I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.173 A Nice Morning Chat

Vol.3 Ch.173 A Nice Morning Chat

Rya got dressed in an elegant pink dress with a black ribbon tied around her midsection that hugged her curves perfectly. She wore her favorite enchanted pink high heels that added five inches to her height. Her hair was tied up into a bun, with her bangs hanging down to cover her right eye.

When it came down to it, Rya loved wearing dresses now. She tried to wear pants on occasion but she felt confined and constricted every time she put them on. Compared to elegant flowing dresses that had open backs and feminine designs, they made Rya feel free and she loved how Quin couldn't take his eyes off her. Especially if she wore a low-cut dress that showed off her cleavage. It was like she was teasing him, and Rya was enjoying every minute of it.

'Hehehe! God, I can't believe how much I love wearing dresses! I must have looked like such a tomboy after I transformed into a female when I first came to Tertius. Dresses feel so liberating! I never want to go back!' thought Rya as she looked at herself in the mirror.

She noticed Quin staring at her, and she knew he liked what she was wearing.

"Are you going to stare at me all day, boy?... Can't a girl get dressed in peace on this planet?" Rya teased Quinus with a sly smile.

Quinus smirked at her in reply. "Of course, I'll return the favor later on," he replied with a sly grin.

Rya giggled, "Not during the day, Quin... I really like this dress and the last time you surprised me with a mid-day tryst. You ripped it into pieces and it took me forever to get dressed again."

"Alright, alright, Rya!" Quin grinned, "You win... I won't surprise you today."

Rya smiled back as she slowly moved in and gave him a peck on the cheek before saying, "But don't think that you'll get away with anything later on."

Quinus chuckled, "I'm sure I will, my Princess."

Rya laughed, "No you won't. And stop calling me princess! It sounds weird to me."

Quinus broke into a full toothy smile as he wrapped his arms around Rya and held her close. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You're my princess and I love you, Rya... Plus you will need to get used to being called prince sooner or later."

Rya blushed and smiled at him as she kissed him on the lips.

'God! He's so hot when he smiles like that,' thought Rya as their kiss began to deepen.

Quinus's hands started creeping down towards her big juicy ass. His fingers traced the smooth skin of her hips.

Rya moaned softly as she reached her hand behind his head and pulled him closer. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths for a few moments before breaking apart.

"You make it difficult to get to work sometimes," said Rya teasingly.

Quinus laughed, "And you do nothing but make things harder for me too, Rya."

Rya giggled, "Well, at least I'm not alone... Anyway, I better get going and you better get dressed before Zellin starts worrying about you ditching him."

Quinus chuckled at her joke as he stood up and hugged Rya tight.

"He's a worry wart. You are my priority. But I guess you're right."

Rya melted into his embrace, "It's not like I'm going to disappear, Quin..."

She sighed as she let go of him.

"I'll see you at lunchtime," she said with a warm smile.

"Oh? Well, make sure you tell the maids to bring you breakfast. It's essential," he teased.

Rya winked, "You know me too well, Quin..."

She turned and walked over to the door of the hallway.

Quinus watched her as she made her way out of the room and then he shook his head.

"And I want to eat your pussy again and I know you're hungry for it too."

Rya blushed and giggled at his naughty comment. She had never been talked to like that before in her life.

"Quin? You do know that the servants are waiting outside our door?"

Quinus smiled, "They can wait."

Rya blushed even more and shyly opened the door.

The servant girls looked at her curiously as they waited for her to speak as well as a few butler assistants were waiting to come in to help clean and dress the prince.

The maids were saddened to see Rya had dressed herself again. 

'Geez... You can't fool me with those sad puppy dog eyes ladies! If you weren't so handsy I would let you dress me. My body is only for Quin and Quin alone!'

Rya playfully smiled at the maids and opened the door wide.

"Good morning! The Prince is ready for you all!"

The maids and butlers bustled about the room cleaning and dressing Quinus.

As soon as the last one left through the door, Rya waved bye to Quinus and quickly closed it shut.

'What a wonderful morning,' she thought to herself before turning around to see two familiar faces standing in the hallway.

"Well you two look energetic this fine morning," Rya stated cheerfully.

Sir George was standing there with blushed cheeks and an annoyed look on his face while Nieren was trying not to make eye contact with Rya.

"M-Morning, Lady Rya... It seems like you and the Prince like to be as loud as Percy and Lady Dalia... I would like to have one morning where I don't have to hear the siren songs of a woman's ecstasy," Sir George complained.

"Are you complaining about hearing women's moans again, sir?" Rya asked.

"No... I think we should do something about it."

Rya smirked, "Sir George you need to stop being jealous about me and Dalia having fun with our men and find a special someone that will allow you to fuck their brains out instead of being a creep and eavesdropping."

"Umm... We weren't eavesdropping, Lady Rya. You and Dalia's voices seem to pierce through all forms of matter and walls. I haven't had a normal night of sleep in weeks," Nieren said as her cheeks started to blush.

"Really? I didn't know we were keeping you up all night. I'm sorry Nieren. I'll try to keep my voice down from now on. I tend to get carried away sometimes when I am only with Quinus and forget that I'm not alone in this place," Rya apologized.

"No! No! You need to do what you need to do so you can give the Prince an heir. And it's not like I'm not sleeping," Nieren said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Wait! You apologize to Lady Nieren but not me!?" Complained Sir George.

"I can understand why you're upset, Sir George. But I offered to create a sound barrier artifact and you said no... So stop getting annoyed with me and Dalia!" Rya snapped.

"Well, that's—" Sir George stopped himself and sighed in defeat, "I appreciate the offer about creating the artifact, Lady Rya... But if I use a sound barrier and something were to happen to you or the Prince. And if I wasn't there to save you two then I would be a disgrace of a retainer and a knight of the kingdom. I wouldn't deserve to live after failing you."

Rya's anger towards Sir George melted away into sympathy.

'Yeah, that makes sense that he would want to know if someone was trying to attack us in our sleep,' thought Rya.

"You know Sir George you can be a sweet man, sometimes," Rya sighed before she broke into a warm smile.

"Don't you start thinking that way too, Lady Rya! I'm a man of principles and procedures. I can't have the other knights seeing me as weak and indecisive. Especially since I have a lot of influence in the ways of courting women. If they see me questioning my methods then it would undermine the authority of my position here," Sir George explained.

Rya and Nieren looked at the knight with confusion.

"What is he talking about?" Nieren asked.

"He thinks he knows how to make women fall in love with him and used to have Percy as his student. And has felt left behind after I helped him hook up with Dalia... Plus, I wasn't saying you were a sweet man, because of your pathetic 'Love Sage Skills' Sir George. I was staying that because I find you reliable as a friend... You know how to ruin a moment," Rya replied in annoyance.

"Huh? I-I sorry I jumped to conclusions, Lady Rya," Sir George said.

Rya just shook her head and started walking down the hallway towards Dalia's and Percy's room.

"You got to work on those insecurities of yours, Sir George. Let's go Nieren," Rya ordered.

Nieren just nodded and followed Rya.

Nieren was wearing her new retainer outfit she received from Sir George and the Royal Knights, which is a short black dress with a gold belt around the waist. She wore black leather boots with a three-inch heel and her blonde hair was done up in a bun with red ribbons. She also had her bow and a quiver of arrows on her back.

"So you said you haven't had a good night's sleep since becoming my retainer and lady-in-waiting? You should have told me sooner, Nieren. I could have tried to tone it down," Rya told her.

Nieren smiled and shook her head.

"Well, with my elven ears, it's almost impossible for me not to hear you or Dalia. But I prefer to hear you and the Prince's moans over the dog's nonstop assault on Percy. Plus, I think she's a little more bloated than usual," Nieren teased.

Rya chuckled and shook her head.

"Yeah, I think Dalia is pregnant for sure... I guess she'll have to be downgraded to my lady-in-waiting until she delivers her kids," Rya chuckled.

Nieren had a grimace on her face, "By the Gods and Spirits... I was hoping to only deal with one Wolfkin but she's creating more... Gah! I don't want to be smothered in slobber."

Rya laughed and slapped Nieren on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Nieren. Hopefully, they will have Percy's personality, and not as much of Dalia's," Rya reassured.

Nieren shook her head, "I hope you are right, Rya. Usually, Beastkins give birth to five to ten kids in one go. I have no idea what I am going to do when Dalia has a litter of four or five."

"Huh? They can give birth to that many?... And here I am worrying if I will be able to give Quin his children... Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there," Rya said with a sigh.

'I mean, I'm a little worried about the whole giving birth thing. But if my Dark Elven ovaries only drop an egg every decade then it's going to be tough to get pregnant in the first place. So, it's not like I'm going to pop out a kid here anytime soon.'

Nieren smiled and patted Rya's hand, "It's an Elves life, my Lady. Plus we were too young to worry about having children. I'm sure you will be fine."

Rya looked at Nieren, "Yeah, but I worry that the royal court will be on our case for not producing an heir. Plus I'm sure that me being a Dark Elf is going to be a big hurdle as well."

"I know what you mean, my Lady. I thought you were evil when I first saw you. I remember thinking 'Were you going to destroy Ironside' But I realize that you are far from evil. In fact, you are my only friend that's an elf. Even though you weren't born one. But I can't help but be excited having someone so close to my age," Nieren said with a joyful smile.

"Hehe! I wish I could remember the dread on your face when you first met me... Sigh... Why does a pint of dwarven ale put me on my ass? I've turned into such a lightweight," Rya said as she stood up and stretched.

Nieren chuckled, "I should thank the Dwarves for making it so you can't remember my pathetic actions on that night... You were really adorable when Prince Quinus carried you back to your room..."

'Oh? There she goes with the dreamy look again... Huh? Didn't she say she prefers to hear me and Quin's moans over Dalia's and Percy's? I wonder?' Rya contemplated as she walked around another corner heading to the guest rooms wing of the palace.

Nieren followed after her.

"Hey, Nieren? You said you haven't had a good night's sleep in a while right? Is it that you are having trouble dreaming? Or is it something else?" Rya questioned.

Nieren nodded, "Well usually my dreams start off fine. Like last night's dream involved me, you, Dalia, Percy, and the Prince. We all accepted a quest from the Adventurer's Guild for a monster extermination request for a village, right... When we get there the town is abandoned and we split up into two groups and it's just me, you, and Prince Quinus. So at some point, we traveled to the basement of the manor of the town and we ran into a strange Alraune. We fought valiantly to try and defeat the monster but you and Quinus got caught in its roots and I only had one chance to stop the creature from disrobing you both and I shot it in between its eyes. Saving you both..." Nieren said trailing off.

Rya stared at her, "Nieren? I didn't hear that last part. What happened? Did you wake up?"

Nieren shook her head, "N-No... You and Quinus came over to me with that same excited look on your face and hugged me tight... Saying that I was the best retainer you two have ever had... And then you moved behind me and held my arms back and whispered that I was going to get a reward. Then Quinus kneeled down and reached his hands up and under my skirt..... I-I......"

Nieren tailed off again as the tips of her ears started to turn red as well as her cheeks while having a dreamy look on her face.

'Did-Did she have a naughty dream about us? That's kind of cute... Well, time to tease her.' Rya thought to herself as she turned in front of Nieren breaking her out of her daze and noticed Rya's azure eyes staring at her.

"So... You had a dream about having a threesome with me and Quin?" Rya asked in a teasing tone.

Nieren blushed even deeper, "Y-You! I-I would never dream of such a thing! I'm an elegant lady and I'm too young to be interested in relationships with anyone! Maybe you used some insidious magic to put those weird dreams into my subconscious!"

Rya laughed, "No, I didn't do anything. I just saw you looking at me like that and couldn't resist teasing you."

Nieren sighed and leaned back away from Rya, "It's not fair... You tricked me into saying those things! I should punish you for what you did to my mind!"

Rya laughed, "Oh, come on Nieren. I'm not holding this against you... But you did say Quinus without his title of prince..."

Nieren looked at Rya with wide eyes, "N-No! I didn't mean to! I don't want to ruin my reputation as a lady! I promise to stop these dreams, my Lady!"

Rya just smiled and reached her arm over Nieren's shoulders.

"Hey! It's just a dream and it's a little bit my fault for being loud enough for you to hear me. You're one of my best friends and an awesome retainer. So don't worry about it. Okay?"

Nieren chuckled and felt relieved as she leaned into Rya.

"T-Thanks Rya... That means a lot to me..."

"But I'll have to warn you though... If you try to take Quinus away from me... There's going to be hell to pay."

Nieren's eyes widened in fear, "I would never! On my honor as a Royal Wood Elf!"

Rya laughed, "Good. Then I won't have to do anything bad to you. Now! Let's go get Dalia and head to... the..."

Rya's and Nieren's elven ears were twitching at the same time as they heard familiar moans coming from the room where Dalia and Percy were sleeping.

Their faces both became annoyed as they walked towards the door where two dwarven maids were waiting with uncomfortable looks written on their faces.

"Ugh... I need to start wearing earplugs..." Rya groaned as she walked to the closed door with Nieren beside her.

"Yeah... They sure love going at it forever... Maybe you should stop healing her after every single love session..."

Rya nodded her head, "You might be right... Hey, there Miss Ruby. How long have they been going at it this time?"

Ruby sighed, "They just started about two hours ago, Saintess. We cleared up all the other rooms but this one. We can move on until we can get in there... but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to stop anytime soon."

Rya sighed and gave Nieren a look, "Do you think Dalia is going to be stubborn again?"

"Probably... You might need to create 8R again to stop them..."

Rya shook her head, "Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Then with a determined look written on Rya's face. She turned to the door and knocked on it politely...

The moaning stopped.

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