I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 384 - 263: Invisible Biological War Machines_l

Chapter 384 - 263: Invisible Biological War Machines_l

Translator: 549690339

Up until now in this great war, Nora Camp, as the highest-ranking commander with the heaviest responsibilities, strongest thinking, most instructions given, and the widest influence, had the greatest workload but had never made a single mistake.

Every decision she made was perfectly timed, her grasp on the situation was incredibly accurate, and she handled the enemy’s changes in mentality just right.

It was her accurate prediction of the battle situation that allowed the eight huge artillery fortresses to achieve the maximum results with their eight space distortion bombs.

Trapping the enemy was the minimum strategic goal.

The first additional goal was to force the enemies to change their strategies midway, making them waste energy, and this goal was also achieved.

The second additional goal was reached as well.

Though spatial jumping is an extremely efficient method of movement, its understanding and usage of space have reached a frighteningly high level.

According to human ethical principles, the more advanced the technology, the more akin it is to Pandora’s Box.

The more benefits gained from opening the box, the greater the risks to be assumed.

If human ethical principles are in line with the universal rules, there must be some hidden dangers in spatial jumping technology, otherwise, the invaders would have already used it as a conventional means of movement.

It is very likely that forcibly interrupting a spatial jump would come at some cost.

These costs could be energy consumption, the structural stability of battleships, or the smoothness of energy transfer…

But in any case, it would help pull the situation further in favor of the human side.

Sure enough, the colorful streamer energy shield wrapping around the spherical battleship suddenly trembled, and the detector quickly responded.

“Structural looseness detected in the outer layer of the enemy’s energy shield!”

This was Star’s voice, simultaneously appearing in the brainwave communication channels of almost all soldiers.

“Intensify firepower! Unveil the main fleet’s hidden status and accelerate the attack! Move the reserve fleet back a suitable distance from the main battle area, maintaining only long-range firepower pressure. Charge energy weapons, ready to defend against enemy small combat units. Prepare the Black Light War Beast Legion’s explosion bombs! Prepare the artillery fortress’s third reloading…”

This was Nora Camp’s overall command to the army.

Wearing the Ultimate Divine Eagle Armor and followed by the special fleet, Harrison Clarke of course heard it all.

He took another big step forward.

Before embarking on this timeline, he would never have dared to hope to make so much progress.

But with an incredulous mindset, he steadily took one step at a time in the boundless darkness, doing everything in his power.

He worried that one day he might make a wrong decision that could set civilization back.

But through a stroke of luck or his potential as a leader, every step he took was ultimately proven to be the right one.

The sparks generated from his steel boots striking the shattered ground glimmered faintly.

Though it was only a faint glimmer, it still managed to light up a little more of humanity’s path forward.

Harrison Clarke clenched his fists, his heartbeat accelerating.

They were getting closer, closer still.

Despite the surging impulse within him, he and his subordinates maintained a steady flight speed, gradually closing the distance.

In the middle of the battlefield, the enemy ship’s energy shield was hit repeatedly, causing the shield’s light to intensify but also become chaotic.

Behind the colorful streamer, the fog was getting thicker.

Underneath the fog’s surface, the number of tiny beams aimed at intercepting missiles and other human combat units was increasing.

Although these tiny beams could still detonate the explosive missiles up close, those with depleted energy could not be exploded, eventually colliding with the enemy ship’s streamer shield and applying even more pressure to it.

Harrison Clarke watched the entire process closely, his heart filled with heightened vigilance.

As the situation progressed to this stage, he didn’t believe that the invaders could remain calm as if nothing happened.

After seeing each of their own moves and strategies anticipated and countered by the enemy, they probably couldn’t stay aloof and would likely become increasingly frustrated.

So if they didn’t want to come millions of miles and lose, it was time for the invaders to take new actions.

What was about to happen next was something Harrison Clarke had never encountered before.

At least this time, he could force the enemy to reveal another one of their hidden cards.Finally, the Spherical Battleship took a new action.

About a second later, the thick fog covering the surface of the Spherical Battleship swelled up with small packets, which then popped and burst, leaving a long fog line.

It was like a foggy morning when the overnight dormant locusts wake up, simultaneously taking off and continuously burst out of the fog towards the next target.

Human Fleet’s battlefield intelligence officers quickly identified the situation and Star finished processing the data.

“According to the enemy ship’s fog shield’s change, just now, more than ten million small combat units have risen from the enemy ship. The width of the combat unit is 1.68 meters, the length is unknown, the specific shape is unknown, the flight speed is unknown, and it is suspected to have individual stealth capabilities.”

The commanders in sequence could see more intelligence and knew that Star had already responded in the first time, attempting to analyze and crack the enemy’s small unit’s stealth capabilities.

But this requires time, so the only option is to order the forward battleships to disperse slightly, maintain vigilance, and have the Eagle Strike Warriors and small warplanes begin executing irregular high-speed movements to try and collide with them directly.

However, since this is the invaders’ new trump card, it must be effective.

Soon, the forward human combat units were hit one after another, being continuously exploded into dust by invisible and shapeless attacks.

In just over twenty seconds, almost all the combat units within ten thousand kilometers of the enemy ship were completely wiped out.

In just one moment, humanity lost over six million small battleships, 40,000 medium-sized battleships, 10,000 large battleships, more than 10 million high-speed triangular warplanes, and over 20 million Falcon Warriors who had taken both Meteor Elixir and Stellar Potion, carrying the dual powers.

The vanguard fleet, which had completed its historic mission, was officially declared annihilated.

However, the Black Light War Beasts self-explosion legion prepared by Nora Camp just happened to intervene in the battle.

There is not much human power in the range of 10,000 to 15,000 kilometers from the Spherical Battleship.

The main fleet and the even larger Eagle Strike Warriors Legion are still in the range of 30,000 to 50,000 kilometers, and are quickly surrounding them.

Temporarily occupying this battle zone are over 70 million enhanced Black Light War Beasts equipped with high-energy proton fission bombs!

Nora Camp has once again predicted the enemy’s actions and completed the prearrangements!

“Black Light War Beasts, full kinetic energy! Reverse Magentic Triple Force Shield overload operation, Charge Flow Phase Cutting Gun dense circular cover 3D network, hole diameter less than 0.5 meters. Tensor instantaneous intelligent algorithm ultra-quantum operation, aggregation engine full power, cross X-type continuous displacement maneuver, fission bomb rapid charging! Biological Battery extreme overload operation! Prepare to self-destruct!”

This is the precise order Mr. Green, who is responsible for commanding the Black Light War Beast Legion in the main fleet, gives through brainwave communication.

Three seconds later, a dense phase cutting 3D network covers the area 3,000 kilometers in front of the Black Light War Beast Legion.

Almost simultaneously, the Charge Flow Phase Cutting lines on the 3D network are continuously torn apart, indicating that the enemy’s invisible combat units have entered the area.

Regrettably, the phase cutting line, which can almost instantly cut through almost all metals, seems to be unable to cause any trouble to the enemy, and the 3D network is easily breached.

The combination Reverse Magentic Triple Force Shield deployed by tens of millions of Black Light War Beasts also proved ineffective, still silently wiped out, and the Black Light War Beasts at the forefront were quickly bombed.

However, the aggregation engine continuously compresses and expands space, and the almost seamless spatial changes in this area slightly block the enemy’s units and delay them a little bit.

Another five seconds pass.

The fission bomb is fully charged and detonated, and the successive violent explosions in space connect into a giant light ball like a miniature sun.

Under the illumination of this light ball, even without the feedback from the detector, the officers in front can see the enemy’s small units in their optical telescopes with their naked eyes.

This is a small unit with three horizontal wings, a wingspan of 1.68 meters and a cylindrical body about 1.7 meters long.

It looks a bit like a dragonfly on Earth, but its cylindrical body looks somewhat disproportionate, not as full of natural beauty as a dragonfly.

Star immediately gives feedback: “The combat unit is suspected to be a biological war machine, with extremely strong maneuverability. There are a total of eighteen field engines on the three horizontal wings, which can move in any direction at will. Its flexibility and acceleration performance are far better than our Pseudo-Curvature Engine. The force-field-affected area is minimal, only within 0.2 centimeters outside its body.”

“The range of 0.4 centimeters outside its body is covered with an energy field similar to the transmission force field, which has a completely invisible effect and does not produce any photoelectric effect. It has a certain dark matter characteristic, and analysis and cracking are underway. The core principle of its various operations is suspected to be enzyme reaction!”

If it were humans in the past, facing such invisible units, they would definitely be instantly defeated without a fight.

But now, the progress brought by Star in the fields of unified force, gravitational wave fields, and biology has created a small space for cracking the capability of invisible units.

However, Nora Camp did not wait for Star’s intelligence; she intuitively issued the next command, ordering the main fleet to synchronously launch a large number of space-collapse bombs, field disorder bombs, proton fission trickster mines, and barrage phase particle shells.

Any range covering lethal weapons that could be used were all deployed.

Such crazy weapon releases finally caused some trouble for the enemy’s invisible units, causing the enemy to start taking losses, and also continuously diminishing their energy reserves.

Still, it couldn’t stop them all. In the blink of an eye, the invisible combat units came close again, and the small warplanes and Falcon Warriors hiding between the main fleets, as well as a few Sky Eagle Warriors, began to shoot randomly and maneuver.

Nora Camp remained expressionless as usual, her gaze occasionally sweeping towards the progress bar on the side.

This progress bar represents the algorithm cracking situation of Star’s stealth transmission force field..

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