I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 155: The Behemoths

Chapter 155: The Behemoths

The day ended with Viper gaining the Stage 1 of the Adventurer System. He still needed time so he could fully enjoy all the features of the system they have.

Elliot halted their training for the day and invited both to the guild house. Florencia politely declined saying she has to go back home before her father notices that she placed a clone inside their house as a substitute for her.

"So, here we have my party," Elliot introduced his friends one by one. He let Viper sit on their table considering the kid was new. "We have Lance, Connor, Hope and Ed. Oddly enough, all of us are swordsmen. Though Connor is a hybrid, he mostly uses ranged attacks than melee."

"Nice to meet you all," Viper bowed.

Elliot proceeded to introduce the rest of the guild members. George, Ethan, Glitch, and everyone else.

"The guild seems to be always happy. And with the amount of alcohol, you'd think it'd stench, but it doesn't," Viper said, looking around the smiling faces of their members. Though most of them were drunk, there weren't any fights or petty arguments that started.

"Well, we use filtering talismans for the smell," Midnight said. He was handing them a tray of their food, one by one placing the plates on the table. "If we don't use it, god forbid how stinky this place would become in a day."

"Yeah," Viper nodded and stared into his food. "I can't believe I'm really an Adventurer now."

"You best believe it," Elliot said, ruffling the younger boy's hair. "It's far from dark, but I'll take you home now. I needed somewhere to be, so let's continue the training tomorrow."

Viper nodded eagerly, eating quietly as he listened to the bustling noise of the men around him.

"I was wondering," Viper pursed his lips and looked around once more. "Why hasn't this guild have any female members?"

The older boys looked at each other, turned to him, and shrugged altogether.

"I don't really know," Elliot said. "Lance, you're the Vice Guild Master, why don't we accept female members?"

"Err," Lance cleared his throat and spoke, "Because there's less drama that way. And besides, Midnight doesn't really sit well with female members."

Their gazes found themselves staring at Midnight. The raven-haired boy who dresses up as a girl doesn't sit well with women around him.

That was a mystery that they were hesitating to solve. 

"Oh," Viper silently nodded and proceeded to eat his food. "So Flo join here?"

Elliot pursed his lips and shook his head, "No. I don't think so. And even if we accept female members, we can't take Florencia with us. She has a guild of her own."

"She does?" Viper gasped. "Why didn't I see her pin?"

"League of Royals and Nobles," Elliot answered. "The guild that royalty and the nobility would be required to got to for at least a year. A guild for the elite and the rich."

"So, has Lance been there?" Connor asked. "You haven't said anything about this guild."

Lance shrugged and pouted, "I was there for a year before I left to join Azure Scorch. Of course, these people were very salty for my decision. They wanted the prince to be with them and all that jazz. I just didn't want to."

"And why didn't you want to?" Elliot asked. "Wouldn't it be better if you join a guild with your fellow royalty?"

The statement made Lance laugh, "The amount of plasticity, toxicity, and backstabbings that goes to that place is legit unbelievable. You would think you're in a pen with pigs rather than a castle with the royals."

"So, they basically have a bad attitude," Ed concluded. "I could see. They think they have the strongest powers in the world just because they started with high-end equipment pieces."

"Right," Elliot sighed. "And if we don't swerve Florencia from their influence, she'll end up like them."

"Let's not do that," Viper said with a flame of determination in his eyes.

The older boys looked at each other with knowing smirks. They were planning to shrug it off when Ed suddenly slung his arm around Viper's neck.

"So, you have some sort of special feelings for this girl, huh?" Ed asked.

Elliot scoffed, turning to Lance who had an apologetic smile. "Has he been drinking?"

"He might've drank a couple of glasses too many," Lance sighed. He pulled Ed away from Viper and dragged him across the hall, into the group of George and Ethen who were heavy drinkers.

"Let's take you home, yeah?" Elliot said to Viper to which the younger boy nodded.

They walked out of the guild and into Josephine's shop, Elliot making sure to let the boy in before he leave.

"Say hi to Madam Josephine for me, okay?" Elliot said and ruffled Viper's hair. "See you tomorrow, kid."

When Viper got inside, Elliot left and went to the Alorde City Library. He had figured out the pattern for the features that has overwhelming effects. He had heard it from Lance in one of their quests. That there were seven sins that the Almighty forbade humans to commit.

He got inside the large building and scoured the almost empty halls. The tall shelves of books overwhelmed the small number of those who wanted to read. There was a small number of people who likes reading books in Alorde. And Elliot was one of them.

He grazed his fingertips among the titles and found what he was looking for. He took the book and went directly to the reading section.

When the Almighty started his creations, he made the Six Realms to divide the races. Terra for Humans, the most fragile beings he created. Etheoria for the Etheorians, the ones who are rich with knowledge and lore. Dracon for the Dragons, the only creatures without humanoid appearances, for they are the ones who dwell too much with elements that their form had been altered.

Inferno for the Infernals, a Realm full of flame and heat. Hell for the Demons, a realm that's filled with darkness. And finally, Heaven for the Angels, the ones who bathe in light and beauty.

Along the Realms, the Almighty favored the Terrans, the most gentlest beings of all. Though gentle and pure, they were slowly tainted by sins.

These are the ones the darkness created, the darkness from the Abyss even beneath Hell. The sins took form and became the beasts known as Behemoths.

There was no particular pattern with how the sins goes. One, two, or three would appear from time but it was never all seven of them.

The Almighty, afraid that the Behemoths would taint his Terrans, created seals to protect them from the harm.

The seal was composed of seven gems and the Behemoths were contained inside. But even then, the miasma of evil was still spreading. The Almighty had no choice but to throw the Behemoths back into the depths of the Abyss.

It was said that the Behemoths did not survive the fall. Only one survived among them, and for which Sin it was, no one knows.

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