I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 117: The Storm 3

Chapter 117: The Storm 3

Now, Maggots! You better listen to me in this training ground!

The stout woman earlier was standing in front of class C students in a wide facility with number 1 and letter C written on the wall behind her.

Naomi and her classmates were brought to this facility after the stout woman entered the room. This facility is located underground behind the Hall.

Surprisingly, they could access this facility by using an elevator that was built inside the hall, so they must enter the hall first before getting inside this facility.

On the wall around the facility were varieties of letters starting from 1D to 3A which Naomi guess to separate the training ground of each class. Naomi didnt see the letter S though, they mustve got a special training facility built somewhere.

Now that youve entered the training ground, what is your impression? Asked the woman.

A student which Naomi known as Ken raised his right hand. Its big, Teacher!

The stout woman was snickering and said. Of course its big, you Duffus! What I mean is whats your impression of this training facility!

Naomi looked around the facility they are in. There is a lot of gym equipment lying around, ready to use. There is also a dummy target that she saw on the screen when Edna explains the facility to them.

Beside Naomi, Topaz raised her hand energetically and shouted. Me me! This training facility has complete equipment which could allow us to train our body and ability!

Finally, the stout woman smiled and said. Thats right, this training has complete equipment to train your body and ability. You can use the Gym equipment to train your body and use the dummy target as a punching bag or imaginary enemy for you to use your ability!

Disagree with her word, Naomi raised her hand. According to Naomis understanding of human nature, a person who has a personality similar to the stout woman in front of her would get angry when someone advise them. She smiled as she was looking at the Teacher? Or instructor in front of her and said.

Then, where is the robot for us to train our combat ability? Was there no other instructor to spar against in case our ability only work against a living opponent? Also, is there no ability limiter for us to use to train our ability in limited strength?

The stout woman shut her mouth at Naomis word. She began to ponder a while before answering Naomi.

Thats true. We do need those thing. Unfortunately, we only have enough budget to prepare these types of equipment for S-Class.

On the contrary to Naomis expectation, the stout woman didnt get angry. No, she even shook her head in disappointment because the facility was not as complete as she had described.

Now Naomi feels bad for her. Because Naomi planned to use the training facility too, she suggested.

How about I get the robots? However, I cant get myself an ability limiter. For those who can get an ability limiter, please get it for me. I will pay for all of it.

The students were looking at Naomi as if they had seen something unbelievable. Who in their right mind would throw money to buy equipment for their school?

The stout woman too was bewildered. She never expected that a student would suggest that.

What is your name? No, who are you? Asked the stout woman to Naomi.

Naomi give the stout woman a kind smile and said. Akasa Naomi, the manager of Akasa Inc. in Japan. I could provide this class with the highest-end robots, but I could not get my hand on the ability limiter because our company didnt make them.

The stout womans eyes were wide open when Naomi said that. Really? I could get the ability limiter if I have the money. They are strictly circulated within the Military, but I have some connection. The stout woman grinned as she said that.

Sure, I will send you the credits, Miss?

The stout woman realized that she didnt introduce herself yet to the class. She looked at the students in front of her.

My name is Susan, Susan Hays.

The students noted her name, while Millie approached Naomi from behind and whispered with her hands being placed around her mouth, trying to dampen the sound so the other students cant hear her.

Are you sure, Naomi? By announcing your name and your position, you will get bugged by those that wanted to take advantage of you. Not only that, you will provide the equipment for the training facility of this class? Wont it be better if you use it yourself?

Naomi just smiled and said. Its okay. I will train myself here too.

To observe the other students. Added Naomi in her mind.

Is that so? Millie backed away from Naomi. I guess thats your own discretion to do with whats yours.

Naomi looked at Susan and saw that she was calling someone with her holo phone. As she put down her holo phone, she smiled and walked towards Naomi.

Thank you, can you meet me later after school?

Naomi thinks for a while before answering. Sure, where can I meet you later?

Susan nodded her head. We can meet in the teacher lounge. I will be there.

After saying that to Naomi, Susan walked back to the front and looked at the students who were chattering because of what Naomi had said earlier.

Now then, back to the class Maggots! Susans attitude suddenly changed and she become strict again as she narrowed her eyes to look at the students.

They stopped their chattering and looked at Susan with a bit of fear.

We were interrupted earlier because of me, for that, I apologize. But, arent you glad? Akasa would provide you guys with the highest-end robots that you could use as a training partner!

The students were smiling at that, but some of them were having an unhappy expression as they looked at Naomi.

Now, onto the next thing, today we will have a test. Physical Test! I hope you are ready, or you will faint midway, Maggots!

Naomi is excited. She had never done the test since a year ago after she took the position of the Manager of Akasa Inc. and stopped going to school. Should she go all out with her real strength? Or should she held herself back with Adjustment? Maybe she should go all out with her Adjustment and surprise everyone?

Now then, which approach should I take?

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