I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 76

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 76

Back to the Past, the World Isn’t Doomed -76-


“Let’s start by creating a character.”

Entering the character creation window was Lee Dohyuk.

He didn’t go through any special customization.

Dohyuk simply created a character that resembled himself through scanning.

However, there was a slight mishap during that process.

– Oh

– What the lol

– Thighs exposed

– Oh s**t lol

Monster Buddy, the game that roams through forests and seas, aims for a wild survival genre.

Hence, the attire in the character creation window was somewhat unusual.

I’m not sure about the female characters, but for males, it was all about a long cloth wrapping around the lower body.

As a result, Dohyuk’s upper body was completely exposed.

Normally, a streamer would have activated privacy protection settings, but Dohyuk was vulnerable in that regard, leading to this mishap.

With some help from Black Oak, he managed to set up the major things, but the details were lacking.

– But seriously, Dohyuk-sensei, you didn’t randomly choose 134 stats

– 134? For real?

– Yeah, it’s in the first YouTube video

– The detailed indicators are crazier than the stats lol

Having seen the chat, Dohyuk revealed the recent stat update.

“Oh, during this break, I measured my stats again, and they have risen to 136.”

– Oh lol

– Wow, up by 2

– That’s insane, you’re already working out hard

– No, but at this rate, you might as well switch to a workout broadcast instead of a gaming one; you’d get good views

– Nah, that’s not our thing

“Anyway, let’s get started now. Should we skip the tutorial?”

After creating the character, Dohyuk quickly dove into the game.

Various notifications appeared on the top right about the tutorial.

Dohyuk clicked on “Turn All Off.”

As usual, tutorials were meant to be skipped.

[Super Ultra Godly New Game Monster Buddies Play (Just kidding) / Lee Dohyuk / 26,161 viewers]

Dohyuk sneakily checked the viewer count.

The viewer count was holding up quite well.

“Not much drop.”

During the Iron Fist training broadcast earlier, the peak was 35,000 viewers.

Towards the end, it slightly dropped to around 32,000-33,000 viewers.

Only about 6,000-7,000 viewers had left.

This was considered quite impressive for an advertisement broadcast.

Usually, for such broadcasts, even maintaining half, or a quarter, of the viewers would be considered fortunate, but Dohyuk was retaining almost 80%.

It also showed the strong loyalty of his viewers towards him.

– hahahaha, but I can’t figure out what that guy is going to do in Monster.

– But what kind of game is this?

– Just from watching other streamers play it yesterday, it seems like a mix of hunting, gathering, monster collecting, and open-world stuff like that.

– ?? What kind of game is that?

– It’s a mishmash of things, hahahahaha.

Of course, there was also curiosity about how this Monster, which seemed quite the opposite of Ido-hyuk’s style at first glance, would be played by him.

“Guys, I actually have no idea what game this is. But it seems to be a super ultra god-tier game?”

Ido-hyuk said without a change in expression.

– Oh man, hahahahaha, you really should know.

– Advertisers wailing, hahahahaha.

– Yeah, those newbies need to cry a bit, for sure.

– Exactly.

He really didn’t know what kind of game this was.

Normally, it would be proper and desirable to research the game before going live on an advertising broadcast, but there was a special request from the game company regarding this.

“They told me to play however I want without knowing about the game in advance.”

He didn’t know if this was a condition attached to other streamers as well, or if it was specifically for him.


As he delved into the game, the first thing that caught his eye was the cute monsters filling the screen.


Blame, tap-tap-!

The protagonist who had supposedly drifted.

As he opened his eyes, the monsters, startled, ran away upon seeing him.

Ido-hyuk glanced at the fleeing monsters and then surveyed his surroundings.

Afterward, he picked up a device that had been lying nearby.

– Oops, hahahahaha.

– It looks like a Pokédex to anyone…

– Oh my, oh my.

– By the way, Ido-hyuk, you’ve been collecting them since those Jacketmon days, right?

His appearance reminded one of the device from the game he had enjoyed in his childhood.

“Ah, I see. So the goal is to catch all the monsters and fill this record, right?”

– We don’t know, right?

– Yeah, that kind of feeling.

– Still, you can play however you want, like just wandering around in the forest like animals, or just farming like crazy.

– By the way, Blayon was aiming to fill the Pokédex from what I saw yesterday.

“Come to think of it, how’s Blayon doing?”

“Hey, guys. Did Blayon also stream Monster?”

It was actually a question asked with knowledge.

The meeting with Fair Games on a day off.

The conversation about Black Oak had come up then.

Black Oak had also received the same advertisement.

– That nobleman was streaming this until late last night and then went to sleep.

– He seemed really into it, having a blast.

– Looks like Black Oak is thriving… I used to only watch Black Oak broadcasts.

– I used to be part of the Black Pig Team, but I settled in this room. LOL

As the discussion turned to Black Oak, the chatroom erupted.

Many viewers who started watching Idohyuk’s broadcast through a collaboration with him were there.

“I bet it’d be fun to do this together later on.”

In this ad, Idohyuk was obligated to fill in three slots.

And each time, the stream had to last for over 6 hours.

Since today’s broadcast was the first playthrough, he thought it was best to do it alone. But maybe later, it wouldn’t hurt to try streaming with Black Oak or other streamers.

The game not only supported multiplayer but also allowed players to host their own servers.


Idohyuk took out a stone axe from his inventory.

There was also a stone pickaxe, but the axe was his weapon of choice.

Swish! Swish!

Idohyuk swung the stone axe a few times.

It was to get a feel for its weight distribution.


He even threw it up and caught it again.

– Ha, being shirtless makes me feel like a real savage warrior. LOL

– Wait, LOL, no clothes?

– LOL, if you tweak the settings, that should look like default clothing.

Idohyuk remained half-naked since he hadn’t crafted any clothes yet.

In his perspective, the exposure wasn’t a big deal.

During his hunter days, getting into fights until his magic was depleted often resulted in torn clothes, so being partially exposed was nothing.

Apart from undergarments covering crucial areas, he needed to use magic to protect his clothes.

“Hmm, I wish I had a few more axes.”

When he threw it, the primitive axe seemed well-made.

It could even serve as a decent throwing weapon.

– LOL, what… aren’t axes for chopping wood…?

– This is a healing game; why are you using an axe? LOL

The chat reacted to Idohyuk’s comments.

“A healing game?”

– Yeah, it’s totally Pokémon + Forest Friends.

– Oh, LOL.

– So, do monsters fight on behalf of players?

– But from the crafting tech tree, it seems you can make guns.

From Noble mtl dot com

– Players raise and train monsters, it seems.

Ding- Dong-

Ido Hyuk turned various windows on and off in response to the viewers’ chat.

He opened the interface to check the status window, skill window, and more.

Pressing the question mark for an explanation revealed that as the level increased, he could distribute the stats one by one and also level up the skills.

“Skills are all on the production side. But stats include health, strength, vitality, resilience… Huh?”


Ido Hyuk looked puzzled as he saw all of those.

Even if he didn’t understand the skills, isn’t it clear when you look at the stats?

“It’s a healing game, right?”

This is obvious to anyone…


At that moment.

A squeaking sound was heard nearby.

Looking over, a third-rate cat monster that resembled a cat wearing boots was approaching leisurely.


-It’s cute, isn’t it?

-They did a good job with the design

“Isn’t this a hunting game?”


Ido Hyuk’s stone axe swung down and struck the neck of the third-rate cat monster, Manulnyang.

“Hmm. It doesn’t hit well with a stone axe.”

—Swish! —Swish!

Ido Hyuk struck a few more times.





-Let’s just hit first and then see

-WTF hahahahaha


Ido Hyuk, seeing the chat window filled with hooks, asked, “Why are you all like this?”


At that moment, a belated donation sounded.

[“So-and-so” has donated 10,000 won.]

-If you take out the Japsterball from the inventory and throw it, you can capture low-level monsters immediately. Just proceed with this kind of tutorial. It’s frustrating when you don’t do it.


Accompanied by a distant scream, Manulnyang dissolved into light particles and left an item behind.

Ido Hyuk, farming the items, said, “When a monster appears, you kill it. Isn’t that common sense? What’s the problem?”

-Stifling? Well, who’s feeling stifled now?

-Common sense..?

-As a Dok-Sensei specialist, that’s common sense, right?

-Why bother with the hassle of capturing when you can just kill them? Do we really need to use Snatchers to catch them?


A game called “Buddies” that seems to emphasize becoming friends with monsters.

And the predecessor of a similar genre, Fair Games, which made a lot of money – enough to win awards – actually only allowed capturing and battling monsters.

In addition, in the MontBer tutorial, they only explain how to capture monsters and use them in battles.

Furthermore, the game’s cover, start screen, opening video, etc., only highlight the cute appearance of players and monsters.

The hidden, or more precisely, the real fun of the monster buddies that Fair Games intentionally concealed.

“It’s convenient that meat comes out without butchering.”

-It’s hilarious how you immediately swing your axe as soon as a mob appears LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL

-LOLLOLLOL But it’s even funnier when it turns into a hunt

-It was JapMon instead of JapMonHunter LOLLOLLOL

That was the second day after the release.

It was the moment revealed through Ido-Hyuk’s broadcast.


Whap! Pabapak!


Tzuki’s Hattori play filling the screen.

“Here, swinging the sword at this angle···”


“Hmm. It would have been better to stab straight here without correction.”

“That’s right. Even looking at the AI analysis metrics···”

He was analyzing his play with the team’s analysis coach.


At that moment, the director approached, calling for Tzuki.

The analysis coach stopped the replay upon the director’s arrival.


“Did you check the patch notes?”

“Not yet.”

Handing the tablet to Tzuki, the director had already summarized the important changes.

Seems like there were a few balance adjustments.

‘Hattori.. Hmm, the stamina index has increased a bit. Instead, the combo adjustment index has slightly decreased. This way, it’s quite..?’

While the decreased combo adjustment index would directly nerf the character for regular users, it wouldn’t have much impact on users like Tzuki who are above a certain level.

Hence, this patch could be considered good news for Tzuki, who mainly handles Hattori.

Tzuki also noted other significant changes.

‘There were slight adjustments made to the Brainy species as a whole.’

Apart from Hattori, there were various balance changes for other characters too.

Each buff and nerf had to be experienced firsthand to truly understand.

Making such large-scale patches right before a major tournament was a hallmark of Vanco Spirits.

Adaptability to patches was seen as a defining factor in determining who was stronger.

It was about quickly grasping the meta and how one adapted to it.

“But at least this time they didn’t add any new systems.”

During the last world tournament, adding a new system related to wall collisions right before the tournament not only caused confusion among many pros but went beyond simple balance adjustments.

And that wasn’t all.

Traditionally, Vanco Spirits added a new character right before every major tournament.

Last time, they released the unprecedented broken character, Lloyd, causing a significant balance imbalance.

To the extent that out of the players who made it to the quarterfinals, seven out of eight used the same character.

Ironically, the winner of the tournament was Kwanba, who didn’t use Lloyd, dismissing him as a character for the weak.

“What’s the deal with the new character this time?”

“Oh, it’s not at the broken level like last time.”


Tatsuki manipulated the tablet to access the new character section.


His eyes widened.

“What do you think? Long time no see?”

Tatsuki was familiar with the character.

Not just to Tatsuki, but to other Iron Fist users as well.

The character had appeared frequently in previous versions of Iron Fist and occasionally in the Full Dive version through story mode.

“This is…”

None other than Iron Man, Tetsujin.


The tablet screen was filled with the image of Tetsujin.

Now in the [Iron Fist FD], decades had passed since the early version of the Iron Fist storyline.

Therefore, Tetsujin, who used to be a simple iron doll in the past, was now transformed into an android, a handsome male character.

“Why now…?”

“Oh, it seems to be because of Kwanba.”


The director explained it this way.

Kwanba, who declared his retirement from Iron Fist after this tournament, was planning to debut in another game through a change of discipline.

However, it was revealed that there was a contract between Kwanba’s agency and Vanco Spirits.

Upon switching disciplines, Kwanba would debut through a pro team owned by Vanco Spirits in another game.

In other words, Kwanba was practically a pro player under Vanco Spirits.

“Tsk. Those Vanco guys are really pushing for Kwanba, huh. With over ten characters that Kwanba can handle at the highest level.”

Tetsujin’s fighting style was ‘Iron Fist.’

In terms of setting, Iron Fist mimicked the movements and fighting styles of other characters, and that was precisely what Iron Fist was about.

Therefore, Tetsujin could use the techniques of all the characters in Iron Fist.

Characters that can be imitated change randomly each round, making it even more deadly.

Until the opponent receives a blow, they wouldn’t know which character Tetujin is imitating.

In other words, Tetujin, being capable of playing all characters, was truly an unstoppable character.

Banko Spirits’ intention was to greatly empower the Quabna of the all-rounder style through Tetujin.


“B- Ba, Banka…”

That’s all Tsuki could say upon seeing that.

Last time, they suddenly summoned the Demon Lord to this world…

And now they’re even handing over the Devil’s Sword to that Demon Lord?

Where in the world can you find sorcerers more foolish than this?!

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