I Want To Live A Normal Life, But I’m An SSS-Class Hunter

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Episode 38. Silver-nim (1) 

(Of course, thats true, but are you really rejecting it?) 



Cherokee made an expression that reminded me of a monkeys scream.

And I was very happy and touched by Dads words. 

It was also a bit sad. 

That bow, I think Dad treasured it a lot. He said it has a good performance. 

It meant that Dad would be stronger than he is now.

Of course, Dad has already reached SSS-Class, and his defense and resilience have gone up again, but hell be safer with those. 

And it was true that Cherokee helped Bbangsoonie. 

I wanted to pay it back if I could.

Dad said it would be possible for me to deal with Washington, D.C. bosses.

He said I will have a hard time, but I think I can help.

I said quietly.

If you can fix Dads weapon perfectly, I want to.

(Hishun Lee!!! Really???)


Its something that makes Dad stronger.


As long as it doesnt put me in danger, Ill do it. I want to do.

Dad looked at me proudly, thankfully, and sorry at the same time.

He thought for a moment, then nodded his head.

Yeah But Dad thinks that just repairing Dan isnt worth the price. Can Dad negotiate?

Somehow I heard, Can I rip some more off?

I nodded.

Cherokee, Ill ask for more.

(Yes! Tell me!)

Our Heesun will have 80% of the magic stones and by-products.


Cherokee was speechless. 

This was too much for me to hear from Dad too. 

Originally, they say that if you attack an explosive dungeon in another country, you will receive at least 60% to 75% of what they get there.

What Dad said was a condition beyond that.

Although its something only I can do, theres something for us too.

I heard that, in this case, it is 60%, no matter how much you receive.

(That condition is not possible. The ratio is too high, and even because of the symbolism, Tyrone will not accept it. Especially the magic stone. People who hate Hunter like David would rather be opposed to leaving the boss alone than accepting such conditions.)

Then lets make the byproduct 60%. Heesun will receive all the magic stones, but we will give 40% to the U.S. government as a gift for friendship between the two countries. 

(Then the by-products and magic stones are both 60%, right?)

Right. Instead, the U.S. government should pay Heesun in kind, equivalent to one-tenth of the magic stone presented as a thank you gift, within a year. 

(In kind? Like what?)

I wont ask for anything too much.

I, a daughter, couldnt believe it either.

I think hes trying to rip off the U.S. government.

(Hmm. Okay! Tyrone will take care of that.) 

Anyway, I feel a little sorry for the President of the United States. 

As a basic rule for targeting overseas expeditions, the United States will of course cover all the expenses and manpower necessary for targeting, and the exact date, around the end of February, will be set by us and notified. And before the raid, if our Heesun says she doesnt want it, well stop anytime. So dont tell reporters until the date is fixed. I will absolutely deny it.

(Okay! Lets do that.)

And the final condition.

(Say it!) 

Put my right name. 

(What name?) 

Dont call me a flower. Dont put anything weird in front of my name or Heesuns name. 

(Okay. Uh.) 

Cherokee pretended to cry.

But he had a smile as bright as the sun on his face.

It looked quite happy.

(Then Ill go talk to Tyrone! For details, our Hunter Department will contact you!)

Cherokee winked at me, and when I briefly released the barrier, he used his power and disappeared instantly.


Dad let out a long sigh and finally loosened his clenched fists.

Its not always easy to talk to Cherokee. The urge to hit is intense from time to time.

Like I said to Cherokee, you can stop whenever you want.

 You can do that in a high-level boss hunt. Dont feel pressured.

I dont think its going to happen because Dad said its going to be okay.

Thats right. I faced the two bosses.

Do you remember? I saw it on the news.

Eighteen years ago, three level 9 dungeons exploded simultaneously, leaving Washington, D.C., the former capital of the United States, in ruins.

The U.S. government has worked hard to dispose of all other monsters for a long time, but couldnt even touch the three bosses.

Four years ago, with a huge budget, they gathered hunters of Transcendent level or higher from all over the world.

An expedition was formed at the level of the Earth Defense Force, involving three SSS-Class hunters, four SS-Class hunters, and five S-Class hunters.

At the time, Dad, a hero in Korea, also participated as a member of the expedition. 

After joining forces, they managed to catch one boss. 

However, the other two bosses were so enormous that they couldnt even touch them and withdrew.

It was a very famous story all over the world. 

Come to think of it, I heard that one of the SSS-Class became a vegetable at that time. 

I couldnt remember who the SSS-Class was. 

As someone who has faced a boss in person, as I said last time, our Heesun will be able to defeat it. But stamina is a problem. 


You need to build muscle. A lot of that too.


Our Heesunie, youre still lacks muscle mass.


Thats why I said you would suffer.

Will I be able to build a lot of muscles by the end of February?

It can happen. Since youre a hunter, you just have to focus. 

For some reason, the word focus sounded very painful. 

If you want to enjoy school life as a freshman, you better take care of your Washington, D.C. work before then. 

Ah, thats right. 

Lets try from today.

Do I need to take protein supplements or something now?

Of course you should. 

What about seasoned crab? Cant I eat anymore? 

Dad laughed and said it was fine.

Thats a relief!

For Dad, my daughter is the most important thing.

I was embarrassed but also happy. 

The plan to clean the high-level dungeon explosion is often canceled on the day, so if you dont want to do it, dont feel pressured and tell me right away.

Yes, I will.

I replied, but I had no intention of canceling.

I wanted to return the weapon that I cherished to my Dad.

I have to do well!

Anyway, because of this, I forgot to ask about SS-Class hunters.

So when I saw it the next day, I was really surprised.

+ Chapter 8. Silver-nim.

[Breaking a room while preparing to study in France: Heesung Heesung! I have a question for you (raise one hand emoticon)]

[Cant be bothered to make nicknames: Its already ominous]

[Lee Heesung: What is it?]

[Breaking a room while preparing to study in France: You cast a protection spell on us last time, right? You say that it protected from external dangers, right?]

[Lee Heesung: Ung.]

[Breaking a room while preparing to study in France: Is it protected me from internal danger too?]

[Lee Heesung: Danger inside? Is there something wrong?]

[Aera-bbyong: Hey, isnt Cha Kieun on a blind date right now? Whats the danger?] 

[Breaking a room while preparing to study in France: Im on a blind date, and I think I need a protector. What should I do???? Cant this protect it????]

I quietly put my phone in my pocket with a cold expression on my face.

Heesun-ah, whats wrong? 


I couldnt bear to curse in front of Mom.

So I just grumbled. 

I dont know what kind of blind date a kid who says shes going to study abroad is.

Blind date? Did your friend go on a blind date?

Yes, its Cha Kieun. That kid went on a blind date the day after her graduation ceremony to study in Lyon, France. After the college entrance exam, Aera started dating someone who went to the study room with her.  Oh, this is a secret from Aeras parents. 

Ung, okay. 

Since Aera bragged about her boyfriend, some kids sang that they wanted to have a boyfriend, too. So she must have set her on a blind date with her boyfriends friend. But shes going to study abroad, just what kind of blind date Until a few days ago, she said that she only want Jamanchupa. (t/n: means to like someone who wants to have a natural meeting, not from a blind date.) 

The group that seeks natural meeting. 

Ung, I see. 

Mom bit her teeth as if she was holding back her laughter.

Then, Dad, who was driving her, saw me in the rearview mirror. 

Should I say that he seems to be paying attention? 

Dad, why?

Our Heesunie Are you Jamanchupa too? 

Why did Dad speak nervously? 

Me? I dont know. I never thought about it.

Have you never thought about it?

Yes, Im not interested in it.

Wasnt there a boy you liked?




Heesun-ah, there was a boy you really liked.

Mom said teasingly.

Dads eyes, which I could see through the rearview mirror, seemed to be gaining strength. 


Mom, who is that? 

You know him, Silver?

Ah, Silver-nim. 


I dont know why, but Dad was spitting it out through his teeth. 

Silver is a celebrity. Its a little different.

Heesun-ah, if that Silver-nim asks you out, will you go out with him? 

Thats, of course. 

Lee Beomjin, will you drive properly?

Im sorry Heesun-ah, would you really date Silver if he asked you to date him? 

Yes! But Silver-nim is retired from entertainment and going abroad, so I wouldnt meet him. 

This is problem. 

Lee Beomjin, dont you have to go there to enter the Department of Abilitys building? You went too far. 

Something was wrong with Dad. 

Anyway, after one lap, the car entered the parking lot of the Department of Abilitys building.

Before getting off, I could see Mom taking a deep breath as if she was determined. 

She seemed very nervous because it was the first outing after revealing who my father was.



If someone bothers you, I will kill them. 

Mom glanced, grabbed my cheek, and pulled it lightly to the side.

Dont say that, even if its a joke.

Of course, I wasnt kidding.

Our Heesun is the strongest, so other people will look very small. But Heesun, youre a human. Dont kill other people just because it bothers you.

Author's Thoughts

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