I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 84 - 82: Ambush_l

Chapter 84: Chapter 82: Ambush_l

Translator: 549690339

A thirty-story building, covering an area of about one square kilometer and about 150 meters high, stood in the center of Penrith.

This building was a subsidiary organization of the Azure Dragon Training Center, a research institute specializing in the study of spaceship and spacecraft propulsion.

The main components of the newly developed River 711 Spacecraft were stored in the underground warehouse of the buildings ground floor.

Tomorrow, these semi-finished spacecraft components will be shipped out and assembled at the Heavenly Spring Space Base 200 kilometers away and sent into space.

River 711 is equipped with the most advanced energy technology for humanity so far, cyclic controlled nuclear fusion.

This new type of controlled nuclear fusion seems similar to the power core of the Azure Dragon Armor, but there is an essential difference.

In conventional controlled nuclear fusion energy, the deuterium cannot be recycled, and once used up, it must be refilled.

On the ground, controlled nuclear fusion theoretically equals infinite energy.

However, in space, everything becomes another concept, and each time the energy is replenished, it is an extremely massive and complicated project.

The core characteristic of cyclic controlled nuclear fusion lies in the word cyclic.

This new type of energy system can rapidly break down heavy core atoms into light core atoms with extremely high efficiency.

As for the source of replenishment energy, it comes from the energy conversion of light pressure wings opened near the star at a relatively close distance.

The light pressure wings and nuclear fusion cycle had been successfully developed long ago, but successfully combining them and verifying them through theory has made River 711 the first example in the world.

In a sense, this is truly infinite energy.

If this test flight and charging are successful, the military will prepare to produce over 20 River 711s in the next half-year and enter planetary orbits around the Solar System for long-lasting early warning.

This is probably the last technological breakthrough for humanity before the final moment arrives.

The design concept of River 711 is also vast, accommodating nearly a thousand people and having a highly efficient internal circulation ecosystem, making it self-sufficient in space even if food and water reserves are depleted.

After reading this information, Harrison Clark understood why the fugitive faction targeted the research institute in Penrith, as it perfectly met their needs.

But he also regretted that if such a spacecraft had been developed earlier, it would have been better to send more of it out.

Based on its design concept, the World Governments deployment of such large spacecraft probably has another purpose.

That is, if they eventually cannot match the enemy, these spacecraft will still be scattered and flee outside the Solar System, trying to break through the barrier and strive to retain the last spark of humanity.

However, combining Daniel Thompsons description of the barrier and what Harrison Clark himself saw, this plan is still doomed to fail in the end.

Were almost there.

Daniel Thompson received the notification, stood up from his seat, and quickly rushed to the cargo bay.

Harrison Clark followed closely behind.

Fifteen seconds later, the two leaped out of the cargo bay of the decelerating Time machine one after the other, falling from a thousand meters above.

Below, just as shown in the intelligence, hundreds of people were gathering in front of the building, the demonstrators in the fugitive faction.

Dozens of armed police stood in front of the door, confronting these people.

However, the situation was not bad, and both sides seemed to maintain a high degree of restraint.bender

Some of the demonstrators were holding banners, while others were sitting in protest.

There was a blank area of 20 to 30 meters between the two sides.

Get ready, were about to land!

Daniel Thompson reminded, We cant land directly in the middle of the crowd; otherwise, the particle flow ejected by the Azure Dragon Armor during deceleration will cause massive casualties.

Harrison Clark replied: Understood.

Daniel Thompson sent Harrison Clark a coordinate, and a red dot appeared in the holographic helmet.

Theres a school playground over there, and well land there.

When 50 meters above the ground, the particle flow with a strong thrust was ejected from the rear of the twos Azure Dragon Armors, slowing their descent and quickly blowing the natural grass on the school playground to a withered yellow.After landing, Daniel Thompson muttered to himself, Something feels a bit off. Those demonstrators couldnt have missed us. Usually, when they see the Azure Dragon Armor, theyd run away.

For Harrison Clark, this was his first mission, and he wasnt familiar with the situation, so he could only respond vaguely, Youre right. We should be careful be careful!

As Harrisons words were still hanging in the air, a piercing alarm sounded in his ears, and the Azure Dragon Armors built-in combat assistant quickly simulated the surrounding environment within the holographic helmet. In the blink of an eye, several glaring red dots appeared on it.

High-energy attack detected! Evade immediately!

Even before the combat assistant had finished its warning, Harrison had instantly pushed the Azure Dragon Armors acceleration to 20G and dodged to one side while also reaching out to grab Daniel, who was still adjusting the Armors power and hadnt had time to make evasive maneuvers.

The two differently-sized Azure Dragon Armors tumbled several times across the field before stabilizing.

Smoke rose from where the two had just been standing; the grass had disappeared, and the ground had sunk in, taking on a bright red, molten lava texture.

It was a high-temperature heat-melt cannon that fired the laser.

Gasping for breath, Daniel Thompson looked around.

Inside his helmet, there were also exactly twenty red dots representing high-energy reactions hidden in various directions around the stadium.

Weve been ambushed, Daniel said, Theyre really ballsy!

Harrison also looked up at the sky and said, Obviously. But what do we do now? Do we retreat and wait for reinforcements, or do we fight? Our equipment is only training-grade.

Not a problem, these are just individual weapons, and they havent received any professional military training. There are no sharpshooters, and they cant aim with their naked eyes; they have to rely on intelligent targeting. Our combat assistant is more advanced and can crack their intelligent systems. As long as we evade their targeting in advance, they cant hit us.

Harrison took a deep breath and said, Understood. Ill go first.

Wait, although theyre using outdated laser weapons, which our shields can defend against, if we fail to block them and get hit directly, the Azure Dragon Armor wont be damaged, but we inside will probably be cooked.

Harrison instantly understood, So their real goal was to wait for the Azure Dragon Armor to arrive? They not only want Ter River 711 but also the Azure Dragon Armor?

Thats right. These escapist faction members are serious this time! Some information must have leaked out. Its a chaotic time, and all kinds of demons are on the loose.

While on guard and sighing, Daniel managed to dodge another laser beam.

Harrison cursed inwardly, the demons running amok were of no use.

They were all going to die anyway!

But he couldnt explain it to anyone and had to make temporary evasive maneuvers to avoid the laser beams.

At the same time, Harrison was also trying to rush forward in an attempt to get closer to the heat-melt cannons that were firing the laser beams.

The training-grade live rounds couldnt penetrate the alloy shields of the heat-melt cannons like the cluster guns could, so they just had to find a way to get up close.

As Harrison dashed forward less than ten meters, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and jumped back.

At the spot where he had just been standing, a huge hammer emerged from the soil, whirled around, and slammed onto the ground with a booming sound.

In the next moment, more than ten old-style, eight to nine meters tall single-soldier armors that Harrison had once expertly controlled but were now outdated emerged from the soil of the stadium.

Lion, this trap is deep, and we didnt bring the right gear. Lets retreat.

Harrison quickly made a decision.

Daniel Thompson vetoed it immediately.

No! I just tried to send a distress signal, but it was blocked. If we dont hold our position until reinforcements arrive, these well-prepared escapist faction members will definitely seize Ter River 711 on the spot! This is their desperate attempt!

With no other choice, Harrison shrugged, took off his battle shield and alloy knife from his back, So we have to fight, huh?

Yes. Fight to the death!

Harrison coughed lightly, Not necessarily that serious, right?

Yeah, there hasnt been an armed disturbance in the world for nearly fifty years, and its amazing that our two brothers could encounter one on our first outing. But were wearing the Azure Dragon Armor, and youre here with me. They would never guess how strong you really are, Harrison!

Harrison almost let out a retort.

So Lion, you appear so tough, but it turns out its because you know you have an extraordinarily talented fighter by your side!

Youre such a leg hugger..

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