi.

Akasa Naomi as in the girl that was our protection target a month ago? Why did the organization, Smiling Sun was it? Targeting that girl? Asked Kyouka in a curious tone.

That was expected, you dufus! Akasa, as in Akasa Inc. They targeted her must be because they were aiming for their weapon! Said Ryo as he put his hand on Kyoukas head. He looked at me with a serious face and asked.

So, when did they attack Avos Island. And what is your plan? We will help. I wanted to make sure that girl was safe this time. The last time we were failed because we didnt recognize her, that was my fault.

I looked at Ryo and nodded my head. So he and Kyouka were the ones who were ordered to protect Naomi at that time. If he wanted to help, then it will be better.

Mischa Hotaru whispered at me from my side.

Lets accept their help. They seem like good people.

I agreed with Hotarus idea, and that was my intention from the start. I looked at Ryo and Kyouka who were bickering once again and coughed into my hand to get their attention.

They looked at me with faces full of expectation.

I will take your offer. Please help us.

Leave it to me! Said Kyouka as she smiled.

Ou Said Ryo.

I nodded my head in satisfaction, Now for the plan. It goes like this

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