I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Im relying on you. Rona, I will never let you go for the rest of my life.

Eleon thought that giving his heart to someone would make him weak.

He was the knight commander.

If the leader is killed, the entire army is destroyed.

Eleons life was not his own.

It belonged to the Empire and to all soldiers.

He was confident that he had no weakness.

He also had clear thoughts about marriage and heirs.

Eleon thought he was fine with a beneficial marriage.

They would have a child to ensure his future wife of the position of Grand Duchess for the rest of her life.

In fact, many aristocratic marriages were done that way for the sake of family benefits.

He had no intention of having a particularly unusual marriage for himself.

Growing up, he naturally understood that he could not live for himself as long as he was born as the head of a family.

That was his value.

He had spent many years on the battlefield and was educated as the heir to the family head from a young age.

But after meeting Rona, he was more emotional than anyone else.

Rona changed him. He was sincere enough.

Eleon didnt believe that the power of love could work miracles.

But now he can understand why people are pursuing such fantasies.

His desire for Rona was intense, that he agrees to anything Rona asks.

Rona, dont run away.

She was soft-hearted.

Even though Eleon hesitated to say that he was thirsty, she finally gave him water when he told her that the butler had done it before.

It was Eleons first kiss, as she had never had a date with a woman.

Of course, the butler never fed him water with his mouth.

He thought she would pour water into a teapot with a small spout and bring it to his lips so that he could drink it little by little.

It was impulsive because I was sure that Rona wouldnt ask the butler if he also gave Eleon water by mouth.

I wished that Rona could not easily leave my pitiful self.

I wanted her to be satisfied with the exceptionally high salary and not even think about moving to another place.

So he could have her by his side for a long time.

Also, he wants to occupy her heart, too.

He thought that God should allow some selfishness to this extent.

He lost his honor and bright future.

I only had one happiness after so much frustration, but if I couldnt be greedy for even one of them, I would rather take my life.

I can act outrageously just to keep her by my side.

Good night, Rona.

Eleon closed his eyes comfortably.

* * * * *

Karina bit her nails.

After a while, her nails became tattered and unsightly.

But she kept tormenting the tips of her nails, with nothing more to bite.

The door opened and a maid came in.

What happened? Did you find out?

The maid nodded her head in embarrassment.

The Crown Prince said it was difficult to find time because he was busy.

Didnt he say something else?

The maid nodded again and Karinas face was distorted.

No way.

It was evident after that day, Sabiels attitude changed.

That day, Karina boldly gave herself to him and did not return from the Imperial Palace.

Sabiel was with her all night long.

It was a sweet and fantastic night.

Karina was proud when Sabiel fell in love with her and showed her passion.

The Crown Prince, the greatest man in the empire, spoke sweetly to her.

The next day, Karina was full of regret when she had to go back home.

I have to go, Sabiel.

After sharing a passionate night, she called his name naturally.

Sigh. You must leave?

We are not officially married yet. If I do this, it wont be good for both me and Your Royal Highness.

Sabiel clung to her.

The Emperor should approve our marriage as soon as possible. I cant seem to sleep without you now.

On the way back, the Crown Prince loaded the carriage full of yellow roses.

When Countess Harrington saw the luscious flowers, she screamed with happiness.

Because in the flower language, yellow roses mean eternal love.

Karina was the first to know.

The hidden meanings of the roses were so romantic and sweet.

But that was the end of it.

Since then, the Crown Prince has not sent her carriage to her to enter the palace.

Although Karina sent a maid to the Imperial Palace, Sabiel did not go looking for her saying he was busy.

After four days, she couldnt even see her princes nose.

How could you do this to me?

Karina was angry.

The maid felt mixed feelings.

Crown Prince Sabiel was known as a famous playboy.

He was the only child of the current emperor and was given the Crown Princes status and the name of Oder, but none of the people knew that he was not the real Oder.

It was an annual event where noble families raised their voices that the Crown Prince should be dethroned because Eleon Clevent was born with exactly the characteristics of an Oder.

And the qualities of a swordmaster.

The prince couldnt become a swordmaster.

Rumors circulated that Sabiel, who had grown crooked from an early age, was crazy about alcohol, gambling, and women.

As a commoner, the maid didnt dare to tell the noble lady about the rumor.

Blasphemy against the Imperial Family was a felony.

If she gets flogged, she would not be able to walk or stand normally.

But, the innocent young lady, who had just arrived from the countryside, fell for the Crown Princes charms in an instant.

In the eyes of the maid, Karina wasnt weak.

On the other hand, her beauty was fatal.

The maid felt sorry to see her young lady heartbroken.

She couldnt tell her about the rumor.

It was better to be a stranger than another girl who fell for his charms.

Im going to the Imperial Palace.

The maid just felt sad seeing the young lady biting her lips with a sad face.

* * * * *

Under the sunlight, the Crystal Palace shone like a jewel.

It was located in a geometric garden decorated with green foliage.

It looked like a huge jewel in the grass.

Inside the dazzling building, Sabiel emanated a dark, gloomy air.

Is this all?

Im sorry.

The lieutenant bowed his head at his fierce gaze.

Few people working in the Grand Dukes residence, we cant send anyone, and since the Grand Duke doesnt go out, its hard to keep an eye on him.

Youre so incompetent!

Sabiel saw the lieutenants report and threw the paper at his head.

It was written that the butler of the Grand Duke was introduced to a maid through an agency in the capital.

It also said that the girls name was Rona Hera Palace.

She is twenty-seven years old, two years older than Eleon, and is staying in his mansion, and she is looking after him.

Seeing this, Sabiel laughed.

What time is it It must be midnight.

The strangest thing was that there was no identification card at the agency.

Usually, in the Empire, even commoners have identification cards when they reach adulthood.

Not being able to provide identification meant that she had a shady past.

Such cases like ex-convicts who committed an indelible crime, death row prisoners, war prisoners, and disrespectful gypsies.

Blonde and purple eyes.

There was a person who immediately came to his mind.

Elysia, the jewel of Hadunsha, was considered the most beautiful woman in the empire.

He thought she was dead.

But it was confirmed that shes not dead.

Since then, Elysia hasnt returned to Handusha.

If a person was alive, this wouldnt be possible.

Ill take a look instead of the Grand Duke who cant even see. Maybe the girl is aiming for your property.

Sabiel was genuinely curious about Eleons woman.

Eleon was 16 years old when he graduated from the military academy and went to war.

He had never had any contact with a woman.

While Sabiel was picking flowers with beautiful beauties in the capital, there were jokes that Eleon was picking enemies heads on the battlefield.

I should have seen her once.

I still had a bitter aftertaste.

Because I was surprised that Eleon grabbed my hand.

I keep thinking if I had only moved an inch of the curtains, I would have been able to see her.

Then, all of a sudden, I had a mean idea.

She is Eleons woman. If I could make that woman mine, his face will be worth seeing.

Eleons happy face strangely stimulated him.

He wanted to spit on him and sprinkle some ashes.

Rona, I want to see her.

Sabiel ordered the lieutenant.

Bring her no matter what.

Yes, Your Royal Highness.

Sabiel briefly imagined Rona whose face he didnt know.

It was the same pleasure as when Eleon got poisoned and disappeared in his mansion.

Taking Eleons thing .

Why is it so exciting and fantastic?

Perhaps Eleon and himself didnt know that such a relationship was possible.

From the time Eleon was born with Oders characteristics, which it should have been his.

Sabiel was anxious because he couldnt get what was from Eleon.

He was in a dirty delusion on how to play with Rona to make Eleon even more miserable.

Your Royal Highness.

The chamberlain called him.

Lady Karina asked for an audience.


Karina Drepain Harrington. Count Harringtons daughter.

Who is Karina?

Sabiel briefly tried to remember in his hazy memory.


A woman with pale silver hair and green eyes came to mind.

Shes pretty.

She had a faded resemble to Elysia, who had melted gold and dark amethyst in her eyes.

He never had an ugly woman in his crystal palace.

She didnt impress him that much.

Pretty, because she has the basic qualifications to set foot into the Crown Princes bedroom.

Besides, it was her first time.

A woman who doesnt know how to have fun is a pain in the ass.

So I planned to spend a day together and never see her again.

However, he knew she was going to come looking for him.

Say Im not here.

Yes. Your Royal Highness.

Now, all of Sabiels attention was on Rona.

The fact that she had the same hair color and eyes as Elysia aroused him quite a bit.

Rona. Its a cute name.

He didnt know if he would be able to satisfy both Eleons torment and his desire for Elysia at the same time.

Sabiel smacked his lips.

I look forward to it.

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