I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 38 - I'm Not Dropping Out Anymore

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 38 - I'm Not Dropping Out Anymore

The Imperial Magic Academy.

The most prestigious magical education institution in the empire, where top talents gather.

A professor walked into the classroom, eyes widening at the sight before him.

A senior student was lying down where a chair should have been, with a tiny first-year student perched on top of him, legs crossed.

What on earth?

"What are you two doing...?"

"It's just the result of a bet. Please don't mind us, Professor."

The senior student answered through gritted teeth, a look of shame on his face.

The professor decided to ignore it and proceeded with the class, but couldn't help glancing at the first-year student every now and then.

'That's Yuria the Mad Dog... the special student with a trail of destruction...'

This student had recently become a source of terror among the noble students.

The basic principle of the Imperial Magic Academy is equality.

But in reality, wealthy nobles had the power and treated commoners like slaves.

Yuria, the Mad Dog, had begun to dismantle this hierarchy from the moment she enrolled.

Receiving full financial support from an unknown sponsor, Yuria had no reason to curry favor with the nobles for money.

Her genius-level intellect allowed her to ace every test, eliminating the need to befriend her seniors for help with studies.

The noble students, resorting to the dirty trick of manipulating her grades through the professors, found themselves thwarted.

'I don't like that troublemaker either, but there's nothing I can do.'

'Are you saying we should give high grades to that rude brat who beats up her seniors?'

'We have no choice! The Headmaster has decreed that any false grades for Yuria will be severely punished!'

Even this was blocked.

The warning was not about grades in general, but specifically about Yuria's.

It seemed the person backing Yuria held a very high position.

True equality.

The principle of the Imperial Magic Academy was being upheld by a single commoner student.

"...Well, the bell has rung, so let's end the class here."

"Alright, human chair. Move to the next classroom."

"What, what? Isn't it over?"

"The bet was for the whole day. Are you going back on your word, noble?"

Yuria's stern words twisted the senior student's face in frustration.

"Ugh! You ruthless brat..."

"There's no real mad dog here. How can she treat her seniors like this...?"

Hearing the murmurs around her, Yuria laughed in disbelief.

I didn't suggest this human chair bet.

They challenged me and lost.

Why do they keep calling me a mad dog and a brute?

"Duel me, commoner!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, it's Yuria..."

"Release my friend you've taken hostage! If I lose, I'll become your human desk for today!"

"I said I don't want to... Stop challenging me..."

Here we go again.

I didn't do anything.

'Five minutes until the next class... Let's finish this quickly.'

Yuria clenched her fist and stepped forward.

At one point, she had tried to ignore these challenges, but the relentless pestering had forced her to accept every duel that came her way.

It's better to shut them up by making them my human furniture than to listen to their constant nagging.

...Well, actually, I don't like either option.

"The rule is, no using mana! Agreed?"


"That monstrous strength you showed before, there's no way you could have that with such a frail body. You must have been secretly using mana to strengthen yourself! It's obvious! You're a fraud!"


Talking about mana now?

You guys aren't even worth a single drop of my mana.

Why would I waste my magical power, which I use for my own training, on weaklings like you?

Yuria stepped forward, and with a thud, a heavy vibration spread, causing the students around to feel a tingling sensation in their limbs.

An overwhelming sense of intimidation enveloped them.

"Do you want to come at me first, or should I go?"


"I-I'll be Yuria's human desk for 24 hours starting today..."

A minute later.

The duel ended in an instant.

Yuria now had another unwanted piece of furniture.

"Present yourself to me. Bring the human chair too."

"W-What? We're outside..."

"Did the human desk... talk back...?"

"Ugh! Fine!"



Other students gaped in horror as Yuria enjoyed tea time in the middle of the park, using her seniors as furniture.

Seeing them in such humiliating positions was supposed to deter future challenges...

"Damn it! My turn is next! Let my senior go, commoner! If I lose, I'll become your human coat rack!"

"I told you, I'll let them go after 24 hours..."

"Next is me! If this guy becomes furniture, then I'll..."

"Ah! Enough already! Class is starting soon!"

These guys.

Their loyalty is really pointless.

In the end, Yuria had to run away from the candidates wanting to become her human furniture.

"Ugh. The people I don't want to get involved with keep sticking around. And my sponsor doesn't even care about me..."

This is so frustrating.

I'm dying to know who my sponsor is, the person who supports me without asking for anything in return.

I've sent so many heartfelt letters, but there's never been a reply.

I thought they were watching over me from afar.

Maybe they don't care after all...

Just as Yuria was about to get disheartened,


She heard familiar footsteps, amplified in her ears.

Who is that? Whose footsteps?

She knew she'd heard them before but couldn't remember whose they were, having memorized so many footsteps since starting school.

Who was it? Unable to contain her curiosity, Yuria started running toward the sound.

Class would start soon, but she couldn't help it.

Yuria stealthily approached, hiding her footsteps.

'The library?'

She entered the eerily quiet library.

Inside, in the dim shadows, she spotted a figure.

As soon as she saw the back of the person, Yuria felt her breath catch.

A strange sense of deja vu.

That person was definitely...

"Aslan Vermont!?"

The man turned around.

Yuria's anger flared up as she trembled.

She had never seen him before, yet he felt oddly familiar. Aslan Vermont.

This was probably because she had been grinding her teeth to save Charlotte and Julia all this time.

Yuria, clenching her fist, glared at Aslan Vermont.

"Who are you?"

"Ah, nothing... I'm sorry..."

With just a word from Aslan, Yuria turned her head, suppressing her hostility.

Not yet.

Revenge is not yet.

If she acted out now, she would never get her revenge.


Aslan calmly walked past Yuria.

He didn't know or care who she was.

I care so much about you, but you don't even notice me.

Grinding her teeth right next to him,

The target of her anger didn't even spare her a glance.

Damn it...


'Aslan Vermont. I'll remember your face. The one who kidnapped Charlotte and Julia!'

You might completely forget about me.

But I'll remember.

Until the day I rescue Charlotte and Julia from that villain, I won't forget.

Your face, your voice, your footsteps, all of it.

Yuria imagined the treatment Charlotte and Julia were enduring under that villain.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes.

Just imagining it made her feel like her brain was being damaged.

Yuria, about to curse to vent her feelings,


"Yuria, a letter for you. What should I do with it?"

"Give it to me now. Ah! It's a reply from Mister Black!"

Her mood instantly brightened.

A reply from Mister Black that she had been waiting for!

She had packed her previous letters with cheerful content and felt ignored, so she filled the latest one with more serious content, and finally got a response.

Who are you?

What do you do?

I'm dying to know...

Yuria, giggling and drooling, opened the letter.

-To Yuria Brussels

-I received your letter, Brussels. I imagined countless times what you were feeling and where you were writing from. It seems you have many questions. I am a lord managing a certain territory and decided to sponsor you because, during a visit to the Imperial Magic Academy, I was captivated by your brilliant eyes...

Yes! This is it!

I'll read the rest quietly in my dorm!

Yuria folded the letter and held it to her chest, trembling with excitement.

Excitement? Elation? Something like that welled up inside her.

The sight of Aslan Vermont had dirtied her mood, but now it was purified.

Yuria smiled a blissful smile that one might expect from a girl in love.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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