I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 122: The Storm 8

Chapter 122: The Storm 8

The test was over and the students were back to their class. Naomi was also back to her class with Topaz and Millie.

Topaz was acting as usual when they came back and tell Naomi and Millie about her test. But, Millie was acting strange. She was looking at Naomi and Topaz for a while before averting her gaze.

Naomi didnt know what happened to her, but Naomi decided to ask her later. Even if Naomi didnt trust her new friend yet, she wanted to at least talk to them like usual so her school life wont be boring like her middle school.

After coming back to the class, they continue the class like usual. Although the school was built for the future generation of Esper, they still need their basic education like Maths and Physics, especially two of them. The Esper need to be able to calculate the distance, velocity, and other things when they used their ability.

Some of the abilities did not necessarily need to calculate those things, but it could also work to calculate the enemys ability and guess their ability. Thats why Naomi choose to learn those things when her ability just awakened.

After the lesson was done, Naomi walked to Millie. She smiled at Millie and asked. Was there something bothering you, Millie?

Millie looked up to Naomi from her seat and shook her head. No, nothing is bothering me. Why did you ask that, Naomi?

Naomi has a worried expression on her face and said. Well, youre not smiling like yesterday. Also, you acted strange when I am around. Was it because I am a C-Ranked Esper?

Topaz looked at Naomi and Millie in the distance. She heard what Naomi said to Millie and become curious. She approached them and decided to ask Millie.

Is that true, Millie? Didnt you say that you wont look at the others ability? Asked Topaz as she looked at Millie with a displeased expression.

Millie feel cornered when both of her new friends asked her that. She looked down on the floor and covered her face with her hands.

I dont Muttered Millie.

Naomi could hear a sad sob coming from Millie. Now she feels bad to make her cry. Naomi was panicked, for the first time in her life. She never expected Millie to cry just because of that. She looked at Topaz to see what she was doing.

Theyve become the focus of the students that were still in the class. Fortunately though, because it happened after school, there were not many students who remained in the classroom.

Unexpectedly, Topaz approached Millie from behind and hugged her.

Dont cry Millie, we are just worried. You do know the way high-ranked Esper treats the lower one. Thats why Naomi was worried when you were acting differently after she said that she was C-Ranked Esper in the test earlier.

Millie slowly raised her head and looked at Naomi. Her face was wet because of the tears, but she looked at Naomi and asked. Really?

Naomi used her Telekinesis to open her bag and take a handkerchief that she prepared for any emergency and gave it to Millie.

Yes, I was worried.

Also, did the low-ranked Esper get bullied a lot? I never experienced that. Thought Naomi as she made a note to herself.

If the low-ranked Esper was bullied by the high-ranked one, then Naomi will be in trouble. She never thought something like bullying the low-ranked Esper exist.

In her organization, there were lots of C-ranked and D-ranked Esper according to Chi. But they were strong in their field. So Naomi thought that every Esper is equal and there was no difference. If Naomi know about bullying towards low-ranked Esper, she wouldnt reveal her formal rank in the test earlier.

The reason why Naomi never know about it was because of Hotaru and Mischa. They didnt know Naomis real strength, but they respect each other nonetheless. In Naomis middle school, there were only low-ranked Esper and normal people too, so there was no bullying in her school.

I must proceed carefully then, I dont want to lose control over my ability and destroy the school in my first week. Thought Naomi as she saw Millie using the handkerchief to clean her face from tears.

I just Im sorry. Said Millie to Naomi.

Naomi smiled at Millie. Dont worry about it. Im just worried about you. You didnt smile at all after we came back from the test.

Millie has tears building up on the corner of her eyes again and looked at Naomi.

Im sorry I, I cant tell you about it.

Its okay. I dont mind. But, are you okay?

Yes, thank you for worrying about me. I I am okay. Said Millie as she tried her best to smile at Naomi.

Naomi nodded her head and smiled. Thats good.

As Naomi said that, her holo phone was ringing from her back. Naomi used her telekinesis to take it from her bag and looked at the screen.

On the screen was written Melaine. Its rare for Melaine to contact Naomi first. Naomi looked at Millie and Topaz.

Im sorry, I need to take this call.

Millie just nodded her head while Topaz said.

Take your time!

Naomi walked out of the classroom and answered Melaines call. She was standing near the stair that lead towards the second floor because no students were lingering around the stairs.


Lady! We just received information about Smiling Sun! Theyve made a strange movement.

With just that sentence, Naomi's smile changed into a grin. She changed her tone and said.

Tell me. Or rather, just send the information to my holo phone, I will read it later.

Yes! I will

Naomi ended the call immediately and walked back towards her classroom. With the students hiding their ability, Naomi decided to proceed cautiously in the school.


Underground Base

There were 5 people in the meeting room of the underground base. They were looking at Melaine who sat on the seat on the left of Naomis designated seat.

The ones present in the room was the usual member. Rekka sat on the right side of Naomis designated seat. Chi and Bel were also in the room and they sat on the right. The last one was Julia who stood behind Rekka.

Anna and Dan-bi were not present in the room because they were working at the caf, helping around as a waitress.

How is it? Asked Rekka to Melaine.

Ive sent the information to Lady Mugetsu. We just need to wait for her confirmation.

The people present in the room nodded their heads at Melaines word.

I never thought that they will make a move now. Weve been investigating them for more than a month. Said Rekka as he looked up at the ceiling.

We never expected it either. My team who collected the information was at a loss when they suddenly moved. But, I think Princess had expected it. Because their target is that place. Said Chi to Rekka as she looked at the holo phone in front of her.

Everyone in the room has a serious expression on their face. The atmosphere is silent, but that silence was broken by a ringtone from Melaines holo phone.

She quickly opened her holo phone and smiled. Weve got the reply.

Melaine paused for a few seconds before she has a wild grin on her face. She said, she will leave all matters of Smiling Sun movement to us. She will act as a powerless bait.

Everyone in the room smiled at those words.

Its time to burn those bastards. Said Rekka.

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