I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 213: She Did Not Take Them

Chapter 213: She Did Not Take Them

There was a sound of heavy breathing nearby. Elliot was walking home from Josephine's shop. They got too mad with their talks that he didn't realize it was already dark outside.

The streets were filled with lights, night markets, and people walking around but someone's breathing was overpowering the other sounds around him.

Elliot was unsure if he should pursue looking for the person. This person seemed like they are under the influence of something strong based on the rhythm of their breathing.

Looking around, Elliot saw an opportunity to go to a vacant alley. He was trying to figure out if he was indeed being followed. And if he was, he's going to confront the person.

The heavy breathing stopped once Elliot turned to the corner. His shoulder started to relax when a figure emerged from the darkness. A figure was passing through the shadows of the dark alley, reaching out its hands and walking from the wall.

"Who are you?" Elliot called out. "And why are you following me?"

The figure fell on the ground, Elliot though it might be dead when it crawled over to him.

"The Fallen Angels" the figure trailed off. It had a voice of a woman. "They're coming."

After she said the last words, she fell to the ground with a thump. Elliot brandished his sword and ignited it with the gentle pink light of his Lotus Blast skill. He wasn't going to attack the woman, he was merely lighting up the dark surroundings.

With his left hand, Elliot nudged the woman, backing away right after. Who knows what she might do when he let his guard down?

Elliot then pointed his light to the woman, his eyes widening after he saw that there were blood all over her body. Thorns were littered on her back down to her legs, all pierced through her flesh.

'Non-human detected.'

[[ Marietta ]]

Race: Demon

Elliot gasped after seeing the information, "What in the hell?"

"We must tell Frederick," Lance said. He placed both his elbow on his knees as he sat on a small chair inside Elliot's room.

Elliot only called Lance for now. He didn't want to burden the others by asking them for help. They needed to focus on their assessment with Frederick the day after. 

"Why won't you call him?" Lance asked. "He's the guild master."

"I-I" Elliot stuttered. He can't get the word out of his mouth. Lance continued babbling that Elliot couldn't help himself anymore, "She's a Demon."

Lance paused momentarily, he slumped back on his seat and turned to the woman on Elliot's bed. "What?"

"I scanned her and her race is Demon," Elliot replied. "I know this is a surprise, and I never thought that someone from Hell wouldn't attack random people. It thought all demons are like that, but she also said something about the Fallen Angels."

"F-Fallen Angels?" Lance asked, his eyebrows started to knit themselves as he fell into a pit of confusion. "Elliot, we're talking about Angels and Demons from Heaven and Hell Realms, right?" 

Elliot nodded while Lance continued, "The two races are naturally enemies. We shouldn't get involved in their fight. We're only Terrans that wants to live a normal life even when Malice keeps screwing us up."

"But you are involved," a female voice whispered in the air. They all looked around but failed to spot where the voice came from.

"Who are you?" Elliot asked. Lance slowly walked up to him, brandishing both his swords and raised them defensively.

"Turn off the lights," the voice spoke again. "I can heal faster when the light is off."

Elliot turned to the unconscious Marrietta. "Are you the one talking to us?"

Without opening her eyes, Marrietta nodded, making Elliot and Lance jolt in shock. Elliot took the Ember Lamp and turned it off, slowly letting the darkness swallow everything.

When the room was dark enough, her body moved. At first it looked like it was twitching, but as the seconds pass, it slowly sat up. Her head snapped to the boys' direction, her pale red eyes glowing in the dark like they were gems.

"Good evening gentlemen," Marrietta greeted. "My name is Marrietta Gracilia. I am a resident of Hell."

"Are you here for us?" Lance asked. "Because if you do, then I'm afraid we have to end you right now."

"I am absolutely not going to do that," Marrietta said. "I am here to seek for your help. Angels that have been thrown out of their Realm for unimaginable crimes had started to hunt Demons. My brother and I were taken away, but I luckily escaped."

"Why would they do that?" Lance asked. "I bet they were thrown out of Heaven because they did a deal with some Demons. But now they're after you?"

"Fallen Angels have committed sins that are far worse than smuggling some goods from a Realm to another," Marrietta said. "Fallen Angels have their wings cut off because they have committed the crime against life."

"You mean they killed someone?" Elliot asked. "And how irresponsible would Heaven be to throw their murderers out of their Realm into the other Realms where the murderer might commit more crime?"

"They aren't thrown to other Realms," Marrietta spoke. "A prison is built for them. A prison that could hold even a Surpasser, that's what they thought. But when a Surpasser was brought there, he shattered everything. He freed the Angels he thought were useful and killed everyone else."

Elliot gulped after hearing the term. He had a rough idea about what it might be, but he needed to clarify, "A Surpasser?"

"You know there's a limit in all systems created in all Realms, right?" Marrietta asked to which Elliot nodded. "When someone passes through that limit, they are called a Surpasser. And so far, there have only been three ever since."

"And what happened to these three? And what would you gain when"

Elliot was cut off when a loud explosion sounded from outside. They saw a large familiar figure outside, trampling on the guild like it was nothing.

"It's Midnight," Lance said and walked out of the door without any second thoughts.

"Stay here, I will help them," Elliot said.

"They might come for me," Marrietta said with a frown. "Fallen Angels wouldn't stop until they kill me. And I'm worried about my brother and the siblings that were with us."

"Siblings?" Elliot walked over to her. "What do you mean siblings?"

"There was an older girl and her younger brother inside the Fallen Angels' base," Marrietta said. "I asked for their names but only the girl replied."

Everything felt like it was on slow motion for Elliot, he took all the courage to ask, "And her name was?"

"Eve," Marrietta replied. "Her name was Eve."

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