I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 255 The Worrying Red Thing

Billy and Adrien listened to Erend's words with anxious and worried hearts.

For them, Erend was the one who knew the most about Magic matters. And on top of that, he had a good relationship with an Elf Princess.

That way he has access to far more information than they do.

When Erend said that there would be a great disaster coming in a year, they all believed in it.

And when Erend advised them to start learning Magic so they could defend themselves and their families, Billy and Adrien felt that it would be good if they followed Erend's words. Even if they don't really agree.

When they saw that there was an experiment the government was carrying out in secret so they could create humans to use Magic, it was very surprising.

But Adrien had suspected it for a long time.

When they couldn't find the whereabouts of the man who interacted with the Elves for a long time and managed to steal their artifacts, Adrien already suspected that the government must have hidden him on purpose. And they intend to do something with him because of that unknown purpose.

"What do you mean it will be difficult for us?" Adrien asked.

Now Erend came with information that made them even more anxious than the military operation training that would be held tomorrow.

"The beings in other worlds can use Magic well because they have adapted to Magic for a long time. You saw that there are monsters with strange shapes and powers, right? What if those monsters suddenly appeared in our world one day?"

Erend glanced at the both of them. He didn't say anything for a few moments so the words would sink properly into their minds.

"Whoa," Billy said. His eyes widened. Maybe he was imagining the bad possibilities that Erend said. "Yeah. I don't think that's a good idea."

Adrien also said almost the same thing. "I can't allow that either. So, what we have to do is obvious. We have to stop the experiment," Adrien said.

"How? We don't know where they did it," Billy said.

"For that, I have told Aurdis everything," Erend said. "She will come here to help us."

Hearing that, Billy and Adrien breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing Aurdis will presence, they knew that things would become easier.

"Luckily you're close to her. So, you can ask for her help if you need it. Haha." Billy laughed.

The tension on his face had disappeared.

"It's not like I can ask her for help any time. She wants to come because the Magic used for the experiment is Magic that belongs to the Elves," Erend said.

"The Elves have a rule where they are forbidden to spread their Magic."

"Are you sure that's the only reason she wants to help you?" Billy asked with a teasing grin at Erend.

"What do you mean?" Erend asked, confused.

"You don't get the feeling that she wants to help because... you the one who asked her?"

Then Erend reflected on the smile on Aurdis' face that night. She immediately agreed with his request, even though she offered herself happily.

"Well." Erend shrugged. "Maybe she does like me."

Adrien snorted and Billy chuckled.

"What the hell are we doing right now? We look like a bunch of high school kids talking about love," Billy said after his laugh was over.

Erend also chuckled. When they were in high school, Erend and Billy didn't have the chance to experience the beauty of falling in love.

Because they were busier just surviving and that seemed to be an obvious priority at the time.

After that, Adrien told them to go through the training and he would train them.

He would teach them about what little he knew. So at least they won't be humiliated as badly as before.


Aurdis woke up from sleep with a bright face.

Her feeling is really good this time. Her meeting with Erend last night still resonates in her head and becomes a pleasant memory. Until they meet again.

"What happened to you?" Elis, who had just come from the bathroom, asked Aurdis with a curious expression.

"Ah, Elis!" Aurdis jumped from her bed and hugged Elis. "I didn't have time to say this last night because you were already asleep. But last night I met Erend!"

Aurdis seemed to have considered Elis as her sister.

After a long time they lived together, even sleeping in the same bed. Such closeness is inevitable.

Even though Elis was a human who came from another world.

Ellis laughed. "You look like a teenager who just met her crush."

"Her crush?" Aurdis asked with a confused face.

"I mean with the person you like."

"Ah... Ohh... maybe you're right," Aurdis replied.

Aurdis has been very honest with Elis. She was the only person Aurdis could be honest with without hesitation in this palace.

Apart from being a woman, she was someone who had nothing to do with palace politics. So, Aurdis could be honest with her.

"Oh right!" Suddenly Aurdis seemed to remember something. "I have to meet Saeldir."

"Are you sure he's awake?" Elis asked.

"Of course. He always gets up early."

After that Aurdis dressed up a bit and put on her white dress. Then out to meet Saeldir.

She knocked on Saeldir's door and it opened on its own as usual.

Saeldir was sitting down to record something in a big book.

"(What are you doing?)" Aurdis asked.

"(Come here. Something was worrying that I found out about the red thing you brought back then,

)" Saeldir didn't answer Auridis' previous question. Instead, he waved his hand asking Aurdis to come closer.

Aurdis quickened her pace and stood next to Saeldir.

Aurdis saw that Saeldir was writing something that looked like a note to record important events.

Aurdis also saw the red root image she got from fighting the rampaging Trolls blocking her path to Dawnwood.

"(You know something about that red root?)" Aurdis asked.

"(Yeah. I managed to find a suitable spell and managed to get the essence out,)" replied Saeldir. "(And what I know is not a good thing.)"


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