I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 376 - 258: Heaven’s Lethal Plan, Human Power Can’t Match

Chapter 376: Chapter 258: Heaven’s Lethal Plan, Human Power Can’t Match

Translator: 549690339

Everything that was happening outside was familiar to Harrison Clark.

This was not deja vu, but rather a replay over and over again.

The calm Harrison Clark even had the time to critique it in his mind.

Why do they always make the same entrance? Can’t they come up with something new?

Looking at the faint, colorful lights in the distant void ahead, Harrison Clark thought, well, it’s probably better they don’t change anything.

If my technology leaps forward and theirs does as well, I might send myself to a bitter end.

While Harrison Clark was leisurely doing self-commentary in his mind, the communication channel in the command center was broken into chaos in an instant.

The information provided by various departments surged like a tsunami. Countless messages flew like snowflakes in the quantum network.

Although Harrison Clark had previously shared news amongst the high-ranking commanders, the grassroots intelligence personnel were unaware, and according to the pre-rehearsed intelligence gathering steps, they continued to provide voice, image, three-dimensional projection, and technical analysis reports at a high speed and accuracy.

To facilitate the commander’s understanding, these pieces of information would be preliminarily screened by Star after their generation, and converge to the Staff Department located in the Commander’s Flagship after o.oi seconds.

Undoubtedly important information is directly sent to the command, and some information that needs to be considered and summarised is screened and summarised by the Staff Department within 15 seconds and delivered quickly. “The enemy ship is spherical, with a diameter of three thousand kilometers. It is primarily made of metal, with ten percent of its structure being biological. The specific composition of the metal structure cannot be determined, suspected to be titanium isotopes, but the atomic weight can’t be determined.” “The remaining metal structure composition is unknown. The material has extremely high toughness, stiffness, structural stability, and bending resistance, and its overall performance is 1.8 times that of the Black Saber.” “The composition of the bio-structure is unknown, and the synthetic method is unknown. After comprehensive analysis, it is speculated that the metal material and the biological material are not manufactured by conventional physical and chemical methods, suspected to be bio-synthesized.”

“The initial simulation diagram of the internal structure of the enemy ship is as follows.”

What Harrison Clark saw was a massive three-dimensional projection.

At a glance, he could see a large number of chaotically distributed tubular structures in the huge spherical space.

High-energy materials could be seen being rapidly transported in the tubes.

The overall layout of the tubes had no mechanical sense and instead resembled a human neural network.

In the center of the enemy ship was a huge sphere with a diameter of about one hundred kilometers. All tubes, regardless of whether they were branches, would eventually converge into this sphere, and the other side would lead directly to the inside of the enemy ship’s shell.

This feeling was very contradictory. The exterior of the battleship was full of mechanical aesthetics, but the interior was such a complicated and relative chaotic pipeline layout, as if they were a fusion from two different civilizations. Apart from these structures, Harrison Clark could also see dozens of shadowy high-energy objects about three to four meters high slowly moving inside the ship.

“The enemy is fifty-five in number! The race is unknown! They are suspected to be arthropods!”

This message came from a scholar from the Biological Institute who was with the army. His voice was extremely excited, and the intelligence scholar seemed to be very excited.

Compared to the highly abstract and valueless analytical information last time, this intelligence has become much more detailed!

“Analysis of the enemy ship’s mode of movement, it is suspected to be space jumping. Curvature oscillation traces were found. The enemy ship has at least two flight capabilities, jumping and curvature. Its curvature oscillation stability is a thousand times that of our pseudo-curvature engine! Its acceleration performance is ten thousand times that of our engine!” Yes, this time humans have understood the enemy ship’s method of flight. Though we are far from reaching this level, we have finally moved from total confusion to clear reality.

Human understanding of the unified force has entered a new stage, although we are still far away from mastering its essence, it seems that after crossing that threshold, the originally completely puzzled situation when facing the invaders has undergone a qualitative change!

It’s like the army of the 10th century fighting against the 21st-century army, and although there is still no chance of winning, the 10th-century army has mastered long-range weapons like bows and crossbows. Even if they are not the enemy’s match, they can at least pose a threat!

This, from another angle, proved something.

Radium’s exploration in the field of pseudo-curvature flight was not meaningless.

For a level 2 cosmic civilization, deepening the understanding of the ubiquitous yet deep force in the unified force, especially gravity, continuously exploring the use of space, and then evolving curvature propulsion technology, is the correct path to achieve ultra-long-distance and high-speed flight. Curvature is just a name humans gave it, in some sense it is a tribute to the sci-fi classic Star Trek full of ingenious ideas a thousand years ago.

Perhaps the invaders do not call it this, but its essence is the same, using space to surpass space.

The fact that a more powerful invader civilization has also taken this path proves that humans have chosen the right path!

As for jumping, it is just one of many human conjectures, and humans still cannot conclude on it. For the time being, intelligence personnel call it this. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand jumping, what’s important is at least the other side hasn’t phased out curvature yet.

Harrison Clark’s mood also gradually became excited.

There are new developments, proving that his attempt this time was completely successful!

The gap between the two sides is no longer insurmountable!

Harrison Clark narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the spherical battleship in the distance.

I understand you guys now.

That’s all there is to it.

He dared to say this because he was fully confident about another thing.

The Solar System Barrier, 100% does not belong to the invaders’ achievements. Even their battleships may have borrowed from other people’s technology. These were nothing but a shameless group who strutted around with advanced weapons given to them by others in front of humans who were still in the age of “cold weapons”.

In his heart, he held seven timelines, six years and six months of confusion and fear, all of which vanished in a flash.

Only the raging fighting spirit remained.

At the same time, faint music began to echo in the ears of almost every soldier.

The music heard was not “Morning Wind”, but another tune.

“Sharp edges fully exposed”!

In fact, all the human soldiers and the ones aboard the Fire Dragon Giants could hear “Sharp edges fully exposed” and “Morning Wind” simultaneously playing on their players.

The volume of “Sharp edges fully exposed” was louder, but the energy level of “Morning Wind” was higher, though its volume was softer, serving as a subtle backdrop.

That was Harrison Clark’s directive.

He had two objectives:

One, to use “Sharp edges fully exposed” as a front to cover the existence of “Morning Wind”, to delay the invaders’ suspicions.

Two, at this point, it’s essential to make everyone more blindly confident. Win, or lose, they had to fight, to buy as much time as possible for the escape of the Fire Dragon Giants.

Though the breathing of 5.7 billion people were getting heavier at this moment, humanity still hadn’t made any move, continuing to lay low under the cover of the transmission field shield.

At last, after a few minutes, the detector sent back information.

“The Solar System Barrier has opened up!”

The next moment, Nora Camp slammed on the table.

“Full power to the burst engine! Fire superspeed gamma-ray blast shells! Fire the proton fission compound missiles that rip through the force field! Fire the East Wind 199! Charge the K6 main cannon! All small units spread out and move in! No retreat! No probing! Charge! All forces, charge!”

After issuing the general order, she continued with secondary instructions on a smaller scale.

“Second Fleet, stretch out the flanks, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth fleets, proceed as planned! The Ninth Fleet retreat, strike back! Tenth Fleet, stand by at the specified location, pre-charge the ray gun and quark barrage gun. If the enemy ship attempts to chase the Fire Dragon Giants, pre-aim along the designated route and simultaneously activate the Trickster Mines!”

Next, she re-entered a brainwave command, waving both hands, issuing a flurry of instructions in multi-thread mode.

Her condition today had markedly improved from her previous simulations.

She received full support from the stars, her combat state escalated two ranks, far surpassing any other commander on another level.

While the other troops rushed forward, Harrison Clark held back.

He first dispatched eight million elite Sky Eagles, along with other Hunting Eagles, War Beasts, battle planes and small battleships in a dispersed rush. He himself was stationed with another two million elite Sky Eagles and ten Dragon Eagles including Needham Brown, waiting in strict formation.

Behind his formation were 24.0,000 particle loaders and 240,000 modified Kinetic Energy Black Light War Beasts.

These two hundred and forty thousand combat units were now lying low beneath the shield of two Jellyfish battleships, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Watching his comrades advance without a care in the world, Harrison Clark’s thoughts inevitably drifted to the far end of the Solar System.

The five thousand Fire Dragon Giants had probably all ignited and advanced.

He wondered how far humans could go if he fell in this battle.

In the past, it was not that he did not want to cover others to escape, but that they couldn’t.

But this time, there might be a chance, right?

If the Fire Dragon Plan really succeeded, could he make it back this time?

And if he did return, could he come back again?

Everything was unknown.

But in this moment, a distress call from a reconnaissance team captain echoed from the leading fleet, full of despair.

“It’s…it’s over! The Invader Barrier has appeared again! It’s a hundred thousand kilometers behind the enemy ships! The Solar System is locked down again!” The soldiers who were full of fighting spirit and ready to risk their lives in a charge just a moment ago now felt like they’d fallen into an icy pit.

Harrison Clark too, was dumbstruck. His spirits sank in an instant.

It’s all over.


He had thought that the Solar System Barrier would honestly open up this time, and with each of the five thousand Fire Dragon Giants scattering in different directions, a few might manage to escape.

He hadn’t expected that the horrifying barrier would first open up, then reappear not thirty seconds later, twenty thousand kilometers away.

The barrier never disappeared; it just simply expanded its range.

Even with the pseudo-curvature engine given to the Fire Dragon Giants, they would have just barely managed to advance a thousand kilometers at this point.

No escape at all!

Those damn invaders are going to cage everyone to kill them!

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