I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 116: Realm Domination

Chapter 116: Realm Domination

The golem's body slowly deteriorated as Elliot landed on the ground with a thud. His leg was hit by a golem's attack, but he had replenished it by the help of a potion he took.

"That was awesome," Ed cheered. "Elliot, you're so cool sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Elliot scoffed. "Then what am I most of the time."

Ed flicked his forehead, "Stupid."

The two split up and assisted different teams. Elliot decided to go with the Colleau villagers just so they could have more numbers, while Ed assisted Hope and Connor.

"Infernal Blaze!" Connor fired his vortex-like beam, blasting the golem from existence. The beast seemed to chuckle and opened its mouth, the flames from Connor's attack slowly entered its mouth as if it was eating it.

"What the hell?" Connor grunted. Ed just arrived and also flicked his forehead. "You're also stupid sometimes. That beast has flame affinity, of course it will absorb your attack."

"Why did my previous attack worked then?" Connor asked. "I did cut one of their arms."

"That was because you used a slicer-like attack, one that it cannot absorb," Ed said. "You call yourself an Adventurer and you don't know the fundamentals of affinities. What the hell?"

As the battle progressed, Levitican had his eyes on one specific person, Connor. His eyes were deely fixated on the blonde boy.

Particularly with his flaming hands that reached up to his elbow. Levitican knew something was hidden within Connor but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"An unawakened Eternal mustn't have this much power," Levitican thought out loud. He glanced at Connor again, this time he was intentionally making the boy look back. "I smell that there's something deeper going on here."

"Yeah, my sword in your chest."

Levitican huffed after feeling something pierce his body, through his flesh and through his skin. He coughed blood, turning his head to see Elliot.

"Why so surprised? You have your back wide open," Elliot quirked his brow. He recoiled his sword and thrusted it back in, securing the death of the Infernal.

When the notification didn't pop up, Elliot had wondered. It should say that he had killed and that he had gained a skill from the kill.

"You're really tricky," Levitican said. The shorter man walked forward, feeling the blade past through his skin. He raised his hands beside him and grinned. "I am a Flame Golem too."

Elliot slashed his sword, firing Lotus Blast, while Levitican slammed his hands on the ground, a large ring of flames appearing below Elliot.

"Pyre of Death!" Levitican casted.

Pillars started to grow from the ground making Elliot leap away, flipping as he avoided the pillars that slowly arose. There were three pillars that formed a triangle.

Elliot wondered what it does, until the inside of the pillars lit aflame, melting even the ground beneath.

"Nice dodge!" Levitican grinned.

"That wasn't exactly unavoidable," Elliot said and rushed towards the short man. "Supreme Malevolence. Lotus Blast!"

He fired the eight petals into every part of the man he thinks the gem could be. He was cutting Levitican, literally into pieces, blowing his limbs away by the final flower attack.

"That was it?" Elliot tilted his head. He walked over, eyes widening when Levitican's parts burned back into each other. "What the"

Elliot backed away but collided with someone behind him. He turned and saw a tall woman. With an olive skin and a lava-like tear dripping from her eye, she looked down.

"What are you?" she asked.

'Hostile detected.'

[[ Infernal General Burning ]]

Race: Infernal

Elliot was about to kick her seeing as she was an enemy, lifting his foot and thrusting it when she caught his metal boots with nothing but her index finger.

"Why would a man kick a woman?" she asked. Her voice seemed unnatural. Like she it was echoing through the air. Like it was inside the tube. "That is not a polite way to greet the Ruler's General."

"Another General?" Elliot gasped and dashed backward, raising his sword in front of him defensively. "Are you here for the Heir too?"

"Too? General?" the woman bent down, sitting on her leg and tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

Lance got beside Elliot, raising his sword threateningly. "Who are you and what do you need?"

"I was sent here after the messenger did not return," the woman replied.

Elliot was being bothered by how her lava tears kept on falling. She seemed to be in sorrow, her pain seemed to much for her to bear.

"His name is Levitican, perhaps you know him," the woman said. She huffed and stood, bowing and introduced herself like a normal person. "I forgot. My name is"

"Miss Therese" the deformed Levitican moaned.

"Oh, there you are," Therese said. After seeing the small man, she formed an O with her mouth. "Why are you like that?"

"They did this to me, Miss Therese," Levitican cried. "They made me like this. I am still regenerating."

"Too slow," Therese said and took out a gem from her pocket. "Regenerate now."

"I'm trying miss, please don't," Levitican cried.

"Too slow," Therese said and shattered the gem in her hand. Levitican cried, slowly burning away, his gem was now broken, effectively killing him.

'Elite Flame Golem killed. +22,500XP.'

'[[ Flame Regeneration ]] skill gained.'

[ [[ Flame Regeneration ]]


Cooldown: 4 hours

Window period: 8 hours

// Recovers an amputated limb in the span of the window period. Only one major limb can be recovered every cooldown. ]

Elliot got the skill, but he wasn't happy by how he got it. Something about Therese irked him.

could this sorrowful-looking woman be so heartless?

Therese let the shattered stone fall from her hand. She watched the pieces on the ground, tears continued streaming down her cheeks.

"The Ruler does not need weak followers," Therese said. "You even stole my title."

"What do you men?" Elliot asked.

Therese looked at him, Elliot's eyes widening after the woman gave him a wide toothy grin.

"I am Therese the Ever Burning. Now, let me show you what a real Infernal General can do," she said and hovered in the air.

The ground shook, few large cracks appearing from it and lava threatened to pour out from the inside. Some people fell into the pits, even the city was covered with them.

"You will all die here!" Therese yelled.

Lance walk over to her. Elliot held his wrist to stop him.

"What are you doing?" Elliot asked.

"She's gonna destroy the city," Lance replied. "Midnight and Luck are nowhere to be found and if this continues, we're all gonna die."

"What are you going to do then?" Connor ran up to them.

"Something I've been practicing," Lance forced a smile.

"Too much talk!" Therese yelled and pointed her palms at them.

She conjured large thorny vines that were made of fire. The vines coiled in front of her before she raised her hand above her head, the vines spewed out of the coil and slithered across the area.

There were hundreds of vines and a lot of people had been hit, their skin burning whenever the vines would hit them.

Lance brandished his swords and took a deep breath.

"Lance," Elliot called. "Be careful."

Lance ruffled each of their hair. "I am always careful what do you mean?"

With a heavy sigh, Lance rushed towards Therese. He avoided the burning vines, slashing some of them as he charged his sword with his magic.

"Realm Domination" Lance leaped, rotating his body with the light from his swords trailing him like they were his tail. "Twilight Zone."

Everything turned black and white. It was as if the colors from the world was flushed into a cosmic sink, deep into the pits of abyss. His swords lit up brightly, swallowing him and the woman inside a black and white harlequin sphere.

The world regained its colors, Lance's friends could only look at the large floating sphere in the air, hoping their friend would be alright inside.

A roar broke out nearby, everyone turned their heads to see that it was Midnight. He reverted back in his human form midair, landing on the ground on one knee as he stared wide-eyed at the sphere.

"What has he done?" Midnight gasped, cupping his face.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked and walked over to him. "Lance casted that and it swallowed him and the enemy."

"Why does he have to cast such a dangerous spell on a goblin?" Luck slowly descended, his air skill still wrapped him. "This skill is Ethereum! Prolly took a chunk of his HP just by casting it."

"He's not battling Levitican," Connor said, his face was filled with grim. "He's battling the strongest Infernal General."

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