I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 137: The Forest Folks Part 2

Chapter 137: The Forest Folks Part 2

The woman roared, ducking and letting sharp nails grow from her hands. She crashed them with Lance's swords, blocking the attack that was aimed against her.

"I'll help Lance," Elliot said and blasted himself from the ground. "Take care of the others."

"Got it," Ed said and hopped on Hope's back. He kicked his heel on the dragon's body making Hope grow and turn to him, eyes narrowing. "Oh, sorry. Was lost in the moment."

"You're so mean, Mr. Ed," Hope pouted and launched off the ground. He saw the green spheres glowing again, the elf woman hovered in the center again. "Go after her, Mr. Ed, I'll go destroy the spheres."

"Gotcha," Ed responded and stood while he was riding Hope, gaining momentum while he blasted off, brandishing his sword and grazing them against the woman.

She cried in pain, her arm opened with a large wound from Hope's attack. "Where are my guards?!"

"Hey, b*tch!" Connor yelled from below, pointing at the burned people on the ground. "What guards?"

The woman groaned in anger, conjuring green orbs in her hands and firing them towards Ed. He spun and dodged the orbs, turning to clash his swords with them so he would be launched near the woman.

"Thanks for the boost." Ed said and slashed his sword, cutting the woman's chest open.

When he was about to relax, the woman grinned and made her body glow with a bright green light. Her wounds healed instantly and a sword made of green light appeared in her hands. Just when she was about to hack her sword against Ed, gravity made his appearance, pulling him down since he couldn't fly.

"Holy sh*t!" Ed yelled. "Connor, a boost here!"

Connor nodded and raised his staff, "Flame Shot."

Ed leaned in and meet the attack, using it to absorb the impact. As his swords clashed with the flames, Ed spun and landed on the ground in his knee. He almost dropped his sword as he panted, looking above wher the woman was glaring at him.

"I will see you die," she said and raised her hands. She waited for something to happen, but it didn't happen. She looked around and gasped, seeing the air free from any of the green spheres that hovered above the city just a few moments ago.

"What happened to my spheres?" she yelled. A fierce figure floated slowly behind him, a loud breathing and a sound of large flapping wings resonated with her moment of silence. "D-Don't tell me"

Hope opened his mouth and fired his gray beam. The surge of power engulfed the woman not long after, making her scream and try to break free but it was useless. The last fragments of her hand had vanished into the beam before she could even try to get out.

"Nice job, Hope," Connor cheered. "Now we have to take care of"

"I really hate humans."

Their eyes widened after seeing the elf woman slowly reformed her body from nothingness. She had no parts left to regenerate from, puzzling everyone as to how she was able to do that.

"You petty humans think you're over us when in fact, you are nothing without your Adventure system," the woman said. "I am one of the Guardians of the Forest and you will never overpower me! Basilisk Ivy!"

Her fingers morphed into a large green snake, leaves formed as its scales with incredibly tough texture. The basilisk roared, seemingly challenging Hope.

"My name is Serpentine, and I shall slay this dragon!" the elf woman yelled and joined her hands into morphing into the beast, her upper body appearing at the head of the snake, naked.

"There was Biankka, and now this?" Hope groaned. "Snake women seem to love us."

"Silence, human!" Serpentine roared, her lower body attacking Hope with high speed.

"Hope can take care of that, we'll take care of the ones that surrounds us," Connor said to Ed.

Ed nodded and positioned his sword beside his body, breathing deeply and slowly gaining momentum.

While he was focusing his mana, Connor guided the people out of the square. Guards were battling with the Forest Folks on the roof but it won't be long before they overpower the armored men. Their sheer numbers alone were fearsome, adding the fact that no one knew what they were all capable of, everything got more complicated.

"I'll heal the guards," the Holy Crow said. Connor turned to him and to the two masked women in white robes behind he old man. "I have the greatest healing ability in the kingdom, don't worry."

"We will protect the Holy Crow," the women said at the same time. "Saving the kingdom is an interest by the Holy Crow but it does not affect the Church. Only when our leader needs the help when we'll act against them."

Connor scoffed, "The kingdom is in danger."

"The kingdom is not our priority," the woman on the left said.

"You have weird priorities," Connor grimaced but shook his head. He turned to Ed who had the same look in his face.

"Whatever, let's go!" Ed yelled. His metal arm glowed with a purple color, flowing into his sword before he slashed it forward. "Eternal Chaos Great Slash!"

The purple mana from his sword formed into a wide crescent-shaped attack, obliterating a roof along with the ones above there in one strike. He raised his head and grinned proudly at his attack.

"That's new," Connor said. "Well, let me show you mine."

Connor crossed his weapons and pointed at a random roof, "Infernal Blast of Great Desolation!"

Flames flowed from his weapons, forming a sphere before blasting a vortex of flames into the roof he targeted. The ones on that roof tried to evade his attack but his affinity was superior to him.

"That's nice too," Ed said. "So, we both grew at a decent rate."

"Decent? Compared to some months ago, we are way above that," Connor snickered. "We're way above them. And now they're coming for us."

"Green Graze!"

"Mushroom Bombs!"

The Forest Folks attacked all at once, only targeting to the two boys on the ground. Connor morphed into his Infernal form and conjured a dome above them, blocking all the attacks that all burned the attacks to ashes.

On the side of their dome was a larger dome of white. The two women beside the Holy Crow put it up, raising their hands as the old man chanted his spell.

"Holy Revitalization!" the Holy Crow casted, slamming his staff on the ground.

A large magic circle appeared below the town square and a couple of meters from it, the magic circle glowed, spewing out white glitter-like specks of magic into the fallen guards. The specks healed the ones that the Holy Crow chose to heal. The wounded Forest Folks, even when they were inside the magic circle, weren't healed or even treated.

"This old man is something else," Connor chuckled. "He reminds me of Pommel."

"Do old men like them use Magic Circles?" Ed asked, looking blankly at Connor.

"Maybe?" Connor shrugged and laughed lightly.

"Gravitational Pull." Another magic circle appeared. It only covered the inside portion of the area, the ones the two boys are on.

This magic circle created a strong pull against the Forest Folks, making some of them fall to their knees and some struggled to stand.

"We meet again," Pommel said from the front of the town square. Beside him was and another man who they did not know.

"Why do they even bother to harm the king?" the man said.

"Galaxia, you're here," the Holy Crow said. "The cosmos told me something about an arrival of a strong man but I didn't know that it would be you."

"Surprised" Galaxia smirked. "Father?"

Ed and Connor gasped, looking at each other wide eyed. The latter put down his protection, running over the trio who just arrived.

"Who is this man?" Connor asked Pommel.

"This is the Guild Master of the second strongest guild in Avancia, Galaxia Crow," Pommel replied. "Watch him attack."

Galaxia walked forward, as diamond shaped light appeared from his cape one by one until they had filled the space above his head like they were the nightly skies. He raised his right hand in front of him, only his ring and pinky fingers were closed.

"Shattered Starlight," Galaxia casted. The stars above him blasted into the Forest Folks, one by one exploding with a multi-colored light that swallowed each of them.

Elliot saw this attack and it felt familiar. While they were battling Madam Hoot, he backed away and turned to the fight below. The attack reminded him of Francoise's attack, the one he used to slay the Crimson Phatom Elliot once failed to kill.

His gaze was returned by Galaxia who chuckled. "You."

He heard the man's voice around him. He turned around to see any communicating device until he looked up where he saw five specks of light connected by a thin glowing line.

"My Master has told me all about you," Galaxia said. "Perhaps you know him along with my fiance, his niece. Francoise and Midnight?"

Elliot stopped and stared at Lance who had a worried face.

"Yeah," Lance said. "He doesn't know."

Elliot turned to Galaxia, grimacing at the thought.

He doesn't know that Midnight is not a woman.

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